Install thrawn's revenge

>install thrawn's revenge
>start new galactic conquest map
>from the get go i have a shit ton of planets and money and ships
>including a fucking super star destroyer
>steamroll a few planets around me to check if i'm really as powerful as i seem to be
>get bored and quit playing within 30 minutes

how do i enjoy thrawn's revenge Sup Forums? when does it get more interesting? what are its strengths that i should look out for?

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>Rebels or Chiss

Enjoy raging.

Or you can install RaW instead and rage even when playing on easy

what's RaW?
in fact i did start with the imperial remnant but i don't remember the map. also not really sure how this progressing an age works. if i kill a faction leader, doesn't that mean i'm close to winning anyway? how would i even experience more than a couple of eras?

>playing empire at war for a challenge

nigga wat u doin

>install thrawn's revenge
Why would you ruin the game like that

I've never played Thrawns Revenge on Galactic Conquest mode. I've just played it on Skirmish and it's fun as fuck.

Sup Forums convinced me to install it

It's lore breaking shit

>ruin the game

But vanilla is garbage

Yes, I tried one of the mod campaign maps too, and they were huuuuge. I just got bored. Modders often fall into the bloat trap.

but all that lore is not canon anymore so there's nothing to break :)

>Corruption whack-a-mole

I'd be enjoying this game if it didn't crash / freeze every 5 fucking minutes

This game, like the Battlefronts, are only "good" because of the STAR WARS™ franchising. They're all mediocre games. I mean, Homeworld came out in 1999, while this came out in 2006...

KYS for having bad taste.

How would you fix galactic conquest ?


All the mods are just "hurf durf more shit build faster" so much squandered potential. The expansion is annoying as dick with the corruption shit anyway

Republic at War, a Clone Wars-era mod

Flip from RTS to TBS. Battles have a set number of turns. If they don't finish in those turns then they are put on hold until the next campaign map turn where you pick them up again

Do you really think the gunplay is good in the Battlefronts? Do you think EaW has well designed units? Fuck the little corvettes that absolutely nullifiy fighters/bombers, and fuck the missile cruisers that nullify them even further.
I'm also a bit weak towards Star Wars... I love giving broadsides with Star Destroyers and crushing rebel scum, but the game itself is mediocre.

It didn't help that getting rid of corruption sacrificed one of your hero units, only for the planet to be corrupted again in a matter of minutes.

Seriously, what were they thinking making the Zann Consortium overpowered as fuck in nearly all aspects? I'm pretty sure there wasn't a single thing the Rebels did better than Zann.

Their units were better too imo

>those fucking ships that ignore shields

The gameplay in the Battlefronts by Pandemic is fantastic you fucking retard.

There's a deep problem with your gunplay when riflemen are terrible versus infantry in comparison to the at class. You don't remember the "at" mines that you can just lop on infantry? Blasters are useless when you can just OHK with rockets, at mines, and remote detonators.

position the systems and hyperspace lanes in such a way that you don't have 20 border worlds that you need to defend. sins of a solar empire does it better by having a bottleneck system every 3 or 4 planets.

my most intense game ever was between me and an ai that had two border systems on opposite ends of the map and we kept transferring our main fleets from one to the other looking for a chance to attack while the other guy's fleet was away. we did this for like an hour and a half. long range scanners meant we could see when the fleet was moving on from the border system and where it was going.

thanks to those retarded op fortress bases it meant that the only way to win was to attack while the other guy's fleet was away, otherwise the defender who had a fleet + a starbase would 100% win. in the end i won because i left my system open for a bit. and lured him in. being vasari meant i could just watch his fleet movements and when he got within 3 systems from the border hyperspace my whole fleet directly from one end of the map to the other.

wait, how do missile cruisers nullify fighters and bombers?

It would be cool if Battlefront played like Red Orchestra but it doesn't. It's fine as it is though.

You just have shit taste.

They have an AOE attack that oneshots fighters in a relatively large radius. They don't only shoot one rocket, but a salvo of six or something. This makes using fighters and bombers extremely hard versus them, while it is so easy to just dump two or three missile cruisers with an incredible range behind your battleships. The Empire has an easier time, as they have a number of tie fighters that spawn for free each match, so it doesn't hurt to lose them. But as the Rebels you will have a hard time keeping your fighters alive.

>mass drivers
>viper starfighters
>can blow up your mines, factories, and other land buildings from the galactic conquest map, without going into battle
>have the best way to make money
>no tech levels
>basic land infantry unit shit over everything
>canderous assault tank
>factories and land turrets had shields
>ig-88 can instantly destroy the death star and its fleet

And that's just all the shit I can remember.

Which is true for many shooters, so what exactly is the problem?

turrets were like 10% of the cost to build too

oh yeah, i forgot the rebels have to build their strike craft. i took one look at that and never ever built fighters or bombers. absolute waste of monies

honestly what you're saying is true but i never used missile cruisers against fighters, just starbases. can you even target fighters with missile cruisers? if you can, that's bullshit.

bombers can do bombing runs on land maps if in orbit its always worth at least 1 you dont have to deploy them in space battles

Should have started with the Thrawn campaign. That's the only one where it is intended that both sides start off with parity.

>tfw no EaW 2 with actual good ground combat ever

>actually playing the land battles
>not creating a fuckton of units and auto-resolving
>not waiting for the death star to be built and destroying every planet in the galaxy

>Not using Yoden mod for superior clusterfuck

which one is that and where do i find it? is it a galactic conquest map?

also what do you mean it's the only one where parity is intended? are you telling me that i was actually intentionally supposed to be op as imperial remnant? that i get 50 ships while the others get shit?

I think the AI is basically fire at the first thing that enters range, so of course you can trick them into firing onto your Destroyers while the bombers swing around the sides. But there's always the element of micro. You'll probably send your TIE bombers off in one blob to one of the sides, while you move your fleet to engange, and so ONE rocket from ONE stray cruiser can wreck all 30 of your clustered bombers.

They were supposed to be siege units versus Star Bases, but they are just too powerful. I like the idea of diverse fleets. I like the idea of having light corvettes escorting your capital ships, protecting them from fighter attacks. But the corvettes are just so powerful against fighter craft that fighters become near useless. Especially that Tartan Cruiser with the ALL POWER TO WEAPONS that absolutely destroy out fighter attacks in seconds.

Also Tie fighters are just better than all Rebel strike craft because you can focus on other things after pressing the Hunt and Destroy button.

Which galactic conquest were you playing?

For example, if you start off as Isard with her Super Star Destroyer you are playing as the supreme Empire just after the battle of Endor in the movies, so you've still got all of the Empire's resources and shit, including Super Star Destroyers.

There should be a GC called the Thrawn Campaign or something like that which is set during the events of the Thrawn books a few years after Endor where the New Republic and Empire are evenly matched. If you want an actual challenge, try playing in the later GCs as the Empire.

The version you are playing is very outdated though, so I would download the 2.2 demo and then this submod.

yes, that was the one i started with. thanks for the advice

i saw that mod but i was hesitant to try it because it said "demo". why do i need it? and how did you know which version i was playing?

bought it what are some good mods

used to own it when i was like 14 but didnt understand modding

Its been some time since i played, but depending on the map there are limited eras. Iirc the eras depend on the IR leader, so when yours die the era will move on. You are stronger in some, weaker in others, same goes for your enemies

>how did you know which version i was playing?

The last full release of Thrawn's Revenge was back in like 2013 and that's what people would obviously go for. It has a lot of silly things wrong with it though such as ridiculously over the top laser spam.

This year the devs released a demo of the next build which has a single GC called Hunt for Zsinj showcasing a bunch of new features such as having multiple factions on the map at the same time.

With the submod I linked (get the one that says NEWEST) it adds everything else to the 2.2 demo so you have all the galactic conquests from the previous version plus the submodder added some new stuff.

I enjoyed this one. Basically rebalance and reskin. Same campaign maps I think.

Are there any KotOR-themed mods?

what? so what if my leader never dies? if i want to move up an era i have to intentionally kill off my leader? is dying in battle the only way? i think i remember there were some assassination options too but i'm not sure.

>over the top laser spam.
are you referring to how it looked like when a SSD started firing all guns?

That's a good example of what I mean. The newer versions make it so there will be less laserfire on screen at any one time which stops the game chugging.

he probably is, i instantly noticed it when i fired up the game

alright, i'll look into it, thanks for the advice. i had no idea it was that old

well yeah, and each era you will have new leaders anyway, i would say era 3 is probably the best for the remnant forces because you get palpatine with his eclipse
thats a great idea, i remember fielding two SSD's and it would just be green all over the place

>Being a rebel on the recieving end

>click in the middle of the streetsigns, post boxes, and cars
Are the bots winning the battle against captcha?

Wow I didn't know it got updated. Cool. Gonna try out the new version.

Just play one of the Star Wars mods for Sins of a Solar Empire instead.

Interregnum is pretty cool.

i love sinsbut i got tired of the titan/starbase meta and i haven't picked it up in years. how is that mod in that regard?

As I said, best way to play the mod now is to...

>download official 2.2 demo from
>download More submod from

what's with no planets on the western and southwestern fringes? is there a lore reason for this?

Well the south-western fringes is because most of the action in the mod is set in the more eastern areas due to that being where most of the fighting between the Imperials, warlords and Rebels takes place. The only people with any real presence near Bespin and Endor etc. are the Eriadu Authority and Rebels.

The western edge is because it's Unknown Regions and the only faction with any presence there is Thrawn's Empire of the Hand. I know for a fact that the mod devs plan on adding more stuff to the region, like the Chiss so I imagine they'd expand the shit out of that area in such an event.

>i would say era 3 is probably the best for the remnant forces because you get palpatine with his eclipse

Disgusting. Worst part of the entire Expanded Universe in my view.

jesus christ look at all those fleets. this was my original problem. how can the ai possibly stand up to this?

>how can the ai possibly stand up to this?

They can't. Dark Empire is autism empire. Though to be fair I think the New Republic has a fair few ships as well. In later GCs they get access to New Fleet ships like the Viscount which is a 20 mile long Mon Calamari cruiser.

>Mon Mothma straight up putting a hit out on the rest of the Imps
Straight up savage (oppress)

I have never raged so hard at a strategy game before.

Cool units, though.

They did a lot of the work themselves.

>The historian Voren Na'al remarked that had the Grand Admirals banded together immediately after Endor, the New Republic may have been snuffed out in its infancy. Owing to personal ambition, ill-chance, or madness, such an alliance never occurred. Declann had been killed at Endor, while Teshik had been captured after unsuccessfully trying to rally the fleet and fighting on alone. He was later executed by the New Republic for war crimes. Batch went into hiding after the failure of the Phantom TIE project, until his crew murdered him and defected to Warlord Blitzer Harrsk. Makati, Syn, Takel and Tigellinus continued to defend their areas of operations while waiting for guidance from Palpatine's successor: Syn was killed during Admiral Ackbar's liberation of Kashyyyk, while Makati died while trying to keep the Corporate Sector an Imperial possession. Takel and Tigellinus died after throwing their lot in with the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, which ended up doubting their loyalty and executing them. Grunger and Pitta set themselves up as warlords and ended up mutually perishing in a battle over control of the Corellian sector when Grunger rammed his flagship the Aggressor into Pitta's torpedo sphere. Octavian Grant supported Grand Moff Ardus Kaine's breakaway Pentastar Alignment, while Ishin-Il-Raz went mad, attacking worlds in the Outer Rim Territories apparently at random until he died plunging his flagship into the Denarii Nova.

The Imperial squabbling after Endor was always fun, it's makes standouts like Daala and Thrawn really noteworthy. Wonder how Battlefront 2(6) will show the Remnant.

i never read any of it desu, only summaries but it seemed full retard
exactly, they cant, and i think at that point you can also build your own SSD's, you just grow so fucking strong its ridiculous

are there good clone wars mods

>Wonder how Battlefront 2(6) will show the Remnant.

Presumably badly. Say what you want about the autism of the old EU after two decades people managed to retcon and weld the post-Endor Empire into something relatively sane and interesting to read about.

What else were they going to do?

>Oh hey it looks like we just scored a decisive victory in this galaxy-spanning war that's cost millions of lives and been going on for years. The Empire, our hated foe, is reeling in disarray.
>How best should we capitalize on our newfound advantage, Mon Mothma?
>Eh, let's just call it quits now.

Also there'd be no merch to sell if things went this way, so it's doubly unnaceptable.

Link to this mod please.

you don't play EaW for a challenge, you do it to genocide rebels


It isn't genocide if they're not people.

i've installed this now and im in the galactic congquest screen. Are there no eras in this mod? it only lists numbers of planets

>Are there no eras in this mod
Uh there should be.

>it only lists numbers of planets

That doesn't sound right. Perhaps an installation bug?

yeah also are the planets on the map supposed to look like that? as in a complete line on top?

>yeah also are the planets on the map supposed to look like that

That's just an unavoidable glitch due to the way the map has been changed I think. It's supposed to look like that.

Stars Align should be the era one I think,

Empires at War is the one with Zsinj, Pentastar, Empire proper, Maldrood and Eriadu all fighting each other.
