Steam summer sale 2017
>4-5 days remaining edition
Ye olde:
Steam summer sale 2017
>4-5 days remaining edition
Ye olde:
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What's been the best summer sale gimmick?
The monster summer sale sticks in my mind, it was kind of odd but also fun, if only because of the ridiculous methods people set up to get to high levels.
I have purchased Portal 2, All the Bioshock games, (ive never played any of them) Amnesia: Dark Descent,
Oblivion and New Vegas GOTY's, (have only played them lightly on the 360) the entire Mount and Blade series, and Morrowind GOTY. Will this last me until next year's sale?
Depends on how many hours you spend on Mount & Blade but I would say no
Depends on how much free time you have to play games
Morrowind, Oblivion and New Vegas have almost unlimited replayability thanks to mods.
should mixed in a little strategy games, or just gotten a mmo
Picked up Dead by Daylight, all the 100% Orange Juice DLC characters, and Xmas Shooting Scramble. That's probably it unless some kind person recommends some
Who's the wolf daddo bottom left?
Zetterburn from Rivals of Aether I'm pretty sure
Which one, lads?
I have $4.62
please tell a good game to buy
I haven't actually bought a Steam game in about 2 years, what are the best things I missed
What am I buying lads
invest it in bitcoin and you'll have 34 cents in 10 years
I maybe going to play 4-5 out of them
bro you can't even buy a shitty emote since those are at least $0.03
that can probably get you a dozen copies of bad rats
Holy fuck you're right
But I'll be able to buy fucking ten of them in a decade's time from now.
You wont live that long
user BTFO and finished
Risk of Rain or Convoy
Shatter is also pretty nice
The Witcher
Gothic 2
>buy day of infamy
>oh boy time for cod ww2 early access
>find server list
>one active server with 4 players
>removed over 30 games from my wishlist at the start of the sale, because I thought they seemed kind of uninteresting
>still about 300 titles on the wishlist
>don't really want to buy any of them
>only bought the Hard West DLC and Heart&Slash
>want to buy SOMETHING else, so it doesn't feel like I missed out on the sale
Is that a threat?
Infinifactory is in my top 10 games of all time and it came 2 years ago
you have to like logic puzzle games though
Cossacks: Back to War
Il2 1946
Mark of the Ninja
Civ 4
Rainbow 6
Flat Out 1 or 2
Bionic Commando Rearmed
breach and clear
nothin personnel kid
Only games I've bought are re4 and dead by daylight, refunded them both.
Freedom Force vs The Third Reich
Shadow Complex Remastered
Anyone enlighten me on this sticker gummick please. So far they are just shitty backgrounds and the stickers are literally who characters and some indie games.
What's the deal with this shit?
So far All I've got is Spin Tires.
I bought X-plane 11 but I didn't like the way it ran on my system so I returned it and bought an Orbx scenery pack for FSX instead.
That's pretty much what they are. When you get all the stickers for a certain background, you can move/rotate them and add other stickers from other backgrounds.
Watching Sup Forums going apeshit about the reddit Steam awards was pretty fun
Basically Gaben got a crap ton of money from publishers to advertise their games so he made stickers out of it.
>Watching Sup Forums going apeshit about the reddit Steam awards was pretty fun
What i should remove?
should I?
Remove mad max
Rabi Ribi, and pirate it instead.
Fuck Sekai Project.
KOFIV worth it if I already own Tekken 7?
>wanted to buy Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
>$55 on Amazon for PS vita
>$5.99 on steam
Fucking steamjew got me again
Do you enjoy KOFIVX? So far, the port is solid except for Dream Team stage. Dunnon why, but that's the only stage that get fps drops.
I had also a decent online experience the first day I played it. But I'm more of a single player user so I can't tell if the online is active or you might need to use steam groups for that.
During some sale they hosted recently, Steam had a "people's choice" kind of awards ceremony for the games in its store. There were awards that you could nominate games for, and the game with the most votes for its category won.
iirc Skyrim won the "game that aged the best" award, just to give you a glimpse of how much of a shitshow it was. And it wasn't like it was rigged for shits, it was unironic bad opinions
Could do worse.
Could also use some more variety but at least you have Skylines to change it up a bit.
stream it to your vita
They are overall huge faggots and you are not their target audience.
>run kickstarters to translate games they already have a translation for
>use money from new kickstarter to pay for the stuff they were supposed to have done for their previous kickstarter
>standardize the practice of censoring games and charging extra for uncensor patch
>announce games and then don't even tell people if there's going to be an uncensor patch
>low translation quality in general
>license a game telling the company they already had a translator
>it was actually a fan translator working on his own
>demand that he hand over his work or else
>company president is a bitch nigger
Drop Bioshock Collection, the remastered ones are shit. You're better off pirating them.
please respond
To what?
Should I just get M&B warband or will I need to get it with the DLC package?
I ended up not liking any of the games I bought.
I need to fucking stop doing this.
Dude, it was, like, less than a year ago.
Any worthwhile driving racing games for under 10 yurops?
Flat Out 1 and 2
Dirt 3
Race 07
Maybe Spintires
Trackmania if you like designing tracks.
Looking to buy a game (or multiple games) with 16€
Currently looking at Children of a dead Earth
Are you guys gonna yell at me if I buy h1z1 meme of the hill?
You're a faggot, we're always gonna yell at you.
>Early Access
>all they do is put more and more skins and new boxes
>no improvement in game performance for a year
>no improvement in gameplay since launch
>no improvement in graphics since launch
>no improvement in netcode since launch
>no improvement in hitreg since launch
>all they did was make the UI slightly better but it is still a complete shit
Good luck raging out
I got $10 for this sale, what should I buy user
>hotline miami $2.49
>super meat boy $2.84
>rage $2.49
>one finger death punch $1.24
>shadow warrior classic redux $0.99
total: $10.05
What should I drop?
drop them all and get hollow knight
>buying flavor of the month with just 34% discount
Come on now.
Not to mention Mount and Blade, that game's a vaccuum that destroys free time, even completely Native.
The forest of subnautica?
way to fuck up user.
Subnautica is pretty cool, get that.
lol no
Have about 5 bucks and a pretty small library, halp?
NV sticks out the most but i dont like the idea of having to mod something off the shelf for it to be good.
scroll through the under $5 section
How many hours can you get out of ground zeroes?
NV is the only TES-like I've not only finished the main story in, but I also did it without mods. NV is a good game made better with mods, rather than being a bad game turned into a novelty toy with mods like Bethesda games.
That said, if you're going to buy it, you should get the ultimate edition because you'll want to but it later anyway and the DLC on its own is more expensive than the ultimate edition.
>Are you an autist who enjoys replaying the same level over and over again to get 100%?
15~20 hours
>are you a normal person?
1-3 hours
How many hours will I need to learn how endless legend works?
Spent 7 hours back in endless space just to get an idea of what was going on.
Can anyone recommend me any good adventure games that have alot of replayability or can play more than once?
This looks interesting. Will I like it?
Neither. Get DB Xenoverse 2 if want a good game. Xenoverse 1 is fucking wreck gameplay feel wise. Transformers is a fun 2 hour game that was literally copy pasted over 3 times to make it a 6 hour game.
>buy BDO
Should I just refund?
I've got $12.59 nzd left
Post profile and gemu you want
Aight, I'll just wait for z fighters then, cheers.
Me pls, some DLCs
If you know how to play civ, then you know how to play endless legend.
Only difference is that you should explore the map more actively, and follow your faction quest.
If you want the most simple race to play and learn the game, start out with the not-elves.
I already have that, got bored because i didnt want to keep making hellavators to contain the corruption
>$12.59 nzd
So one copy of bad rats?
This could've been fun if it wasn't blatantly rigged to constantly be changing by impossibly wild degrees every 24 hours to get people to buy more games and get more points.
the clicker mini game
It's on sale for the same price right now.
How is XCOM 2?
I liked Enemy Unknown but it gets rather repetitive.
What game(s) for under $5 that can run on a toaster do you recommend? Already planning on grabbing Divine Divinity but what other hidden gems are there?
I have a 9 year old account and nearly 700 games but want to spend this card money.
One of the old ones where you could make games out of coal was pretty neat. Also when the cards were first introduced. Got a ton of cheap games from those high card prices.
never forget QQ
rate me
Stridnikov reporting in.
Would like endless legend or ground zeroes, porre fervorre.
I think I overdid it this year.