This is the Hello Games Code Lead for No Mans Sky, no wonder the game was a trainwreck
This is the Hello Games Code Lead for No Mans Sky, no wonder the game was a trainwreck
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Then why did you buy it?
What are these new buzzwords?
I pirated it and deleted it after an hour
What's an ace voice?
Aces will finally be given a voice next year in Ace Combat 7.
For anyone else confused what the fuck 'ace' is, I googled 'ace gender' and got this:
Gray asexuality or gray-sexuality (sometimes spelled grey) is the spectrum between asexuality and sexuality. Individuals who identify with gray asexuality are referred to as being gray-A, a grace or a gray ace, and make up what is referred to as the "ace umbrella".
-From Wikipedia
'Ace' is just short for Asexual it seems. (AKA nu-lib horseshit)
>ace voices
Excuse me?
fukkin this.
Does intersex mean a tranny that's currently between genders or trying to invent a new one?
And the fuck is ace?
Why do white "men" do this?
Represent that gender, if you're so great.
He really hates straight people, huh..
I don't even understand this. Is he talking about hiring trans people as VAs?
finish fucking highschool
intersex means someone who was born with both male and female reproductive organs
one is obviously dysfunctional and just rudimentary but it's not easy to remove
senpai i'm and and they didn't teach us it in highschool
>I don't fuck people, but sometimes I do
I just realized we never talked about this in school
No, he's sperging on about some gay pride thing not including his imaginary thingies
Why does ace mean something stupid now? Back two decades ago you could say "yo that shit is ace" and it meant something that was cool. Now it's some faggot libshit.
>you were taught this in highschool
It's important to cycle what words you use to describe yourself bimonthly so that nobody ever has any idea what you're talking about I suppose.
Also don't most videogame characters count as asexual? Mostly games don't depict any sort of sexual attraction unless they're really story-driven "games", and those already pander hard to these fucks.
But how can you know someone's trans or hermaphrodite or asexual by their voice?
All those 3 things people keep to themselves and would never fucking tell anyone about in their life
If they wear it on their T-shirt then they're clearly not either of those
I follow someone on Twitter for their art who identifies as 'ace', and half of their posts are about sex
As far as I can tell, ace is some term for people who call themselves asexuals but are actually obsessed with sex
This is not something that people learn in high school.
Obviously because they are the superior race. If you just ignore that =)
'Intersex' used to be called hermaphrodites so allow me to apologise on the other anons behalf that they aren't up-to-date with the new (((progressive))) terms they brainwash - sorry - EDUCATE kids in school with now.
This reminds me of that post where that Gay guy said we we're now so deep into social justice that being gay is mysoggynee or something. Maybe soon we'll get so deep that even being human is offensive
most """asexuals""" aren't even asexual
just like most """trans""" kids aren't even trans
This is what the industry looks like, people.
Well I don't know.
We went through it in biology classes when discussing rudimentary organs and anomalies, like why humans have missing tails and why some animals still have fins etc.
I guess you had some shitty teachers
to be fair that is a bit silly but the fact of the matter remains that feminists are frequently homophobic as fuck, especially towards gay men
the term 'intersex' was never used is the point we're making
those were still hermaphroditic species when i graduated
I've found that anyone who ever describes themselves as "asexual" or "please use they/them" is a girl who's had a bad breakup recently and wants attention
Wider inclusion means to reach the 99% of the population.
Nobody gives a fuck about those 1% fags, trannies etc.
Say something nice about xir
>vthey aren't up-to-date with the new (((progressive))) terms they brainwash - sorry - EDUCATE kids in school with now
>The term intersexuality was coined by Richard Goldschmidt in 1917
Why hell mr vampire grandpa
1800s called, they want you back in your coffing
that's nice but we still used the term hermaphrodite up until at least 2009, even in canada, even in the nice, wealthy areas
>the industry
nah that's just the shitty indie clique
I work in game dev at a bigger company and we post racist jokes and make fun of "genderfluid" bullshit all day
We need some kind of global event that kills all of these mentally ill people in one moment
Give humanity another chance
Most sex education was shitty when Sup Forums was in highschool, and that's where this would be taught. No idea what sex ed is like now, though.
In high school, we learned things like "math" and "history" and "literature". It was a simpler time.
Putting them first?
I'll acknowledge they have it rough, but they're not like the guy in a wheelchair who needs the first parking spot because of his handicap
I'll support you as a equal but I'm not putting you on a pedestal as an elite, that's asking too much
this, kind of
would've been nice to not have to figure out gay sex from the internet
oh well we still didn't use the term 'intersex'
1% is generous. what he's naming is less than 0.001%
user, wasn't sex ed banned like 10 years ago?
Pretty sure it's not a thing anymore
This is legitimately giving me hope, keep on keeping on, Game Dev user
lgbt make up different parts of the population
gay men are the most, lesbians seconds, transgenders third, asexuals fourth
Who actually gives a fuck what new words these lesser "humans" come up with to describe themselves?
You're thinking of pedophilia. That was always banned, he lied to you.
Yes because fuck biology, right?
Who needs that shit that has the answer to why people are still dying from cancer anyway.
oh and i can't remember what portion bisexuals are
i think it's between trans and lesbian but a shitload closer to bi
honestly not many people are trans, even less are asexual
SHE also complained how the trans sign on a poster was apparently too small. What an insufferable cunt. They wonder why they get bullied on the internet.
>finish fucking highschool
I live in Asia, we learn people are either male, female, born herms, or mentally retarded degenerate subhumans that attention whore.
>public education
Thankfully my parents paid good money for me to get an actual education instead of being lectured on new buzzwords to replace shit like hermaphrodite because it hurt fee-fees
closer to lesbian*
Friendly reminder that 99% of this shit isn't for Trans people, it's for straight people who "care" about Trans people. It's a commercial label as in the same vein as, "Made in America" or "Green" or "Gluten-Free."
ok so what
Sup Forums pushes their politics into gaming just as much as any "SJW".
>Humans have missing tails
What the fuck are you on about
>born herms
That's literally what intersex is retardo
Took AP bio, nobody ever mentioned degenerate faggot shit like intersex, trans, or ace.
What country do you live in where they teach kids about intersex people in biology lessons?
>gay men are the most, lesbians seconds, transgenders third, asexuals fourth
pretty sure there are a lot more asexuals than trannies
just that, by the nature of asexuality, they dont stand out at all, and most of them dont really participate in the whole LGBT activism thing that is literally obsessed with sex.
This is how you pick a character's gender without people going crazy.
>new buzzwords
Back to the stone age with you
Guess that makes it okay for them to do it then, because obviously two wrongs make a right!
Intersex is a legitimate term, referring to someone with a variety of medical conditions that makes it so they don't quite fit the typical definitions of male and female.
So basically, an incredibly small subset of humans that are already fully aware that they're abnormal.
Gay people are 2-5% of the population, Trans make up .04% of the population. Modern studies suggest 25% of the population is bisexual, but the most popular answer to the question which gives that number was, "I'm straight, but if I found a sufficiently hot man/woman I might bone them."
>mfw I will never, ever support any game that has a tranny or other special snowflakes
You sicken me
maybe you should also focus on getting rid of Sup Forumstards from gaming too instead of just focusing on one side of the trouble makers you fucking idiot
my local area in the office is all just programmers though. I don't know how sjw-y other parts are. But from what I've seen, the process goes something like this:
>new person fresh out of college gets a job in a big company as a junior writer or QA or something
>come in with all these big grand sjw ideas
>they get ignored
>shortly afterwards, they leave to a small indie studio with likeminded people they know from uni or the internet or whatever and make indie pixel garbage
that being said, don't work at ubisoft or EA, they've been tainted by this stuff... mostly because upper management thought it would help their PR
That's called a hermaphrodite.
Isnt she a white male? Such privilege, can't she check it?
Maybe I am? You don't fucking know me cunt, get off your high horse.
at least Sup Forumstards outright call me a fag instead of dancing around and pretending they're my ally, only to immediately backstab at the slightest complaint
both are shit but i hate one more than the other
There are people who are born with tails.
It's a rudimentary organ that disappeared through evolution and became the ending vertebra of your spine.
how do you figure?
My high school didn't have homosex ed or whatever they taught you this in because I didn't go to goldberg academy.
Intersex is hermaphroditism you idiot, and Ace is just a delicate term meaning asexual, as in "the guy that doesn't want sex or even romance needs a special name."
You're an idiot if you think SJWs are worse than Sup Forumstard racists
So what? Hermaphrodite was still the staple word used.
How do you even do an asexual voice?
in terms of what actually affects me in real life?
fucking neither
but here on the internet, it's a different story, i cannot stand two-faced behaviour
I don't know what this freak shit has to do with SJW mental illnesses
Well a shitty fucking school you went to that never taught you about hermaphrodites
Sucks to be retarded
every time
At the moment one is because they are fucking with my video games.
It's the same principle as intersex people
some are born with tails that do fuck all
some are born with a penis and a vagina, one of which does fuck all except you have it, congrations, you won the freak of nature card, now live with it
i sure am suprised that all these college educated 20 and 30 somethings who live in sf, seattle, etc generally tend towards the left side of the political spectrum. thanks for letting me know about this instead of posting about video games or even how this is relevant to video games other than "a person involved in the development of a video game posted a virtue signaling tweet!!!!"
kill you are self my dude
They're literally in the same boat, each one uses the other as a boogeyman to excuse their own idiocy and lack of arguments.
>Believing the evolution meme
They don't even need to have had a breakup to want attention.
It never stops. They always want more attention
It doesn't?
You realize that there are actual physical mutations involved and it's not just a mental SJW special snowflake stuff?
You're not that retarded to just believe all Sup Forums says without knowing anything, are you?
I'd take Sup Forums over SJWs any day of the week
I just cannot fathom what these idiots actually want from "trans representation" in gaming. Isn't the whole fucking point of being trans to convincingly TRANSITION from one gender to another? Why in the fucking world would a trans person want to identify as explicitly as trans and not as the gender they desire to be, why would they want representation specifically as a trans character?
Oh wait, I know why. It's not actually about oppression and representation, it's about attention via victimization of their oh-so-unique snowflake persona. I swear to Christ if there exists trans people who would rather identify as trans and not just as a gender they should be rounded up and executed. These people are wrapped in so many layers of mental illness and think so selfishly that they have nothing positive to contribute to society.
*tips feather*
>Intersex is hermaphroditism you idiot
hermaphroditism being both male and female physically. "intersex" is babytalk for retards who think they are neither male nor female in their head.