>when someone who didn't read the thread posts a criticism about a game without knowing it had been addressed earlier
ITT: Things you hate about Sup Forums
So what you're saying is you're autistic.
>stop talking about something I don't like
Well if you're going to participate in a thread, at least read it first
Yeah, darn 4chaners! Learn to socialise ya dumbos!
I fucking hate when people don't read threads here and post shit that's already been said.
I made a million dollar AAA game that nobody wants to try out
When people don't post anime feet
>template threads being a necessity to get replies
I post what I feel like cause I dont give a FUCK
If you got a problem with that you can kiss my a$$
Shitty meta threads where people whine about shit that's already been whined about fifty thousand billion times
Retards like you who make threads not about video games. Die.
We rarely ever discuss anything important to gaming. /vg/ is one giant hugbox community, but at least they give links to large faqs of compiled knowledge.
Even when games like Nier: Automata were released, people would go on and on about the characters appearance, instead of overpowered builds (weapon damage +6 and Shockwave +6 chips) that would help new players.
Content creators have every opportunity to shill their games in a single thread, but never do. Instead, we see multiple threads for an upcoming Japanese game. Which creates interest in that game.
>meme x
Whenever someone mentions reddit/neogaf/any other forum or social media site the entire thread becomes shit. It basically become a pissing contest to see which guy came from some place else but its just needless and annoying.
Whenever people don't use catalog and make multiple threads of the same shit.
LOL Threads. I don't think loss edits are funny anymore and they're just excuses to post off-topic shit at this point.
Half of the threads on the catalog being bait or falseflagging, the other half being e-celebs shilling their lastest video on youtube.
You just sound retarded
>Someone ignoring a long post because of "le reddit spacing"
I bet I triggered some faggot right now
So what you're saying is you're autistic.
There is nothing wrong with spacing like that. It helps break down paragraphs and certain information to make the post seem more structured and impactful.
fuck off Sup Forums
tell that to many anons who keep dodging arguments by saying "reddit spacing" every time.
they are saying that because they have no comeback
ok reddit
Where do you think you are?
>people turning threads into Sup Forums meta-threads because someone said nigger/faggot
so this place as officially become reddit2.0
reddit spacing is fucking retarded, you don't have to start a new paragraph after
I can give you a million but here are my major gripes
Shit, repeated, old & stale memes, originality is so rare now and everyone wants to do the same style OP post that have been done a million times before, its boring & annoying as shit
people who go into a threat about a game just post to flamebait and start a console war for no reason
people who posts figures on game sales, without having an iota of actual knowledge or insight
Using green text inappropriately, especially when its just a normal sentence
>keeps spamming nigger like a broken record
>muh neo vee calling everything Sup Forums
okay reddit
keep quiet reddit
>when no one responds to my carefully crafted bait post
>Get in an argument with someone
>Leave because it's obvious they're being retarded
>Come back a couple hours later
>It's the same guy arguing about more meaningless shit
most people on Sup Forums don't want to argue, they want others to validate them. that's why when someone disagrees with them they find any and all reasons to disregard your post.
>say [Game] is ONE of the best [Genre]
>"hurr durr that isn't [Game] you normie"
I said ONE OF THE BEST not THE BEST. Most of you are fucking retarded.
Everything is bait, there are no jokes. Nothing is fun. I mean, there's a lot of shitposting, but you literally cannot do anything for the sake of fun anymore in the majority of threads.
Don't ever fucking reply to my posts
This right fucking here.
>Content creators have every opportunity to shill their games in a single thread, but never do. Instead, we see multiple threads for an upcoming Japanese game. Which creates interest in that game.
>Hey guys check out this [Western] game I think it looks pretty neat.
>Hey guys check out this [Eastern] game I think it looks pretty neat.
>"Indeed I do agree good chap, the ampleness of her tits are indeed the finest treasure in all the land of the rising sun!"
Fucking weebs.
>HAHAHAHAHHAHA with JPG laughing pepe.
It's cancer.
>thread actually about videogames (i.e. not shitposting or meta)
>Somebody makes a negative critique about something that isn't Sony
>Assumed to come from a Sonyfan
Yeah, I get that Sonyfans are a pretty nasty bunch, but someone's only comment is that something sucks (as an example: "Breath of the Wild was mediocre"). Why can it only be from Sony? What happened to the benefit of the doubt and realizing that anybody else (even a falseflagger) could be responsible?
Just politics budging in here in general. Don't care for your SJWs or Kekistan or Meme President, I just wanna talk about vidya. Keep that political shit out, Sup Forums or not.
>Thread opens up with a vague, out-of-context quote and inserted in the middle of it is a spoiler that says Video Game Thread
>A new one is made as soon as the first one ends
Isn't this what /vg/ was made for?
>trying to talk about [videogame]
>some faggot starts a completely unrelated topic
>Sup Forumsfags swarm the thread
>goes from an actual on topic thread to something completely unrelated in minutes
The bias towards western games
This. they want to validate their elitism over other titles, when the global sentence "Taste is Subjective" is a thing.
Sure folks will say I'm satan's left nipple for actually enjoying things like Skyrim and Fallout 4. But yeah fuck them I enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 4, along with Fallout 3 and other games, because I love video games.
>expecting me to read a whole 40 post thread
kys yourself
Nigga are we on the same website
I like how its always ((((Sup Forums))))
People who keep talking about FF14 on Sup Forums even though there's a perfectly nice containment general for them in /vg/.
>when 90% of the board is shitposting
Yeah but I have no idea why New Vegas people can't talk about New Vegas in Fallout Gen.
Any and all source/sauce faggots that don't bother to search. Stop spoonfeeding these people please, don't even give them attention.
>fun is a buzzword, you shouldn't have fun, now play some dark souls
Not even the fun kind of shitposting where everyone is having fun like late night threads. It's just garbage meant to rile up people.
Honestly Sup Forums is just a colony for the_donald at this point. Also because of the nature of this board, you can't tell when the baiters leave and when the Sup Forumstards / Donaldtards start to creep in.
I'm not a fan but at least its vidya discussion and not
>Board is clearly full to the brim with weebs
>People still go into threads about Japanese games complaining about weeaboo this, weeaboo that, how much they hate anime, etc.
you've never been to /vg/, have you
You expect people to read a 200+ post thread that is made up mostly of shitposting and off topic discussion? Seriously?
Who fucking knows.
Same thing can be said for anything nintendo related.
Speaking of that, for the longest time the only people that were interested in BotW were furfags talking about how they wanted to fuck the parrot with the accordion.
They weren't even trying to be subtle about it. And every single fucking time they got called out on it, they start backpedaling and go full damage control.
Same thing can be said about waifu threads and bara threads, but holy shit why are furfags so insufferable?
To be fair, sometimes it's REALLY obvious.
Like you'll have 5 threads a day for 3 weeks obvious.
I'm not saying popular games shouldn't be talked about, but there is a difference between how Anons talk about a game, and how companies generate interest for their game.
Normally Anons talk about flaws and good aspects equally, maybe they'll talk about shit they hated, or bug fixes. Companies only focus on one or two key points and ignore everything else.
Remember all the mass effect andromeda and splatoon threads that showed up for months before they got released, then fucking VANISHED the moment the games got released?
I mean normally speaking, we'll have threads about games we like maybe a couple times a week, then it stops. Companies have threads up here literally 24/7 in some cases, like the uncharted collection or whatever the fuck it was called.
>You should read 400 shitposts on the off chance that one of them makes a cogent point.
Yeah dude sounds great.
apparently it's not so "clearly full to the brim"
I fucking hate how everything is "bait" now. Someone will make a stupid post, obviously a joke, and there will be a bunch of replies with bait reaction images.
The only time I got legitimately pissed at this board was the time when someone here kept arguing for a solid 2 hours with people on how Overwatch was a MOBA and not a FPS. I don't think he was baiting because he was writing pretty serious. His only argument was that buying skins meant being a MOBA
There's a smattering of retards who still are under the impression that this is NeoGAF without accounts, but that doesn't represent the overwhelming majority of this website.
What gayme?
>Trying to talk about videogames
>Suddenly the thread shifts to crime statistics, world war 2, or shitposting about Trump
>BUT IT'S NOT Sup Forums
>Somebody makes a negative critique without any actual weight about something that isn't Sony
>Assumed to come from a Sonyfan
its correct 99% of the time
they're just showing off their "moral high ground" (to feel good about themselves) by not being weebs
on the fucking mongolian smoke signal enthusiast forum
I have no other explanation for that
Everyone here is terrified of looking stupid despite this being an anonymous imageboard, so any time anyone makes a post that could possibly be construed in any way other than its face value, they have to declare it bait so as not to appear like they got tricked.
It doesn't matter how obvious a joke it is, some dipshit has to prove to everyone that he didn't get fooled.
>Game comes out
>Sup Forums goes out of its way to hate it
>Game 2 comes out
>Sup Forums now loves Game and hates Game 2
>Post a black character
>it's another Sup Forums thinks it's the whole website meme
>user takes a reply personally that wasn't geared toward them
Dammit, not everyone is out to get you. Can't even take a jab at myself without anons thinking I'm attacking them somehow
>let me check first if vee finds it funny
Stay mad, tourists
and it's not even close to 200 let alone 400 retard
Not him, but again, with the user nature of this website, it's either Sup Forumsocks, baiters, or false-flaggers trying to stir up more trouble.
To all of them I say fuck off, their team lost GG no re.
>Game comes out
>"This game is stupid I'm not buying it!"
>Game get's cracked
last April Fools revealed alot of BRs here right?
Clearly it's just false-flaggers who simply hate Sup Forums enough to go through the effort of saving dozens of Sup Forums images, typical Sup Forums shitposts, Sup Forums mindsets, etc. There's no way it could be Sup Forums shitting up threads day in and day out with black crime statistics, jew conspiracy theories, implications that every human alive who isn't "redpilled" is a SJW cuck liberal who desires BBC more than water, and that anybody who isn't a white male is unfit for video games.
Though I resonate with regardless. It doesn't matter if you are genuinely Sup Forums, a false-flagger, or some other faggot just shitposting. You need to go back or be banned.
Go in better threads then; the threads I go in usually have very little shitposting
>Sup Forums has one opinion and isn't made up of hundreds of thousands of users
I am tired of explaining this to dolts like you. Any time you see two posts with conflicting opinions from a user called "Anonymous", it doesn't mean it's the same person.
>criticize a game
>"wow did you even play it?"
Two fucking things here. One, you don't need to play something to be able to criticize it. You can look up gameplay videos and still have a point even though you're probably not capable of discussing the finer points of the game like story. But second, and more infuriating, is this bullshit mentality existing in the first place. What kind of pathetic cesspool is this that you can just deflect all criticism by saying "well you didn't play it"? Certainly, people shouldn't be talking shit about things they have no idea about, but to assume that everyone is doing that by default is the most cancerous thing you could do. Nobody can have a fucking discussion if you just handwave away anything that you don't like and demand that people post a 100% screen with a timestamp on it like fucking XV-kun or whoever else does it. Holy shit it makes me mad.
... What's not even close? The post count of what thread? What the fuck are you trying to say, dude?
The sissyposters. All of them.
>user on Sup Forums is a normal human being with nothing wrong with him whatsoever
>Suddenly! They see a patch of black skin on a new character in a video game
>They freeze in place
>They start hyper-ventilating, shaking, and frothing at the mouth
>Their irises grow large, his eyes and nose is bleeding
>finally he inhales deep, froth and all and screams from the top of his lungs out the back door into the whole world
>Afterwards, they grab their chest and collapse due to a stroke from the amount of autism they're under.
I wasn't talking about this thread you idiot also just shut up in general OK?
There's like, a dozen boards for weeb shit....can't you go on any of those?
That people on here will believe anything as long as it's negative.
多くの謝罪, 外人
I'm sure we could. But the real question is why would we need to? Japan has an immensely powerful presence in video games, and Japanese video games will always exist. Why expend effort trying to "remove" an entire country's video games from a board discussing a globalized medium?
fuck, you just reminded me of something similar
>play a game for an hour, say it's shit
>it gets good 100 hours in
>play a game for 100 hours, say it's shit
>well you obviously liked the game otherwise you wouldn't have played it for so long
But this is a board that caters to weeb shit. The majority of boards cater in some way to weeb shit. Hell the concept of the boards themselves are weeb shit. Everything is weeb shit in some disconnected fashion!
lot of people like to shit on a popular game by parroting things they heard in a youtube video by some e-celeb or by some faggot from Sup Forums even
>I've seem this 20 second clip on youtube and this game sucks because Y said that [x] mechanic is fuckin shit
>I haven't played the game tho but my opinion is still valid
ماذا انت تقول، اخي؟
Yes, and I'm not discounting that, but there's a huge difference between slapping down some retard who clearly has no idea what he's saying and slapping down someone who has a legitimate criticism.
As an example, Wonderful 101 fans seem to do this pretty often and say "just play the game get good".
>14 boards on the website are literally Japanese-exclusive content
>2 boards are exclusively non-Japanese content
>Surprised when a global board has more Japanese content being passed around than anti-Japanese content
I miss ATHF
>did you even play it?!
Fucking this.
First it was the splatoon faggots defending their mediocre as fuck game. Then the uncharted fanboys wouldn't shut up, then bloodborne happened and there was that whole "Post your achievement list with a timestamp" shit.
Now nintendo faggots get unbelievably asshurt if you tell them how BotW is a mediocre as fuck open world game.
Furfags are worse
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