Have you ever added someone from Sup Forums?

Have you ever added someone from Sup Forums?

Once, I added a guy from Sup Forums for a GTA V heist. We ended up adding a few more people from the thread to fill out the roster after my friend went to eat dinner. The two scrandies from Sup Forums wound up talking about their virginity and one asked the other if he'd like a blowjob. They wound up convincing eachother that if he sucked the other guys dick, it wouldn't be gay because they didnt know what it was like and were just testing to see. I left it after they exchanged addresses.

Other urls found in this thread:


>talking to people from Sup Forums
>outside of Sup Forums

Never. Fucking. Ever.

I got some good Friend Safaris back in the day.

A few of us teamed up to fight some of the harder DaS2 bosses. That was fun.

>that fucking font

We played a game once or twice and then never spoke or interacted again.
Perfectly normal people.


This. It's an unwritten rule. You NEVER. E V E R. talk to people from Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

That happens to me with every single one of my steam friends that I don't know irl.

it's real common to find players to play multiplayer with on /vg/


yea and theyre always faggots who cant stop saying cuck, nigger, kek, lel, etc

real immature type children too

Yeah, I collect a couple of sissies from here every now and then.

Sup Forums stays in Sup Forums.

The true autists are the ones that think Sup Forums is how people act irl and don't realise that the reason no one lokes them is because they act that way outside of Sup Forums.

wow how fucking shit at a game can you be
not surprised being on Sup Forums i guess

Actually met up with a trap I met on Sup Forums once.

....pleasantly surprised.

Eh, i'm pretty shit at games. That blue fucking smelter demon in the DLC was giving me the shits.

add me up losers


>using steam on mobile to chat for some reason
>awful font
>apologising to Sup Forumstard
>adding him to your friendlist in the first place
>being a faggot
there are so many things wrong with this post

add me up loser

>playing vidya with Sup Forums


>GrowlS louder
>showing MY fangs


add me up loser

This is old as fuck.

>unwritten rule
>It's rules 1 and 2 of the internet
Jesus fucking Christ, the state of this shithole.

>You're not new enough to post here. Get out.

Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.

Those only apply to Sup Forums and raids you newfag.

i miss when the rules meant something

This, Jesus fucking Christ.
Like, I get it. You have no social life and wish to feel included in some form of community so you plaster fucking stupid "in" phrases in hopes that others will think you're "cool" but instead 100% of the time come across as the total fucking sperg you are.

Just fucking stop, holy hell

>Add someone not from Sup Forums
>End up treating them like someone from Sup Forums
>They don't understand my references or memes
Fuck this place for making me the monster I am

b-but muh epic kekistan

I have played people on fightcade from Sup Forums i won all pf the games except a guy who played with me in vsav he was really good i only play sf3s and also there was a guy from Sup Forums who gifted me skullgirls all were really cool one of them was equal to me in sf3s he drops in chatroom now and than we talk about things and stuff all were really cool there was a guy who was giving me salty feel and he challenged me in sf2t and was quite okay when we actually played he accepted his defeat without reeeing


add me up loser

Im killing myself tommorow add me and ill buy you a game

Did for some Sup Forums / /vg/ stuff with TF2. People were cool, but I ditched them because all we did was TF2 and after I stopped playing, we didn't talk at all. So no point in littering your friends list with people you don't even talk to or play games. Only have 9 friends now, which is fine. Not like I play multiplayer games anymore.

>tfw can't stop being a le epic epic meme spewing Sup Forumsirgin online.


I dont have any friends who use PC
I dont have any multiplayer games
Im new to pc gaming

Im truly alone :(

You can get team fortress 2 for free.

Yeah, a couple but one of them stands out in particular.
We could not stop arguing and cut ties several times, but we always ended up seeking each other out again. I like him the most of all the people I've added.

>added some guys from Sup Forums 3-4 years ago
>still good friends with them to this day

Why is it such taboo to talk about Sup Forums in real life? The

I dont have faith in my pc fps skills to play yet. I dont wanna drag a team down

Only once. There was one Minecraft server that got advertised here a while back. Joined it, made friends with most of them. Turned out the one I enjoyed being around the most went to school a couple states over, in the same city as my girlfriend at the time. So I met up with him there a couple times. Haven't seen or heard much from him since. Level-headed, normal dude really.

Fuck you Chris you're such a faggot I know you're reading this and blushing you homo

Because sometimes you don't know if they're cool bros or absolute fuckwits. You don't want to take that risk.

Dont do eet

Most just never talk.
One that did the GTA V complete all heists in a row without dying who was cool but faided away afterwards.
Had another that played killing floor and some other coop titles but turned out he wanted to be a trap and show me his pics but all I want to do is play video games.
Another which was more into posting memes and updating his profile than actually playing anything and when he did he was pretty shit.

I just want some coordinated multiplayer fun rather than suffering alone solo not even someone to talk to just someone on my team who isn't going to fuck me over. Don't know why Sup Forums has to fuck it up so much.

in my experience most people on Sup Forums are playing for fun with a handful of spies/snipers/medic combos stirring the pot

just play medic heavy and demo, they're sturdy and teach you most of the basics

Played some quality Halo: Reach with Sup Forums. Bunch of stupid goofy Forge maps. We had a blast.

Played PLENTY of Destiny with /vg/ during the Alpha, Beta, and launch. Met some guys in Titanfall 2 as well.

Im a bit of a heal slut so this does sound enticing.

Not Sup Forums but a friend of mine was frequently browsing /tg/ and Sup Forums and was quite good at writing up cute animu girls and world-building so I ended up drawing a lot of things for him just for fun for a year before i moved out of the city. We watch Anime and play Vidya together too.

>We watch Anime and play Vidya together too.
Gay as fuck.

>harder das 2 bosses


yeah, the DLC bosses were tough

I'm still friends with people I met on a maple story pserver, though every single black person in the group eventually proved to be a massive degenerate autist ranging from WE WUZ KANGZ to LMAODUDEWEED. Two anons live in my own state too with one living 40 minutes away. Aside from that I have a few steam friends from 2011/2012 league Sup Forums chat before it turned into /vg/ cancer.

fug you lad. I've streamed You are Umasou with my lads and we all enjoyed it but after plug.dj exploded everyone left because we didn't have another place we hung out. At least I shitpost with my Sup Forums friends on discord, waiting for a good maplestory pserver to come out or some fun other group game.

>That profile
what the fuck do you even do? erp?

>Ywn be this obsessed with something

add me up loser

Exactly why I stopped joining discord groups.I thought people were just posting this shit ironically, but I was wrong. So very, very, wrong.

Sorry, I don't add friend collectors who don't even play games. I learned my lesson from that years ago.

Always remember that this board is filled with actual teenagers and many things will make more sense

He is. he told me that a year after i moved out. I'm still discussing a lot of JRPGs with him until now. And i don't think doing the aforementioned activities as gay or anything, it's pretty normal in asia.

Sup Forumstards were the only ones who put any merit in the 'rules'. You're just as bad as him.

add me up loser

What a bunch of degenerates.

Some of you can be bros, and some of you can be insufferable cunts whom I never want to speak to ever.

beggars can't be choosers

Added some people for Rocket League from here, got to diamond 3 is standard.

i'm gonna add you, cutie-pop ;)

add me up loser

>Recent Activity
>last played on 27 Dec, 2016
Why should i add you?

add me up loser

I only befriend people from Sup Forums if they give me free stuff in return. Let me know if you wanna be friends.

People who try to perpetuate memes in real life are insufferable


that custom font you're using is gayer than the two faggots sucking each other's dicks.

I can give you some dicks

Please user don't make me do that.

Yeah, surprisingly relaxed people, didn't go looking for obnoxious people, though.

I was likely the more annoying one.

neerds be cheatin in gta online

>fucked the first user I added on Steam
>fucked the second user in the added on Steam
>dating the third user I added on Steam
>also fucked the fifth user I added on Steam

and now I don't use Steam any more. mind you, NONE of these were in "steam friends" threads, it always started through vidya, then idle chatter, then lewd stuff.

I'm guessing 75%+ of the population of this website must be at the very minimum bi-curious, just judging by how many of the friendships I started here ended up being sexual despite not having any such intention at the beginning of any of them.


aka things that never happened

when you grow up you might understand
unless you are genuinely autistic

add me up loser

>When you grow up you'll be insecure like me


>getting so mad that a guy hacked in gtao that you doxxed him

how's middle school champ

No, but I found out that a guy I know at my locals browses Sup Forums too. We haven't talked much about it.

You've clearly either never talked to anyone from here elsewhere or are new as shit if you think his story is even vaguely unrealistic. Sup Forums as a whole is starved for attention, especially sexual attention, and thus is ridiculously susceptible to shit like that.

Because we'd all be better off if we'd never heard of the site

>add user
>play a few rounds of dead by daylight
>they keep messaging me
>sending me pics of themselves in stockings
>"I'm out of classes soon, user, if you wanna come around and play games ;)"

All I wanted to do was playing horror vidya

Pretty much, anybody who goes here and has the slightest shred of self-confidence knows better than that.

Maybe you lmao. I actually had a healthy relationship with my father so that's never been a problem for me.

how do you pull it off

i just want someone to empty my balls into and then probably emotionally neglect due to my autism

it's more likely than you think, I guess. it's not like I said I was cruising around smashing 9/10 hottie bugattis, you know? just people from Sup Forums (although one was actually really attractive in my opinion.)

Sup Forums users are often pretty desperate, all of them were virgins except one. if you end up being close enough friends to trust each other, and you're both at least decently attractive/average, and both into dicks, and at least one of you has enough disposable income to visit the other, then nothing's stopping you

what part of the story did you find unbelievable, I wonder?

if you're not into dudes then you're not into dudes, but don't knock the Sup Forums fwb no strings attached arrangement until you try it. good luck finding a girl though

nope, oldfags did, come back when you have been lurking from 2006