I was thinking lately about unusual question - what games are the best for introducing somebody to vidya?

I was thinking lately about unusual question - what games are the best for introducing somebody to vidya?

Some people from Sup Forums break the circle and actually get a girlfriends. Or maybe families drop down stereotypes and ask them about good games for younger kids. What titles should be then presented to such people who are actually willing to enter the world of video games?

Myself, I would say that:

>Heroes of Might and Magic 3
>Civilization IV
>Age of Empires 2
>Mount and Blade Warband

HoMM 3 is one of the best games ever created, hands down. Also the one that is easy to get into but hard to master - perfect for beginners. Civ IV is also very welcoming, with easiest difficulty level giving very passive AI, without worry that total green player will be overwhelmed - Civ V is a bit too "balanced" and orientated about MP to give same feeling. Age of Empires 2 is classic, pretty and also easy to get into with great campaigns.

Morrowind might sound weird choice but consider this - the only problem somebody will face is combat and only when one will ignore skills and stamina. This also serve as a very important first lesson into RPGs - that your skills DO matter. Aside from that, it offer open world, large dose of freedom and immersion. Finally, Warband shows true sandbox, allowing player to shape their own future - pure gameplay, if I dare to say.

What would be your types, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/tag/parody:houkago play

I agree on HoMM 3 but that's about it. The rest of what you suggested (while they are fun games) is too dated for normies who often get hung up on that kind of shit.

I typically have first-time gamers play titles like Journey.

Surprisingly, one game everyone gets into pretty quick is Bushido Blade 2. It has a real pick up and play quality to it and, thanks to how it works, it's not like Smash where an experienced player will always dominate a weaker one.

Non-gamer friends of mine have also really enjoyed playing co-op games. Dragon's Crown comes to mind as one I've sunk tons of hours into with relatively inexperienced people.

It really comes down to what that person is into. Had a friend that really like anime--they enjoyed playing Persona 5. Another wanted a more fast paced experience, so we played Bayonetta and MGR:R.

I thought that MGR might be too hard for total newcomers. I agree with co-op being good thing for them, tho.

However, I dont understand the "too dated" argument. Could you explain it better? I mean, I dont really expect for somebody who never played video games before to even notice the problems related with games being "too old". More than that, while advancing with video games have a lot of benefits (you see graphics inproving, mechanics in new games are faster to learn and easier to grasp thanks to experience, controls and mechanics being intuitive as well), going the opposite way can be painful sometimes, especially when soembody wants to go back to DOS era games. My first video games were on DOS/Windows 95 and grandfather's Atari/Commodore but even then I had displeasant experience when trying to replay games like SimCity 2 or pre-6 M&M. And Im talking about games that aged rather well.


You might get surprised but last time I checked, it was not present on sadpanda. At least translated version.

I have all first book translated somewhere on one of my 16 Sup Forums folders tho (each having 10-20gb so it take some time to find something here).

>look up the manga
>each page is just 7 panels of static dialogue with 1 panel of her kicking him
is this a fetish thing?

literally mario is a good starter, easy concept if you start with a 2D one like super mario world.

Pretty sure is a footfag manga of some sort

Whatever game you played as a kid is a good start. If you could play it when you're 4, I'm sure they could when they're in their 20's.

Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby, Halo etc.

I mean, if I had to show someone how amazing games could be, I'd give them Ghost Trick Phantom Detective and see what they think. If I'm just showing them vidya, Mario or Pokemon would be a good start.

Shovel Knight?

Its extremely cute comic, showing couple that Sup Forums secretly or openly dreams of. Both likes video games, both are too shy to express their true feelings and girl also loves to tease the guy (author at one point explains to fans that she does not wear heels all the time but rather return from school put them on and THEN pays him a visit). Not to mention that foot/pantyhose fetishism is pretty common and highly erotic.

Oh and that extremely cute petting scene at the end.

>tfw not submissive but like feet
its a weird feeling

Dont worry, who could resist legs covered in soft, skintight pantyhose, gently covering the skin and aplifying their shape?

Just kidding, but keep in mind that pantyhose fetishism is very common and having fetishes in first place is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

My mom likes old and new Tom Rider vidyia, Uncharted series, Borderlands, Red Dead Redemption, Until Dawn, Telltales walking dead and such. Story heavy or more linear games are better for beginners.

>You will never have a girl like this

tfw I only like feet when they're in pantyhose
legs are nice even without it (though it really improves them) but feet without pantyhose aren't hot at all

>mom likes video games

>almost orgasms from him touching her foot

Comical exaggeration aside, is that an actual thing? Do some women find that erotic?

Dreams are usually all we have, user.

not him, but my mom is the person who introduced me to vidya

>mom shits all over my vidya growing up
>has been addicted to candy crush and other facebook kikery for 4 years now
>"It's different than your videogames!"
I have the last laugh now

There is a reason they say giving a girl a foot rub is cheating, I mean this is exaggerated but still.

Dwarf fortress

if you want them to hate vidya, sure

Dragon Age 3.
Simple enough controls, narrative thread to keep you engaged, difficulty not too high, silly romances to keep women entertained.

Yes, but it depends if both sides are into this kind of things. If girl have pantyhose or foot related fetishism, she will find gently stroking her feets erotic like that. But again, it really depends on person, which is why communication in couples is so important. Not everyone likes same things.

And again, its a fetish - something that normally shouldnt play the role, yet it does. Allow me to give example - a guy was eating cheese sandwitch while having sex (reason not important). Weird combination, but his brain makes conenction between those two elements. Later guy in question can go deeper, as both elements are source of sexual satisfaction, until one day he might just give up on sex already since eating sandwitch will give him the same or stronger experience.

The process of creating fetishes is highly individual as well, even if there are common elements and explanations (like mentioned pantyhose covering and "hugging" legs, aplifying their shape, making them appear like "second skin"). ANd again, this is extremely common and most of the people have some sort of fetish, which is nothing to worry about unless it comes with risk of harm for you or your partner (unprotected BDSM for example).

Kirby games
Everyone loves Kirby

chrono trigger

>what are the best games for introducing someone to video games
>list a bunch of games that only autists like us enjoy

no you retard you need to let them play basic shit first.

I always get people to play Donkey Kong Country and Kirby Super Star. Still fun games, perfect for getting used to basic game concepts and controls. If they enjoy that, THEN you start branching out to other genres. Don't impose your tastes on them, that's a guaranteed way to not make them into actual gamers.

Early Nintendo games are all very good at getting people into the basics because they're literally designed for children to be able to figure out. Don't try to get people into video games with our PC autism simulators, but on the flip side don't use cinematic experience faggotry or you'll only create a casual.

The goal is to foster a legitimate independent interest in the genre. You want them to feel motivated to play on their own, not just because YOU want them to play.

>introducing somebody to vidya?

You don't, unless you want to turn them into sheltered autists. Nothing good comes out of video games.

what is going on in that pic?

i agree with this even though i started with some ps1 games like spyro, medievil and alien

>list a bunch of games that only autists like us enjoy

Actually, Heroes 3 are one of the more popular games among girls, girlfriends, wifes, mothers and daughters. I didnt list it here without a reason. Any girl who actually played video games that I asked about it, mentioned Heroes 3 with positive memories. It IS one of the best games ever created.

Doesn't this manga have a sex scene? Fucking whore.

Why is this left to right?

Why are you so cute?

My mom was always casual, mostly played because she was bored or because my dad or I were playing vidya, but she was always into games. She introduced me to Metroid, we always play Mario Party 8 on the Wii whenever I visit her, and some years ago we played Portal 2 together. We didn't get far because she struggled with moving two sticks at the same time, but she tried her best. I love my mom so much, she always tried to take an interest in whatever stupid boring garbage I liked as a kid.

She was the one who got me into Dragon Ball, though, that much was always clear.

Just petting. You dont need sex scenes to get aroused anyway.

I just got my gf into games with co-op Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Galaxy (her as Luma) and she's playing through Pokemon LeafGreen now

It's really fuckin easy to get a person who wants to play video games into them but your method seems good for immersion-based gameplay

thats cute user, i hope you grew up to be a good person even though youre here

If there isn't a sex scene what do you call what you just posted?

Those are also perfect, same principle. Classic games that were made for kids. Most of us started playing as kids, that's when we developed our skills.

You have to treat getting an adult into games as the same process, just sped up. Start with fundamentals, simple controls and simple objectives.

>Actually, Heroes 3 are one of the more popular games among girls, girlfriends, wifes, mothers and daughters.

If you mean in your anecdotal experience, that would be because you aren't giving them enough alternatives. If you mean in general, you're out of your mind.

>Any girl who actually played video games that I asked about it, mentioned Heroes 3 with positive memories.

Well that isn't fucking helpful is it? They already play video games! They played it in their youth. You're asking about getting adults into video games, people who have passed the impressionable stage. A different strategy is required to develop an interest in someone as an adult.

>those right panels

It's a sex scene. They have sex. That's the whole point of the comic. They were too shy to be coupley and gradually break those barriers down and it culminates in fuck.

>tfw no footsy gf

delete this thread

Its not sex, Timmy, they dont get naked and such.

>If you mean in your anecdotal experience, that would be because you aren't giving them enough alternatives. If you mean in general, you're out of your mind.

Its not just my "anecdotal experience". I remember discussions about girls playing video games in the past and Heroes 3 was very frequently mentioned. When all mine and others observation shows that game is popular among people, who usually dont play video games, it kinda shows that game is very welcoming and universally good.

Sure, Nintendo platformers are good for kidsa nd newcomers but if they would want to touch different genres later, they will need some "opening" game. Nothing will introduce into TBS games better than Heroes 3, into RTS better than Age of Empires 2. Cant decide about RPGs tho, my very first one was first Neverwinter Nights but it might not be the best (even if I really liked it).


Also, the right panel is actually one side of left panel from next page.

I'd like to think so. I'm an introverted slugabed piece of trash who plays video games and has severe depression and emotional issues not a kissless virgin though, just kissless but I have a home, a stable job, a cat, a PC and some consoles. I look relatively well-adjusted from the outside, and I hope more than anything that she doesn't worry about me. Thanks for the well wishes, man. I hope you have a really nice day too.

>not a kissless virgin though, just kissless
You raped someone, user?

>someone raped you, user?

>what games are entry tier games?
>lists end, higher skill tier games

>baby/starter tier
mario party
mario cart
mario Galaxi
point blank

>next tier
crazy taxi
donky kong
crash bandicoot
luigis mansion

>Nothing will introduce into TBS games better than Heroes 3, into RTS better than Age of Empires 2. Cant decide about RPGs tho, my very first one was first Neverwinter Nights but it might not be the best (even if I really liked it).

This is so wrong. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a pretty good game, but it also sounds like a made-up bullshit game for an episode of CSI and would be hard for a casual to take seriously due to its dated look and DnD mechanics. If you want a turned-based strategy to appeal to the masses you're better off with Fire Emblem Awakening on Casual, or even Final Fantasy 10 for Turn-based RPGs in general. And Warcraft 3 is an infinitely better casual RTS with a much easier, much more coherent and much more satisfying campaign, which is what you need. Simple mechanics, simple storylines, satisfying gameplay. Nothing too stressful, lots of bright colours.

>this thread
cease posting for my safety p-please

These games are the best, but casuals will say it's shit just because it's not call of duty

Not exactly. It's a long story. Not really but I can't admit that I paid for a prostitute on this Eastern Timor hand-quilting forum

Tell us the story user
And it's called Timor-Leste, dutch scum


Is that it? Thats the last page?

>fire emblem awakening
there is a possibility that they wont like the style of it, what about other alternatives? i started out with heroes 4 and since then i like the turn based games

>but it also sounds like a made-up bullshit game for an episode of CSI and would be hard for a casual to take seriously due to its dated look and DnD mechanics

Now you are just meming. Heroes 3 have very detailed sprites that dont age, intuitive interface and you can saftely play it having fun without even knowing about lots of mechanics like how attack/defense works (except "more is better").

Just like AoE2 have sprites that look good even today, W3 might look comically angular with its own 3D graphics. But I admit that mechanically its good as well.

Also, for FE and FF - those force potential player to buy both console and a game - costly for testing ground. Games I suggested can run even on basic laptops that everyone have.

You started out as a dumb kid who didn't have other options and video games were your life. If you give an adult the option between a movie or a game, with no interest in either, they'd choose the movie, because gaming hasn't been ingrained in them.

X-Com 2 is also really good, and the alien attack narrative is simple enough while being compelling. Just set it to a low difficulty, because that game can be fucked up and hard and losing might drive them away even further.

In all honesty, GTA V. It's fun, it's zippy, it's colorful, but still has a lot of hallmarks of "serious gaming".

>W3 might look comically angular

No, its not the last. Not the last book as well, but rest are not so good (the guy sister appears, among other things and she is big nerd and likes to tease them both as well).

As 27 years old, completely lonely guy without any social or heart experience, I wish you will get better too. Im doing phd right now and that leaves even less time to fix it. Not to mention that it works on my disadvantage too.

>Age of Empires 2
Yep, that. Any of the others are too advanced for casuals.
Super Mario World is an alternative. Possibly some FPS that isn't fast paced, like Halo.

That's only to introduce control schemes with something that isn't too complicated. You can't skip this step for someone that hasn't played vidya.

Anyway, don't bother. Casuals are scum.

>You started out as a dumb kid who didn't have other options and video games were your life.
h-how did you know?
i didnt play xcom 2 but i beat xcom enemy unknown. its not really casual tier so you shouldnt let them start with this game

>>>Heroes of Might and Magic 3
>>Civilization IV
>>Age of Empires 2
>>Mount and Blade Warband
These are all horrible ideas because most people are going to be turned off to the idea of old looking shit. You're all most likely older than me, but I wouldn't see any of the girls my age, or even children playing any of this stuff as a starter. I'd probably show them something on 3DS since its a pretty cheap handheld and has a wide range genres.
If you want someone to get into something, it needs to be relatively cheap, not to mention its backwards compatible, also allowing access to the entire DS library of games. PS4 would obviously be the other choice since it has its exclusives and the multiplats that PC has so they aren't missing anything. PC should be something you mention when they're seriously interested in video games because this shit ain't cheap.

>Autopsy man: The murderer spent most of his time here... in Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
>The nerd: Heroes of Might and Magic 3?! I love that game! I couldn't tell you how many hours I put into it. How did he do in level 3? I can never get my wizards past the knights.
>Entire cast looks at him strangely while the camera pans over to a screen playing a gif of old-looking sprites swinging swords while generic "AUGH" and fireball noises play

I could seriously see the entire scene in my head dude, you're crazy if you think casuals who think the Lord of the Rings is too dweeby are going to take a game called fucking Heroes of Might and Magic 3 seriously. It may as well be called The Knight's Quest 7: Lord's Blade.

>Just like AoE2 have sprites that look good even today

Those sprites look like shit, and the graphics suck dick. They're too muddy and basic, you're using your own bias to look past that but from an unbiased perspective it'd be too hard to get into. t. someone who only started playing AoE2 a few months ago.

>Also, for FE and FF - those force potential player to buy both console and a game - costly for testing ground. Games I suggested can run even on basic laptops that everyone have.

Then emulate Sacred Stones for them and get FF10 on Steam. FF10 is especially recommended because it's a simple love story mixed with a journey around a fantastical world with a strong emotional root, very appealing for newbies who won't give a fuck about what a shoopuff is outside of "water beast" 20 minutes after they're out of that section, but will find Yuna and Tidus's romance charming.

I said X-Com 2 is pretty hard and can fuck you up. But other than Fire Emblem it's the only real TBS that's been released lately that would appeal to a casual demographic.

>casuals who think the Lord of the Rings is too dweeby

Those are lost case anyway and I wouldnt even try. Or mantain serious contact with anybody who think that LoTR is "dweeby". This is like insult to literature.

>Those sprites look like shit, and the graphics suck dick.

Now you are the one who is biased.

>Those are lost case anyway and I wouldnt even try. Or mantain serious contact with anybody who think that LoTR is "dweeby". This is like insult to literature.

If they have 0 interest in video games at all this is probably their mindset, dude. Sorry to inform you, but not many people have actually read the works of Tolkien rather than consume the film versions.

>Now you are the one who is biased.

Casuals wouldn't play Fallout 2 due to bad graphics, and that looks about on par with AoE2. Sorry user, I hate to say it and I love the game too, but she's an ugly girl. So are a lot of great games.

Nintendo platformers usually work

exhentai.org/tag/parody:houkago play

>and that looks about on par with AoE2

Absoutely not. Details level is much higher.

>If they have 0 interest in video games at all this is probably their mindset, dude

Not exactly, many people who enjoy literature or arts never tried playing video games for wahtever reasons.

You better delete that post right now

4X games if we're talking about PC. Female-protagonist action adventures if consoles. That's why publishers insist on making them.

In other words, Civ 6, SMAC, HoMM3 and Horizon.

Like others said: anything Nintendo. Mario Kart and racing games in general can definitely bring the family together.

Other than that, good graphics. Either extremely realistic or at least good looking. They won't get roguelikes, for example.

>anything Nintendo
Anita verbosely explained why normalfags may consider you a creep for showcasing nintendo stuff

With the exception of rts, I doubt there is a genre ninty doesn't do better for when trying to introduce someone to vidya. Also

Co-op games definitely. It doesn't really matter what kind, as long as it's decent and easy enough for anyone to pick up and play, it should work. I was introduced to vidya with Mario Party and Kart, and introduced my non-vidya friends with CoD splitscreen.

My mom started with LA Noire, then New Vegas, half-life series and portal, fallout 1 and 2, hitman blood money, stalker... After that it's a wild ride, i don't remember. She just plays everything. One thing she never learned is to not intentionally ruin puzzles or environmental tutorials embedded in the game.


In HL2 where you take out the saw with gravgun in ravenholm to make way, zombie appears and you click mouse in panic, slicing the zombie (learning that you can do that), she just spent a minute struggling to climb over the saw and killed the zombie with a normal weapon :^)

And just a year before that she didn't even understand FPS controls


>used goods
Nope, bye.

You should co-op some games with them.

Having you help them and do something together is always fun, something basic and 2D though, like Streets of Rage on the easiest difficulty and with the most lives.

Something that you can both work together in, and have fun with when you make mistakes. Pressing C when you don't mean to do it can be quite funny, and awkwardly grabbing someone mid combat is always a laugh. Show them vidya can be fun.

And then when you get to Mr X, you betray them and show them vidya isn't something to be messed with.
