Was it the music that made this game? Would it be as fondly remembered without the consistent motifs and genre savvy, 8-bitesque tone?
Was it the music that made this game? Would it be as fondly remembered without the consistent motifs and genre savvy...
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It at least doubled it's potential popularity. Music can do a lot to enhance a scene. The fight against Goat Twink proved this.
Yes. Musics create artificial emotions. I still get sad when I hear Hopes And Dreams, but that's because the song is tricking my brain into feeling sad.
music has helped bring in the hype for mediums since forever.
>Was it the music that made this game?
IMO it saved it from being shit
Not gonna lie, the first time I've played the game I almost couldn't believe what my ears were hearing.
>Musics create artificial emotions
What did he mean by this?
I think so. People who don't like the game at least agree that the soundtrack was bretty gud.
Toby is a composer first and a game dev second, and it shows.
I sort of agree but it did some weird shit with its save files and progression which was neat. Kinda like Nier 1. Funny to see it inspire Nier 2.
those emotions are real. the music just makes it easier for it to come out,
>Scene where you walk down a hallway
>Exposition is said at you
>Is instantly made one of the greatest, saddest and most emotional scenes because of this song
>Pretty much every other song in the game is some chiptunes or a slight alteration of it
>This song comes OUT OF NOWHERE and doesn't have any boops and beeps.
Fucking best song in the whole game, or EVER. Fucking love this. Whenever I get home from work, it plays in my god damn head.
Reminder this is the guy who wrote music for Homestuck.
People who don't think genocide is the canon ending fuck off from my bread
i still cant stop listning tho this.
>you will never capture the imagination of an entire generation at the age of 24
>kids will never read fucking books so it doesn't matter that you can write well
The piano medley during the truth of asriel's shit broke me
Music boosted this game's story like crazy
>artificial emotions
the best song didn't make it into the game tho
>kids will never read fucking books
What is Harry Potter?
You can def capture an entire generation, it just takes a bit of a luck and a LOT of skill.
>Harry Potter
/lit/ here, we're ashamed of you
I honestly think the ending is kinda the weakest part of that game when compared to everything else. Mostly because it does really jump over the shark and dives straight into pure concentrated ham. I guess it kinda fits the tone since Asriel was a literal manchild ghost with a grudge, but still...
>harry potter
That shit only became famous for the movies, you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
kids read furry fics all the time
You're silly. It made the news and became popular before the movies, in a similar fashion to 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight
Even if you don't like the game, which I perfectly understand you still have to admit that the music is incredible.
>kids will never read fucking books.
Who the fuck is buying all the Minecraft fanfic books you see for sale at Walmart and B&N? If you want to capture a generation, look at that generation's problems and write to that.
You obviously didn't live through the Harry Potter craze. I was reading LotR, Shannara, and the Xanth novels at the time. I was very hipster because every retard was thrusting Harry Potter at me because "OMG IT'S SO GEWD AND NEW!" I had teachers in HS telling me to read them because they always saw me reading something new every week.
I've read the first HP book, and I wasn't impressed. Some day I might go and read the rest of them, but I'm not particularrly amazed by them.
That part with the violin sound a bit like a part in hopes and dreams
>bit of luck
>LOT of skill
>Harry Potter
You have those backwards, senpai.
Should I feel bad for almost exclusively listening to vidya music?
Should I feel bad for NOT listening to THIS vvv music?
>genocide's bosses make the best use out of undertale's combat system and make the game seem fun for once
>there's only two bosses and everything else is mind-numbing grind
There are like maybe ~10 or so tracks that are perfect video game tracks. They do everything right.
>Spider Dance/Dummy!/Ghost Fight
But the OST is chock full of okay or just mediocre BGM tracks. Regardless, most of the game is carried by the characters and the music.
50 Shades became popular because people were pointing out how it was socially acceptable for women to read porn in public, then TV shows like The Office (US) featured it as a gag, along with Duke Nuke'm reads 50 Shades and Gilbert Gottfried reading it.
Twilight was popular because it was baby's first Self Insert Tween Romance. It was cashing in on Buffy, Charmed, and all those stupid Joss Whedon spinoffs.
The last Harry Potter book was 10 years ago. Try capturing kids today with a book.
>consistent motifs and genre savvy, 8-bitesque tone
leave this place and take your faggot words with you
Shitpost a game with literally NO bad/mediocre tracks with more than 15 different tracks.
for those the game hit home with it's a mix of music, theming, and a sense of authority over your choices. The game gets ruined if people spoil the twists, over hype things or if the characters don't click enough to draw people in.
Music definitely sets the tone for a lot of moments in the game but that's due to themes and motifs are shared between characters so when you hear a track repeat to link a character with an event or another character it makes it more impactful, etc etc
I don't need you to tell me why those things were popular. They got popular in book form long before the movie due to media frenzy. You're simply agreeing with me. The same shit happened with Harry Potter. Were you not old enough to remember? Shit dawg, if you made it on Good Morning America with stuff like Beenie Babies and the excitement over the Segway, you knew you had made it. Harry Potter simply made it way before they made a movie.
Don't bother. I had a very similar experience. I read the first three, thinking they would get better. Nah.
Sup Forums BTFO
There's also lots of little details and touches.
yeah, IMO this was an okay game that was absoultely carried by the soundtrack
kinda like ori being a mediocre metroidvania that was carried by its visuals.
not saying theres anything wrong with that though
I like how every retard thinks every popular novel/book series is mostly luck.
It takes a special talent to write something that appeals to the masses, and not just a niche audience multiple times.
Tons of people have written single novels that got popular, but very few go it consistently. There's a reason a lot of folks value the opinions of people like Rowling, Koontz, Clancy, and King. They're prolific writers, and have done it consistently well for a number of books.
It's not that spectacular man there's tons of games that blow the undertale soundtrack out of the water
Sup Forums
Where not only the difficulty becomes artificial, but the emotions as well!
Cool, considering music was the only good thing that came out of Homestuck.
If this game had a different soundtrack then there's no way in hell that it would've been as much of a hit. It's kind of like Frozen, If Frozen didn't have its extremely successful soundtrack then I highly doubt it would be the most successful animated film of all time.
And how many publishers turned down those authors initially? There is some luck to hitting it big as any sort of artist because exposure is a large part of "getting big" regardless of skill. Skill is needed and you are definitely right that it takes a certain kind of writing to appeal widely, but do not discount the aspect of getting people to actually read your shit in the first place/
Such as?
People underestimate how good music can enhance a videogame. Most truly great games have great music too.
How about the interracial porn?
Links pls
Of course they got turned down initially in their times. It's a huge financial risk to publish new waters.
But what they had over most other sis the tenacity and drive to keep trying. Tons of people try once, fail or don't do as well as they thought, then immediately give up.
Many of the popular authors in various genres tried with mild success for years before they got the formula right.
Same goes for any medium of creativity.
>artificial emotions
Not him but Xenoblade Chronicles
>artificial fun
>artificial difficulty
>artificial emotions
Good music always improves a games standing significantly.
Most games people end up nostalgic for are games where the music was great, and in fact the music is always a common theme in any discussion about those games.
There's tons but just a few off the top of my head:
Literally any of the DKC games, Suikoden I/II, Solstice, Pictionary, Mizzurna Falls, Ni no Kuni, Monkey Island, Katamari, Wave Race, Axiom Verge
There's fucking tons of shit
Every day we grow a little less intelligent.
>Was it the music
well it sure as hell helped. Having a memorable soundtrack in any game is another metric that you judge a game and in this case it helped emmensely
>would it be fondly remembered without the consistent motifs
...what kind of dumb question is this? The other option is a game with inconsistent motifs, why would that be good at all? Why would any game want an inconsistent art style or story composition? I don't think you know what motif means.
>8bit tone
It could've done just as well, and to be honest actually better, if the art was of higher quality. If anything, the art style of Boy and His Blob 2009 would only have improved the game more
No, simple as that. Toby is a musician at heart, and that was how he made sure the game could be remembered - the motifs representing characters. Heck, it got both Worst Game and Best Soundtrack on vidja gaem awards. That tells you how much the soundtrack's emotion carries you on the journey.
>Heck, it got both Worst Game and Best Soundtrack on vidja gaem awards.
honestly it probably only got worst game because it was shitposted to hell and back
there were definitely worse games that year
Who gave it worst game of the year? I recall it being considered one of the best games of the year
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Even if you didn't like it, at the very least it had novel gameplay which puts it ahead of a lot of other garbage.
How does one know if the emotions they are experiencing are artificial? Is my constant sadness... false? Huh. That gives me hope. I feel happy now. Thank you, user.
Game was fine until the final acts then it all goes to shit. Undertale shits the bed when it tries to be serious and every ending is fucking awful.
Just accept a dom in your life and you'll see depression is merely a meme.
>serious in any way at all
fuckin wut m8?
anything to pretend to btfo whatever is popular
>mfw most of dubstep (brostep) remixes of Undertale songs are DubstepGutter-tier
>mfw no tearout tier (Sadhu, Murda, Samplifire) remixes of the songs
I can sort of agree on that if we're talking about the true ending, but I really don't see how the neutral one is fucking awful. The entire game builds up to that meeting with Asgore, both the bossfights are neat spectacles, and it goes full circle by harkening back to how the game began.
t. user with opinions
The music has worn off on me, much like the rest of the game. It's just a novelty
there's your problem
>When you played Pacific Route and won't dare to touch the game again
I honestly think it's fine the way it is.
But the Atlantic route has the best boss fights in the game.
Just kill Sans then abort the run you backwards pussy.
>I'm an edgy sociopath that can't into emotions so feelings aren't real
>lol what's mental illness?
>m-muh feefies
Are you a robot?
>he didn't play the Arctic Route
what a queer
>Just accept a dom in your life
how is that going to change anything?
Seek help.
Not having emotions is unnatural and there's something seriously wrong with you.
Where were you when you found out Undertale's music just completely plagiarized other composers?
kek you got me user
Toby Fox made an okay game but there is no way it would be a hit if he wasn't a video game music genius. Do you think people would be coming back to Homestuck after it became literal garbage if it wasn't for the music.
>get myself the game because I'm a fan of earthbound and played all the shitty hacks there was for it in 2008
>Played Toby's halloween hack
>mfw Toby makes a proper game with proper music
>while i was playing a retard on my steam was giving me shit about it, and other told me to not kill anybody
>didn't phase me, play the way i want, and genocide them all in the end after beating the true boss
It's just a game, people that autism on why you shouldn't kill, or play the game should seriously reconsider vidya. People don't give a shit about what you think unless they're weak as shit