BB did not deserve that Sunday EVO spot

BB did not deserve that Sunday EVO spot.

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Sunday games aren't decided by who gets the most entrants

Woah I didn't expect GG to be that popular

McRabbi put GG and Melee on Saturday because they were the biggest threats in popularity to SFV. It would look very bad if other Sunday games got more entrants and viewers than the heavily pushed e-sport game, so he sabotaged them to keep SFV in the spotlight.
BB produced one of the best Grand Finals in fighting game history you bitch nigga.

is fighting games dying?

Glad I'm not the only one to notice that the numbers were lower than usual

>No KI this year

Is it just this one dude or is the whole FGC trying to pretend SFV isn't a giant steaming pile?

EVO is dead.

Every league is pushing SFV. It's not just them. They are bleeding dry as a result but instead of admitting it they go full "it's good to lose casuals retards we are keeping the hardcore master race that's all that count" instead.

He's definitely not part of the SFV defense force but ribs aren't free

>shining force 4-5
>star craft 5
>Mario Kart
sounds like it

>Melee down almost 1000 entrants
Feels good.

>What did you do over the 4th of July weekend, user?
>I complained and stressed about how many people watch other people play video games!

Melee will be second place next year

>not ARMS

>the 4th falls on a tuesday

It got oversaturated with tournaments. Every other weak there is a major tournament that's supossed to have 500+ entrances. It's literally too much of a good thing

People try to bash SF4, but it revived the fighting game genre. SF5 failed to pass the baton properly, and is in a constant struggle to catch up.

>Every day, there's one CRT and one working Gamecube less.
>Melee literally dies with every single day.

Melee might have been #1 this year too, but:
>EVO generally runs a shit tournament
>crammed into Saturday despite insane support
>Sunday taken by tr4sh
I know FGCniggers don't like Melee. But if you don't like Melee, you're going to fucking hate tr4sh.

That's also a thing, but there hasn't been a "major" in a month, if you count Smash n' Splash.

>Smash4 + Melee more than SFV

It's just a party game they said.

What happened in 2014? Nearly every title had shit entries

Smash4 still is

>all that angry babytalk

Fact: Smash is a better fighting game than all that boring SF/KOF/BB/MVC horseshit.

If it's more popular than Capcom it's not a fighting game

What the fuck is babytalk about it? Use terms correctly you dumb filthy nigger.

Go steal a dictionary.

Por KoF...

>forgets about BenQ monitors+Wii's and PC's

There are literally 10s of millions upon millions of Wii's out there, And 3rd parties will make gamecube controllers and replacement parts as long as Melee and new smash games are a thing.

We're here to stay. Stay buttslammed.

Melee is, but Smash4? Lol

>Smash 4 has had more entries than Melee every year
Huh? Melee players told me it was getting bigger and bigger? What's going on?

Better than how it did in 2014. See

>2016 vs 2015 viewership

Tekken 7 - 35k vs 54k (~36% drop)
Smash WiiU - 71k vs 97k (~23% drop)
Killer Instinct - 25k vs 66k (~62% drop)
Mortal Kombat X - 104k vs 188k (~45% drop)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - 121k vs 165k (~27% drop)
Guilty Gear Xrd - 136k vs 121k (~12% growth)
Smash Melee - 219k vs 206k (~6% growth)
Street Fighter - 182k vs 228k (~21% drop)

Melee masterrace always growing, Never stop always going big dick

Melee > Smsh4 > everything else.
Seriously, I tried watching the finals of GG, BB and KOF and they were so fucking boring and slow, meanwhile the finals for Melee were fast and hype af.

Sponsors and sponsored players keep pushing SFV because otherwise both are out of jobs.

It's down from last year to my memory. It's the new game in the series so naturally it's going to have a lot of interest still. It'll probably also live longer considering the campy fags like zero cant figure out how to turn it into brawl, thank fucking god.

To be quite honest ima meleefag and I hope smash4 lives, only to prove to Nintendo that people in the Nintendo fanbase WANT competitive and faster games. Hopefully the next smash game will have better movement again, thats the biggest thing sm4sh lacks.


>Smash WiiU - 71k vs 97k (~23% drop)
>Smash Melee - 219k vs 206k (~6% growth)

Melee just strait shits on 4.

I hope EVO survives long enough to have them fighting herds on there.

Melee>Tekken>SFV>Everything else>Smash4

Im more looking forward to EVO Japan since GG and BB will take more of a center stage. Shit we might even see UNIEL[st] there as well.

>WOOOW people who like other fighteres arent interested in Smash!

Except it's meeleefags themselves insisting on playing on original systems.


>116 reposts, 118 likes
Cute little shitpost noone cares about

>no DOA5 again

fucking EVO. It's a good game.

What the fuck are "bugged viewing mechanics" supposed to be?

Sounds like Melee.

But replacement controllers won't have that glitch that every pro uses to move. So I agree with that user.

You really believe your own bullshit, don't you? especially considering 90% of the community already plays on Wii's.

Here's your (you) wojack fag. Back to SRK with you.

We'll they're at least gonna have a hard time shilling MVCI since the graphics alone will keep casuals away.

Smash 4 is easier to jump into. Melee requires more skill, ergo, less people can play it at its full potential.

hehe yeah you showed me xdddd

There is no "bug", it's a oversight of production. Also, the new Smash 4 gamecube controllers can shield drop and have all that, as can the playasia controllers which are still produced nowadays. It's not going anywhere.

I know you don't play the games you're shitposting about but DO try to keep up senpai, you're looking pretty bad out there if you're trying to bait.

Who did?

>people unironically still playing SFV

Is it autism?

I did

>promote shit ass SFV
>put BB on Sunday over fucking GG
>put Smash 4 on Sunday over fucking Melee
How do you put 2 games that supported you greatly for years in the trash can in favor of fucking SFV?

Battered Women's Syndrome

>Is it autism?

Ask smash players.

But if they allow that game then their event held in a sweaty auditorium filled with weebs, neckbeards, and ex-cons might not attract mainstream respect. You understand.

Does it even have a competitive scene, though?

I know, in the fighting game "community", everyone always shits on each other's games, but I'm really happy that Tekken had such a good turnout. The way 3d fighters are being treated by tournament organizers is fucking ridiculous and one of the reasons why the genre is so stuck.


t. SFV Internet Defense Force

Melee fans are smarter, more dedicated and simply just better people than tr4shfags.

If you compare the best player of each game, everyone loves mango while everyone hates scarflard.


Not a SF fag but I imagine 5 is the one the pro tours and sponsors are supporting right now, so while a LOT of the Professional players and even mid and low levels have voiced disgust with SF5, they have to keep playing it to make money or have someone to play with.

The unfortunate mentality behind Sf players is that they "ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO" fucking support their latest game, whereas if they were smart they'd use their attendance against their sponsors/corporations and simply not go to events to protest capcoms incessant need to casualize for EZ $. Sure some might lose their sponsors (temporarily) but hurting these corporations pockets when the community is the face of their sales and profits is very much so a option for them.

I think it's good that the esports meme is dying and corporate leeches will leave the FGC alone.

It's rather small, but it does have a steady scene in America and Japan and Team Ninja does a really great job at supporting and updating it even 5 years after release.

Sad when fucking Pokken gets more support than most.

I don't into FGC, but I thought everyone hates SFV? and why does Sm4sh have more entrees than Melee if it's not as good? why do people still play UMvC3?

>best Melee player

>muh tr4sh
fuck off already, reddditor


also see

On a scale of 1-10, how mad are you right now?

>No KI

And why should I care? I'm only going to watch the DBZF side tournament. Maaaaaaaaybe I'll watch GG and BB.

Don't you have a neutral to reset, tr4shfag?

There is a power structure that are purists/traditionalists and you can clearly see that with the current debates on controller legality/mods. My locals are pretty much all modded wiis, and people are hyped about hax's mods because there's no way anyone is gonna hunt down shield drop/dash back controllers or do notch jobs etc. I do think there is a disconnect between the top tourney players/figure heads and hundreds of thousands of players just having fun with their friends. It's not gonna kill melee or anything but they are gonna have to learn to become more accepting of new things if they want to keep growing and not face inevitable problems down the line

Are there any stream schedule confirmations yet? I kinda wanna catch DBZF. Game legit looks fun.


I don't get it.

>but I thought everyone hates SFV?
"Pros" need to play for $$$ even if they don't really like the actual game (Or if they actually do which would be even worse since they genuinely believe the shit they say)

SFV dropped significantly. It still remains the most played because the normies in the FGC will play SF regardless.

I know atleast 5 people who admit its shit but say "i gotta play it because its street fighter man". Putrid cancer.

Hmmm I dunno nignog, maybe because they're the 2 most recent entries in the 2 most popular fighting game franchises? As for Marvel, people can't let go of the ancient mahvel meme and fake hypetrain.

No I can agree to that, the unfortunate thing is that mods like that are hard to keep track of and are easily accessible. The best thing a TO can do (at least for majors) in hopes of getting something like Hax's mod normalized and widespread enough to be the default is taking Wii's and Gamecubes before tournaments and overwriting the memcards before hand to make sure each install is good and "vanilla" according to the intended changes in the mod.

The potential legality issues of changes ppl can do using memory cards will be the main thing stopping it.

Tekken ALIVE.

Greatest of all time baby.

Of course, you don't.

>That video where Gamerbee and Justin are being sarcastic fuckers and laughing at saying SFV is smart
>Gamerbee says v-triggers are smart and as he finishes the sentence both him and Justin break out in laughter.

The people who genuinely defend SFV and aren't pros should be shot.

Smash players smell

>two washed up players who failed to adapt criticize the latest game
Makes you ponder.


Holy shit

Go to a NY SF event, tell me them niggas dont smell like the inside of boxers jockstrap. Stop cherrypickin nigga. It's the FGC in general got this problem.

Practically everyone that participates in fightan tourneys is a dirty smelly mofo. Except the Japs, they always clean.

not saying smash 4 gets more viewers normally
but in 2016 melee's timeslot got moved a better timeslot, right before street fighter

smash 4 isn't even shown on the main event day (sunday). smash 4 starts at 8am on fucking saturday.

Bring back bullying!

I'm glad you guys at least stopped arguing that Melee isn't a fighting game, deciding instead to nitpick how its players smell.

I guess that was a losing battle. You were being BTFO in every thread. Though it seems atypical of FGCucks to just give up like that.

I was at a tourney last weekeend and it was breaking hot. Still, the place didn't start to smell because players actually knew about hygiene. Shit, most of them brought deodorant with them (myself included).

And then the smashfags showed up.