Why are modern online games so draconian?

Why are modern online games so draconian?

"ok then"
"shut up mom"
"you used to play with -guild or player- right?"
are these legitimately triggering in this day and age?

you beda

ok then

good job, Ubisoft, faggots like that should be banned



>this person doesn't share this site's retarded hivemind, therefore he must be baiting

Faggots who harass people in any game should be insta banned forever. Seriously. Online bullying only exists because those maggots think they won't be punished. Well, start to rethink that.

>Online bullying



Is this all you faggots can contribute? No wonder my kind is taking this site from your subhuman kind, we simply outtalk you each time, forcing you to leave your safe space as it is no longer safe ;)

8 years cuckboi ;)

>mfw I spam nigger and scream non stop whole matches in overwatch.

Gotta have a cup of water to keep those throat muscles fresh.


what game is this so i can be sure not to buy it? ghost recon or something?

neogaf culture rules the western industry

You need a thicker skin my faggot
Don't reply, I've already lost interest

Consumer protections need to be stepped up. Legislation needs to be passed to stop this sort of shit.
>Pay money for something
>Moderator is having a slightly pissy day and gets triggered by you saying anything
>Get banned and lose half of your product at the whim of a power tripping mouth breather

I second that

I know, I'm super excited :) I love Trump

...oh wait. Did you just assume AGAIN that you know shit about random person on the Internet? You know absolutely nothing about me, other than the fact I'm not gonna consort to retarded brainwashing of this board and liking and disliking only things that you guys approve or dissaprove, respectively. Other than that, I am a complete stranger to you and no amount of buzzwords will change that. A discussion could change that, but so far, you haven't show a capacity for it.

>haha, ubisoft, sucks, right, my hivemind? :)
>uhm, no, actually, it doesn't, the guy was in the wrong here
>well fuck you, redditor, fedorafag!!! take you fucking bait elsewhere if you don't agree with me!!!!

Lol. And I need a thicker skin?

Oh, right, sorry. Was supposed to not reply. Sorry. Well, I'm done now, so feel free to not reply, if that's what you wanted.

I actually appreciate this a lot. Too many people are complete autismos with too much social anxiety to say anything whatsoever. You loosen everyone up and never let anyone tell you otherwise.

jesus christ please be pretending

if not im sorry for your clearly long suffering parents

So, my plea for actual discussion is met with accusation of being retarded and YET ANOTHER assumption, this time about my parents.

The joke is on me, I guess, from expecting even that tiny bit of effort and discussion from the subhumans of this site. Jesus, the time you migrate to somewhere else cannot come soon enough...

>fucking c*****ds
I'm at a loss, what is the 2nd word?
what could it be?

>dumb cunts don't know how to mute shit talkers
>dumb cunts get angry enough at retards that they need to mute shit talkers
Honestly, kill yourself

Any answer that doesn't begin and end with "because the devs are faggots" is wrong.

Threadly reminder that cyber bullying isn't real and if people get triggered by it they should be banned from online play.

You cannot disable chat in many games.

Well, yes, muting shit talkers is the most natural thing in existence. Do you have troubles with connecting with the human society? If you aren't interested predominantly in batner, like mos of us on this board is, no person alive would take shit from someone if they could just shut them up, ESPECIALLY in video game, which you play solely for the pleasure of playing, not to get berated. Problem is, as I have said, chat can't be turned off, usually. So, banning shittalkers is the next best thing and Ubisoft performed wonderfully.

Also, sweetie, I have been for 10 years, can almost guarantee that's longer than you. Your shitty 'lol, kys' really only serves to further discredit it.

coloreds. Apparently Ultimo is an 80 year old southerner.


I'm not the person you were arguing with originally nigga, nice stupid assumption retard. Banning people is lazier than implementing a mute function. Someone who has been here for 10 years wouldn't be so thin-skinned like you have demonstrated and so clueless so I call bs. If you get annoyed at banter you are a lost cause.

I guess that makes sense.
I had to look up a list of 7 lettered words starting with c and ending with d. surprisingly coloreds didn't turn up on the list

>mute button is right there next to their name
>why do that when I could be a raging faggot choking on cocks

This. Also what gets me is;

>game has profanity filter
>decide to turn it off
>get triggered when someone directs profanity your way

Its you own fucking fault for opening yourself up to it.

Because these people have such pathetic lives this is the most gratification they can get. Getting someone banned. They're the equivalent of the autists who do nothing but shitpost here all day, just on the other side of the fence.

What fucking games don't allow you to mute chat?

>I'm not the person you were arguing with originally nice stupid assumption retard

Other than the fact I had absolutely no way of knowing nor I have any reason to believe you, nothing I have said referenced to any of 'not-yours' older posts. So... cool, I guess? What, you needed some anchor to get even little bit of high ground in here?

>Banning people is lazier than implementing a mute function.

A;ready told you, in most games you cannot mute written chat. Also, banning shit-talking shitters is plenty satisfactory and sends a good message to entire community. Seems like a good choice.

>Someone who has been here for 10 years wouldn't be so thin-skinned like you have demonstrated and so clueless so I call bs.

Call it whatever you want, doesn't change the facts, newfag ;) Also, what exactly makes me thin-skinned, friendo? The fact I want to make a community a better place for everyone? Because, for the record, you fags have been shitting on me entire thread in your little circle-jerk and I haven't budged an inch from my initial position. So, yeah, 'thin skinned' can be added to rest of the list of your pointless, baseless buzzwords.

>If you get annoyed at banter you are a lost cause.

You mean like you are getting annoyed with my banter right now? ;D

>some fag has nothing better to do than call everyone who just want to play the game names
>people want him banned and get him banned, thus making the game more enjoyable for all
>THEY are the ones with pathetic lives and the act of improving the game is nothing but 'gratification'

Gotta love the 'logic' in here.

most people prefer "if you dont like it mute it" to "lol u get banned for being mean to some retard"

You cannot mute WRITTEN chat in many games, often you can only mute the voice, which is rarely used by trolls since they are insecure as fuck, anyways.

Also, yeah, if someone is being a faggot, what's the harm in getting him banned? Nothing of value is being lost.

not to mention this whole banning for "toxicity" thing is actually being used to turn more of a profit by certain games companies

pretty disgusting practice imo, should be against the law

>act like 14 year old jackass online
>get banned
>complain on reddit
>screencap your reddit post and share it on Sup Forums

I like you.

This is entirely dependant on what game you're playing, most games would allow you to block that person so you don't have a mental breakdown again if need be.

Or if you wasn't such a beta looser, just tell the faggot to fuck off and ignore him.

Their game, their servers, their EULA. Act like a faggot and get banned.

Source on your claim? Because, maybe that's just me, but I think most people would love to see an asshole harassing them getting banned. Ever heard of 'instant karma'? People love that shit.

Point in case, anytime someone in here gets a public ban there are at least 30 replies of 'MODS=GODS', 'hahahahahah', and 'eat shit faggot'. Can't talk for the entire world, but it seems at least users of this site do prefer assholes getting banned than getting muted.

online games were much better when "dont like it mute it" was the law of the land. now you just end up with cases like OP where people get banned for virtually nothing.

and, as said the ACTUAL reason games companies are doing this now is for profit

pretty vile you defend this cuck garbage- but you are a cuck

Nah, people who talk shit get hit. Easy enough. Hit with the ban hammer? Even better.

>This is entirely dependant on what game you're playing

True, but what to do if you are playing other games? Banning seems like only option.

>Or if you wasn't such a beta looser, just tell the faggot to fuck off and ignore him.

You guys told me to fuck off over an hour ago and I don't seem to be leaving. Neither am I being ignored. I don't think your strategy works very well.

My favorite thing about Battlefield 1 is that all servers are official, so there's no pissy cocksucker admins.
I can say nigger, faggot, jew, niggerfaggot, niggerjew and just about any other possible combination of profanity and never get banned.
It's so good.
I was really sick of getting banned in BF4 by faggot admins.

>Hit with the ban hammer? Even better.

when did Sup Forums turn into pedogaf

The only person getting annoyed here is the nigga writing long ass reddit spaced essays. In most games you can mute written chat. Your only point is "wah people shouldn't be mean" which is naive. But we already knew that given the way you write posts right ;P

any post you make on boards other than lgbt or comblr people will call you out for being a leftist redditor retard

it's obvious m8, kys

>this guy is talking shit about me
>haha, just bantz, lol, I better get a thicker skin!


>this guy is talking shit about me
>well, fuck this guy. I'm not gonna take this. I hope he gets banned

If anything, upper one seems like the cuck's mentality to me, you know, just letting some guy shit on you for no reason and doing nothing

>this fucking thread
Nuke it and permaban everyone who's made a post, excluding me

>thin skinned pussy
words cant hurt you unless you let them you monkey-brained pee-smelling fart-footed clam

That's because it wasn't kids spouting faggot cuck cuck cuck u mad over and over. Hell, I barely recall any shit talking like it is now in the 90s up to the late 00s. Wasn't even a mute function in almost all games until the turn if the decade.
Gradually gotten worse.

On a side note, anyone using the word cuck seriously is probably fifteen.

>top: mentality of an adult
>bottom: mentality of spoiled child

lol u were raised by a single mother?

>guy talks shit
>talk shit back
>game ends and u never see him again, or even become friends because men bond via trash talk

confirmed effeminate numale cuck, dont forget your tranny pills faggot

she lost loser kill yourself no one will miss you

>letting others control your emotions
that's the cuckoldery here. Do you get upset when someone honks at you too?
you're in a video game. you're fucking invincible, so either throw it back at them or ignore it.

I actually have right-leaning views and don't visit reddit. So yeah, back to groundless assumptions, shit, and we were actually doing pretty good for a while there.

Also, weren't you supposed to at least adress something, anything of what I have said if you wanted to reply to me? The matter of your method not working or what to do when game doesn't allow you to mute chat? No? My bad, sorry.



The right mentality is the bottom. If you care what people think and say about you on a video game, you've got bigger problems

lol. back to the donald with you

>Hell, I barely recall any shit talking like it is now in the 90s up to the late 00s
Mostly because online PC gaming wasn't really the domain of normie kids in the 90s
Now when you play an FPS or a MOBA odds are you're getting matched with 15 year old xXWilWeedonXx

>99% people just want to play the game
>1% of petulant kids want to use the game as a way to vent their personal issues to make themselves feel better at the expense of other people's enjoyment

Gee golly, which group could be in the wrong here? And you edgy dorks misunderstand a very important point: No one is being "triggered" (well except you). We just don't want to listen to you when you have nothing nice to say. It's an annoyance and not the reason we play online games.

Is this what they call "bantz" in this age? It's kind of pathetic. No wonder you're on a 日本 のアニメ board. No one would bond with you.

>y-you mad!

I'm writting 'long ass reddit spaced (by the way, reddit spacing became a thing like half a year ago and I've been typing like this since 2007, just fyi) essays' becaue unlike you, I have a lot to say. You are only interested in delivering 'one-paragraphs wonders' hoping the next one will shut me up. Somehow. Also, if you are not mad, what's stopping you from just ingnoring me? I'm not gonna deny being mad, mostly since it's my word against yours and you would claim I' mad either way, but at least have courage to admit what you are doing here. Also, reaction image is pointless when you have used an emoticon.

>In most games you can mute written chat.

And in some you can't. What to do in those?

>Your only point is "wah people shouldn't be mean" which is naive.

It is human decency to not be mean, especially for no reason and when playing video games, something you do purely for fun.

When did paragraphs become reddit spacing?

>no one would bond with you

t. pic related

>underage banter is cool
get off my internet

Epic flames fellow based redditor and youtube commenter

When we stopped laughing retards off the board


>guy talks shit
>talk shit back

Or, you know
>guy talks shit
>fuck him up

Same thing, only mine feels better and actually improves community.

>Do you get upset when someone honks at you too?
Of course, everyone does. If you are so sure honking doesn't get 'adults' mad, find a car driven by a bulky guy, honk at him a couple times in traffic or while waiting at the traffic lights and watch what happens. I'm sure he will come out of a car and high-five you, because you have just bonded so much with you honking at him for literally no reason.

>so either throw it back
I am throwing back. By getting them banned. A critical hit, if you wish.

>UGH we need to CENSOR THE INTERNET because they dare criticize my left wing correct opinions!!!

stay mad losers

>it's a "critical hit" to remove the most passionate portion of your playerbase

enjoy your dead game :^)

>wow if you don't like me being an offensive asshole for no reason why dont you just mute me I should be allowed to say whatever I want wherever I want without any repercussions
Is there a single more juvenile opinion to have?
The whole world isn't Sup Forums retard.

It must feel nice to selectively pick those parts of reality that make you feel better. But sure, sure, I am lying. By no means could you be wrong about this stranger (I dropped 'complete' since you guys got to know me a tiny bit by now) you met online.

>anybody who writes more than one paragraph is a retard
seems a little backwards

>Of course, everyone does
keep telling yourself this. Just because everyone else gets mad doesnt mean you need to. Be a fucking individual

>reddit spacing

wew lad

I think he's implying we didn't laugh off people who called it reddit spacing.


This thread is being Astroturfed by the "Right to Censor" division of Shareblue/CTR.

They have an ongoing campaign to deny freedom of speech to right wing views under the pretense of "lol privately owned service xd!!"

Anyone talking about reddit spacing is a parrotting retard that should fuck of to someplayce else but is in good company in 2017 Sup Forums
I wish I could leave this place

because autism over reddit

Nobody likes playing with people spouting garbage constantly.
People like in the OP are the first ones to report others for doing the exact same shit they do.

This idea of honorably calling each other faggots while having thick skin is fucking insane.

>The reason I can't violate the rules of a privately owned chat service with no repercussions is a democrat conspiracy


To be honest, I'm not sure what you are asking, but the 'reddit spacing' thing came into existence like half year ago, I think I was in the thread when it was first used, but I can be wrong. Before that, some people typed like me, some people type without that extra spaces and everyone was happy. But lo and behold, reddit spacing became a 'thing' and instead of replying to an argument you can just greentext 'reddit spacing!' and be done with anything relating to the former manner of typing.

>Nobody likes

speak for yourself loser

you've never played a pickup game of basketball or soccer for example lmao

fat virgin leftist cuckold

But it's not REAL free market! It's corporationism!

>Faggots who harass people in any game should be insta banned forever.
>visits and argue with Sup Forums only to be called a raging faggot

let's all remember what this site was made for.

So, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a lefty, yeah? It's not that maybe your argument was dumb and uneducated and people aren't agreeing with you, those MUST be liberal shills, right?

If you talked shit like multiplayer memelords in real life you would get murdered.
Please go join a game of pick up basketball and start calling everyone faggot nigger cuckolds.

>all the censorship apologist corporate bootlickers in this thread

disgusting. they stick out like a sore thumb too- really is like they're paid to post their shit opinion.

I think it's broke. He's thrashing around yelling cuck and libtard like a kid having a temper tantrum in the store.

Move alone. Nothing else to see here.

>It's not that maybe your argument was dumb and uneducated and people aren't agreeing with you, those MUST be liberal shills, right?
Sup Forums in one sentence

We didn't, but anyone who uses the term 'reddit spacing' is pretty much retarded, we can just ignore them. Honestly, there is still small number of people using it, I talk with spaces all the time and only get called out like once every two weeks or so.
