What's troubling you, Sup Forums?
What's troubling you, Sup Forums?
I'm 26 years old, never had a job and forgot most of what I learned in high school so college is out. I'm fucked.
I'm lonely
Writers block on my romance novel
family coming over in 1 hour
I have a cough that won't go away and I don't smoke, it randomly pops up. Hoping it's not cancer or something.
I'm fine.
nothing 2bh, I'm just mad that fucking amazon delayed my crash n sanity to the 3 july
Nothing, really.
I'm feeling good, slight buzz and I'm about to play some King's Bounty.
I'm also 26 but my high school papers are so impressive I got to university to study mathematics starting in autumn.
Loneliness gets more crushing every day
im afraid of telling her how i feel about her
i don't have the courage to shoot myself
The fact that XY seems to have begun a dark age of sorts for Pokémon. This franchise is my fucking life and I can't handle that the games don't have as much effort put into them and longevity as they used to have.
fukken e transfers are down and now my rent is late ;-;
realizing friends you grew up with were lying to your face constantly.
Marth mains are going straight to hell, fucking bullshit character.
I want to know what this cat meme is called. I tried looking up sad cat and I got nothing
Everything you learned in High School is irrelevant. I can't think of anything from High School that actually helped me in college. The 100 level gen ed courses basically start from the start and you need to take those. A lot of my professors even told me to forget what I learned in High School because it's pointless and probably wrong. High School is really pointless.
I feel so useless
Actually the cat isn't sad, it just has eye infection.
This board is full of shitposters. And most of the posters who aren't shitposting are more interested in talking shit about whatever game they don't like and can't seem to see past their own noses.
I have a good job, side jobs, plenty of money, bitches, vidya, a decent house and yet most of the time I want to kill myself.
I don't know why.
My best friend said he knows a girl who looks like Futaba, I asked if she was single and he said he doesn't know, and on top of that he sent me a pic and she's pretty cute and somewhat close. But he won't give me the name or who and where she is and it's driving me nuts, I'm probably setting myself up for dissapointment
I've had Nier Automato sitting on my PC for a week. I can't muster the effort to plug in my gamepad across the room.
I was just an hour or two ago being very friendly and polite in the steam sale thread and got friendly and polite responses in kind.
All in all it was a very pleasant little conversation on Sup Forums.
I'd be pretty sad if I had an eye infection
I'm torn between keeping my hairy build fat physique and cutting both my hair and body fat so I can get women easier
>25 working a dead end job
>got my associates and dropped out of college because I hate it
>music has always been my passion and I'd love to compose
>composition schools take 4 years to complete to get a bachelors
>feel stuck, lost, and confused
>don't know what to do anymore
>don't want my life to end up as a 9-5 until I'm 50
Have a lot of different games I'm trying to get through but can't seem to stay focused on whichever one I try to play for more than a few hours at a time.
I need some music for my game. Post some examples of your work and if they're any good I'll give you $50 for every minute long loop(8-bit) you can provide(up to 20).
I can't find a game I want on the Steam sale. I bought Wolfenstein but it wouldn't work on my pc, something with AMD driver issues, so I refunded it.
I just want another stupid zombie game like Dead Island or Dying Light
>tfw lose all your Ivy League level High School papers in your corrupted HDD
If I truly cared, I would have made copies.
Are you looking for something that's very similar to those or just anything that's got zombies and crafting?
About to be a 20 year old virgin and I want to kill myself.
>inb4 someone older tries to tell me i can't complain
Fuck you.
20, don't have any friends, don't know what to study if I return to college, currently have a shit paying job, and I know that I'll be alone so no hope in finding a SO. Oh and video games are becoming more boring and harder to get hooked on. I'm playing baldurs gate right now and sort of enjoying it but that's about it.