>over 200k copies sold
>not even month passed and literally nobody plays the game anymore
Why would anyone sane play fighting games on PC?
Over 200k copies sold
Other urls found in this thread:
>that huge drop
did they just release a new hat in dota or a new survival game on early access?
>Why would anyone sane play fighting games?
Fixed that for you.
the servers are down
>all the Tekken hype was just a spite reaction to SFV
>it will happen all over again with DBFZ
>Withholding the American relase of the game
I'm done giving my money to Jap devs. They can go fuck themselves for ruining every IP they have.
That's because fighting games get boring after a couple weeks
No tutorial means I sure as hell can't be fucked to learn the game from the ground up without any help. I refunded it.
People learned SFII in arcades without a training mode. You're just a bitch.
No, I'm a busy bitch, and I don't have 200 hours to pour into learning systems that should be explained in-game. There's no excuse.
True, you have no excuse.
>mfw GG has a great tutorial
Feels great for a beginner like me to have basic fighting game concepts explained. I look forward to playing online tomorrow and getting my ass kicked.
You wouldn't bother anyway since it would still take >200 hours. The only difference would be getting the info in the game instead of a youtube video.
>implying fighting games usually have higher player numbers on any platform.
most normalfags play with friends irl for a couple party nights and then quit after they beat the arcade mode a couple times. no one actually commits time to fighting games outside of asians and black people.
>that feel when honorary black
Feels good, man.
Do I get a BBC, too?
no, only your wife does.
>Why would anyone sane play fighting games
Idk user, fighthing games are not fun and you have to be a complete retard to find fun in remembering all the movesets and combos.
Can I say nigger in public at least?
>have a friend who is completely autistic about fighting games
>They're all he ever wants to play
>We hang out and play some
>I'm still learning the controls, I ask him which button does what
>He laughs
>He does a cool attack
>Oh how do you do that?
>We play about 6 matches, he goes complete autist focus on each round
>I get obliterated
>He fucking boasts at the end
>Shittalks me
And people wonder why fighting games get a bad rep
Just nigga my man.
I'm willing to bet this guy is intermediate at best and gets destroyed by players who actually know their shit. Actual FGC folks are usually friendly and willing to help out.
That's good enough for me, my nigga.
A guy who acts like that is gonna act like that no matter what he's playing.
You've got a shitty friend, user. Don't blame vidya for that.
He's a good friend otherwise, he just goes full autism-mode when it comes to fighting games
The game sold 100K copies on PS4. Color me surprised it's dead on PC too.
>dont play fighting games
>veteran fighting game friend tries to get me into them
>stomps the absolute shit out of me in the first few matches
>takes pity on me and decides to teach me from the ground up
>only pushes as hard as he should for it to be challenging for me
>weeks go by, then months, slowly start to get better
>can crush most other players online, still find myself struggling a little against friend
>one day we're playing and giving each other bantz, matchup feels around 50/50 at this point
>take it a little too far with the banter, friend goes full autismo and reveals that he was actually still holding back and proceeds to shit stomp me over and over almost as badly as the first time
it also houses one of the most cancerous community in existence. FGC serves as a containment for white trash and niggers, smart people play something else
>T7 1278
Damn. I would have never imagined Tekken being this popular.
A tutorial isn't going to make you good at any game.
To be honest Tekken would gain a lot from some sort of tutorial. There is bunch of hidden mechanics that were introduced in previous installments and are not explained in any way here.
Steam off. Game holds, indeed it takes less time to find a match than in PS4
Seems like you were asking for it. Eat your slice of humble pie now.
Have a (You)
>things that never happened
>not just looking at the player list in community hub
>playerbase down to less than a third within a single month
>this is somehow a fact to cheer about
OP is a faggot and cut out the part where it goes back to the usual rate, probably servers went down for a while
Could be worse.
Truthfully PC is not a fighting game platform which is why I'm surprised
1) Namco released T7 for it
2) people actually bought the PC release
add Gubna on steam and I'll invite you to a couple lobbies that are populated by fellow noobs to help learn
And PC release turned out to be the best one.
Be more subtle with your bait next time, OP.
Will do. I live in norcal so im not sure how the quality of the connection will be though.
I was joking around because I see these threads popping up during lowest points of a day all the time.
>B-but Street Fighter!
Don't worry, this is Tekken in another month.
I live in CO and can play with dudes in cal and Yukon and ny no prob. netcode in Gg is excellent
>better anything
Tekken 7 would not have been made if it wasn't for consoles. PC only gets games because of consoles. If consoles weren't so profitable to offset PC port costs and losses, you wouldn't get games at all.
T7 Arcades ran on PCs
>Tekken 7 almost sold in a month more than SFV in a year
What happened to Capcom???
thats what the single player experience is for, for weak ass players like you
That's actually hilarious
Arcade PC != Gaming PC
Tons of Japanese games have "PC versions" but only for arcades. They often don't get native PC versions because of piracy. The arcade versions also have some extremely robust anti-piracy systems in place, and the fact Arcsys' were finally playable on PC was the big reason why they decided to give PC games just weeks before an updated installment came out for consoles.
I'm playing the superior fighting game.
no shit you cunt, casuals dropped the game
without PC there would be no consoles period
or video games
And people made fun of SFV for days when Tekken 7 got released.