>The whole of Mordor comes running when I open my mouth and blow.
The whole of Mordor comes running when I open my mouth and blow
I bought the first one on Steam for 3 bucks and I'm a couple of hours into it, it's pretty rad but goddamn, so much clickclickclickclickclickclickclick
>playing on PC
hows it feel to be in the minority?
>decide to fight three orcs
>bamham creed combat takes forever
>orcs respawn
hows it feel to be playing a shitty limiting system?
>playing this game with a keyboard and mouse
do you have brain damage?
Well I have a 360 controller for my PC but I just
came from AC: Black Flag and the keyboard/mouse controllers were super fine in that game so I just changed the controllers to be as similar to that as possible, it controls alright but that doesn't change the fact that the combat is all clickclickclick, just like Witcher 3, just like Batman.
A controller wouldn't change it much would it? It would still just be pressing the same button.
I played it on release and the bulk of the DLC on mouse and keyboard. It's completely fine, especially compared to other 3rd person action-y games.
The orcs in SoM are too freaking big. They're supposed to be an army of midgets.
>playing ANY game with a keyboard and mouse
nobody makes games for PC anymore
>equip Lithariel skin
>changes walk animation
not sure why but I was positively surprised
Is this game worth buying?
Seems like half the internet hates it and the other half loves it but I'm in the mood to kill orcs.
Biggest problem this game had was fighting the special orcs with a very shitty targeting system and ranged attacks with way too much damage
>try to build up combo on regular orcs
>targeting system decides I should attack a berserker
>get countered and take damage
>fighting a bunch of orcs
>captain with the "no second chances" perk shows up and one shots me with a spear out of nowhere
That being said, the game was still incredibly easy
strangely enough the targeting system works a whole lot better on console than it does on PC
not once on the console will i have trouble attacking the correct person and always pleasantly surprised that during giant crowds i can fixate on 1 person out of it all
it's mediocre
>The orcs in SoM are too freaking big. They're supposed to be an army of midgets.
They're Uruks, you negroid.
Its AC+Batman Arkham City, its really good, made me hype for Shadow of war.
Bought it in the sale and have seen everything after 2 hours.
Don't buy it for the story cause the only thing it has is fighting orcs and cutting their heads.
That's it. The "story" stopped after 5 minutes after the game starts, and now i'm running around slaying orcs in a brutal way.
If you want it buy it, buy it for those 4 bucks cause it is not worth 5.
>Its AC+Batman Arkham City, its really good, made me hype for Shadow of war.
Bro! Can't wait to play the next Call of Duty while drinking some Mtn Dew between partying and getting drunk, dude!
Fuck off normalfag
>If you actually like videogames on Sup Forums you are a normalfag
Name a game you like that isn't just muh cinematic gameplay
Last game I played is Starcraft 2, I play almost every game except for jrpgs, mmorpgs and racing games
Sounds like you only play what's popular.
>le cinematic gaming xD
>goes back to playing fagsona
weebshits need to fuck off
Yes I mainly play AAA games but sometimes I play other non popular stuff like subnautica and rising storm.
I used to play Tremulous for years when it was still alive, it's a shame the only game even remotely similar to it is natural selection 2 and it sucks.
Don't like fagsona. I just prefer games with actually substance.
Explain how shadow of mordor, an open world game that has maybe 2 cutscenes in the entire thing, is a cinematic game?
You don't know what a cinematic game is, do you?
Not him but I assume he means the fact that there's a lot of slow motion when you kill enemies and it's a very easy game, if not that I don't know what he means by cinematic
I'd buy it for like 3 dollars to see what Shadow of War lite might feel like. The more I see of SoW the more Shadow of Mordor looks like a prototype for the system.
If you enjoy the core gameplay offered by the Nemesis system then you'll likely get quite a few hours in as you fight different types of orcs, make your headcanon about their rise and fall in their hierarchy and experiment with mauling them and see if they come back, angrier and more deformed than ever.
If the game doesnt suit you you can get it refunded in 2 hours.
There's not a lot of cutscenes in the new Deus Ex games(a few) but those are very much cinematic games. It's games that style themselves as movies at the expense of gameplay. This doesn't just mean cinematics but can be a contributing factor. Idiot.