Who's begging for money now?

Who's begging for money now?

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Don't talk about Joseph Anderson.

hate this fag. his "the witness" video was laughable and outed him immediately as a brainlet.

I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel. How long do I wait to beg for patreon bucks? 2 or 3 games?

Probably 10k subs then you could convince people.

Ok be sure to subscribe to the Wild and Wacky Gaming Wahey!

This guy seems incredibly autistic.

hence /our guy/

>giving a fuck about shit games


>nu-Sup Forums's "guy" is ebegging on patreon
>All of his work rides on the shoulders of better reviewers
It's all really fitting

Doesn't this bigger have a wife and kid? Jesus Christ. E-celeb: not even once

>it's boring and shit

You're thinking of superbunnyhop

What's the game at 5:45 in the video? looks familiar

He sounds exactly like EpicNameBro

2 kid

Still fucked more women than you have.

Would you mind deleting this?

I like his videos for the most part but there is no way I'm gonna ever give money to any fucking youtuber, not even to /our real guy/

>allowing retards with money to disperse said money

literally nothing wrong with patreon


>all that effort
Poor autist. Does he even realise how much unnecessary work he hoists upon himself? People don't watch youtube shit about vidya for fucking stats and ruler-measured observation. Pewdiepie acts like a retard in front of the camera for 5 minutes and rolls in money. 3+ hours for a fucking videogame review is also unnecessary gigantic.

I'm gonna bomb your house and fuck your mom if that channel doesn't exist in near future

You are beyond retarded. Why would 150,000 people subscribe to him if they didn't enjoy the 3+ hour content, in fact all his videos with high views are the longers one

>He should drop what's working for him and try to compete with the current king of screaming for teens.

That's a recipe for disaster

>After his Dragons Dogma and DS3 reviews

His sunken city review is terrible when it can be boiled down to franchise fatigue.

Why do all these fuckers want to turn it into a job?

>giving money to jewtubers

Because 150k subs isn't even that much? You do realise that pressing 'subscribe' on youtube isn't exactly some kind of committment? DSP has 180k subs, quality content I suppose. And lets be clear, on any given channel at least 50% of subs are always inactive

Becase playing videogames beats wagekeking 40 hrs a week?

Because its easy and people eat up the "i literally was editing this video for 3 years please pay me for all this content i put out" like its fucking cake.

I hate people begging.

Joseph Anderson's got a totally reasonable patreon for teh amount of content he produces.

He doesn't understand that being "long form content" doesn't mean it needs to be so autistically nitpicky. A ton of shit he puts out could be easily cut in fucking half and nothing of value would be lost.

True, all of his shorter videos have about half his total sub count and those videos are typically around 20 minutes long. However his longer videos easily double, triple, or quadruple the views in relation to his sub count. Why would he break this format that is clearly giving him views and try to compete with every other youtuber?

>online begging bowls

I hate this timeline

The entire video was about how he WASN'T in trouble and how he was looking into trying new things due to how long it would and does take him to produce content (which his audience enjoys).
Fucking Sup Forums is just shitposting central and can't actually discuss anything without vomiting memes, though.

>wasn't in trouble
>we're doing OK BUuUUuUuUUUuuuUUUT you should buy my books and sub to my patreon.

>he's doing an automata video
Can't wait for my feelings to get hurt

Is there a picture of him? I want to see what kind of woman married and bred with autismo who plays vidya and writes shitty fantasy books for little to no income. He's either hyperchad, or she's fat and ugly.

I wouldn't go that far. He's just overly emotional, and good at rationalizing that emotion.

ENB has a Kentucky accent or something.

He's actually a pretty decent guy, better them the faggot living in the van and the Plebian who hated Dark Souls 2

What's wrong with Noah?

Not going to argue with you when he just stated the situation in his video, you dense cunt.

Whats wrong with promoting yourself, in your own video, titled "I'm promoting myself faget" and stating in the first 10 seconds that this video is about promotion?


Because for some reason, when it comes to youtube videos (and mods for that matter) Sup Forums has some strange communist like ideology about how you aren't allowed to make a profit.

>Dark Souls 2 faggots will NEVER EVER recover from the ass-fucking they got in the form of a matosis vid

>t. literal SJW

the witness is shit though. puzzle games are supposed to have puzzles that feel good to solve, the witness has none of those

I am out, call me back when the /our guy/ meme has ended.

I'm assuming that """"""people"""""" here take offense to anyone charging for anything. Like said.

I'm not a TotalBiscuit fan, but I liked his comment on this video and I think he's right; there's nothing wrong with wanting to support your family (especially doing what you enjoy).

Colossal SJW.

In the middle of one of his videos he goes on a 40-minute tangent about "toxic masculinity" and how violent video games supposedly play into it.

Did you forget that it's hbomberguy who leads the charge against matosis?
Your guy is SJW incarnate, kike

I actually misread your post.

>aspie with the voice of a gay 15 year old
>doesn't just call games shit for no reason and scream about muh SJWs
He can't be Sup Forums's guy even if the first part is spot-on.

Its not that he's not allowed to make a profit.

It's that I hate things shoved in my face.

I subbed for the content, not a sob story about how you aren't making enough money as a stay at home dad who makes video game youtube videos that are far too long.

Forces are equal. When everyone is throwing patreon in your face, you get tired of it, really, fucking tired of it.

When a youtube channel you used to like starts starting every video with a 3 minute ad, or has 5 minutes of patreon supporters names at the end of the video it grates on you, and wears you down.

I miss the glory days when people did it for fun, and if they made a profit, great.

nothing, his van rants are /comfy/

>live in a van
>produce content that's long for teh sake of being long
>barely put anything out
>get enough patreon income to live comfortably.

Fuck everything. I don't understand. I'm gonna go live on a boat and get patreon income to pay for my boat life.

>t. /not our guy/

I too miss the glory days of shit quality vidoes that were short and recorded on a 2 dollar mic.
There certainly are advantages to people earning money doing things I want to see them doing

because he's good at it, and can be better and produce more if he could spend more time doing it... which he can't if he has to work a job to support himself because the support from ads/patreon are insufficient.

it's not unreasonable. if you're good at something you don't do it for free. clearly he's on the way to being able to do this full time at a sustainable wage and he deserves it for his output of high quality content.

Long content, is not good content.

Joseph Anderson's breath of the wild review, could've been cut in half and made all the key points.

>which he can't if he has to work a job to support himself
He's a fucking stay at home dad who writes fantasy books and managed to get some traction on youtube. If he didn't have a 1500+ a month patreon, he'd just be better off getting a part time job somewhere.

buy my book

I genuinely would read this.

>Wizard dragon
What did he mean by this?

I went and checked what books he's written after watching the video, and I feel kinda bad about saying this, but all of his books seem like the most boringest shit ever. He's also not super great at titles and covers.



>Long content, is not good content.
that's your opinion. there is a market for that shit, which should be obvious because of things like the trajectory of his patreon funds, other youtubers with similar long formats like TB, and other general long format media like podcasts. you're basically retarded user.

>breath of the wild
I don't play nintendo shit shit I didn't watch it. again you're ignorant that some people have attention spans and can commit to long form content.


I'm not ignorant, I've watched all of his videos.

All of them. Literally all of them could've been severely cut down, to no detriment.

This is Joseph's problem. He's a writer of fiction. Videos are not books. Autistic detail doesn't work the same way in videos that it does in books. You need the detail in books because it's strictly words, you can't supplement with pictures or video footage. To sit there and lay out your points, then show raw gameplay footage illustrating your point is bad. You can do both at the same time.

Joseph's editing needs severe editing. He clearly doesn't want to cut down based on his patreon video so he's doubling down. It's going to bite him in the ass when he has trouble actually producing, especially with patreon supporters breathing down his neck.

your critique is fair and I think you should email him if you genuinely want to help him.

I disagree in the sense that he has his base and I think they know what they're getting and what they will continue to get and they've deemed that acceptable and worthy of their $$. he's new at this shit and there's obviously a learning curve but I wouldn't say it's bad or unwatchable. he acknowledged he's improved but there's room for improvement but not in the way that you would like I'm guessing.

>email him
>in his video he literally says he can't read them all

Sick advice. This is the problem. Unless you're on patreon, your advice, and tips, or suggestions are going straight to the shredder.

imagine being so cucked by life you have to raise two kids with a youtube channel

What a godawful title. Could you get more generic and uninspired?