I think he's a really great reviewer when it comes to his game analysis and critiques, so whats the problem here?? I really just don't get it
Why do you all hate Angry Joe?
who? I feel like I've seen him before, but I just cannot remember his name
If Theory of a Deadman was a person, it'd be Angry Joe
I definitely used to hate him years ago and I don't remember why but I've been liking his recent stuff
pissed pedro
Flustered Gonzalez.
Cranky Josef
Paco Enojado
I'llmannerd marie
Because they've gotten VERY fat.
He's not bad, but he isn't very good.
Every one of his reviews I've seen has just been him gushing about how great the game is.
Not a critical (or angry) bone in his body
poor man's zero punctuation
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
Disgruntled Diego
I don't hate him but I like his older videos better, like the sonic free riders or mindjack ones. The ones where he actually goes angry
He's a greedy fuck but sure his game reviews aren't terrible to be honest. His movie reviews on the other hand are pure garbage and he needs to stop bothering to give his reviews when he knows absolutely fuck all about cinema.
Hate him? I don't hate him. He's just sort of irrelevant. Joe is Joe.
Mad max
He sure let himself go over the years, huh?
His game reviews are okay save for the cringy costume shit.
His movie reviews are shit because nobody cares about the lastest tripe released in cinema nowadays, not only that but that bloated dirty blob delrith is actually disgusting, all he does is stroke his disgusting beard like a faggot.
His upload rate (until recently) has been slow and when his consumers want an update he loses his shit and blames them for the slow stream of content.
Other joe is cool though, would drink beer and hang out with.
>Other joe is cool though, would drink beer and hang out with.
Isn't he a furfag degenerate?
Jesus how did he get so fat. I thought this was a meme, but this nigger is overweight.
Grouchy Mandingo
Short-tempered Antonio
Furious Fernandez
Rebutted Rodriguez
it'll happen to you when you turn 30
thats if it hasn't already
Joe's a terrible critic. He can't pinpoint why aspects are bad, he just gets mad about them and shouts.
His skits are terrible and have awful comedic timing. He draws out a good 15-20 second gag into a 2 minute skit, for no reason.
Jalapeno'd Jose is not a good critic or youtuber. He's made that clear with the way he shits on his fanbase, and refuses to do the content they want to see, and instead makes 30 minute unscripted movie reviews.
Hello Joe
Habanero Minguel Roberto
Because Sup Forums hates Fallout 4
gassy mexican twitch streamer right?
hes a taco muncher
cause hes hispanic edgy racist teens
but really tho probably cause he was with Chloe Moretz and became a sjw
>Joe's a terrible critic. He can't pinpoint why aspects are bad, he just gets mad about them and shouts.
Basically this. His reviews are expanded back of the box lists as he is in no way experienced or versed enough to criticize games with any validity or depth.
Joe is confirmed to be the next one at the end of the Linkara video.
Get hype.
He became an anoying SJW beta. The Other Joe should go solo because he is the only enjoyable part of AJ movies.
Maybe, Nostalgic Girl was suppose to be this episode and Linkara was suppose to be last.
Sup Forums hates everything and everyone for any reason they can find. Next question.