What does Sup Forums think of TIS-100?

What does Sup Forums think of TIS-100?

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I like it. I wrote an assembly based drone for Garry's Mod in Wiremod because of it.

show me your drone user

I only played Shenzhen IO was fun for a while but gets repetitive

The model in this picture is actually not what's on the git. I later replaced it with a larger sized cube so I could fit more sensors on it, but it gives you an idea: gitlab.com/BobBarker/hoverbob

shenzhen i/o isn't as good as tis-100 IMHO

it doesn't have JRO (jump to relative offset), which means you can't just tell other chips what line of code to jump to

so you gotta waste a lot of space with test commands, and since that game severely limits board sizes, using a lot of commands will quickly fill up the board

tedious bullshit tbqhwy

tis-100 and infinifactory are a lot better

that's pretty nice user

the best thing wire contraption I ever made in gmod was a wire2 hologram that spawned a piece of shit whenever under my character model whenever I crouched

I would run up to people's projects and shit on them all the time

I got banned from a few servers for doing it

I'm drunk so I fuckedup that sentence

>tfw you tried to optimize but you're not even close to the best builds

it was boring and repetitive

spacechem was the only zachtronics game i liked

Have you played Infinifactory?

It's basicaly in spacechem, but in 3 dimensions

which means it's a lot easier than spacechem, since if you run out of space you can just move up on the z-axis and continue

space constraints aren't really an issue in Infinifactory. it's pretty comfy to play compared to Zach's other games


I haven't, but I'll give it a shot after I get bored of factorio, thanks

Spatial path viewer is a lot more impressive. OP's image is basically a variant of it. Although I think sequence mode calculator is the hardest puzzle in the game, but it's not visually impressive to watch


I played for 5 minutes and then moved onto Hacknet.

I'm just too much of a brainlet for these kinds of things


literally all you do in that game is navigate folders

it's barely a game at all

It's fun

you have pretty low standards for fun

Is that supposed to be an insult?

>wow you sure do have fun easily, what a faggot

I'm saying your tastes are shit, you would probably literally be entertained by browsing a dictionary if you enjoy the """""""gameplay""""""" of """"""""""""""""""""""""""hack""""""""""""""""""""""""""net

Once again why is me having fun a bad thing?
Does it anger you? That I have fun? Are you unironically autistic?

>play hacknet
>type in the server address the email gives you
>open the magic hacking program
>wait for it to finish
>repeat 50 times until the game ends
amazing gameplay!
you are so smart
I'm glad you had fun wasting your fucking time

Well I guess you are autistic. I did have fun actually, and I never claimed to be smart unlike you.

Do you have self esteem issues? Do you get bullied by the other kids in your middle school because you like video games? I would really like to know why you're getting so angry about someone liking a thing that you don't.

because hacknet is one of the worst games I've ever played

imagine someone came into your Sup Forums thread and started saying they'd rather watch my little pony

that's what you are to me

> spacechem
> TIS-1000
these are not "games"

they're asking me to pay money to keep doing what i do for living

human resource machine is almost exactly the same as tis-100, but with a more convoluted gui and a lot more memory to work with (makes sorting algorithms easier to write in HRM)

I like them both

>makes sorting algorithms easier to write in HRM
i did all kinds sorting algorithms (including heap sort) for the later challenge

The fastest algorithm turned out to be simplistic insert sort.

How is spacechem not a game

I couldn't get past like the third puzzle.

Shezhen I/O is better not really, I actually like both.

seems incredibly tedious, needlessly complex, boring and pointless