Played Dark Souls for the first time a while ago

>Played Dark Souls for the first time a while ago
>Absolutely love the game, completed it five times with three different builds
>Finally decided to move on and grab pic related
>I've just barely made it past the tutorial parts and I've already been disappointed like five times

Did I make a mistake Sup Forums? How many disappointments await me? Does this game come anywhere near the first DaS or DeS? Be honest.

It's a good game not worthy of the Souls name.

>I've just barely made it past the tutorial parts and I've already been disappointed like five times

Starting to believe these gay threads are getting dumber each and every time anew.

Dark souls 1 or 2.?

By the way darksouls2 is a good game

The game has many disappointments and most of them is just the enemies and bosses being piss easy and shitty hit should just complete one run and then go to 3.

It's a great game with its own strengths. Stick with it if you dare.

So an optional tutorial is bad now?

Fuck, and I thought being able to rush past the boring was a staple of the games.

>tutorial section
>no boss

How did this get approved?

>Does this game come anywhere near the first DaS or DeS? Be honest.


and for the record you bought the "we improved it, we swear" edition of DaS2

DaS2 is trash, in all respects. The only people who speak well of it are Sup Forums contrarians, and fans of that one youtuber who made a video about it for e-likes

and PvP fags, that is like the biggest thing I have seen defended about that shitty game on this site

Oh yeah. Those people who think it's good pvp to hang around the belfries and gank people

My entire experience playing this game felt more like a chore than having fun. I finished it eventually but don't plan on replaying it like I have with 1 and 3.

>How many disappointments await me?
If you lower you standards not that many, just don't go expecting inter-connected world, good npc quests, good level design, well made areas contextually and you'll have a good time.

>DaS2 has gone from a disappointing sequel to a bad game in general

So this is the power of shitposting.

>over half the bosses are multi-target bosses


No, but you should play it regardless. It builds character and make you sad at how many weapons and armor sets from it didn't appear in DaS3.

It grows on you eventually

It's both. It's the Harmony of Dissonance of Dark Souls games. Undeniably bad by fans of the series and non-fans alike, and praised only by contrarians.


He means that he is just beyond the tutorial.
I am sure that if he beat the first game the tutorial of the second game would not pose a significant challenge to him.

>well made areas contextually

like this.

and yet DaS2 fags defend a level connection that is literally this

>DaS2 is trash, in all respects

Not really. It has much better combat than DaS.

>It has much better combat than DaS.

how so?

Lets see.
DeS has zero world interconnectivity so you rarely feel like your exploring the same kingdom. It also has the worst healing system out of all 5.
Its seen as an amazing game.

DaS changed the above in a new more "cohesive" setting and was seen as an amazing game.

DaS2 took aspects from both games and made an entirely new kingdom from DaS1 to learn of. Its story is as dumb as das though.
Its bad I guess

BB took aspects from the above games and changed the setting and playstyle enough to actually feel like a new game for once. This is the only one of the 5 with a full story and truly cohesive world.
Its bretty gud even if I dont like how healing works in it.

DaS3 took aspects from BB and thats about it, didnt improve on anything besides QoL stuff like the menus and controls. Kinda buttfucked the story of 1 as well.
Its good I guess.

So no, unless your a lorefag, graffixfag, or pvpfag.
They are all mediocre 3d action games with light RPG elements that are largely useless. The story has always taken a backseat to the gameplay.

If your a lorefag das2 is garbage because 1 and 3 have "the best story ever" even though BB does it far better. If your a graffixfag you should play games, and if your a pvpfag well DaS2 is a love it or hate it kind of game because orbs and sm.

Its hilarious how people got so upset at agility in das2 though

>and non-fans alike

Highly unlikely since the major failures of DaS 2 rely on it being compared to the successes of it predecessor. The only people who adamantly dislike DaS 2 are ones who loved DaS 1 enough to be disappointed.

My biggest problem actually is Drangleic castle.
Contextually it's supposed to be the castle where the king and queen used to live and rule the lands. In the game it's a mess that would make no sense outside of a game, and no one would really live there.

>fatigued as hell from multiplayer shooters
>literally enjoyed the game since I picked it up and sorely needed something to scratch my RPG itch
>'ur judt contrarian'

Well you can fuck right off, that's for sure.

>Its hilarious how people got so upset at agility in das2 though

because the game never explained what agility did and people dismissed it as a useless stat. Like resistance.

>mfw DaS3 removed Agility/ADP

>because the game never explained what agility did
>i cant read a in game menu or look at the stat increases shown before committing a level

Must not have gotten far in DeS huh?

i never had a decent pvp match in ds2
always lag movement and attacks and they didn't even flinch back once i hit them

>DeS has zero world interconnectivity so you rarely feel like your exploring the same kingdom
Just like 2, except that DeS makes sense since you're warping to the areas, instead of going through some tunnels

>Check catalog
>No DaS 2 bait thread

Well we can't have that now can we?

I'm with you OP. I had to stop playing it. I started playing Bloodborne instead and holy fuck I am so glad I made that decision. If I go back to DS2, I may just look up an OP build and run through the game just for completion sake because there was not one thing I enjoyed about it. DS1 does literally everything better. I cannot name one single thing I enjoyed about DS2 more except ladder sprinting.

>literally enjoyed the game

You won't be missed

>Must not have gotten far in DeS huh?

I got the DeS Platinum.

Besides, the in game prompts mentioned nothing about agility affecting i-frames.

i will never not upvote this thread, too bad i cant give you gold im broke right now ;)

I'm not going anywhere if that's what you're implying.

DaS1 had this in spades but tis duh best gaem evar tho!

Remember how easy it was to connect to you friends without mods?

It made me feel things I haven't quite felt since putting a Devil May Cry 2 disc in my PS2 in 2003.
It's a godawful followup to Demons and Dark, and barely passable as an ARPG in general.

Eh, Dark Souls 2 wasn't so ba-
>shit bosses with trash mobs
>gank squads of 8 or so enemies run at you through walls
>starter weapon is best weapon in the game
>glitch is now a stat
>story is assholes
>levels don't connect

There is one time when you're forced into fighting a gank squad of enemies, when you pull the lever and the basilisks drop down.

DS1, DS3 and BB force you to fight gank squads too, where did this meme that this is a DS2 thing come from?

Not him but
I really liked having a weapon's complete moveset in the left hand and power stancing is great.

It builds off of dark souls in some good ways, but stuff like boss variety really kills it for me.
Just play bloodborne

because they are more prevalent in DaS2.

Like the gank squad of archers AT A FUCKING BONFIRE

>power stancing
a gimmick that makes you drop your shield and rely on rolling in a game with fucked hitboxes, no thanks

People who claim DaS2 is the worst shit ever are:retards who:
>watched MM's videos and never played the game
>think slightly heavier stamina consumption, less IASA frames and no hitstop make the game ABSOLUTELY FUCKING UNPLAYABLE CLUNKY BUZZWORD GARBAGE
>fags who only know one way to play DeS and DaS, which is never ever disengage lock on, aggro enemies one by one and rush behind them for cheap backstabs with infinite iframes
>lorefags and I'm not even gonna comment on that
>muh suspension of disbelief/atmosphere/environmental storytelling fags who'd rather complain about how tall a wall is supposed to be to be "realistic"

Which one of these are you OP?

>open door in lost bastille
>7 royal swordsmen

>turn a corner in huntsman's copse
>5 of those ninja things

>shaded woods
>hohoho invisible enemies are funny!

Now tell me about the DS1 dragon cheap death, and pretend there isn't the exact same thing in 2, contrarian.

>gank squad of archers AT A FUCKING BONFIRE

What gank squad at a bonfire?

>linking iframes to fps
>good idea

yeah, I wish all games rewarded people for playing at 30fps.

>watched MM's videos

0/10, not need to read the rest of the bait

Sinners Rise. SotFS made it so there was only one and he did not snipe you while you were sitting at the bonfire.

Dark Souls 2 is a non-game

You're a non-person.

for you

>we should have invisible enemies!
>a-and s-sometimes! Bonfires should EXPLODE after major bosses! HAHAHA!
>and the opening cutscene should talk about how you'll die a lot!

>tfw people began to realize that PC weapons were degrading twice as fast as console weapons.

Initially I felt stupid for being duped into buying DaSII, but after I got over that it was a fun shitshow to laugh at.

Name one(1) reason why DaS2 is a non-game.

I'm going to give DaS2 a chance and play it again. What's a good build that won't fuck me over?
I did a str/faith in DaS1, but I heard faith is balls in 2

It also makes dodging pointless because you're gonna take a hit anyway.

>7 swordsmen
If you don't just run in like a fucking retard then you never have to face them more than 2-3 at a time. Hardly a gank squad.

>5 of those ninja things
I have 220 hours logged and Ive never had to fight 5 of them at once, maybe you need to stop charging in.

>hohoho invisible enemies are funny!
They come at you one at a time, how is that a gank squad?

>literally quoted something you say
>this is somehow a "strawman"

>and add an achievement for dying called "Welcome to Dark Souls!"

>>a-and s-sometimes! Bonfires should EXPLODE after major bosses! HAHAHA!
Bonfire mimics were god-tier, fuck you.

>Bonfire mimics were god-tier, fuck you.

I a so glad I stopped playing DaS2 before that bullshit was patched in

>Like the gank squad of archers AT A FUCKING BONFIRE

I understood what the devs were trying to do, which was to subvert the concept that bonfire = safe. Perhaps it wasn't executed very well but that one mistake held more originality than the whole of DaS 3.

>power stancing
>a gimmick

Silly fisherman. Even most actual DaS 2 haters agree that power stance was cool and is missed in DaS 3.

>makes you drop your shield and rely on rolling

And you also admit you're a shitter. How cute.

>it's your fault somehow!
>works on MY machine!

yeah, no.

None of the game EVER have anything that explains iframes at all. Why the hell do people act like this was clear in anything else?

using a shield makes me a "shitter"?

Then literally every souls game is wall-to-wall gank squads if you're a fucking retard and just run in.

>Hey guys I ran past all of the enemies instead of luring them out 1-2 at a time
>What the fuck I had 17 hollows chasing me artificial difficulty shit game OGMWQIEHAJFGWENFWFD

>exploding enemy in a cell just after ruin sentinels fight blows you up as you walk past it

explain this bullshit.

>play and beat das2
>think it was a great game but fell short in comparison to das1 and BB (the two I'd played beforehand)
>go on Sup Forums to talk about it
I think the DaS2 hate meme has gotten out of hand.

Open the door, at least 4 come out. Take one step inside, 6. Sometimes seven because for some reason one pulls from 3 corridors away

It's just a bad game.

>enemies no longer attack through walls
>most enemies don't block, making them easily defeated with polearms
>no shitty 4-way rolling in lock-on, works in every conceivable direction
>no input lag on rolls, instant activation
>stamina cost for attacks lowered across the board
>poise always broken in two hits, making it predictable.

>Needs a shield
>cries about gank squads

Quit being a little casual bitch

>people still cant dodge in one of the easier games
The DLC bosses force you to so not really sure how you beat them without dodging.
>people still complain about muh durability on PC when its been fixed and was better before unfixed

I love how people complain about durability in a series where durability is completely useless in every single other entry. DaS2 pre patch 60 fps was the only time in any of the games where breaking a weapon was even a remote possibility. 3 is the worst because it pretends to have durability yet is never necessary to repair anything.

Either get rid of the entire thing or make it so it plays a part on game play, making you worry about breaking a weapon. This half assed weapons never break but lets pretend durability makes the game have more depth approach is actually retarded.

>at least 4 come out
>take a step inside, 6

DaS2 put in a lot of shit to cheap out the player, because the "dark souls is hard" meme had taken root by then. Anyone who complains about it is a "scrub" for not eating shit.

>Bonfire mimics
I've platinum'd das2 twice (ps3, pc), what the fuck is a bonfire mimic?

>I got caught by a trap and how is this fair?

It's a trap user.

Something that was added in SoTFS. And it's beautiful.

I seriously don't get this. All those scenarios mentioned either have the enemies triggered individually, or provide tells and a chokepoint and environmental traps. I don't even understand how you can consider this a fault given how weaksauce most individual enemies in Souls games typically are.

What was there to explain? If you weigh less, you dodge better. If you weigh more, you dodge worse. It doesn't get more clear than that. It didn't matter what you were wearing or what your stats were, you had the same capability to dodge with every setup and character, depending on their equipment weight.


Dark souls 2 has the best pve content of them all, the pvp sucks tho.

using a primary game mechanic makes me a casual?

it's bullshit. Bonfires are the only safe haven in this series

>you had the same capability to dodge with every setup and character, depending on their equipment weight.
only if you upped the ADP stat. Equipment weight meant fuck all outside of the fast/normal/fat roll which was in DaS1

A meme, literally.

And? Learn to play without locking on, to whiff punish and weave and roll between enemies attacks instead of relying on a 0 frame critical hit with a five seconds invlunerable animation. Fucking scrub.
And in the shaded woods you get attacked by maybe two invisible enemies at once, and the wole area is 20 seconds long, stop being a scrub.
Exploding bonfires do no damage you fucking falseflagger. And wooah the opening cutscene thing really breaks my ludonarrative immersion or whatever the shit, worst game confirmed.
>glitch is now a stat
What the fuck are you talking about. Please don't tell me you are one of those 12 year olds who never played a game before Souls and think iframes during rolls are some sort of exploit or glitch.

When? I played SotFS up to Shrine of Amana and never encountered one yet.

>not being cautious for traps
DaS2 has its faults but you are simply retarded

>come up to tunnel
>can easily hear the enemy making its recognisable groaning sound
>ignore the sound and slowly walk down the corridor
>hear the enemy scream, giving you 3-4 seconds to run away before it explodes
>don't bother to run away, and die
>complain on a mongolian cave paintings catalogue

>im bad at games
If you open the door zero of them are aggroed, its only when you step forward and even then its only 3-4, completely normal for every souls game. If you rush in then you get fucked.

But guess what, if you actually look you can see a window directly across the room. If you use the window from the outside you can actually aggro them one at a time since they apparently are far too hard to handle otherwise.

Its like you faggots never even played the ToTG where the worst gank squad still resides. Besides the 3 giants in DeS 5-2, I still have flashbacks on my str build

>think iframes during rolls are some sort of exploit or glitch.

someone played on console..

I thought that before I ever played it. I figured it was going to be okay and everyone here exaggerated. I was wrong. The memes were real. DeS, DS1 and BB are all really good games. DS2 is just fucking awful. I haven't got to DS3 yet.

>Ringed City shows the end of a world
>Anor Londo still stands
>Lothric stands too
>no Drangleic
>the only mentions of DS2 in TRC are earthen peak which plays way fucking better than original area, the fact that knights of drangleic tried to infiltrate the RC and got absolutely fucked and last bit of Alva/Zulie which leads to depressing bad end of their story

>only if you upped the ADP stat
I explaining why the DeS/DaS system made sense, not the dumpster fire that DaS2 created.

>recognisable groaning sound

user, it's the first time you face that enemy, and you can't see it in the cell.

>only if you upped the ADP stat. Equipment weight meant fuck all outside of the fast/normal/fat roll which was in DaS1
So distance doesnt mean anything now?

>Its like you faggots never even played the ToTG where the worst gank squad still resides.

wasn't that Skeleton pit completely optional?

unlike the mandatory gank squads in 2?

I liked how DaS2 was outright ignored in 3.

I actually saw the light from the bonfire at the end of the hallway. So I ran and he never hit me.

Are you kidding?
Everything you do feels like you're wading through molasses. DaS2 combat manages to be both slow and weightless.
Some people like the PvP just because there are admittedly a lot of options, but the combat is the least satisfying of any souls game.

>So distance doesnt mean anything now?

not when the only thing that matters was the i-frames

I'm pretty much the same, aside from the fact I've never actually played 2. I dropped hours in das1 around the time it was released, played it again later on PC then skipped 2 and somewhat enjoyed 3. 2 has been sitting on my shelf for months now, I don't even want to try it because i know i'll just be disappointed and the pvp will be dead (which was apparently the best thing about it).