Fate Grand Order

Whats ya doing while waiting for AP?

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Install Gentoo

Jerk off

>Its Saturday
>The green daily drops monuments I can use to ascent my waifu
>Need 4 Saber, 5 Archer and 5 Lancer Monuments
>Get to the point where Im out of AP
>Recharge my AP with Quartz while all the cute Servants I sacrifice for this flash before my eyes
>It hurts so much but I do it for Jannu
>Take solace in the knowledge that she will bring me many friend points that I can use for Angry Manjew
>Finally get to the point where I only need one more Lancer Monument
>Reach the Fatal Battle
>It's Gilgamesh, the King of Jobbers
>He's looking at me with his arms crossed and a shit eating grin on his face because he knows what he's doing to me
>Kill his Golden Rule Enuma Elish spamming ass
>My last AP went down the drain for that
>I turn my mind into steel and pop another Quartz
>It's Gilgamesh again
>And again
>I have nine Archer Monuments by now
I hate this faggot in his golden armor with his dumb fucking earrings and bdsm toys he keeps firing at me


watching osrs dmm tourney

This is your berserker for the roll.

Say something nice about her.

What welfare 4* should I choose for my current team?


this desu

So how am i doing Sup Forums? Are my servants good enough?
Aslo, what do you use Mana cubes on?



>no three 5stars

Why is this bitch so popular? She has way more doujins than some girls like Altera.

Reminder that trying to romance Scheherazade is going directly counter to the nature of her legend and is BAD CIVILIZATION.

Was about to fall asleep but decided to do a couple single rolls, ended up getting every thing i wanted and more. Long live the Grand Order.

>Do daily quest for them Magic Prisms and get tickets
>use the rest of my AP doing story
>barely complete 2 story stages

So when are they giving us more of those Golden Apples that restore AP, I saw a screenshot of a jap with hundreds of them

>no one uses my support anymore

Playing LoL
Also will we get the summer event along the jp version or just a 4th of july event?

>be me
>sleep deprived and out of AP
>have 30 FP summons ready and say why not
>didn't flick hard enough
>it was quartz 10x

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I guess having 3 5* servants is, uh, cool?

NP2 Herk or Tamacat

You already have best dog
Shi is meh
She is meh
You already have him
She is shit
He is shit

What does Heaven's Feel do again?


I'm sorry for your lost.

Depends on what you want
d'Eon is cute
Elizabeth is good for all girl teams
Stheno is good for Divine teams
Carmilla is the best assassin for a long time

Did the Jap version ever had quarts sale?



Rerolling for Waver + any other 5*

NP strenght boost IIRC

Time for a reroll

I just started for the morning. I'm clearing the 40AP doors mission, got a level-up, and will be clearing the last 30AP Duel w/ Three Knights. Probably do some story missions after that, too.

She has a nice AOE NP.

Oh! It seems you have been selected to become a Master. Time to choose your servant! You may only choose one.

I don't care if you have jack shit feel free to add me if you need some help, I have 11 dust and the meme Wizard should ascend again then insta be level 70 soon. Just don't have Mash as your main support, so I know it's you.

Files for the Summer event are in the game. We might find out like today what we're getting since Aniplex is having their F/GO thing at Anime Expo. Would make sense if they did do it since it'll give us something decent right away and the Summer gacha has a shitload of limiteds (even 4*s), and it'll give English players a taste of popular characters like Scat and Mordred before the regular versions come out.


Regend is really good for a 1 star but Carmilla is more useful

*lies to her*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid.

40% damage to your NP I think.

Used to have it on Altera prior to rolling a better waifu account, and I still kinda miss it.

>tfw got Artoria Pendragon Saber with the damage boost and Hercules on my first box opening
>tfw stack damage boost on Herc and he just straight up 1 turns everything

Mother fucker i need my free 4 star
I finally rolled Waver the other day but I have no damage

Fuck those fags I choose this one!



So i only rolled a herc.
Should i take a free herc and combine him with my other herc or emiya since im a fucking emiya fanboy?

>tfw Basaka murder Jeanne Alter (Ruler)

Is Unlimited Blade Works a good np? I have the feeling it does kind of meh damage.
Also is Limited/Zero over a good CE for Emiya? I know he only has 1 buster card, but it should also increase UBW damage right?

Where the hell you guys farming your caster pieces?

Most Golden Apples are given in case of server fuckups or things like that.

The US version is probably gonna have new additions already fixed, since the problem was already solved on JP servers long ago, so expect way less apologems/applegies

Redman all the way.

Jeanne deals 110% damage and takes only 50%
Herk deals 160% damage and takes 200%
Waver deals 90% and takes 100%

Classes have hidder damage multipliers
Saber x1.0
Archer x0.95
Lancer x1.05
Rider x1.0
Caster x0.9
Assassin x0.9
Berserker x1.1
Avenger x1.1

Jannu does 1.10% damage though

UBW will be decent only once you complete his interlude quest which gives it 33% extra damage.
L/ZO is a good choice, and it does affect his NP.

Unless you can emem Wizard Hercs Np up then for awhile he wont be the best if you fuse two Herc until bond level 10 where he becomes a unkillable monster, but Emiya is great so get him since you like him so much.

So jeannu is the obvious choice?

Waver/Herc fags BTFO

>Rolling Waver for damage


The fucker with Buster Chain + damage buffs simply murders everything on sight.

Reminder to save some quartz to roll for this cute banana oni

It`s Aniplexand they already keep fucking up, Did you know there is a bug going on right now were if you try to full restore your AP it just doesn't happen?
Aniplex is fucking garbage, so I almost expect more.

Nigga I already have Altera and Waver on this account, I ain't going back to jail.

So the irony of this is Saber was my one true waifu when I first got into FSN in 2004, and stayed that way for a long time. When I did my rerolling, she was my first 5* and showed up 6 times after. The final time she showed her face, she had Kaleidoscope.

She was just waiting for a moment of weakness to force herself into my box. I cannot be rid of her. I accept my fate.

She has helped me a lot for the 40AP hands farming. She's such a great tank despite the NP stun, why do people keep saying she's utter shit?

why are you guys playing this shitty game?
the only good thing about it is the gacha looks cool, but even then, the gacha never gives you good shit

100% devoted total waifu unless you betray her then she turns into a dragon and burn you into a crisp.

Not really because she has a low max ATK cap compared to Herk, her deck is QAAAB and is vastly inferior to the QABBB deck for dealing damage.

Fuck, that's great then, I'm not putting a dime into this game, so extra Quartz is always nice

Maybe I'll pay for a new years 5* roll,
but that's it


If you can only have one then Jeanne is the best one. Waver can't do anything alone and Berserker goes down too fast even with nine lives.

Cheap, useable 3* unit folks probably got after surviving reroll hell. Easy to enhance her NP too, which on its own is pretty decent.

She's also cute, a good cook, and won't kill you unless you're really asking for it. All adds up to the perfect housewife!

She falls off to other servants later on. People who roll Waver is thinking two years in the future

>Fight starts
>Herc gets buffed up and has 9 lives already
>Has his own attack up, Sabers attack, master spell attack up, Waver gives him Crit up, gives himself Crit up
>Buster chain
>Everything dies in one shot
It is so funny to see.

The tanned asshole it is. Thanks user

keep bullying Gilles

Anyone need another waver drone? I'll start leveling the others soon.

>gacha looks cool
You mean the phantasy star-esque design?

Did it back when it was the daily becuase I knew I would need them ahead of time.

yea, you get a dopamine rush every time even though you know it's never going to give you anything

Mordred when?


Thanks man. Gotta farm those silver Archer monuments and proof of heroes somehow now. Any tips?

But she looks fat. Or at least has chubby cheeks


this is the greatest video I've ever seen

I'm well aware of the powercreeping but if you were to listen to some people you'd be better burning her even right now when she's still useful.

If we get the Summer event, really soon, if not, a few months until London.

Heroes you get a fuck ton of for daily log in and going through the story, you are luck and today the 30Ap daily green quests drop archer stuff.

Are dailies or Free Quests better for farming hero pieces?

Dailies have better drop rates but the current ones are shit and have a bunch of different classes so its harder to get what you need.

I want to drown in Sabers

How do i get the free 4*?

>all these golden archer embers

Who the fuck do I spend these on?

You pray.

Check the dropmaps here. The dailies shown are the old jp ones, which happen to be more or less the same we have in the us version.

Dailies tend to have better drops than farming free quests, but keep in mind that the higher the AP the higher chance of dropping monuments instead of pieces.

Next month.

Just all the more to love, user.


>Nasu glorified the fuck out of Agravain in Camelot
>doesn't make him recruitable though
Literally why

>Whats ya doing while waiting for AP?

Watching Flash tv show.

Save for one of the best Archers in the game who happens to be free and a semen demon.

Lolis can't be semen demons

Free you say?

Too bad they'll skip the event for NA