Get in here lads
>No matter how frustrated you get you're still having a blast playing it
Comfy Crash N'sane thread
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>tfw Road to Nowhere
All Crash 1 levels are piss easy .
if you cant beat it you should quit gaming.
only hard level on entire game is Space Out (last mission before cortex in crash 2)
because its fucked in some hitboxes and you cant beat it without dying few times to get aku-aku
>tfw found Road to Nowhere much easier than that fucking tomb level before it
Jesus Christ, some of those jumps were a pain in the ass to land
wow thats wierd.
I had troubles with some later stages in crash 1-3 but never crash 2 space levels.
how can you even have troubles with crash 3.
i mean its piss easy , even gives you new powers every minute
Was the jumping always this shit in Crash 1? I know I never beat Crash 1 as a kid and I'm in a slump right now, it isn't that fun.
Native Fortress was pretty easy for me, I dint know why people had an issue. I died 3 times trying, and once due to a bug.
All this has made me really want us the better platforners, and other franchises, in a similar package. Spyro and Tomb Raider, mostly.
>He doesn't use the dpad
I was 5
So I was watching some gameplay videos, did they change the spin attack mechanics? I remind you could use to extend your jump range a bit on the playstation and perhaps use it a couple of times on a jump, but here I saw videos of people literally using it 3-4 times in a row, almost to float in the air.
Are my playstation-era memories wrong or, did they indeed change it?
>DD stuck on this for over 2 hours
w e w
you may watching crash 3 after defeating 3rd boss you get spin attack as you described
Yeah still, I don't think I could use it to float like 4-5 seconds even in crash 3. Mind you, the last time I played crash 3 was in 99.
>Got my first colored gem in the Generator Room
I-is there hope for me to git gud?
Loving the remake. I forgot how unforgiving some of the levels are in Crash 1. It really ramps up the difficulty from level to level.
By far the worst are the bridge levels. fuck them to holy hell.
I am going through crash 1 with little problems, those colored gems are still a bitch though.
If you die in bonus levels does that count as dying for the green gem?
Health bar should only have 1 HP.
Just got the gem in slippery climb.
Wasn't too bad. Bonus level was the hardest part but you can easily retry that. I also like that any bonus level serves as a checkpoint of sorts. They made crash 1 easier without overly-casualizing it.
>Play it
>"Why am I so trash at this? I was good as a ki.."
>Realize I am using the analog stick
>Immediately git gud when I switch back to dpad
>slippery climb
what the F*CK were they thinking?
wow ur really tough dude
Cheapest place to buy this game? Think I read people were getting like.$20 or 20% off
>doing Jaws Of Darkness to get the clear
>die several times jumping across the blue gems because I'm shite
>die to stupid shit on the surprisingly easy Cortex bonus
>miss one box somewhere
turned the game off
Maybe start giving a heck (pardon my language) about trying to play well instead of expecting every level to just be easy. Yea it kicks your a$$ but you gotta keep retrying.
I alternate depending on the situation.
>tfw been stuck here now for almost 3 hours
I've lost count on how many Game Over's I've had now (probably between 50 and 100)
>die on the gem jumping
Kill your depth movement with dpad, I never had an issue with this in the Original.
>tfw new Hang Eight theme
>mfw I wasted all my lives on Sunset Vista to try and get those Cortex heads
I can do the bonus levels up to this point with little trouble but for some reason those two boxes inbetween those blocks that push you off is impossible for me. Also fuck the coloured gems. Get all boxes without dying? I legit can't do that in a single level. Not one. I'm never getting the true end lads.
I think its time we talk about the bonus levels.
For what its worth, you can die in and retry bonus levels and still get a colored gem.
Well that's good to know but I die frequently outside them for that to be an issue anyway. Thanks though.
In the original you had to do it in every single level, user. Every single one. In this one you do too, for the relics.
So is there a new save system in Crash 1 now or what?
yes there is an active autosave and 4 save slots for inbetween levels.
How do you unlock the area alternate path above boulder dash?
With keys. The game will show you what levels have keys.
And people are still complain unf it's hard?
need the purple gem from a later level
its sold out in everywhere
Gonna buy mine today after work. Haven't played since I rented 1 when I was like 6. Gonna have a good time and veg out like the old days
This is why I never bothered to 100% in the PS1 games. The requirements for this shit isn't fun, all Crash has done since I got it is stress me out.
levels are unchanged, same old checkpoint boxes.
Fumbling in the Dark crystal, finally.
Crash isn't the type of game to autistically obsess about, it a game that give you a reason to keep coming back playing a bit every day until you finally get it down perfectly. It's an incentive to keep playing and enjoying the levels.
People are shit at games nowadays.
Maybe they always have been but its more noticeable now whenever a moderately somewhat kind of sort challenging game like Crash 1 hits the mainstream.
Everyone's talking about crash 1 but fuck me that red gem path in crash 2s ice level was fucking hard
Its honestly a great level. Once you get the gem for it you've basically mastered it and can appreciate how well designed it is.
The extra box is hidden offscreen
Switch + PC port when?
You're not telling me anything I don't already know dude, I've still got my original Crash 2 when it first released so I'm no stranger to the series I just forgot how stressful some of the shit can be and I'm venting more than anything. Levels and hitting all the boxes I'm good with so I'll just do that and get the real anal stuff later.
Side note Coco is just fantastic.
This senpai. The box gem for that level is the only clear gem i have left.
No word on that from Activision. I have it on playstation but i honestly hope it gets a multiplat release.
>He actually opens checkpoint boxes instead of purposely avoiding them.
Please tell me you're not a checkpoint scrub.
Tell me user, how else do i get the all boxes gems
>doesn't get all boxes
>dares to call anyone else a scrub
Full fucking kek
I just finished Crash 2 for the first time today. It's something I never bothered to do as a kid. It feels good. But I don't really feel like getting all the gems now.
Maybe you're just more familiar with Crash 1 than the others, because I remember playing it after 3 and finding it to be much harder than the later games. I've only made it past the first island in the remaster, but Native Fortress wasn't fucking around, and I'm starting to remember how tricky this one could be.
Now get the Platinum relic.
I really doubt it's coming to the Switch it'd have to be downgraded but it should come to pc eventually.
>Space Out is harder than High Road
are you off your rocker mate?
i did that shit when i was 6 user
>Coco calls crash over to help her beat a really hard level.
>She could beat it if she wanted to, she just wants to see her big brother play her favorite game
Shes literally too pure for the world.
This game is too hard to be enjoyable. Beating your head against the same thing, over and over again, just isn’t fun. There is a frustration factor that can come into play.
Besides, what’s with difficulty elitism anyways? You want to get your rocks off on ‘how hard the games you play are’, I mean, that’s great for you, but no one’s gonna look at you like you’re an Adonis just because you play hard games.
I want to suck the dick of that user who got plat on slippery , desu nigga
t. will never know that feel when you beat a real challenge
Git gud
If you don't want hardness then the game isn't for you. It doesn't have to be. Not that hard that I couldn't beat it when I was a kid though.
It's fun to be challenged, and it's fun to git gud. You filthy casual.
Coco's bare toes
There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who beat these games when they were like six years old
I casually finished this game when I was a child on vacation somewhere
if you think it's hard either the remakes are harder for some reason or you're retarded
it's a wake up call for modern gamers.
pick up the controller and try again till you beat it
lol git gud faggot
>The look Coco gives you when you missed boxes
She knows I'm a worthless loser is scolding me for it, it turns me on
did the originals add checkpoint boxes when dying too much? just happened to me.
>Have absolutely no nostalgia for Crash
>played it once in the 90s, didn't care much for it
>hear that the three original games are getting remastered
>laugh at the idea, but get a bit happy for the fans
>suddenly the game releases
>everyone is really happy playing it
>casuals complaining about difficulty
>start feeling the hype
>go out and buy it
Jesus, the enthusiasm surrounding this collection was infectious. I can't believe I actually paid full price for a Crash game. Anyone here in the same position? I hope it's good!
How the fuck am i supposed to get a relic on the high road. This level is fucked beyond belief
>It's fun to be challenged
Do you wanna rephrase that?
''it is fun to be challenged''
>that scowl when you drive into bombs on the water levels.
I haven't play the game but I watched some let's plays and it seems like it's harder to control Coco in those Pirate levels in Crash 3. Is this true? Did they fucked up the controls?
>First level of Crash 1
I think it's perception or something, because the ledges are always further than they appear when I make a jump. That or I fucking suck
The relics are the worst part aren't they?
I would kill for a Coco YOU
Wow really? Only on 2 atm but i remember her looking cute and helpless when that happens in the original
>but get a bit happy for the fans
You're too kind for this site.
Yeah they fucked it
Does anyone else call new lives "Men" and "Man"? As in, "I just got a free man"?
>It's fun to be challenged
This should be the Sup Forums banner always and forever.
why are people so autistic about gems and relics?
they're bonus content, not really the main game which is just getting through the levels, which is what i'd do if i bought the remaster, only 100% CTR was fun and partially Crash Bash because the gameplay didn't get so old
You're supposed to jump soon after you start falling
Coco JOI*
it's kind of a "fucking loser hand the controller to someone competent" look.
it's adorable
>Tfw just ended a 2 hour struggle to get the Lost City Green Gem
Only upside is I got a ton of lives now can't wait to lose them all in High Road
Please refrain from using this buzzword, it's what you call a game when you can't think of any reasons why it's actually good