Over 20 years later, still nobody has managed to make a more perfect JRPG than this

>over 20 years later, still nobody has managed to make a more perfect JRPG than this


I wholeheartedly agree

post yfw they finally announce chrono trigger 2

I don't even want to see it, considering modern square enix

Did she watch the Porygon episode?

is she retarded or something?

I think she has a vibrator inside her pussy

Pause at around 0:15 to see it.

Do you honestly want to see a new Chrono Trigger from the embarrassing trash SquareEnix company?

Pretty sure absolutely no one wants them to bother.

They know they will fuck it up.

Because the industry is all about min/maxing for profit.
Anyone associated with modern AAA should feel like fucking scum.

>Mitsuda almost died making the soundtrack
Ask the composers of ME:A if they almost died working on their shit.

You know what I'm gonna ask

"Chrono Trigger 2" would be awful.

Dark Souls is unironically a much better JRPG (thought not really a 'Japanese style' RPG). In the case of straight JRPGs, DQ8 bests it and is more interesting to explore.

Trigger is way too straightforward for the most part and like a large portion of the genre, heavily restricts your freedom until you get near the end of the game. The biggest thing it has going for it is its aesthetic.


Considering I loved SNES FF games, and what FF as a series has turned out to be...

No shit, son.

all of the PS1 Final Fantasy games are better

They almost forgot to remind people about their patreon on twitter that one time.

>immediately mentions Dark Souls
You weren't old enough to play it when it came out anyway so stfu.

The fact that you knock me for bringing up Dark Souls on principal doesn't do any favors for you. There so much actual substance to what it does right compared to the bulk of RPGs that dismissing it off hand is stupid, even if we completely ignore all the "git gud" memers and lorefags.

Dark souls isn't even an RPG, it's an action game

i am dying here man

Fuck no.

There have been several, many on the same system. This is one of them.

>comparing an action game to a SNES JRPG

That's like comparing bowling balls and shower stalls user.

FF1 was better in atmosphere i'm agree with you user but chrono stay excellent jrpg the music are stellar and characters too

But i prefer FF1 and 2 because it's more classic D&D occidental rpg sauce

I hate rpg with toriyama style it look so boring

This game was a perfect fusion between square and enix, kinda like vegetto.
But the current "square enix" is a failed attempt that keeps rolling, like veku.

they are too focused on creating an ff7 killer


Seeing Dark Souls purely as an action game and discounting its strengths as an RPG, despite the fact that even if its is judged solely on its RPG elements it is still a more ambitious and competent RPG than the majority of the genre, is myopic and kind of silly.

RPG doesn't have to mean "filled with mountains of unskipabble cutscenes". Rather, the lack of unnecessary filler NPCs is actually a strength and allows the game to be consistent in regards to things like the player's ability to kill and what the varied consequences of that are in a lawless land.

What are some games that play exactly like Chrono Trigger? Prefer it on handheld because playing it on ds was fucking great.

>But i prefer FF1 and 2
>prefer 2

>Dark Souls
>dissmisses Demon's Souls offhand even though Dark Souls is a tiny upgrade from it
You're a fag

Anyone who claims they like FF2 is someone who never played it. These are kids couching their arguments in lies about what they've played so they're not dismissed outright like they ought to be.

>dismisses Demon's Souls offhand

I haven't actually played it, so I'm not going to comment on it unless you want me to talk about Souls in general. You have no argument.

Has it really been 20 years since Final Fantasy VII? Damn, time sure flies.

Pick one idiot

I agree, game play doesn't make an RPG. Take my favorite RPG, for instance, Half Life 1. It has tons of interesting characters and an awesome story. There are no level ups or anything, but the gunplay is tight, the levels varied, and the enemies are unique. You play the roll of Gordon Freeman as he escapes a large military science facility because a mishap has caused aliens to appear. After time government Special Forces intending on covering up the mishap also come in and try to stop Freeman as well so you have to fight them too. The story is told in real time with no cutscenes. I think half HalfLife is a fantastic RPG that everyone needs to play.

I will never forget the first time you fight Gades. Game is fucking awesome.

>Want to replay CT
>Remember that the Sequel retconned everything you did to be terrible
>Remember that the Sequel is about a group of REAL HEROES cleaning up after the mess your group of idiots made
>Remember that Chrono and Marle died to a joke boss

This is why I hate the people that say "It doesn't matter if they change things in the remake, the game you loved is still there!" it's absolutely possible to retroactively ruin something.

The did what they thought was right with the information they had.

I honestly prefer Xenoblade a lot more.

Because it was your first rpg

Fuck out of here.

>Playing CC
You deserve everything that has happened to you.

I am Setsuna, it's the exact same battle system. portable on switch

I understand the feeling, but I think this particular case is easy to ignore, like the FFX sequels.

It's like Dark Souls but before they'd refined a lot of the concepts

>If you have grass you cannot die
>If you have essence you can cast as many spells as you like
>Should have 99 of both at all times
>Have to literally stop yourself from using some of the spells because they're so unbalanced they will literally one shot the bosses
>Great Ward or whatever it's called makes you practically immune to damage. Second Life means you don't die, even when killed
>You can't fucking roll in water. If you dare even look at your roll button when even a single pixel of your toe is gently brushing even a single droplet of water, buddy, you better be prepared for a 30second long animation of yourself failing to roll

It's good, sometimes great, but goddamn it's unbalanced

What it means is that you have no perspective. Dark Souls RPG elements are barebones. Upgrade skill/upgrade weapon is not a robust RPG system.

Overrated trash.

You faggots are insufferable. This is a JRPG thread, Darksouls isn't a JRPG. It's an action game styled like a western RPG.

Just make a thread about dark souls and jerk each other off in there instead.

>Tfw it's a battle you're supposed to lose
>You can win it anyway and get rewarded for it

And steam of you have a laptop, and it's on ps4

Seconding this. I couldn't be more indifferent to the FF7 remake. Modern Squeenix can't write plots, can't write characters, can't manage the pacing, and the battle systems are usually bad, too.

Modern Squeenix is a mountain of trash.

Final Fantasy VII happened, which ultimately resulted indirectly in Square (and Enix) becoming what they are today. The power void left by Square Enix is one that the genre is still competing to fill to this day, with nobody quite managing to reach the same height.

And not for lack of trying, since there are dozens of JRPG devs (and virtually infinitely many indie devs) who clearly want to be the next Final Fantasy and very few of them who even succeed at becoming what Dragon Quest is outside of Japan.

Atlus have come close with the Persona games.

For a very, very, very long time I've been thinking how Chrono Trigger could be made into a 3D ARPG game like it would be nowadays.

Originally I was thinking something similar to the newer Final Fantasy games but the more and more I get into the aesthetic factor, I think a DMC style combat would be the best fit especially for characters like Ayla, Chrono and Magus.

Also Schala has and always will be my waifu.

Calling Dark Souls a JRPG is just plain wrong.

>I agree, game play doesn't make an RPG.

An I naturally disagree, since the whole reason I'm vouching for Dark Souls as a RPG proper is that the role playing aspects of it are superior to most games that call themselves RPGs.

HL1 obviously isn't an RPG because it contains none of the signature aspects of RPGs. You don't choose to conditionally upgrade things or develop stats/class/playstyle through leveling up, you don't get to freely make choices that lead to different outcomes or result in varied means of getting through the game and there isn't a coherent world that allows you to do things like return to previous areas to interact with NPCs. Souls does allow this, and is more focused on giving the player the freedom to do these things than the bulk of RPGs are. The only objections I hear are basically that it doesn't have turn based combat or otherwise isn't 'Japanese' enough.

>What it means is that you have no perspective.

Which would be gained by what? What even makes CT less 'barebones' as an RPG in this case, especially since the game is filled with way more options than you are implying?

Which is exactly why I brought up Dragon Quest as an alternative for you blowhards.

Yes, which is why I don't call it a 'Japanese style' RPG, which is clearly what people mean when they say JRPG. But still nobody has bothered talking about my actual criticisms of CT or why I think Dragon Quest is better.

Great job looking at IGN and ScrewAttack's "Top Ten RPG's" list. How's about you get some taste?

>Dragon Quest V
>Dragon Quest VII
>Final Fantasy XII
>SaGa Frontier 1 and 2
>Vanguard Bandits
>Devil Summoner / Soul Hackers
>Tales of Legendia
>Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
>Parasite Eve Duology
>Dark Spire
>Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together
>Lufia II
>Albert Odyssey
>Suikoden I and II
>Digital Devil Saga
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Lost Heroes
>Super Robot Taisen
-all blow the fuck out of your pretentious game. Toss in right back in the trash where it belongs; right next to Xenogears and Mother 3.

>More perfect
Nice grammar, faggot. Brush up on your English before you floss with cock.

There was already a sequel to CT, it was called Chrono Cross and it was pretty good. We have no need for CT2.

I remember Chrono Trigger opening up a bit mid or endgame, not too sure.

As for Dragon Quest, while I love the series and I did like 8, I don't think any of the games surpassed the very second of the series when it comes to non-linear play. It was a fantastic little game.

It's not an RPG at all.

I never liked final fantasies but I love bravely and I play xiv. The first seems like it's final fantasy in all but name while the second seems like it's final fantasy in nothing but name.

over previous of the 20 year the gap jrpg

>We'll never get a jrpg to the quality of Suikoden 2 or CT again.
When people say golden age I usually scoff, but we really did have one. I miss when games were made by talented people who loved them.

Final Fantasy 8
Chrono Cross
Persona 3
Persona 5
Now fuck off, retard

>he never played Suikoden II

giv sauce pls

>I remember Chrono Trigger opening up a bit mid or endgame, not too sure.

That's the thing, tons of people seem to be 'not sure', just like there are people who swear you can beat Lavos on your first encounter, when you actually have to play through the whole (surprisingly linear) thing and get the standard ending that actually unlocks NG+ beforehand for this to be possible.

Oh man. Late cycle gem. The musics will always stick with me.

>Fighting lizards in the tower
>That fucking ruby spider
>The IP and magic systems
>Ancient Cave
Yeah so great. I completed it a few years ago for the third time - I'll play it again soon.

Except they made the best jrpg of all time ten years later.

C'mon, don't play stupid.

I preferred Golden Sun.

THis. Also it is the one shot indie has, if it can make a good rpg (cut down on the grinding), maybe add coop, while aiming for both core and mass market.

>considering modern square enix
You mean Square Enix?

If I had three wishes, the first one would be to force everyone to use the term "LRPG" when appropriate

>Turn based combat

learning rpg?

>Dark Souls is better JRPG
>Even though it isn't really a JRPG

Someone ban this faggot

Too many chiefs not enough Indians. Seems like every genre is a stagnant mess with too many ideas floating around. Not that I could do any better but it's pretty obvious by now. Way too much money at hand and everyone is floating their ideas.

tripfags are retards.

But a better JRPG was made like 3 years after CT

Future theme still gets to me. To see humans become so pathetic.

That's a good list, but they're not all better than CT.

Especially not Saga Frontier II.

I'd add Breath of Fire III and Vagrant Story as well were it my list.

>Toss in right back in the trash where it belongs; right next to Xenogears and Mother 3.
Fuck you and your shitty opinion. Mother 3 is fucking great.

I agree, game play doesn't make an RPG. Take my favorite RPG, for instance, Gran Turismo. It has tons of interesting cars and an awesome story. There are no level ups or anything, but the drive play is tight, the tracks varied, and the other drivers' cars are unique. You play the roll of Gordon Freeman as he escapes a large military science facility because a mishap has caused aliens to appear. After time you move up from getting your license to competing on tracks with the top talent and cars in the world. The story is told in real time with no cutscenes. I think half Gran Turismo is a fantastic RPG that everyone needs to play.

That's not DQ6

Just started this two days ago since I couldn't get it growing IP and my mom threw out all the consoles I ever had (NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, gameboy, gameboy colour, gameboy advance, ps1, Xbox, ps2) we moved a few times and she would just toss them out or give them to a second hand store. I live in Ireland and chrono trigger never released for the SNES here only on the ds I think in 2008. I can't afford to buy all the old consoles I used to have so I just emulate on my PC, planning on getting a raspberry pi3 soon. Anyway sorry about the blog post, 4 hours into chrono trigger and loving every second, I can see why people adore it so much.


Because people bought Fail Fantasy 7 in droves.

Chrono Trigger is arguably the first Square-Enix game. It's not odd that CT is lightyears better than the Fail Fantasy games on the SNES which couldn't even compete with Breath of Fire

Have a gif.

I remember reading Yuji Naka and some other employees working 16 hours every day sleeping on their office to develop Sonic 2 for the holiday launch. Fuckng insane.

Even KH2FM shits on Dark Souls

The Final Fantasy games on SNES/PS1 use the ATB system

>Fail Fantasy
Top kek
Breath of Fire I >>>>>>>>>>> all of the shitty Fail Fantasy games on SNES
Had a way better soundtrack than that Uematsu crap too btw

This scene was top comfy.

>3D ARPG game
It would lose all it's charm