this guy walks into the bar and slaps ur ass. what do???
This guy walks into the bar and slaps ur ass. what do???
Why can't a cute bishie slap my ass instead?
There are no cute bishies in the blizzard universe.
>5 recolors of a tychus summer skin
>5 recolors of a tracer summer skin
>no other summer skins
What the fuck blizz? I want some fems in flips
U Mirin' Brah?
Motorboat his pex
uninstall his shitty game
Ask him to spot me. No homo.
I'm not gay, but this never fails to get me hard
I don't think you understand what "not gay" stands for user.
wonder why no one picks him when minigun is one of the strongest base abilities in the game and all his skills are good.
>implying I would ever go to a bar
>implying anyone would ever want to slap my ass
Suck his cock
That's not canon he can't get out of those armors.
What's wrong with his chest? Did he give birth to an alien or what?
it's an idealized cartoon user
real men aren't actually attractive
>real men aren't actually attractive
Sup Forums never fails to conjure up some new forms of denial
Tell him to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with his gut. Don't know why anyone finds him attractive
Fuckin smells like ass , gross. Woman's ass smells like cake , fags can't compete baka
>flawless facial structure
>perfectly proportioned body
>thighs like fucking hams
you're kidding yourselves if you think this is in anyway realistic
Ask him about his cycle and workout routine!
He doesn't starve or dehydrate himself to get excessive tone. Look up weight lifters or strongmen.
steroid guts are fucking cancer
How's it feel to be so wrong?
Learn to wipe your own ass, faggot
There are plenty of real men like that, so I don't see what's not "realistic" about it.
this is attractivethis is not, guy looks like a fuckin dope3d can't even compete
>He doesn't know about Anduin
Because his range is shit, he almost has to be in melee range. Now with Malthael in the game Tychus is in a bad spot because Malthael does what Tychus does but a lot better.
You're so far down the rabbit hole, you find 10/10's unattractive. Enjoy living alone for the rest of your life.
wow you sure showed me user!
They nerfed his range and ability to trade into people with That's The Stuff. Kind of killed his OP build so now people just play Valla instead.
slap his gf's ass
this is his gf
>being a literal retard
or I'm just not attracted to masculine facial features like a fag?
drawings are idealized and "perfect", real men are ugly
Slap his ass
The change to That's the stuff only suffers if you went with In the Rhythm , but That's the stuff now syncs a lot better with Fully Loaded, The Bigger They Are and Master Assassin
He could trade indefinitely into other tanks or assassins, since that nerf he's fallen off quite hard. Sure his other options synergize, but In The Rhythm now has massive anti-synergy which killed his good build.
Slap his back.
kiss the head of his penis
What the fuck is a wristlet
>im not attracted to masculine facial features
>finds a drawing of a masculine man attractive
nigga make up your mind
no homo
at least he gets a second health ba-oh wait thats not balanced, lets give it to D.Va instead
Push him away
>wanting Boss's irradiated, sterile, tumor-filled balls on your face
He's far from a bishie...
is this that hard to comprehend? 2d isn't representative of the real thing
3d mens faces just don't anything for me cause I'm not a low test faget
>not wanting to get suffocated by his musk
Whatever man, you hindering yourself from being happy is all I need to know.
That "lineart" is killing my eyes
I just said masculine faces aren't my preference, and they're something that I can look past in drawings but not so much irl
pretty eyes are the most important feature of a man anyway
What workout routine would I need to get to this body from scrawny nerd
>not enjoying a nice pair of balls on your face
Why do you even live user? Seriously, what do you have to live for?
For that? Any routine. As long as you develop your muscles a bit and remain in a low bodyfat% you'll look somewhat like that.
>Tychus will never fuck you silly with his hairy fat cock and groan "Ohh, daddy like" after filling you up
why even live
Welcome to Orgrimmar, have you come to serve the Horde?
The fact that people actually play hots is gayer than this fucking thread.
it's fun
It's pretty much the worst of an already terrible genre.
is this thread full of t-twinks?
"stop liking what I don't like" is still a thing here? Sad.
Orc power bottoms are the best.
>ywn be a leader of a village full of power bottom orcs who lust for your cock
No, dumb stuttering anime poster
I'm a twink, but I don't wanna be anymore.
No one finds twinks attractive except other twinks and creepy fat dudes
you just gotta be attractive user
you ARE attractive aren't you?
Should i spend the 2400 shards for the skin is it worth it?
Yeah, I've got a pretty good face on me. Doesn't change the fact that I don't like my own body type and want to fix it
>who is illidan?
>who is male D3 wizard?
>Who is Kael?
Plenty of them.
Not really. Just go fap to the porn and buy a whole video game.
The event lasts a whole month. Play the entire month and pull from boxes, buy what you don't have but want at the end with durritos or gems.
rip brah :
Say what?
>tfw I've been turning down a 8/10 qt's advances for years because I don't want to confirm my friends gay suspicions about me
any games for this feel?
>That teddy bear
are you me user?
>tfw handsome face that attracts all the chicks/submissive boisluts
>tfw you just wanna be held by a big man
I'm 5'4 and 130lbs.
I've accepted the fact I am made to be a sub and want to fand that bara man of my dreams someday
That's actually a gigantic scar.
>moba games are pretty awful
>but they have great husbandos and porn
Why is this?
games with large casts tend to get away with more
Real life bishie here, no.
Doesn't this scar come from fighting them zergs?
I'll let him slap my ass as much and as hard as he desires
No idea, apparently he also fought on and against the confederacy before being put on ice.
Out of all of your options, none apply and the closest is the D3 Wizard, which even then the official artwork makes him ripped anyways.
We're gonna make it, man
Just gotta get /fit/, or something
>long hair
>no bodyhair
>handsome face
The muscles are an extra.
It's a way to attract people. Industries have become aware there are actually a lot of homos buying shit everywhere.
>Lucio on HoTS
>nerfed beyond recognition
I just quit after that.
>passive healing decreased from 3 to 2
I can't believe how hard this murdered him
>playing Lucio to begin with
>bara thread
>no Zabaniya