This might be the worst MMO I've ever played
This might be the worst MMO I've ever played
You haven't played that many then.
How so?
I've played WoW, Guild Wars 2, BDO, Warhammer Online, SWTOR, and ESO
This one really takes the cake in how terrible and handholdy it is. Terrible graphics, terrible unfun combat, 2.5 sec gcd and garbage story and voice acting.
You take that back, you nigger!
FFXIV Stormblood
I could understand if you liked any of those more than FF14 except GW2
>literally just the mainstream shit
You don't know anything about shit MMOs, child.
All of those games have inferior art style and for most of them inferior graphics.
Are you blind or do you just love toons?
It all starts with the combat being boring, tedious, uninspired, unrewarding, and increative. The classes are a fucking joke, are not fun to play, and are not unique. Global cooldown is a mistake at any interval, and literal cookie cutter builds plague this game. Everything is centered around combat in MMOs, so it makes the whole game garbage. I don't even find the music that good, especially compared to FFXI
GW2 at least has a fantastic story and set of characters. Also probably the best PvP in the genre.
The game literally has the most rewarding combat of any MMO ever released.
The fuck are you doing? And no nostalgia for vanilla does not count as anything.
>more like shitblood
If your taste is anything like your wit, it's no wonder this thread is mocking you.
Cool, then don't play it
PSO is still the best online RPG after almost 20 years anyway.
What can FFXIV copy from GW2 to improve on its PVP? And I keep hearing that FFXIV just wasn't built for PVP. Is that the fundamental problem? Because if it is, wouldn't FFXIV need a updated or separate PVP engine built for it or something? I mean, they've already separated the skills and shit for PVP.
>mfw this thread will be full of shitposters who think the people replying believe that they're genuine and the people replying think that the shitposters are genuine and therefore shitpost themselves
Why can't we be allowed one thread compared to the several threads of multiple other games? even WoW legion has a thread right now.
How long until this one autosages by the downs syndrome mods?
How long until the mods that do it for free get triggered by FFXIV being popular?
How long until the mods kill themselves because they're fat neckbeards with on families or friends that love them?
What's the best healer in the game right now?
I thought it's a thinly veiled XIV thread?
I don't think so, Tim. WoW has far superior art direction and always has.
Colorful, actual unique world that isn't just your generic weeb setting. Bottom picture is grey, bleak, choppy graphics due to only FXAA, and flat textures.
WoW is old as fuck and somehow still manages to be way better looking than most new MMOs coming out. Weird.
It's a social MMO
it's aim is fun
not everything has to be "intense" and "competitive"
Little Witch Academia was a shit show. The entire plot could've been concentrated down into 12 maybe 6 episodes for much better results. Akko being retarded was cute though.
>threads for Overwatch and WoW persist for months, Overwatch in particular always having at least five acrive threads at any given time
Naw this seens legir
every MMO is social, nice damage control lmao
I love how triggered the mods are.
>2.50sec gcd
Mods are fags.
ah yes, the whisk of virginity
>It's a social MMO
Which MMO isn't social? Without human interaction they're just skinner boxes trying to keep you addicted enough to pay your subscription.
Agree but it doesn't need another thread
Imagine having terminal stockholm syndrome like this
Shhh, just discuss video games.
WoW combat blows Shitblood out of the water. Seriously no MMO has ever come close to how responsive and fluid the combat is in WoW.
FFXIV combat is your typical Asian shit, with blaring lights exploding on the screen whenever you press a button. The rotations are needlessly complicated and there's way too much button bloat (admitted by the playerbase).
Ever wonder why PvP has always been hot garbage in the game? Because anyone can produce combat when all you have to do is stand behind a huge boss and press a combo of buttons. When it actually comes to designing a deep combat system that works in both PvP and PvE, WoW absolutely trounces the shit out of FFXIV.
WoW looks like shit.
Almost no polygons. Low-res textures. Shitty lighting.
>wow is better than x mmo thread #20441
wow apologists are one of the most stubborn people on the planet
>It's a social MMO
Like every fucking MMO ever?
>it's aim is fun
Fun is subjective. Its more fun for me to have challenge and be rewarded for my hard work rather than just having shit handed to me.
Fuck off retarded casual tripfag. Go ruin somebody else's thread and somebody else's game.
>Which MMO isn't social?
the shit ones, e.g. WoW, every korean MMO ever, SWTOR, Warhammer
difference is you gotta figure shit out with others on this one. It's like multiplayer dark souls
>liking action combat in mmos
please leave
This is the worst thread yet, OP just delete this abomination
For difficult content, Astrologian, for faceroll dungeoning, White Mage.
he played SCH
You're hilarious. FFXIV is the king of shitty lighting. WoW lighting blows it the fuck out.
And obviously an older game has less polygons, what a pathetic thing to even mention when the topic is art direction, not pixel count.
Nah this is a cleverly veiled thread to talk about XIV, just ignore the brain damaged flies that flocked to it because the OP post caught their attention
>stockholm syndrome
Better used to describe the XIV community. People persist playing that game because they've already invested so much money in subs that they need to defend their purchase.
This isn't meant to be a stealth general if that's what you're talking about
If want that, it's right here
nigga pls nigga don't even nigga nigga don't
No it's meant to be a piece of shit and it's succeeding, congratulations on your successful flaming pile of garbage
Nah I spent less than 60 in subs and sticked to it because it doesn't look like a pathetic PS1 game :^)
The biggest sin in FF14 is that the gear is all homogenous and boring.
Getting a unique piece of gear with effects that power up skills or add damage procs or add something special to your character is what is used to drive the farming treadmill.
Raising your primary stats by 10% after spending a month farming entire new sets is not fun.
Holy shit that genuinely looks like absolute trash.
How do people like those choppy, flat and lifeless graphics? Fuck.
Ok I understand if you like WoW better as a game or whatever but if you're seriously trying to say that WoW looks like anything but putrid dog shit visually then you're fucking retarded.
I'm sorry that the thought of posting Video Game General threads on the Video Game General board makes you so angry.
Sounds like you'd rather have 0.00001% drop rate grinding than guaranteed weekly lockout grinding.
>report this person because I do not agree with him
I wish I was 12 again, maybe then I'd be this stupid
I had to use ENB to play the trial.
>every class is dumbed down
>can't even hold onto aetherflow stacks and dreadwyrm stacks at the same time anymore
>also dumbing down healers so they don't have to play high risk high reward by using cleric stance
ok shitter
not him but Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot.
I would. Because at least drop rate grinding adds some suspense to your gameplay. Getting screwed over by RNG is rough, but when it favors you it feels great. I say this as someone that regularly gets fucked over by RNG in every game I play too.
There's no feeling behind weekly lockout grinding, it's just there, and it's boring.
oblivion looks better then that
So, there's another way to circumvent the 30 min auto logout feature. Just speak to an NPC and don't exit the dialogue.
Do not bother arguing with stockholm syndromed maggots sucking on the tits of a decaying corpse
Ok I understand if you like FFXIV better asa game or whatever but if you're seriously trying to imply FFXIV looks like anything but putrid dog shit visually,then you're fucking retarded.
>played XIV for like 4 months, did all the content besides some EX and savage shit
>this was less than a year ago
>literally have no memories from it, cant remember shit
This has never happened to me before, not even in shitty f2p MMOs like Mabinogi or whatever.
XIV isn't terrible -- it's just fucking bland.
Nigga, you just ain't no nigga for me nigga
I'm not 'shitposting'. It's the same mechanics: figuring out the lore and hidden tidbits in FF14 requires the same group puzzling required to piece together dark souls lore- it's very subtle and needs some backstory explanation. It's also very vast.
Combat wise they're quite different- there's no dodging in FF14
>the ground doesn't even have any foliage present
>just horribly painted textures that look 15 years old
>that horrible lighting in general
>that disgusting fucking race front and center
I can't... I can't look at it anymore. It's physically painful.
No shit retard, theres just no way to cirvumvent the auto boot once per day
>every class is dumbed down
>it's YET ANOTHER cuckshed SMNigger arguing for classes he doesn't play episode
This is Mango Pineapple. Please say something to reassure her.
Whats so difficult about deploying your tactical nuke taint on black mage every 15 seconds? Whats so hard about paladins new rotation which gives him 5 fell cleaves through his main combo?
>generic shitty fairy tale fantasy art direction
Why are people replying to this bait?
I agree with OP, FFXIV is not just a bad MMO, it's a terrible game. I went through all of vanilla, then the post-50 quests to unlock HW, all through HW and then stopped about 5 hours into SB.
good things
>story eventually picks up and have interesting moments
>some of the raids and primal fights was fun
>the ability to be every class on ONE character was nice
>triple triad
everything else was bad. the moment I decided to just stop, exit and uninstall was after the fifth or so fetch quest in SB. I have no idea how people play this month after month.
I want to capture her with my conscript bros and gangbang her for weeks
Well that was pretty meta
foul is 30 seconds, umbral hearts is a mechanic that wasn't there before, AST and WHM got nothing but additions, both BRD and MCH are more complex than before but since you're a SMNshitter who doesn't know the first thing about the rest of the classes you should just stick to your cuckshed class and refrain from saying anything desu
it's euro hours so all the mental midgets are posting
Holy fuck, the absolute cognitive dissonance in this post.
>BRD and MCH more complex
>When it actually comes to designing a deep combat system that works in both PvP and PvE, WoW absolutely trounces the shit out of FFXIV.
yea because trading defensive for offensive cooldowns in arena is such a great design. wow's pvp went to shit a few expansions ago.
I'm liking these edits.
BLM is the best it's ever been faggot. The rotation is more or less exactly the same as in HW, except now you have a new nuke to play with, even more explosions, a new buff to upkeep in Umbral Hearts, and you don't get utterly fucked by AoEs deciding to target you through no fault of your own.
not an argument
>Unlocked the Aesthetician
He's 100% straight right?
NO it's dumbed down now. Dumbed down like my job SMN :((((((((
You don't get to criticize WoW PvP in the slightest when your game's PvP failed outright from the beginning.
I wonder why literally not a single development studio has been able to copy wow's responsiveness. even just the basics like movement feels so much better in wow than any other MMO I've tried, and it's more than 10 years old now. It's been years since I played wow but I still remember how fluid it was. I tried the FFXIV trial and movement felt like shit
y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-shut up!
English is not my mother tongue, but how do you call someone who'll keep his opinion even when all the fact presented to him show he's wrong, or at least that he should admit he's subjective ?
Autist nigger blizzdrone
You could make literally same gif out of wow.
At least XIV has story to keep your attention away from the monotomy of early game combat. WoW has nothing but absolute fucking deadly grind of kill ten sheep quests.
PvP wasn't even in the game for a long time
>combat is boring at level 1
holy shit unsubbed
>FF cucks UNIRONICALLY THINK it looks better than WoW
Holy fuck you guys are retarded, that 2.5gcd has melted your brain.
You're just living zombies at this point.
Wow, you played very few MMOs.
Either way, BDO and ESO are objectively worse in pretty much all aspects
The complaint about both of these MMOs always stem from the early game, how about at max level, how does XIV and WoW fare against each other?
>English is not my mother tongue
Fuck off back to your communist shithole where you belong
Loss of gauss barrel and wanderers minuet sure makes it dumbed down for the WoW kiddies, including the nerfs to wildfire LOL, bard has to press way less buttons and requires way less effort AND the overheat mechanics on MCH aren't even complete until 64+ leaving it a clunky mess in synced dungeons whilst bard tops the dps charts and has a shit ton more utility for free