>ITT your favorite video game in family guy
Hey Lois, remember the time i dressed up as Crash bandicoot
Hehehehehe, woah hehehehehe
>ITT your favorite video game in family guy
Hey Lois, remember the time i dressed up as Crash bandicoot
Hehehehehe, woah hehehehehe
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey Lois, remember the time i dressed up as Mario
Hehehehehe, bing bing wahoo hehehehehe
Hey Mario
>"Are you sure Peter? What if you get hurt?"
>"Its okay Lois, it will surely be safer than that time I worked as a security guard for that company"
>Peter in the UAC base eating something
>suddenly he feels like taking a shit
>the rest of the cutaway takes place outside of the bathroom in a hallway
>employees are show running and being brutally murdered by the demons
>two imps stop by the bathroom door and are about to break the door
>they hear Peter's agonizing screams as he takes a shit
>"Wow that guy must be really torturing him"
Hey Lois, remember the time i dressed up as DooM guy?
Hehehehehe, BOOM hehehehe
>"PETER! What did I tell you about dressing up as link and throwing my pot everywhere
>(clearly high peter dressed as link) " Lois, I think we mixed up the word pot"
Hey Lois, remember the time i was in dirt 3?
Hehehehehe, left turn 2 in 500 meters hehehehe
Better than what usually passes for FG.
>I don't like this extremely succesful show, look how special I am
No one is impressed by your remark. Family Guy is Sup Forums incarnate, and everyone who is not blind is aware of that. Its humor is the same you would see here, but some "grown ups" like you still make an ass out of themselves by pretending that they do not find it funny in a vague attempt to be "with it" here on the chan. It's sad, really, when you think about it.
t. Seth Macfarlane
>"Wow dad, I havent seen anybody in this much trouble ever since Neo Cortix was contronted on what the N on his forehead ment"
>Cortix in a press conference
>"Now many might be asking what does the N stand for... its niggers, it stands for niggers"
Hey Lois, remember the time I played a lot of racing video games and then I tried to drive my car with a controller?
hehehehe, console controller in A CAR, hehehehe
>Family Guy is Sup Forums incarnate
Have they said "nigger" even once on this show?
I'm legitimately not sure if this post is false flagging. Does anyone legitimately still like family guy? Do they even still make that shit?
I mean I guess it's possible that you're serious since I've heard reports of anons as young as 11 coming here.
"Hey lois, remember when i moved in that small town with my detective uncle and his little daughter?"
"Everyday's great at your junes"
It was adachi."
>family guy
How underage?
>tfw anonymous posters on Sup Forums wrote better jokes than Seth McFarlane in his own style
not that guy but honestly i enjoy american dad a lot more than family guy
is that a motherfucking persona 4 reference?
Nah, I was just attempting a bait post early in the morning.
I think they still make Family Guy, that shit keeps popping up in my youtube recommendations box.
Stewie is fucking creepy
There's no reason for this to be that accurate
>family guy in sonic adventure
>hehehe, shutup big
>hey lois, remember when I was super high and thought I was Pikachu?
cutaway to Peter shoving a fork down an electrical outlet
>hehehehehe pika pi
>"This is worse than that time that I was eaten by Kirby."
>cut to Peter standing in Dreamland with Kirby
>"heheheheheheh, he looks like a big pink boob"
>Kirby inhales Peter
>transforms into Peter
>Kirby: "eheheheheh. boob."
>"But Stewie won't that mess with the fabric of reality?"
>"Calm down Brian, it can't be any worse than when the fat man accidentally shot the president while playing duck hunt"
>cuts to peter playing duck hunt, instead of ducks its obama
>accidentally shoots obama
>"Ahh perfect, now who is gonna pay for me to live without a job and play video games all day"
Jesus Christ this is so on point. How much family guy have you watched? You've got the formula down.
You could have made a perfectly fine Regan joke, why waste that opportunity with being butthurt about Obongo?
I can see it
I used to watch it a lot when I was younger.
>Hey Lois remember that time I teamed up with my friends and together we killed god?
Guess the game
>"This is worse than the time we all played super smash bros brawl"
>cuts to peter and quagmire playing
>peter is wario running
>trips and falls on knee
>5 mins of "shhhhhhh, ahhhhh"
That's actually perfect
Tell me why this is fucking accurate
No, but they implied saying it atleast twice.
American Dad is legit good. No surprise McFarlane is barely involved in it
Dude take it easy
>"God damn it Peter! This is worse than that time I went into the wrong room at the Honeybee Inn"
>Cut to Quagmire walking into the front door of the Honeybee Inn.
>"Heh, heh, GI-GA-DY!"
>Quagmire walks up to one of the doors
>"The Group Room? Heh, heh, Awwwriighht."
>Quagmire bursts into the room, the door closes behind him.
>Honey Bee attendant walks up to the door.
>"Okay everyone, the customer is ready!"
>A dozen burly bara men in speedos flood into the room. We never see inside.
>"Heh...Wait...Wait this isn't alright! This isn't alright at all! Oh GOD!"
>Sounds of struggling, heavy panting, splashing water, and Quagmire screams"
>Honey Bee looks directly into the camera.
I hate myself for typing this out, and I hate you OP, for giving me a reason to do so.
>"Man, this is worse than that time I joined the Repliforce"
>scene cuts to in Peter as Storm Owl
>X comes in, "Alright, time for the next boss! Who's it gonna be!"
>"Oh hey there, I'm Storm Owl. T-t-the bird is the word!"
>"Wait, what, really?"
>Peter immediately goes into casual stance. "What do you mean "really"?
>"Well, we kind of ALREADY did the bird boss. He even had Storm in his name!"
>Peter's eyes narrow.
>"Are you saying we can't have TWO bosses that are birds? Buddy, that's just racist. And you know what? Obama changed that."
God damn
Redit is sure here
You're retarded. That was actually worse than the shows real writing.
This is the best thread I've seen on here in a while
I know. That's why I reported it.
>cuckpass user
>announcing your reports
enjoy your vacation
What's that? Haven't gotten one of them since I bought a gold pass.
PEETAH, Stewie took Brian's star chips. What are we gonna do?
Don't worry Lois, I believe in the heart of the cards hehehehehe
Kill yourself faggot
Wow this thread blows. Its almost worse than that time I didn't get a 5 and everyone laughed at me