Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

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The girl on the left.

Dante is cool, but...
>femdom fetish
It was over before it began

the boy on the right


bayo is the bae for me

Isn't Bayonetta totally OP and shit?

Bayo would win in a fight with Witch time. Sorry Danny.

DMC1 Dante>Bayonetta>DMC3 Dante>DMC4 Dante>DMC2 Dante

If you're going to be edgy, might as well be balls to the wall edgy and pick someone who takes the entire fucking planet down with him because he doesn't give a fuck.

Who's being edgy, faggot?

Only because Bayonetta has a contract with one of the strongest demons from hell giving her a ton of magic power.
Dante's power is all his.

Dante and Bayo are both edgy, shitlord.

Bayonetta doesn't even have a black-red color scheme, she is unable to be edgy even if she tried.

Wait a minute, Bayo is evil? I'm getting a refund.

Does it even matter?

Both is good.


also 2>1

Am I supposed to say who would win in a fight or who I like more?

Literally Hitler.


Does it work well on the emulator?

>Bayo is evil
Bayo is borrowing power from hell to fight angels because both heaven and hell are assholes trying to take over Earth. She knocks down any establishments of strong angelic power to maintain balance on earth so neither side will win.

Not really, even if going all out using the power of Madame Butterfly, Dante would still give Bayonetta a run for her halos. We've never seen Dante come close to going all out, nothing has ever really challenged him.

Try it for yourself, dickhead.

The latest version fixed the ear rape (literally ear rape, it was so loud that my ears hurt) and if you have the very latest nvidia gpu driver installed, the game is in a playable state visually, although things still flicker.
And in cutscenes, when new models or shaders or whatever have to load, the cutscene lags but the sound doesn't which makes them go out of synch. Overall it's in an enjoyable state already. Better than buying a Wii U for one game.

Astouning how this relatively young emulator runs this better than the ps2 emulator runs some ancient ps2 games.

DMC4 doesn't work on anything other than Directx 10, so Bayonetta.

The ps2 emu guys also weren't bombed with patreon donations I guess. Pretty sure the Cemu team does this full time by now.

Why is she so lewd and why can she use hair magic when she cut her hair off?

the cuff/neck choker thing presumably hides the hair running along the back of her neck

She is loowd because it's great and she didn't cut even one inch off. She makes it look like that with magic just like Jeanne probably did in 1 since she had even shorter hair and could still use magic.
Although they seem to magically extend their hair by a thousand times when they bind demons so I'm not sure how important actual hair length really is, maybe it helps if they are already long originally.

>We've never seen Dante come close to going all out, nothing has ever really challenged him
His special form in DMC2 (And I think it's in 4 too) come closest I guess. I can't remember how it's triggered in 4 but in 2 it works when he is on the brink of death. That form is OP as shit.


Stopped reading there.

That form also appeared in the manga!

>technical action with high skill ceiling vs. buttonmashing qte

how is this even a question

Both are shit compared to Ninja Gaiden

Can't tell which is which here

I was wondering when Ninja Shitters would show up to ruin the thread as they usually do.

Which one has QTEs and which one doesn't?

>Bayonetta doesn't even have a black-red color scheme
what? she did in 1

There were 6 QTEs in Bayonetta, user.
6. SIX.

Dante ez.

But this has already been answered


+Gold and +Purple on her glasses


>Some fag on yutub that don't know nuthin

true, the creator of both already said bayo.

>Dante and Bayo are both edgy, shitlord.

>Jobbed to mundus
What a goddamn loser

He also doesn't consider every single game after DMC as canon so FUCK him.

Wonder Director

Good, DMC2 is utter trash and 3 and 4 Dante aren't even the same character we saw in DMC1
Fuck, Dante is never the same character, he is diferent every time. How does he have a fanbase exactly?

Bayonetta look like stretched monstrosity and her games try way too hard to top DMC and dip into shitty QTE territory doing that.

>don't know nuthin

You mean how they use both characters weapons and abilities to explain the outcome? Dante can counter everything Bayo has.

He was talking about DMC1 Dante, current Dante is on a different level.

>How does he have a fanbase exactly?
It's all they know. And majority of his fanbase have never given the Bayo games a chance.
First they believed Bayo was a ripoff and a one-time thing and second because Nintendo.
Bayo and Nintendo offends the mature and masculine gamer.

I think y'all are forgetting about someone here

DMC1 dante includes the one using the powers of his father.
And what makes you believe DMC4 dante is on a different level? Nothing in DMC4 challenges him because there is fuckall there that could mean trouble for him, it's a challenge for Nero only. Dante defeated the demon king in DMC1, the fourth game is for him what it's like to visit a low level area as a high level player in some MMORPG.

>3 and 4 Dante aren't even the same character we saw in DMC1

As a pretty fucking obvious joke you retard.

"Obvious" if you really want it to be a joke

Can we talk about how sad it is that Bayonetta will NEVER let Luka fuck her because she does not want to commit to a human that only has a fragment of her lifespan?
Luka is so based that I would be okay with him fucking my waifu once because he earned it.

>not obvious
Are you retarded?

>creator that had absolutely nothing to do with the former except its inception
That's like treating what Rob Liefeld said regarding Deadpool's power level as the truth.

I don't even know what interview or whatever you guys are refering to, I'm just starting shit.

That's because this is made as an emulator and PCSX2 is a weird plate of spaghetti hamburgers.
First it was a platorm to see how the fuck PS2 even worked at all, then dropped that, changed to a platform that was only ever meant to play ONE game (that is FFX, later FFXII), then backtracked on that as well, et cetera.
It's a horrible mess that no one wants to knock down because of how much work has gone into it already.

CEMU only started getting the Patreon bux years into development after they had shown considerable progress.

Albeit, to be fair to both sides, WiiU is but a superset of Wii so the people working on CEMU had a base to start with - Dolphin. Whereas PCSX2 had to do everything from scratch, including a ton of research into just what the fuck is going on.


No other human being could be able to reach more good boy points and she still did not fuck him? Source?


>When Hideki Kamiya was asked about the relationship between Bayonetta and Luka, he simply stated: "She teases Luka; like a toy, but will never commit, he'd die long before her."
It actually is kinda sad. So what if he dies before her? So do pets and I still love my pets.

That's more abstract than any Berserk page I have ever seen. What the hell is going on?

His Majin Trigger lets Dante drain demonic magic.

And turn women back into lolis.

No. CAN we fucking Talk about how Platinum Games managed to come up for an actually good explanation for their female character showing her skin off while Hideo "Kami" Kojima failed at this with Quiet?

But both are great explanations user

Well, Platinum Games also managed to come up with a better Metal Gear game than Kojima did with V.

>only comes along for shits and giggles

Demi Fiend is low tier

>what is quicksilver

If you think that's abstract then explain to me what the fuck this is.

You don't know shit

guess that makes dante and bayo even lower tier

He's not even the strongest character in his own series.

No playable protag comes close except for his fuccboi son

If I remember correctly, if DF tries to jump off the tower Dante does before their fight it either kills him or reduces him to one HP.

That's near the beginning of the fucking game!

In what way? Because Dante felt like helping Demi Fiend and purposely left it up to a coin toss he knew full well was rigged?

I'd say Aleph or Door-Kun come pretty close actually

I want those two to have a child together


Even at the end you don't really beat him and he almost impales Demi-Fiend.


Dante - Demon Hunter, Son of Sparda, Manlet.

Is her back okay?

It was answered before this autism with a piece of art featuring both ending up in bed together and Bayo coming out on top.

Bayonetta making Donte her bitchslave that never gets the puss

For all the shit the game caused, that Newsman-Demon boss was absolute fucking hype. So good and well presented.
Why could they not just start a new series with this kinda setting and just not call it DmC? Fucking idiots.

Honestly, the game is an ok game.
There's nothing wrong with it, except that it's called Devil May Cry.


Door-kun wouldn't be a door if he had more power

Some people choose not to own pets.

Smart people.

I don't have enough hats to tip at this

What's your pet then?

Dante because i played his games years ago when i wasnt so depressed