Hang on hang on

If Brad was never supposed to die, then who did they intend to bury in Michael's place in the first place?

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No one?
There's plenty of empty tombs.

I never understood this either.

Why even bother putting Brad in Michael's grave? They could have easily had a funeral for both Brad and Michael (in Michael's grave, they could have just put random shit). It doesn't make sense why they would need a "fake" body and fake that Brad is in prison

Trevor. He was supposed to die. But Brad accidentally took the bullet for him.

Davey is a pretty bad shot.

Trevor was meant to die, and everything would be pinned on him while Michael and Brad were meant to get off scott-free, but Brad died by accident and Trevor got away

this but
>Davey is a pretty bad shot.
Brad actually got in front of trevor, therefore taking the shot

Brad was supposed to be killed too or put in jail you retards. Only Michael was supposed to walk free after this.

Then why use Brad at all?

The really bad part about the story: none of the story would have happened if Michael didn't uncharacterisitically pull down the guy's house. Yeah, I know Michael can be kind of nuts sometimes, but he is generally reasonable and mature, he wouldn't just pull down someone's house because his wife slept with him (and he knew his wife slept around anyway....).

And yet this event is what starts the entire storyline, it's the whole reason why Michael needs to raise money to pay off the Mexican mobster, so he has to do a heist, which gets Trevor's attention. I generally like the game but it's annoying how the entire plot happened because of an unbelievable, shoe-horned in event.

GTA IV actually did something similar; the story wouldn't have happened if Niko didn't kill Vlad out of nowhere.

I thought the plan was everyone gets locked up but Brad walks
I never got the impression from Michael's conversation with the FIB agent that everyone was supposed to die but him

I haven't played the game recently, anyone got proper clarification?

you kind of need things like this to happen in fiction though, you can't have a scenario where everyone always does the perfect, rational thing and have it ever be interesting

To conceal his body.

But Michael walks*

Considering how sloppy it is, I find it surprising that anyone is able to remember any details from GTAV's story.

There are other ways of concealing the body than burying him in the open
Especially when they knew about Trevor, and that he'd probably figure it out eventually

Seems pretty dumb to decide to use a body when you easily just couldn't have. Considering Trevor knew there was a body in the grave they weren't even discrete about it.
I can understand needing a body as "confirmation of death", but that raises the question again of if it wasn't Brad, then who?

If Trevor and Brad were supposed to die I'm pretty sure they bloody would have considering Michael was leading them

I don't think either of them were supposed to die, but then I can't remember what the plan for them was either

I think the story is pretty entertaining honestly. Michael's a good Lagann

The ending could have been way better.

You receive a choice of A, B, or C, but you really dont feel Franklin's pressure here. You don't get the sense that Franklin really NEEDS to work with the FIB dudes, or with Devin Weston, and that if he didn't, there would be serious consequences. The only motivation to choose A or B is to "see what happens". But story-wise C is such an obvious, easy choice.

More importantly, why didn't Franklin just threaten Devin with a gun when he made his little move to tell him to kill Michael?

"Listen here Devin! You owe me money for those cars! We just killed a bunch of your mercs trying to get the gold back! So you being the one to tell me to go kill Michael is pretty bold of you! Two options, pay up or eat a bullet!"

What is Devin gonna do? Call security?

Trevor was supposed to die. Brad was supposed to end up in prison. Michael was meant to take his own death and get off on witness protection.

But Brad ended up getting killed by mistake, and Trevor got away.

Wouldn't seem very smart to kill Devin, the police would immediately know. Then again, if you choose C they just kill him anyway. I don't know. This story isn't really meant to be taken seriously/

I miss when your motivation for doing missions was "i need to make money". I liked how in IV Niko was basically a contractor for hire who worked for whoever was paying. In V you always have to do stuff for the FIB (this was in IV as well but way less).

Do they say this in the game at any point or is it just inferred? It's not how I remember it but at the same time it's been 4 years and this is a somewhat minor detail

I don't recall Michael wanting to kill off Trevor back when. Also, why did they let Trevor walk free after Brad died? Wouldn't they be able to lock him up? Or hell, just kill him too if that's what the plan was anyway?

It was definitely in the game. Remember it's important to listen to all the car conversations as well (when they're driving to and from the mission objective).

After the slaughterhouse mission Michael says "wrong guy got killed" which implies that Trevor was supposed to die.

> Also, why did they let Trevor walk free after Brad died?

They didn't. Trevor escaped, and made a new life for himself in Sandy Shores.

Why didn't they kill him? I don't know. Maybe the FIB thought it would be valuable to have him as an asset one day. I was originally going to say "they couldn't kill him because they don't know where he is", but I remembered they send Trevor letters from Brad in the joint, so they clearly know where Trevor is. This game's story is just not terribly well thought out.

They had to kidnap him first and Trevor was willing to do it. By that point he was convinced the Merryweather team wasted them at the foundry.

>I miss when
This is just one game, dude. They felt like shaking up the usual 'make it to the top' story template they've been using the past couple decades.

>Trevor escaped
Under their watch though. I mean, if the FIB wanted they could have had him killed at any time, or at least arrested, no?
But they let him free, essentially gave him the same thing Michael got in terms of a new life.

So why let him go completely if the original plan consisted of his death?

They didn't allow Trevor to escape. He just plain escaped.

I meant after the point though. He escaped from them at the time, but after that they knew exactly of his whereabouts and most everything else

Why let him off Scot free?

his entire plot is around him being just as irrational and psychotic as Trevor, but trying to hide it in order to live the American dream
but inside he seeks the chaos of his old life

Why use a body at all?

Is Brad just assumed to be dumb af then? If Trevor could figure it out, Brad could have kek

Dave intercepted a letter addressed to Brad from Trevor mailed to prison a few years before the game. He then pretended to be Brad to keep up the charade and keep Michael from knowing that Trevor was in the same state as him. All those texts that Trevor receive from Brad throughout the game was written by Dave.

Devin had a good reason to withhold payment. Franklin attracted the attention of the cops near Paleto bay and it would be dumb of him to openly interact with a criminal in open near the scene of the chase.

>guys, I have an idea. let's rob whatever is in the cargo hold
>okay, we have this plan and it requires a submarine and some other shit
>okay, let's steal this shit, it has to be worth some money
>awesome! we got it.. only took us some insanely long walking and mini games to do it
>uh oh, we have to give it back. that weeks of planning and stealing shit was for naught

the ending was also bullshit
>kill trevor because the crooked ass FIB wants you to
>kill michael because hurr durr he got you involved in all of this shit, but please ignore the part where he made you rich as fuck, while I screwed you over by not paying you for those cars
poorly written. killing either one was fucking stupid, since franklin had no real motive to do so.

>it would be dumb of him to openly interact with a criminal in open near the scene of the chase.
and yet he shows up at the man house, asking him to kill a friend. oh, and he STILL hadn't paid him for the cars they stole.

devin is lucky(well, not really) that franklin didn't put a bullet in his head right there in the doorway.

I think user was asking more why they pretended Brad wasn't dead in the first place.
Trevor didn't write a letter to Brad for no reason, it's because the story he was told is that Brad is alive. But why even tell him that story and not just straight up say both Michael and Brad died and shit hit the fan?
Why go with a different story that only Michael died? Weren't they all criminals? Isn't the death of two of them seen as a heroic act for Dave?

They didn't know. They only knew he used a PO box from the area

Michael didn't know that Dave was pretending to be Brad until the Agent told him in one of the missions. From that point, he had to go with the lie because if Trevor found out the truth, then he would've flipped out and killed Michael and Dave for lying to him.

I can't believe so many of you fucks misunderstood GTAV's story. It's not like it's subtle or anything.

This is a board that praises IV for its story. Its full of illiterate children.

>thinking you'd be able to sell a fucking super weapon or whatever that you stole from the government and a top-tier security agency for 20 million dollars
Maybe if you took that chopper all the way to Sandistan and waited a few years for the heat to die down

I have no idea why they even gave you the option. The 3rd option is the only one that makes sense. Killing Trevor or Michael isn't a satisfactory ending. Both Steve and Devin tell you to fuck off after you kill them. What were they thinking?

I for one just don't remember it
it's not like V is a good enough game to replay it

He didn't know he was pretending but I'm pretty sure he knew the story is that Brad is "in prison"

Mate get over yourself
Most people played it 4 years ago, if it's so simple to you then add to the discussion rather than being a piece of shit contributing nothing

I don't remember much of the game's plot at all

Probably one of the thousands of other people they're constantly murdering?

Yeah but that's the thing, with the abundance of other bodies, why use Brad specifically?
Convenience seems a stretch considering Trevor's "wacky" enough to dig it up but eh

Fair enough, I really don't remember shit all

I'm with this guy now though
, why did they pretend Brad was alive in the first place?
Was it a case of not having justifiable grounds to kill him like they did Michael?