
What's the issue here? They're 100% right.

Other urls found in this thread:


They arent



>that like to dislike ratio

When you go slow with Sonic, the game is boring.
When you go fast with, you run into things all the time without being able to see them coming.
The concept behind Sonic has always been flawed.

The most accurate measurment of butthurt the world can offer

Who actually still visits or listens to IGN reviewers? I thought it was accepted long ago that they're a joke.

>Green Hill Zone from Sonic 2
Fucking games journalism.

dude just memorize the level lmao

dude just get good lmao

I'd feel more resentment towards gaming journalism for trying to make Sonic a joke past, present, and future if Sega didn't seem to be trying to prove them right at every turn. Almost every good game you can find in the Sonic series in the past two decades is sandwiched between two or three or four bad games. Sonic Advance, Rush, Colors, Battle, Generations are all good, but you never have to wait long for them to release a game that makes you think it was a fluke.

Forces looks mediocre and derivative at best, and it releases after Mania, so I expect the same thing to happen this time. Even if Forces is decent, like Unleashed, it's likely going to be an alright game that's shackled to some undesirable aesthetics that make it easy to laugh at, that being the create-a-character, like the werehog, despite that not really being taken that seriously in Unleashed and being fairly competently produced.

There's nothing to Sonic's level design that makes it any more boring to go slow than any other platformer, that complaint is entirely derived from speed being Sonic's "thing", so you think if you're going slow you're playing something worse than what it should be, but try actually looking at what you're playing. When you're moving at a moderate pace in classic Sonic games, you're jumping around and hitting enemies and interacting with obstacles just like literally every other platformer, but if you have good reflexes or know what to expect, you can excel and the game has mechanics in place that let you move quickly.

Shmups and other arcade games pretty much.

In case you are serious:
What's the point of playing a game when I have to memorize the levels to play it properly?

Like a race track?

In a good racing game you don't have to memorize the race track

IGN click baiting again and nobody cares.

>Looking through the video comments
>Official Sonic channel actually asked them to come and make a guest appearance on their show.
>IGN just sandbags it.

Typical of these fuckwits.
>Green Hill Zone in Sonic 2

>When you go fast with, you run into things all the time without being able to see them coming.

You make it sound like the games leave random enemies at the bottom of hills or some shit. That's not how Sonic games work. The genesis trilogy as well as the better 3D games guide the flow of gameplay with the level design.

That doesn't sound like a good racing game then.

A good racing game gives you a track that throws up surprises, tight corners, hairpins, whatever, that you play repeatedly to improve how good you are at it.

this is bullshit and you know it.

Doesn't change the fact that you can't make proper decisions at that speed.
It works better in the 3D games, that's true.

You missed his point. You might get an advantage from memorizing the track where surprise turns and such are. But you don't have to memorize the entire track just to go fast and it's not the main mechanic of the game.

>top comment is the voice of Robotnik

I mean they're not wrong

You have to know the track to be able to maintain maximum speed though.

Nobody plays Sonic games going at a walking pace their first go, they just get hit more often and end up on less speedy routes.
On repeat plays you learn the enemy placements and with exploration you discover faster routes.

It was even designed this way. Why do you think Sonic lead the way for the speedrunning community? Because the game is set up to be played like that.

The speedrunning community was a mistake.

You're right. Pavement drivers know absolutely nothing about the track they're driving on before they drive on it. F1 drivers have never even seen Monaco before.

You must be really slow... like racing games must be impossible for you....

Are we still talking about video games?

The 2D games never put you in a position where you're going fast when enemies or platforming bits requiring precision are coming up. You'll notice a lot of the speedy bits in 2D Sonic games end in a half pipe or a change in elevation to kill your speed, well before anything that could kill you actually shows up.

Sonic isn't a racing game, it's a "platformer"


You said going at that speed "Doesn't change the fact that you can't make proper decisions at that speed." 99% of racing games are way faster and require more complex decision making than sonic 1 2 or 3 you have two options when going fast in sonic jump or roll its not that hard man.

>competently produced
kek'd at this, 10/10 bait

That may be in some cases, but the level design wasn't always that great.

Well most racing games also let me see where I'm going, so it doesn't matter.

Hearing them say that was so fucking cathartic holy shit

It's boring but functional. It's generic but isn't rife with huge design flaws like the alternative gameplay styles in previous Sonic games.

That's why I said competently produced, not well designed. The werehog gets hit with the same level of shit as playing as Silver in 06 or Big in Adventure despite not being the broken messes those are.

Once again you have two options jump or roll both protect you from almost everything and with how vibrant things are enemies are easily spotted and I can't remember any times where they put dickish traps in your path at high speeds anyway at most its a spring or an easily destroyed enemy other than that all the real traps and actually threatening enemies are in the slower paced platforming areas.

I think this all comes down to shit reaction time and lack of gameplay comprehension which I'm not even knocking you for some forms of gameplay just don't click in peoples heads I can speed run F zero GX tracks and sonic levels all day long but I struggle with Counter strike and a lot of 3d platformers.

Sonic was always meh at best. The good ones (guess mainly the Genesis games) had nothing really great about them. It was just marketed to the Nth degree against Mario but there was nothing about Sonic that was really better than Mario. Hell there were better Genesis platformers than Sonic. But Sega could have kept it going but ever since Dreamcast they just seem to either not care (there's word that Sega never really cared about Sonic just marketable) or try to care but failed at it.


sonic autists seem to care

shut the fuck up

people talk shit about ign, but this video was great

>IGN is cancer but they were right
nice false-flag reddit
Now go back to play Furry Mario and masturbate to Yoshi

The interesting thing about this video is that the jew Marty Sliva a few weeks later said when announcing Sonic Mania
"Oh I loved Sonic 1 and 2 It was just pranks"
Here it is the video

>Dude we are totally excited about Sonic XD

Disliking sanic is one thing, insulting the people who like it is another.

spotted the autist

you seem to know reddit pretty well user, why is that?

when you're cancer 90% of the time that means you aren't cancer 10% of the time mang.


it just hasnt metastasized

1:46 if people really want to hear them say the line that Sonic was never good.


>He likes gay interracial porn too
geez user you're one strange guy

I never liked the Genesis games, but I did enjoy the Adventure games when I was 12. Haven't gone back and played them since so I don't know how much I'd like them now.

enjoys interracial in every sense of the word

I still enjoy the Genesis games. There are definitely games that I think are better on the platform but they're still good.

Going back to DC I unpacked that with SA1/2 last week. They still have some great moments but overall it's rough. I was happy to find my old memory cards since my siblings and I spent an ungodly amount of time just messing around in the chao gardens.

>the whole point of sonic is to go fast
>go fast
wow great game

He's right you know

not memeing


I blame Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson.

>he prefers sonic cd over 2
Holy shit, what a pleb.

Quit being shit.

>gotta go fast

the premise of sanic has always been shit