Why these niggas releasing all their games on PC? I have no reason to buy an xbox anymore. I mean that's great for me...

why these niggas releasing all their games on PC? I have no reason to buy an xbox anymore. I mean that's great for me, but how does it work from a business standpoint?

Is it all a part of their plan to kill the xbox division of Microsoft?

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Did you mean to say niggers?

they're the same word
nigga and nigger both mean black

MS doesn't give a fuck as long as you're using their digital stores.

They're not the same word. Nigger is what people call niggers; nigga is what niggers call themselves.

It only pisses me off because I already have an xbox one for halo 5, mcc, and rare replay and would like to get rid of it if it weren't for those three games

they both mean negro

They realized that pc and xbox are not competing platforms.


pc is literally the biggest vidya market on the planet

Did you miss the fiftieth time they said "XBOX AND WINDOWS 10 EXCLUSIVE"?

Theyre trying to get people to move on from Windows 7 so that apps can be shoved down their throats.

Because PC is their main marketshare.

No, it is mobile.

Nigga is a term of endearment.

Are people still on about this? Jfc.

Depends on who says it

It's just a word. Quit putting so much importance behind it.

Context is important

Literally only sjws get offended by nigga


Consider suicide.

i wouldn't count mobile games as modern games. they're more like flash games from a decade ago

people either own a gaming pc or own a console. very rarely do people own both and if they do its usually a nintendo console.

>people either own a gaming pc or own a console. very rarely do people own both and if they do its usually a nintendo console.
PC + PS4 is pretty much the staple combo in Europe

yeah sure it is

>yeah sure it is
PC for League/Dota/csgo
PS4 for FIFA

are you dense? literally everyone owns a pc and ps4

They fused all their gaming division into one (Xbox, Windows, and their mobileshit): wccftech.com/microsoft-moves-xbox-division-financial-segment/
>The More Personal Computing segment includes results from licensing of the Windows operating system, devices such as Surface and phones, gaming including Xbox consoles, and search.

Though their mobile stuff isn't very good and they are still going to reveal the surface phone.

whatever you say dude

>are you dense? literally everyone owns a pc and ps4
no, i own a PC+switch and i know a lot of people who don't own a gaming pc, just a laptop. What are you implying with """"everyone""""?

>whatever you say dude
see, I told you
>no, i own a PC+switch and i know a lot of people who don't own a gaming pc, just a laptop. What are you implying with """"everyone""""?
Sup Forums isn't everyone. Try going outside for once and talking to turbonormies

i really do hate people like you


They need to bring pc games to Xbox if they want this to be viable.



Even if they didn't release their games on PC, there's nothing worthwhile anyway. Games are shit.

No, YOU are a context

Yeah that what i'm talking about about retard. Why would i take anonymous'es as an example when i know nothing about them.

Got me

This is the most common combo I've seen in my area. PS4 for shits and exclusives and then PC for everything.
Next comes the moba fags with their "gaymin" laptop and 3ds or switch.

they're irrelevant till they get original xbox shit on PC

Speak for yourself you cunt
Nintendo are dogshit too

nintendo is the greatest fucking company in the world you stupid faggot

Good fucking goy, hope you can't wait to rebuy SNES games from decades past
Emulators are evil!

i will, nintendo takes pride in their products. the snes mini will be GOAT

Jap likes sure got their claws in deep

Microsoft has been different since this guy got named as the CEO

>why these niggas releasing all their games on PC? I have no reason to buy an xbox anymore. I mean that's great for me, but how does it work from a business standpoint?

You're acting like the average person is into PC gaming like that.

>I have no reason to buy an xbox anymore
Honestly, was there ever a reason to buy one?

C'mon man. I somewhat like nintendo too but you have to see that the snes mini is just a cash grab.

tears of war and forza?

The games you're not interested in that other people were.

was there ever a reason to buy a console instead of building a better PC?


windows 10 is microsoft's attempt to be google. The business model is the same: give away a bunch of stuff for free, but scrape everyone's personal data and sell it/use it for targeted ads.

why do you think win 10 has so many services constantly running in the background, watching what you do, scanning your files and sending it to so many different servers that even the tinfoil hat brigade can't find the IPs to block them all?

in the long run they'll probably make more money off everyone this way than from selling xboxes. A lot more people have PCs than xboxes.

They own both xbox and windows
games & Features coming to Xbox or windows 10 = more $$$
Since they announced the xbox play anywhere thing, xbox console is still selling. Some people just prefer to play on console instead of PC, it like it's said there >Satya's vision
>The real crux of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella vision is the idea of putting the user first. Want to use Office on an Android tablet? Fine. Want to run Skype on a Mac? Cool.
>What's important to CEO Satya Nadella, he's said over and over, is that users love Microsoft. And cloud-based tools like OneDrive and Office 365 make sure that a user's data is consistent, from a Microsoft Surface Pro tablet to an Apple iPhone.

>windows 10 is microsoft's attempt to be google.
No you are thinking of the cloud and "Windows 10S"
They are trying to be like apple.

no, apple makes money off overpriced hardware and software. That's not what ms are doing here

What is Surface??

no one cares about that, it's a vanity project, not core business and certainly not a major revenue stream for them

I sold my PC because I was neet eariler this year and I think im gonna pick up an xboxx instead

>cheaper than building a 1070 pc from scratch
>better online MP (though not free)
>already have good 4k tv
>games are optimized for consoles first anyway

I will probably build another PC again eventually but with something like a 1050ti so I can play dota, xcom 2, and strat games. switch/xboxx are looking to be my main machines

Lol delusional. Every surface product have been better than their apple counterpart and this brand is successful.

Microsoft is well aware that the Xbone is superior to the PS4, but Sony is still winning because they have much better exclusives. If Microsoft can downplay exclusives or make them seem like a bad thing, Sony will lose their only advantage. Microsoft has put all of their exclusives onto PC and are pushing cross-play really hard to accomplish this.

Nigga is for people who can't say nigger
It's an online anonymous image board, say whatever you want

nigga please

Because PC cost too much, especially nowdays.
Why ppl are so fucking dumb?

European here, can confirm I own a PC and a PS4 (also a 360 and xbox in a closet somewhere).


Console gamers are console gamers and PC gamers are PC gamers. That's why. It's a brilliant plan actually. Creates a huge eco system for developers. Cross play is also good.

>it's not as big as the current established one therefore it's not success
Retard. This brand is successful that's why they keep making more.


haha you bought one didn't you? I'm sorry man

and there it will go up in 2017 when the Surface pro 5 is going to be out.

I'm glad MS does this so now we can BTFO the Sonygros with our superior PC graphics again.

>quoting year old reports
sure dude, if it makes you feel better, soon we'll all be surface owners!

Turbonormies consider a laptop a gaming pc.
As do most people. Sup Forums is full of retards though so I don't know why you keep arguing with them.

I'm not a surface owner, it's too expensive for me. It's successful You can every years report when Surface revenue falls if that makes you better.

you can check on google*

They're on PC, so not a valid reason.

If I wanted vague responses, I would have asked for it.

PS4 and Switch have their exclusives, so technically yes.

Fair enough. It's the only one I can think of though.

How can Sony compete

>using botnet10.

>PS4 and Switch have their exclusives,
What exlcusive? The same games since 19xx for nintendo and the interactive movies from PS?

Enjoy your 120GB patches.

I can't believe people like and defend this shit company. Gears 4 was the point I lost faith completely in Microsoft.

they know the overlap isnt that big between pc and xbox, so it's a net-gain for them overall

120gb is nothing with my 80mb/s

>Interactive movie
(You) can now leave.

In any case, while it wasn't the point yes, there's people out there who do enjoy The Order or Uncharted.

Xbox One selling better than 360. They know what they do.

The game is 103GB.

>he lives in a 3rd world country
>he doesn't have at least 2tb

We have darksoul on PC + Bloodborne only sold 2 millions out of 60 millions.
It doesn't sell better 360.

>xbros defend this

Wow. I bet you like getting fucked with the microtransactions too don't you?

Bitch-ass nigga.

I'm European. I only know two people that own a PS4. I know many more that own Xbones and Switches.

One already sold more units than 360. And its not even dead yet.


But I dont have an Xbox

>I'm European.
which country
> I know many more that own Xbones and Switches.
that's strange cause xbone and switch sales are much lower than ps4 sales in Europe

you must live in some weird place


literally population of 5 million people lol
why are snowfriends so weird?

Then you are a liar. The PC version of Gears 4 is over 200 gb now. The last patch was 120 gb the original download was 83 gb. Quit defending this shit company just because you want to defend the fact you fell for the Windows 10 scam and the Xbone scam.

Or you can keep pretending those pics are impressive. Whatever helps you sleep xtard.

>tfw i might get a xbone x cause i dont have space for a pc and its cheap power

Norway > all other european countries

You don't need to download all the 120gb on Xbox.

Varg is pretty based, I'll give you that