So now that the dust has settled... Light, Medium, or Heavy Armor?

So now that the dust has settled... Light, Medium, or Heavy Armor?

morrowind thread

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Always imperial.

Medium had the best looking sets overall.

Ordinator armour. Since the mask is a visage of Nerevar's face it's the most fitting set too.

I wish medium was more useful, it had some great looking sets. Overall liked the local armor more than generic medieval armor.

I'll have to say Light Armor. That being said, I do love Daedric Yes, even Skyrims


Glass da bes


Armun an bonemold

I'll forever miss steel armor from Morrowind and even Oblivion. Only decent looking vanilla armor from Skyrim is ebony.

This is just a reminder that Medium Armor is the worst armor skill you can take in Morrowind.

Both Light and Heavy's highest tier armors have better defense than Medium's highest tier armor.

The only people who choose Medium Armor are costmetic faggots who think the bonemold sets are dope af.

Mods fix that easily, and the official Bethesda-made mod armors are both medium and the strongest in the game.

Orc samurai da bess.

>t. Jiub

oh you...

But the bonemold sets ARE dope as fuck.

Medium because I'm a contrarian and a special snowflake.

But those higher tier armors take a long time to find if you don't have prior knowledge, until then medium does have its advantages - it's significantly better than the next best light armor (chitin) and significantly lighter than and the best medium armor is way easier to find than the best heavy armor (just murder an ordinator)

Also if you plan on doing the tribunal temple questline medium is absolutely worth it

significantly lighter than the best heavy armors*

I made the mistake of choosing Lockpicking as a major skill in oblivion. Its one of the most useless skills in the game, especially after you get the skeleton key, and learn how to lockpick efficiently.

>caring about armor over aesthetics
Full pleb.

Yeah, God forbid someone wants to play the game

>No fun allowed

Ever heard of Ebony Mail, nigger?

It shits all over your light and heavy crap.

Why does medium armor get so much shit? Are people not aware that the expansions added worthwhile endgame sets, or do they really care that much about minmaxing in an easy RPG?

I felt that with medium armor not only do they lack good top tier counterparts for late game, there's really no proper, reasonably graded progression to stronger and stronger sets on the way light and heavy do.
You're also left with these special snowflake pieces that aren't a part of a proper full set which is gay as shit as you have to complement your kit with either inferior pieces or have skill on other armor class altogether.

>Morrowind thread
So, cringe thread?

I tried medium once. Huge mistake.

How big is last night's storm, do you figure?

anyway, since armor cant reduce damage under 25% of the base damage, heavy had the worst actual protection-to-weight ratio.

Its all about medium and light. However, medium had the excellent ebony mail with a constant shield effect, now bear in mind that the shield effect ignored the 25% limit which made the ebony mail, and the whole medium armor class, the best in the game.

You also had access to the best looking armors in the game with exception for perhaps the netch and boiled netch leather armors.

But you are forgiven since not a lot of people know how the shield effect work, especially modders who for some reason made those spells cheaper

Is there any penalty to using mixed armor pieces?


For some reason this line really left an impression on me

You seem to be under the impression that the game significantly changes if one were to choose armor based on aesthetic over stats.

>no Colovian fur helm

The expansions are prettu gay tbqh

Bonemold and Indoril just look too good to pass up.

>Daedric in Morrowind was some daemonic samurai looking set, rad as fuck
>Daedric in Skyrim looks like a deviantart OC based on movie Sauron


man even the basic (netch) leather armor looked like something from mad max

Is this from some sort of morrowind concept art book that I'm not aware of? Looks sick as fuck.

>Deadric in Daggerfall looks like functional armour, makes sense
>Deadric in Morrowind looks like a deviantart OC based on movie Sauron

too lazy to change gear around ordinators

As long as you dont speak to them they wont bother if I recall correctly

Just like real life you'll be fine so long as you don't talk to the cops

> Vanilla Morrowind has 4 tiers of light armor
> You get Tier 3 armor in Seyda Neen, literally 30 seconds after you're set free into the open world.
> If you have the expansion you get Tier 3.5 no more than 5 minutes later.

Why? I will never understand this. For a game that prides itself on being nearly endless, why the hell do you spend 200+ hrs in the same shitty armor you found in the starting town?

>being this much of a pussy
Kill every single one of them.

It's the patrician choice.

because light armor is pretty trash outside of glass, but the brotherhood attacking right out of the bath was pretty dumb
Here's the whole thing.

>based on movie Sauron
At least put effort in your shitposting.

Thanks dude! Appreciate it.

Some of it reminds me of Roger Dean art.

Major/Minor skills do not work the way you think. You're supposed to use anything and everything you can find. You can use medium/heavy armor even if it's not one of your major/minor skills. In fact, you're encouraged to.

Because basic armor is not a big deal to get.
You can get the best tier (as far as basic set vanilla is concerened) medium armor in the game from dead Ordinators in a nearby cave, and this is also about 5 minutes into the game.

But it's not a big deal, because the armor gain procs from your stats and armor skill, so in the beginning when you're low level even putting on the best armor in the game won't make you invincible. In fact, the difference between the worst and best armor is barely noticeable.

>why the hell do you spend 200+ hrs in the same shitty armor you found in the starting town?

Then you're doing something seriously wrong.
Other than basic sets, there are enchanted armor pieces, special unique armors and artifacts you can get.
Not to mention, you don't have to stick to only one armor type.

This is supposed to be a world that makes sense as a real world, not video game.

Is there a single reason to not spec for heavy armor in MW other than the weight of the armor?

daedric looks like shit in both of them and you know it

This is now a new vegas thread, pardner

Glass armor looked so good in Skyrim. Hell, most armors looked amazing. Especially with modded HD textures.

If you're minmaxing, no there isn't

Morrowind's engine held up a lot better than f3/nv did.

Is this a joke?

now this is shitposting

if by engine you mean graphics then of course, MW has this timeless low poly look while FO3/NV is the victim of the awkward """next-gen""" console era along with Bethesda's incompetence. But as for the actual engine the version used in FO is miles better.

Armor sets that feel like they belong in the world are always the best.

Does anyone know what, if any, player actions are not affected by fatigue? Does it affect Persuasion? Alchemy?

If you like to have more than 50% of your carrying capacity taken up by armor, without even including weapons, and move around like a turtle.

I guess no, there isn't.