Why the fuck do Bethesdrones shill this shit so much?
Why the fuck do Bethesdrones shill this shit so much?
>they're also the ones that shit the most on Skyrim
>shilling a 15yo game
because it happens to be one of the best RPGs/games ever made
get over it
How about you explain why its a bad game, without using the usual meme reasons like "U CANT HIT SHIT" when you have zero stamina
Yeah those stupid shills, they should stop playing that dumb old game. It's 2017, they should be playing Skyrim VR, or Skyrim on the Switch!
No idea.
All of these elder scrolls games are boring garbage.
Trash high fantasy setting, boring and generic as hell.
Because it's a good game
Because they played it as a child
Therefore they play it with YUGE lime orange goggles
Bad writing, no voice acting, NPCs have no schedules or unique dialogue, most characters are uninspiring, terrible graphics and audio for a 2002 game.
Guess what, that's what Fallout games do and much more
Nice try Gothic nigger
most gaymurs are mindblown by the most entry level shit. don't kid yourself the audience is mainly composed ofl dense fucktards
>no voice acting
why is this a bad thing?
It makes for more in depth discussions with people
>NPCs have no schedules or unique dialogue
that wasn't a thing back in 2002
>terrible graphics
the graphics looked good for being from 2002 and being a large open world game
hands down, because of those amazing arguments we must all agree that Morrowshill is the best RPG ever made
no wonder this trash gets praised in boards with the highest concentration of virgins, neckbeards and contrarians
>why is this a bad thing
because for a game whose immersion is the thing it gets praised for the most in Sup Forums, it kills it
Played this game after Gothic and New Vegas and it's fucking terrible in comparison.
I suppose picking between being a mage, warrior or stealth archer is the epitome of decision making in elder scrolls
>Bad writing
citation needed
>no voice acting
not every NPC has voice acting
>NPCs have no schedules
Wrong, they do
>most characters are uninspiring
What inspires you? Cause there is an insane amount of interesting characters, from the naked nords to the Telvanni lords.
>terrible graphics and audio for a 2002 game
Half the people couldn't run it and had to upgrade. I understand you were born in 2002, but it was one of the best looking games at the time
As opposed to gothic 2's mage, paladin, or merc? Or New Vegas cowboy roleplay? New Vegas shouldn't even be compared anyways because that game is so fucking shitty vanilla, that it is laughable.
>citation needed
if you think morrowind's or bethesda's writing is anything but fucking terrible you seriously need to read some books.
>Wrong, they do
Yeah, standing in one place for 365 days a year waiting for the almighty Nerevarrine to arrive is now a schedule.
>not every NPC has voice acting
can't you fucking read?
>What inspires you? Cause there is an insane amount of interesting characters, from the naked nords to the Telvanni lords.
What inspires me are unique characters with personalities, dialogue, ambitions, ideals etc. Something 80% of morrowinds' npcs don't have
>Half the people couldn't run it and had to upgrade. I understand you were born in 2002, but it was one of the best looking games at the time
You're the one jerking off to a shitty 15 year old bethesda game and you're projecting?
In morrowind you can just pay tutors to increase all your skills through the roof without any limitations and you have 1 (ONE) ending. How the fuck is this even an RPG if you can't make any decisions or be evil? Even Far Cry 4 had more options lmao
>i'll just call everything about it bad
That's not a compelling argument pal. You gotta elaborate further on each point.
soon as you accept that missing attacks is a thing, morrowind is really really good
you honestly think that Morrowind, or any TES games for that regard have anything but bad writing?
>In morrowind you can just pay tutors to increase all your skills through the roof
You also could do that in G1/G2 until they fixed the last one with an add-on that added hard diminishing returns to every stat.
And how many endings does Gothic have again?
Morrowind is actually really well written. I do not think that you actually played through it. You would probably say that PS:T was poorly written too, just to feel special and contrary.
Just because it came out before you were born and you don't understand it, don't bad mouth something you don't understand
>Morrowind is actually really well written
>well written
Go read some books mate to figure out what good writing is like. But I'll give you a 7/10, that's some quality bait
I like that thinking fellow Anonymous, but I feel they should purchase both and play Skyrim VR at home and Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch, while on the go!
>Todd is a writer
The more you know.
is this why you're bad mouthing me right now without any arguments? checks out.
Again, elaborate on your points instead of trying to weasel out asking loaded questions.
I'll help you out a little
>claim the writing is bad
>provide actual example of what you think is bad writing and explain why it is bad, compare it with other games that have better writing
What you're doing is
>move goalposts
>shitpost again
There are hundreds of books in Morrowind
how do you even "understand" a video game, a low quality form of entertainment you 80 iq virgin?
If you don't know something as basic as that, than there is no way you've ever read anything past high school.
oh no
You're right. I can't get immersed in books either. I also hate when they use the long words we haven't gone over in spelling class yet.
not me