AGDG game with a 1-3 hour demo that you can try without even donating.
looks fun
the title should be fist knight
Game is pretty fun. I'll keep an eye on its development and hope it doesn't go to shit.
But then it wouldn't rhyme!
Thanks for bumping by the way.
have you shown this to the doom guys on /vr/ yet? they would love this shit
all that tweened animation gave me cancer
Doomfag here, I love it. Demo is really good, plays good, I suck at the mazes but I love the characters and combat.
There appears to be no tweening, it's just stretched and game object frames. They wanted to keep the scope low so it actually comes out.
I don't think they have but I would suggest against it even if they might be into it. Mostly because it isn't truly trying to be a retro game despite its simple art style.
Though, I think they'll chuckle at (or love) the creation of the fists as they're just photographs of the dev's arms.
Already taken by a medieval themed large object insertion rpg.
>, it's just stretched and game object frames
This is a game breaking flaw imo. How can you get the satisfaction of punching things if they don't react to the punch other than flatly wobbling around?
They have hurt frames too, but it's pretty limited. They also make up for the lack of animation with fairly satisfying sounds.
Try it.
There's a lot of effects that make it intensive like zooming when you're mashing and damage frames are effective at conveying things such as them being lifted off their feet with an uppercut.
looks great. just kicked
The nice thing is if you hate that bobbing and bouncing shit you can switch it off.
I can't understand why I would play, buy, or care about this. Just doesn't look compelling
Looks like games Sup Forums used to love 10 years ago by someone who has been on Sup Forums since then and before.
Why did you come into the thread then? If you're looking for someone to talk about the game then you can fhave it
Gameplay's pretty solid, writing is cheeky and fun, character design is nice, some of the music is good, and it has cute bug women
is movement grid based or free?
>circlejerk shill thread
ok then
>not liking cute bara Cooke
Grid based.
No it doesn't. I am from Sup Forums over 10 years ago. Nothing about this looks interesting. It's like you feel like you're "supposed" to like it for Sup Forums cred
Yeah I'm also getting vibes that the actual developer made this thread
Never said it's flawless. it's just good. Some of the music is lackluster and the mazes can be a pain in the dick, the combat is also pretty easy to break.
marketing on Sup Forums was a terrible idea
these fucks dont play games much less buy games much less fund games
considering there are no stretch goals whats the point of kickstartering it now if it already is 200% funded?
Grid based in and outside of combat. Enemies too share same rules. In the desert level you'll encounter a lot of enemies that play with the mechanic to challenge you into dealing with it properly.
try it
He's asleep after 25 hours of staying awake.
Can you end a kickstarter early?
But you don't have 19 friends. Just buy 1 copy
Who are you and why do you keep making these threads?
>grid based action game
Fucking dumb. Come back when you make a game that isn't retarded, mr developer
>He's asleep after 25 hours of staying awake.
I'm gonna hazard a guess and say you're one of the other guys on the dev team, or maybe just a friend. Watch your ass because the salt is coming, but your game is alright and I'm proud of you faggots for having a successful kickstarter.
Make the colors less ugly and I'll try it. The game is an absolute eyesore to stare at.
If you pay attention to /vg/ and AGDG you'll know the guy's been posting there for 6 years making games.
On top of that this is part of his love for God Hand, a game that Sup Forums have loved for 11 years. Yes, there were threads especially after the IGN shit.
He's loving the criticism negative or positive.
The game looks like a lot of fun. How does it control with the keyboard? I wanna try the demo, but I almost never play games with just the keyboard.
Ok so you are an actual shill
>He's loving the criticism negative or positive.
Good on him. One day I wanna talk with this dude because he's a fuckin inspiration. I do my own dev thing on /agdg/ too.
>hating colors
Don't encourage literal shilling
Arrows keys or WASD for movement. Ctrl for special moves and Shift for parry/block (either left or right for both) and space bar.
Join the AGDG discord if you want to just like, make game.
Looks interesting. I won't give to kickstater but I'll buy it if it ever comes out.
that discord seems a little dysfunctional. Moreso than the thread itself.
>a game that Sup Forums have loved
Sup Forums isn't one person and god hand isn't good
>this guy likes a certain game so it's okay for him to shill
nope, thread reported.
marketing is against the rules
>god hand isn't good
>announcing reports
My little user can't be this autistic and have taste this bad
Oh and the game supports Xinput for pads.
How is a Sup Forums game development discord marketing?
Looks like a crpg God Hand. Basic enemies can be despatched pretty effortlessly so I hope the game has ample fights that really take advantage of the nuanced combat. Continuing the same thought I hope the specials are such that they provide unique advantages in combat and I don't find myself defaulting to reusing the same one or two specials every time.
Looks like shit. Fucking kill yourself shill nigger
Well for one you aren't allowed to push people to join your faggot discord, but second you posted this thread to literally advertise your kikestarter game. That's a no-no
Looks like 5 min of fun, then it gets annoying and repetitive.
>If you pay attention to /vg/ and AGDG you'll know the guy's been posting there for 6 years making games.
i do
never seen this game before, dont know these devs from anything
why even pretend?
>god hand isn't good
>nope, thread reported.
are you a faggot, user?
in the later part of the demo it can get hairy fast with enemies that bind your hands and movement, paired with enemies that rush past other enemies and hit you, with enemies that shoot you at range, with enemies that revive other enemies.
>it's doom
>with memes
uh oh
not really. the entire thing is simplistic Hexen tier combat
you don't deserve a (you)
For anons that don't know, don't bother with that gogem namefag, he's on par with ACfag on the /agdg/ threads.
Nigger I've played Hexen and everything I just mentioned isn't in Hexen.
>the combat is based on RPG random encounters
Is actual level design too hard now?
>Look at creator's twitter account
>screencaps of Sup Forumsshit
I mean he's been there since the first demo day.
>game isn't even out and the dev is getting into internet fights
it's like if Evaxephon managed to get a kickstarter going
>being a dorkposter
demoday has always been a steamchat/discord circlejerk thing where they never actually post any progress in the threads so i wouldnt know, link?
Nah, the dev seems more chill than that, I'm just a retard who's doing this for free
I also just don't like when people lie about hexen, don't do that shit bro.
I don't know if you're really gogem or someone who hates gogem.
>never actually post any progress
Sounds exactly like what you do in the thread
>I wouldn't know
Right because demo day links are never posted in agdg
>you're really gogem or someone who hates gogem.
What's the difference?
I never lie.
love the artsyle. why am i only hearing about this game now?
Sounds promising. The 1v1 knight fights will likely be what people remember most from the game so I hope particular care is going into designing those opponents.
>posts sorcerobe
i dont get it.....
will there be big boss enemies? maybe with unique attacks/mechanics?
How was that whole drama not stupid and funny?
The two bosses in the game are pretty okay, one's a burly fucker that backs up and charges at you, and the other is a mummy cunt that summons snakes to bind you or shoot poison at you, then he starts firing massive fuckoff lasers that nearly killed me.
You know what AGDG is, right?
Same dude made fight knight
Dev name. Same guy.
>Nah, the dev seems more chill than that
But you clearly aren't
Who made fight knight? Who made sorcerobe? The answer is one and the same
Stop acting retarded gogem, it's a sad sight
Oh this fucker doesn't disappear
Hence why I'm not the dev, dummy.
He's australian, what do you expect
what the fuck, I didn't get that bit of dialogue. How?
>Hence why I'm not the dev
You've already made it clear that you're tied to the dev.
Literally YandereDev 2.0
spamming spacebar that often gets tiring as hell, adding a hold spacebar or even a mouse click to attack would improve this immensely
dev you reading this, add that shit
He's on the tower after I came back outside. I just saw some black shadow up there and was so confused.
I casually browse /agdg/ and even I know boen and Fight Knight came from that shit hole
Go back to making your shitty games gogem
wrong again. I just like the game, enough to defend it against faggots on an Ethiopian pottery webforum
I'm checking that later
He's got an email on the kickstarter for feedback. He's asleep.
>I just like the game, but make sure to donate to the kikestarter little goy!
Fuck off Eva2
Oh look. another pixel indie game with a gimmick.
kill yourself shill
I'm sorry for your autism.
looks cool
bug porn when
Whoever is shilling for this guy needs to stop. Let the discussion guide the thread itself. If no one cares, then let it die and stop creating new threads yourself. You've already hit your stretch goal anyways. Don't speak for the dev and don't have the dev speak.
You're just going to get these fuckers turn on you. You don't need Sup Forums to fucking like your game. You've already met your stretch goal anyways. If your goal is to see your "Sup Forumsros" discuss the game in a positive light, then you've already fucked up.
As opossed to...
Good games that don't need funding to get finished.