Xbox One X will have more features than PS5
Xbox One X will have a better network than the PS5
Xbox One X will have a better controller than the PS5
Xbox One X will have more features than PS5
Nobody cares about Xbox One Game
say 10 turtle facts over the microphone and you'll be released from prison
What about the games?
What about games?
I could really go for some Scalebound
And it'll still be shit
It'll have Netflix
So why do you guys have so many pedophiles?
and that new fable, i could kill for it
i swear !
If the XboneX is so strong, then why cant they have two performance and display options.
""""4k"""""30fps and 1080p60fps.
No one gives a fuck, Pajeet.
>giving options to pleb users
You must be new here and by here I mean the fucking planet Earth.
Microsoft knows better than you what you really want and need so shut the fuck up about options.
What do you think this is? Some kind of democracy or something?
What the fuck is a PS5 ??
But the PS5 doesn't exist
I mean the whole point of consoles is to play games without having to worry about any kind of setup. And having varying framerates will make it a worse experience if youre playing a competitive MP game.
thats the point, it cant even do 1080p 60 fps. there's literally no reason to buy it.
It's not going to be named PS5.
After roaring success of Xbox console line SONY took notice and the next one from them is going to be PLAYSTATION 730 XXX ONE 5.
It will be announced in a couple of years and it'll be hilarious watching the neofaggots spin the fact that the "next gen" sony console is actually less next gen than the 5 year old xbox
Quality over quantity
features dont sell, just look at kinect
Ahh, another fucking Nostradamus.
Why don't you stick your crystal ball where the sun don't shine.
Remember PS2 gen?
How weak the PS2 HW was and how Xbox won?
It's unbelievable that retards at Microsoft still think power matters when they can't deliver any compelling content.
Want something more current?
Look at Switch. Notice how 'powerful' it is and how much fuck do people give about that when they have Zelda and some wage promises of good games coming.
Where are the fucking games for X.B.O.X?
I don't care what sells, retard, Call of Duty sells a ton, so every game should be CoD, correct?
I care about what the best system is and the answer right now is Xbox and it's not even close
You forgot Wii where the weakest out of the 3 totally wiped out the competition so hard it wasn't even funny.
Only retards and PCMR fags think power is be all end all.
Will it have games?
>not a single response about games
I have a slight suspicion that Xbox One X is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED.
>more features
doesn't matter if it doesn't have any games.
The rest I agree with, since it's already factual and unlikely to change.
>unlikely to change.
That's cuz sony is a shit tier company
LMAO Sonyfag
features! fuck off dickhead
X.B.O.X. PR and Marketing force is here!
There will be game, we promise windows 10 games I mean, but who cares about that crap but what really matters its the PURE POWER and FEATURES as it always did.
Wasn't this picture literally made on neogaf, by a neogaf member?
well to be frank the wii wasn't competing with the other two consoles.
PS3 sold almost 90million units regardless and i am having a hard time beliving any of the other consoles will sell that much by the end (maybe Switch because it doesn't seem to compete with the rest either.)
*For select ported titles that need a recompilation and some further modification to run
Yeah, it was. Those faggots are the biggest Sony shills ever. They com here to shitpost about their sales and hide like rabid dogs when confronted with the fact that the best selling PS4 games are CoD, FIFA and other 3rd party multiplat trash.
What gets me is that he put the official UFEA sponsorship stamp on it too. What goes through someone's mind to make something like this.
>Sony fans
>anything in their mind
good one, user.
But why do you care that the most popular games on the planet sell more than specifically playstation exclusives just because they are sold on playstation?
>How weak the PS2 HW was and how Xbox won?
ps2 won because Xbox was new. PlayStation was already established and had a fan base. Developers also trusted the brand.
>Where are the fucking games for X.B.O.X?
Xbox has all the games PlayStation has these days except first party Sony games and some ramen noodle games because there isn't a Japanese fanbase.
Can we mine on Xbox One X?
>All these mad as fuck Xgroids still bitter over 2013
top lel