How do you organize your steam games?
How do you organize your steam games?
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Installed or Uninstalled
if it isn't this then you should see a shrink
>numbering the categories
why did i not think of this
Favourites(to play yet)
This is the correct answer. Anyone else is an autist.
I bet your room is a mess and you dropped out of college
Flight Sim
Summer 2016 (sale backlog)
Summer 2017 (sale backlog)
Valve Shit
Games (finished and multiplayer)
My home is a mess and I dropped out of high school. You give me hope though.
can't drop out of college if you never started it. but yes, my room is a mess. it's not actually dirty, just cluttered with wires and electronics.
Everything else
Favorites, Classics, Maybes, Bro-op, Franchise 1, Franchise 2, Humble Bundle, Uninstalled.
Favorites for currently playing, Classics for biennial replays / uninstalled games i love, Maybes are for games i'll reinstall every once in a blue moon for a bit of a replay, Bro-op is self explanatory, Humble Bundle is just storage for new / cheap games i happen across but have yet to play / categorize, Star Wars and Warhammer get their own subcategories because they've got an assload of games i generally love but some i don't but are worth categorizing together, uninstalled are shit games i have no plan on ever installing / replaying again.
why should i even bother to organize it
i know what i have on my backlog
Why did I Buy This
Skating Games
I update the categories from time to time.
Doesn't work for everyone.
There is no "Best" way.
I do :
>(space)Genres I like
>-Genres I don't like as much
You could have Bought a house with that money user
This is an outdated version, it's much neater now
Like so. I am a simple man, I make simple things.
The default Uncategorized are just what's currently installed.
Nowhere near. I spent maybe 3k on all this if that.
>quarantine for shit I'm never going to play/play again
>the GAMES and VR sections can't be removed
Triggers my autism every day.
iirc you can remove games by assigning everything in it to a different catagory.
>he thinks he owns those games
> Playing
> Played
> Not Played
>single game under the vr section
>unironically spending precious minutes "sorting" your video game licenses
>going to college
what a retard
>Spending precious minutes sorting your library so that you save even more precious minutes looking for a game later.
You can do THAT!?
How autistic, I didn't even know you could do that.
Organize? What the hell? Also why
Come back when you have 300 games that need sorted and you only play about 3 of them at a given time.
not really useful as all the games I play are in anime
>not memorizing all video games you own
And they say this board isnt filled with casuals.
Only the most frequently played shit at a given moment.
For games I frequent enough to not have to scroll down and search for. Also games I'm currently playing through. Named as such for steam to sort the category near the top.
Games waiting for me to start playing them.
Games I'd like to play before I die but have no fucking patience to. Will likely only play these if I find myself without internet or on my laptop during a long trip. I probably won't play most of these before I die.
Sequels to games still in my backlog.
Games I suspect I'll play again eventually since they're good enough.
>Everything else
The black hole of no return.
>Jaqouille La Fripouille
Come again?
son I have plenty of games, and I don't need to organise them.
When I figure out which game I want to play, i literally just open steam and start typing the letters and it goes to it in the library.
can you guys not be like stinky gay girls and just download this
gosh, stop acting like basketball monkeys and grow a jesus-damn almond you damn milked prostate
You have them sorted right there you huge downie.
And they're organised, congratulations, you aren't retarded, just autistic as fuck.
I never know which game I want to play though, I look at steam to see what I could play most of the time.
That's counter intuitive.
If they were organized you could scroll through and narrow down the catagories and chose a game that way.
The "When I figure out" part is what takes the time. You say you have 3k games, like fuck you know all of them and can just pick one out. You probably spend more time thinking of which game to play than actually playing it. one point they weren't.
So not only did I
>have 300 games that need sorted and you only play about 3 of them at a given time.
I had 3 times that you dumb cunt.
I was in that position, so telling me to "come back when.." I already know. far better than you do.
If I put them into categories then I just have massive genre categories to stare at; it barely resolves the problem.
The way I find the game I want to play is I look at games that have interested me in the past, that i've been recommended, or that I have been wanting to play for a while. Alternatively, I can go on somewhere like steamdb or steamspy and just sort by rating or number of players to see if there are high-quality games i own that I haven't experienced yet.
Then, when I want to find said game, I'll type the letters to go to it and launch it quickly instead of having to do gay scrolling ilke some kind of fucking GUI faggot who can't install Gentoo.
the only category I added manually was "Try"
for games I still haven't decided on yet
What do you mean "organize"?
I always kept it alphabetically sorted.
If I want something quick I can type in a bit of the name in the search bar. That's what the search bar is for ffs.
"games" and "hidden"
That's why you do this you ding dong. Sorting shit into genres is stupid. It doesn't solve anything.
So.... you didn't do anything because Steam already does that?
I once made the mistake of trying to categorise them (probably to fit in on Sup Forums or whatever) but it has only become a bother. Removing the categories is too much work so I'm fucked. Usually I just check Installed and find the newest games at the bottom with the uncategorised.
>Buyer's Remorse
For games that I've played enough of to know they're not worth continuing
For roguelikes, roguelites, arcade games etc
>Impulse Buys
For leftovers from bundles
>Play These
For singleplayer finite games that I've not finished or not started
For singleplayed finite games that I have finished
Not categorizing games leads to forgetting about games you haven't beaten or may one day replay and you'll just let Sup Forums;and other social media remind you those games even exist.
or, hear me out, you could go through your games list and look at what you have every once in a while.
On Hold
Show your Buyer's Remorse category.
I don't, because I barely buy any games on this cancerous service.
Man, you fall for hype a lot don't you? Alpha Protocol was pretty fun though, at least I found it fun.
Is that the 2013 Tomb Raider game? I actually liked that one. Fallout 3 and Undertale absolutely deserve to be there though. Haven't played the rest.
I suppose.
I really hope you didn't buy Darksiders twice.
>Want to play soon
>Rest of games
> Hidden
they re-released it cause a shitty game needed to be released twice I guess. I think it might have been a graphical update or something.
Some people think that game was good. I am not sure why.
>Man, you fall for hype a lot don't you?
I didn't spend more than £5 on anything in the list. But I did pre-order Phantom Pain, so yes.
TR 2013 is too much killing, not enough tomb raiding. I played it right after Anniversary and Underworld, and it was practically a different franchise.
Nah it's one of those remasters that is free for everyone who owned the original.
I keep mine fairly simple.
I don't and couldn't if i tried.
Mostly just actual games, and "shit I got from humble bundles or some other shit which I will never, ever play"
Why do you do this?
>No cloud saves
>the rest
>ys origin
you better be playing on nightmare
I just make separate folders if I have a huge amount of games from the same franchise, like the entire F.E.A.R series or the entirety of serious sam
>arcade games
>no arcade games
Favorites for the games I play regularly, trash for trash, the rest are not organized.
>Organizing videogames digitally
By played, unplayed, regret and pirated.
Oh and garbage I've gotten from bundles that I'll likely never touch.
More importantly, how do you organize your archived threads :^)
Get depressurizer
Easier way to categorize enmasse.
Well, its more like I'm using it as a listing for more endless games. Also the original Typing of the Dead was an arcade game.
From there I get more autistic. If I have more than two games from their own series, they get a category, like The Commandos Series or The Mount & Blade Series. It pleases me. pls no bully
>tfw 90% of my library is in hidden with under 3 hours played
i've wasted so much money
I have a folder with my name on it where my girlfriend puts in games for me to play.
In Progress
I organize by series
For the one-off games or games of a series that I only own one entry of, I lump them together by genre. I gotta put a space before the genre forlders so they show up at the top of my list.
Sounds oddly dystopian.