All right you won lads, this game is fucking amazing

All right you won lads, this game is fucking amazing.

>Witcher 1 was terrible
>Witcher 2 was boring as fuck
>Witcher 3 is fucking GOAT

Hwo did they do this?

Witcher 1 and 2 are great though. The battle system in Witcher 1 confused me for a while though.

The Witcher 3 had 8 times the budget of The Witcher 2, so there's that

3 = 1 >>>>>>>>>>> 2

>Witcher 1 was terrible
opinion discarded

Do the other 2 witcher games have the same different stances for the swords like the first game?

3 really is fantastic. They're great visionaries that know how to create atmosphere. Hyped for cyberpunk

W2 is the ultimate pleb filter it seems

It's sad that the witcher franchise is done :c
There's just that netflix series and it's confirmed to just be based on two short stories from the last wish.

>I like a thing an increasing number of people dislike
I'm a neutral party here just chiming in

2 Roche side is super fun.

I got a new rig and want to try out 3 becuase it looks pretty..
Can I jump straight to 3 if I have read the first book? Planning to read the second.
The first game didn't hook me but maybe it gets better later on. I just want to explore the open world and kill monsters.

Witcher 1 was fucking great, it's just that combat wasn't its strong part and it aged pretty awfully.
The only problem with Witcher 2 is that it's too damn short, but it has lots of replay value, so it's kind of forgiveable.
3 is an amazing game, but it's overrated to hell honestly. It drags for too long, too many quests rely on witcher senses and the open world is unneeded and filled with repetitive filler crap. It's probably the best RPG we got lately, but both W1 and 2 are better games in general. At least in my opinion.

They'll come back to it after Cyberpunk, m8ey. It'll either be Ciri or a prequel game where you can make your own Witcher, choose schools, etc. The series would have burned out after 3 if they'd kept plugging away at it, that game and its expansions has enough ideas and content in it to comfortably fill 3 games to a Skyrim-like density. I really don't know what else they could have done with Geralt and the current part of the timeline. After Cyberpunk, enough time will have passed that technology will have made a leap forward (knock on wood) and the next came can represent a big leap forward and not just an iteration. I just hope they set it somewhere cool. Nilfgaard proper, Kovir, hell maybe even have a chapter in Zerrikania or Ofier, I'd just be ever so slightly bored to be back in Temeria/Redania/Aedirn.

No, you just do either a fast or strong attack. Stances have been scrapped.

>wither 1 was terrible
You don't deserve RPGs

wait only 2 books? I thought they were adapting all of them

You might prefer to start with 2, it sets up the story of but it's very polarising. I think it's great, personally. One of the best things about 3 is the way it resolves old plot threads, so I'd definitely recommend reading/playing anything you can in the series before playing it, even though it's not really *required*.

>the first book
Do you mean Last Wish or the first saga book(Blood of Elves I think)? These won't help you much really. You either have to read the whole saga or it won't matter anyway, because stuff important to the game starts appearing just in the second half of the series.

Why did they change Yennefer's hair? The early build is literally how I imaged her hair from the book description.

TW1 and 2 are pretty good, fuck off

I'd recommend reading the 2 short stories books or at least 3 novel books before jumping in. You can start now too but you won't really get the Ciri-Geralt relationship and a few other charaters.
Also I hope you've at least played 2 since you're gonna need that knowledge for the beginning of 3

Is it worth doing the Iorveth path since they seem to have dropped everything from it in the witcher 3?

Iorveth path has Vergen, which is super comfy.

None of them matter that much honestly, but Iorveth's matters less. On the other hand you meet Philippa there, and she becomes a pretty important character in W3. It also has possibly the best dwarven city in gaming history. Just go with whoever you feel more like it honestly.

the only thing worth doing from that game is saving Letho since he's gonna be pretty important later in the game

I'm leaning towards plowing trough it al, I was just excited to play 3 considering the presentation and al. but 1 is fine I like the enviroments, it's just the writing isn't winning me over yet. The book at least presented itself as dark and gritty, but the game felt a bit corny and dosent take itself to seriously, at times that is.

the last wish. I won't read everything right now but il look into it. I thought the setting makes for a good game so that's what I'm in for.
I don't want to be a total pleb, but i work a lot and just want some good escapism after work.

>horrible gameplay
>terrible environment
>awful story until the last arc
>people defending the mess that was TW1

they didn't do shit, yo just have horrible shit taste.

TW2 is the plebfilter and the best game in the franchise.

No no no just two stories from the first book only. My bet is that the stories will be with dandelion geting his lute and how geralt and ynn first met.

well that's bullshit

>using runescape memes
Opinnion discarded, even though you are somewhat right.

Roche's path is fucking terrible. Saskia and Iorveth were the best characters in the game. So of course neither are in TW3 and they killed Saskia off in a fucking comic book.

Yep, still, if it has a big enough audience, they might make more. Or at least that is what I hoping for.


It's easy, just be an all white country free from the influence of marxist subhumans.

What if you were to give this game to, say, twenty... intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?

First is going to be the first short story, the one where he hunts Foltest's Striga daughter.

Whys everyone gotta be so hyperbolic?

>Witcher 1 was flawed, but had a lot of potential and some really good ideas
>Witcher 2 made some great improvements on the first but also some questionable changes that kept it flawed but a more polished product than the first
>Witcher 3 is where the franchise targeted the mainstream drastically improving some areas but losing charm in others in order to appeal to more people

Whys that so damn hard?

The Witcher 3 is a big son of a bitch

>the witcher story and another one(probably the genie one)
so it's gonna have only 2 episodes?

Worst gameplay ever on a videogame, like ever, even worse than pic related.

>Witcher 3 is fucking GOAT

Well, it's time to kys user.

>probably the genie one
Nah it's going to be the Lesser Evil one. I have no idea how they're going to frame it, but I guess they're going to test the market for now. The stories are pretty self contained.

It's Sup Forums, people here are binary drones who grade everything as either "utter shit" or "11/10GOTY!!!"
You are absolutely correct though.

By adding Yennifer and Ciri.

Is that the Beauty and the Beast one? I rather they did the Butcher of Blaviken story.

>I rather they did the Butcher of Blaviken story
That's the Lesser Evil. The Beauty and the Beast one is A Grain of Truth, I think.

haha yeah. Remember Skyrim? Great gameplay. Or Baldur's Gate 2? Great gameplay. Maybe Gothic 2? Great gameplay. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Ah, good then. Though they're all pretty good stories in my mind.

MOdded skyrim has waaaay better gameplay than the witcher, ofc, with kinda shitty animations, but overall better.
And don't make me start on the variety of skyrim vs the variety in the witcher III

MOdded witcher 3 has waaaay better gameplay than the modded skyrim, ofc, with kinda shitty animations, but overall better.

best post of the thread

t. German
Fuck Niggers

Come on, the "ciri becomes witcher" ending is a set up for the sequels. It will definitely be the canon ending on which the next games will be built.

Even Skyrim has better combat then this pile of shit.

>Witcher 1 was terrible
ok newfag

The stances were only around because W1 was meant to play either isometric or 3rd person. Just to build on what the other user said.

>variety in skyrim

Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

>Witcher 1 was terrible
Cease this faggotry.

Because it looked like shit

It would have worked if they used AC Unity tier hair physics

Witcher 3 is pure kino of the highest caliber.

Play it on PC for lossless gameplay with 60FPS and ultra settings.

From what I understand, the canonical ending are all of them. So basically, something happens while she is empress/witcher

So tressfx?
Too bad cdpr and nvidia fucked us hairworks.

The only part I agree with him is the bad gameplay part, the rest are ok.


Witcher 2 is great, you plebs

Whiter than half of Europe, fucktard.

Witcher 1 >>>> WItcher 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>Witcher 2



>Witcher 1 was terrible


you know, after all they've been through in the books it really does



All 3 games are amazing if you played them when they came out. Of course playing W1 and W2 now won't feel as great as playing W3, but i played all of them when they were new so i love all 3 of them.

Haven't read the books, but in the game Yolofer is a strong independent annoying bitch, Geralt being bossed around is amusing but in the long run I don't feel like it makes sense


People are just upset that their favorite RPG game doesn't stack up to Witcher 3.

Final rewards for Hearts of Stone, ranked (spoilers, obviously):

>Save Olgierd
Viper Silver Sword and Iris, a sword with a completely one-of-a-kind trait in its charging strike? Unbeatable. Best option by far.

>Let Olgierd die
>Swift as the wind
A better horse saddle? Anything with 50 Stamina or higher is plenty, there's no need for 100.
>Never go hungry
Mediocre food source. You're not going to run out of food picked up along the way, especially not this late into the game.
>Endless vodka
By this point in the game you should have 99 Dwarven Spirits sitting in your inventory.
5000 crowns? That's it? At least restore the 30000 spent on that Ofieri enchanter's workshop.
Tells you how to get the good ending, or rather, how to avoid the bad ending. Pretty solid; but you can figure these out on your own, even as a first-timer.

Saving Olgierd's best anyway. He may not have been a GREAT guy, but he wasn't a HORRIBLE guy either, and what Gaunter O'Dimm does to him is just too cruel.

Millenial: The Taste

I just bought it too

I've got 15 hours in it and I'm almost ready to say it's the greatest game I've ever played

>Witcher 1 was terrible
>Witcher 2 was boring as fuck

the only wrong part in your post

Sauce on this?

It's pretty much the same in the books, but at the end of a day they truly do love each other.

>Saving Olgierd's best anyway. He may not have been a GREAT guy, but he wasn't a HORRIBLE guy either, and what Gaunter O'Dimm does to him is just too cruel.
It's not even about that, a witcher's job is to save people from monsters, even if they are morons who brought the monsters upon themselves.

Both The Witcher (Striga) and The Lesser Evil (the Butcher of Blaviken) have scenes that show off how the people are suspicious and outright hostile to witchers, even though they have a role in society.

So they're good picks if you're hoping for them to do more episodes because they do a better job of worldbuilding for people new to the series.