Elven Supremicy

Prove to me that the Mer aren't superior in literally every way to the humans.

Other urls found in this thread:


Glass armor to match their glass jaws.

Think About it:
>Taller and more attractive
>Live for longer
>Able to learn every skill under the sun in a single lifetime
>Beautiful Architecture
>Built the foundation of the Cyrodilic Empire
>Literally Descended from Gods.

*teleports behind you*
"Nothing personal, human"
*Stabs you with bound sword*

elders scrolls wise?
nah, the khajit are better

>Skyrimfag detected
>"Haha dude, let's play as a cat haha"

In TES they pull something that lasts until men have had enough and slap em down.
To be fair mer are just as shitty to each other as they are to the mannish races.



I believe human women are better in bed.
Care to prove me wrong?

Face it, Pelinal, you only defeated Umaril because you're canonically the terminator.

Altmer women are Haughty
Nord women are hotties.

Mannish races win yet again.

Elven women have hundreds of years of experience without looking a day over 25.
But from all in-game sources we have it should seem obvious that argonians are the best lovers of all the races.

Well they tend to die a lot from the severe disease called "Me And My Greatsword"

The true master race is a mix of the two.

Because humans exist

>lifespan is far longer than humanity
>this severely reduces their sense of urgency in accomplishing goals
>a population of humans will always overtake a population of elves in growth because of this

You could say to me "Well, elves have more time to come up with ideas that counteract this.." But I'd argue that they are biologically incapable of doing so. They simply cannot comprehend focusing on short or long-term goals in a way that would overtake the rate of human progress.

The only way for an Elf civilization to overtake a human one would be to wipe it out completely. Good luck because Elves survive and evolve on a planet through longevity: They have the time to "out-hide" their natural predators. Humans don't have that option, and succeed in the natural selection process by having to be better, more thoughtful predators.

This is why on planets with Elves and humans, there tends to be many humans over a greater area and fewer Elves in a smaller area. The Elves continue to exist solely because they are so good at hiding that humans, the apex predators, have great difficulty in finishing them off.

An ugly 25 year old who doesn't age in hundreds of years still ugly.

Being a mer is suffering.
They are like the French.
They have a massive superiority complex without anything to support it.

In the Frenchs defence they have won a war.
You know things are bad when the French are better warriors than you.

>can't even spell supremacy correctly
Fucking elves

It's almost like OP is an elf-hater himself and made this convenient strawman thread for you to bash

Elves won the Great War, the only reason that Tiber Septim managed to conquer the elves in the first place was because of the Dwemer, who were also elves.

>ywn seduce a Thalmor chick

they are elves, kinda

>nothing to support it
>literally conquered the whole world by sheer will and magic nuking

Pretty sure that's a good enough support senpai

It is a draw for now.
Tiber using a robot was like the US nuking Japan.
They didn't have to do it but it made it so much easier.

When was it?
How long did it last?
My guess is it lasted right up til the Nords got pissed.

Humanity beats Altmer ass into the dirt every time they get uppity.
Dunmer girls are the wildest

>Sup Forums hates elves
>yet also full of racists who screech about muh heritage and muh master race every 5 seconds
Like looking in the mirror, eh?

I hate elves because they are the marysues of fantasy settings,

It would be like The US Nuking Japan and then claiming that whites were superior to Asians while the Chinese invented the nuke.
Also he had to it, there was no way that he would have been able to Conquer the Summerset Isles without it.

Just like an invasion of Japan the loses would have been staggering.
Using the methods they used saved the good guys alot of lives.

Dungmer girls are easier that is to be sure.
If they are o good at fucking how come there aren't more dungmer?

They are the slampigs of Tamriel.
If you can't find anything good just bang a smurf.

>American education at work here?
The reason that the US nuked Japan was to save time and stop the soviets from taking it.

Because dunmer are only promiscuous at a young age where they can't bear any children.

No an invasion of mainland Japan would have cost a staggering amount of lives.
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki removed the need to invade.
Are you being stupid on purpose?

>repeating the same point makes you right

And they would stop the soviets from invading Japan therefore cucking that nation for a hundred years. Look at Japan, they were smashed to a pulp and now adore their Fattistan overlords.

Japan didn't surrender because of nukes ypu dumbfuck but because the Soviets declared war on them.

Being right makes me right.
Why change my point?

So it is on purpose.

Yes finding out your enemy has the ability to obliterate your cities one by one and you are powerless to stop them had no effect on their decision.

There is a dumbfuck in this conversation all right.

>that lasts until men receive the help from the divines since they could never compete otherwise


I will not deny that the cost of US lives was a factor but I refuse to admit this was the main reason. From numerous other examples we can see that the actions of the United States are very rarely concerned with the lives of their people, particularly during the 20th Century,because of this I am more inclined to say that the reason for the nuking was the first act of the cold war on the behalf of the US, they had wasted many lives taking Islands they could have bombed into submission prior so saving lives was clearly not on the agenda, whereas by eliminating the Japanese threat immediately they prevented the Soviets from getting their hands on the Islands, therefore spreading communism and it also displayed the might of the American Army to Stalin.

there were several people in the Japanese government that wanted to surrender, however decades of cult-style indoctrination of their people made it impossible to do so without a good justification
the nukes provided them with the proper justification for the surrender, it's why it happened so quickly: they took their chance to surrender while the population was still in shock and willing to accept it

the islands costed significant lives but were nothing compared to what would have happened on the japanese mainland

the entire population was ready to take up arms to defend their homes. They were facing the prospect of trying to take cities where literally everyone over age 12 was an active combatant, it would have featured several battles that'd have made Stalingrade look like a playground.

They sure got fucked hard when Nordic settlers first came to Skyrim

I agree the nukes were also a way to send a message to the Soviets.
That was a side benefit not the main purpose.

The estimates from the time put the US death toll at close to a million in an invasion of mainland Japan.
Even if you think the US is cavalier about body counts that number would give anyone pause.

khajit are merely sex slaves to keep in your basement

Khajiit are Elves.

>Not wanting that SUPERIOR brown elf love

This meme needs to die, they are still human with fears and worries. Watch less Anime

I don't know, it is a pretty large number but I think they could still have convinced the population it was a good idea, if you look at the Iraq and Afghani wars you would see a high death toll for nothing in return really but still the US people seem to have supported it. But as I say, I am not disregarding deaths as a factor, just as the main factor.

Fuck off with your meme garbage "elves".

Elves are only good for taking out for an expensive seafood dinner and then never calling back

TES elves aren't cute, they're ayys.

This. TES elves need to be culled. There bones can be used for mulch I guess. About the only thing useful of them.

Read the stores from Iwo Jima.
Civillians were jumping off cliffs to avoid being captured.
Japs were a different type of cat back then.


>He thinks Bethesda elves are the definition of ''beauty''
Elves are superior in every way to humans especially looks. Bethesda elves are trash long necked unsightly heathens next to Dragon Age 2 elves in looks.

>Think About it:
Yeah, thats why they got rekt buy a bunch of sand niggers that were outnumbered 10 to 1

>>Able to learn every skill under the sun in a single lifetime
To nad they waste it on being shitters and unlikeable cunts

>>Literally Descended from Gods.
Actually believing elf propaganda.

Lmao dude

Clearly Umaril since the gay robot didn't actually defeat him and only destroyed his physical form.

>thinking they wanted to take Hammerfell.
>Not believing the literal truth of the canon.

m8 what

They explicitly wanted southern Hammerfell and it was part their deal when the Empire capitulated.

Bethesda elves are great because they not just looks. Go back to /e/ if you want to masturbate to "elves" that don't have any engaging lore or character.

>thinking they wanted to take Hammerfell.
They did, at least a large part of the southern coast, likely as a staging ground for a renewed war. Thats why it was specifically a part of the treaty and why they fought a whole war over the area when Hammerfell denied it.

Wanted it yeah maybe, but enough to launch a full scale war with all of their weakened force, with it occupying most of Southern Tamriel, Cyrodiil and Skyrim.

>Bethesda elves are great because they not just looks
Sure thing Todd

>best kept secret in modern history
>several years long gap before secrets were leaked and foreign manufacture
>a period where the US could have taken the world on a nuclear throne
>documents evidence to support this
But the Russians almost got there first lol, sure

>Believing Thalmor Propaganda being used to opiate the masses of cat people.

Tamriel is rightful cat clay.

Don't imply that Todd or anyone else at the modern shell of Bethesda had anything to do with the good parts of TES ever again, fucking pleb.

>Being this assblasted ov TES
Yeah okay basement dweller

Yes. This explicitly happened. The Thalmor force on Summerset wasn't weak at all. It was the Thalmors mainland force that had been obliterated in the battle of the Red Ring. The other force was fresh and ready for a fight, but couldn't account for Two full Legions of Redguard soldiers using the homefield advantage on a rocky and mountainous southern coast and ultimately had to give up their claim.

How many soldiers do you think were in that force? Not many, the rest were off sacking the mainland.

if the high elves are so great then why did a nedic woman push their shit in so hard


Where's SKSE64?

She didn't. She had the help of a time-traveling robot, the divines, and other Ayleid kings.

if the high elves were superior enough they would have stopped that I mean after all they had a shit ton of slaves to even the fight

It hasn't been worked on for like eight months now. It will never happen.

Suffer not the nonhuman to live

Redguards have bigger dicks.

>elven supremacy
>not realising the true path is mage supremacy
user, I am disappoint.

Elves are the best mages. This only reinforces the point.

There were enough soldeirs on Summerset for Titus Mede II to fear, correctly according to some dialogue in Skyrim, that if the war didn't end before that force arrived on the mainland it would been strong enough to take out the remaining Legions at the captial and recapture Cyrodil, winning the War for the Dominion.

Not all elves are mages though.
The mage capable elves should ally with the mage capable bretons and make a Tevinter-like empire.

Bretons are only good mages because their ancestors were obsessed with hot elf dick.

First of all you shouldn't trust dialogue from NPCs, it is almost always wrong.
Secondly, the Legions were weak as well, they had been fighting a defensive war and had just fought a huge battle at the Red Ring.

Have you seen those warriors? The ones from Hammerfell? They've got curved dicks! CURVED DICKS!

Doesn't make them any less good mages now.

>Not all elves are mages though.

No, but the highest level of skill can only be achieved by elves. Notice how elite orders like the Psijics are all Altmer.

It's from a loading screen.

"Only by signing the peace treaty known as the White-Gold Concordat was the Empire able to survive the onslaught of the high elven Aldmeri Dominion, and thus end the Great War."


Of course it does. They're only barely part elf. Ergo they're only part good at being mages. If a breton only has 1% Ayleid blood that means they're 99% shit at magic because the rest is probably Nordic.

You can't make an empire just with a handful of folks. If you take the top hundreds, there'll be some non-elves.

I think we might be misunderstanding each other here, I'm well aware of how weak the Empire was. In fact, that's the point I was arguing.

Their biggest advocate (you) is unable to write "supremacy" correctly.

>half god
>demi god
those are the same fucking thing.

You're being an idiot. You want to justify elves supremacy equaling mage supremacy by saying non-elf mages are not good mages because elves are top mages. You're being circular.
Unless you mean to say no elf mage ever is less good at magic than any non-elf mage, you have no point.

Twice cause some fuck wore his power armor.

No it isn't. You were saying the Dominion wouldn't launch a full scale invasion of Hammerfall because they didn't "want it" or because they lacked the manpower when they explicitly had a whole reserve army on their island that was considered enough to wipe out the remaining Legions that they did send to go take Hammerfell after the Great War but were forced to retreat after 5 years of gorilla warfare fucked them over.


Don't forget to mod your Oblivion and Skyrim with DMC combat

Yes. When you've got 2 mages, Man and Mer, with equal experience and education in magic, the Mer will always be better than the human one precisely because they are Merish and have inherent traits that increase their magical ability. The only race of man that can compete are bretons, and that is only because Mer fucked their women for 200 years until they got bored and left.