Chat is disabled for every single Pokemon championship channel and event

>Chat is disabled for every single Pokemon championship channel and event

I thought Nintendo said the most important thing was fun? Watching Pokemon quietly by yourself without Twitch reactions isn't very fun at all.

Games are serious matter and actually require deep concentration, contrary to braindead garbage like soccer or football.

Then don't watch it. There.

Go do something you consider fun then.

Nintendo don't want big meanies making fun of the 30 year old men playing a children's RPG competitively.

Is adderall banned in this kind of competitions?

>Watching Pokemon quietly by yourself without Twitch reactions isn't very fun at all.
>without Twitch reactions isn't very fun at all.
>Twitch reactions

Cancer, pure and simple. delete this thread.

>twitch chat is fun
i want every young person to die

>i'll defend anything they do, ANYTHING

Twitch chat isn't fun

I'm not defending it but I would rather read YouTube comments than Twitch chat.

>Not wanting to see the chat's reaction when something stupid or bizarre happens
That's part of what made the Power Rangers marathon stream great

>chat's reaction
you mean "LUL" and "Kappa" spam?
wow, that sounds like so much fucking fun. Stop being a faggot and watch video games with your friends

sounds retarted. but this this about a literal childrens game being streamed for literal children to watch instead of just playing themselves so whatever

for the millionth time


Chat on streamed video with maybe 10-15 people in it can be fun. but when you have a few thousand and the text is scrolling by so fast that people resoret to screaming memes in desprate hope that their text will be noticed.. that's not fun at all.

Those idiots who spam emoticons are turbo retarded but people who watch them doing this are more retarded.

I dunno, it can get pretty silly which makes for good webm material.

Reading a constant stream of outdated memes and twitch emojis is not fun either so what is your point.

This is what ADHD feels like isn't it?

>watch video games with your friends
>thinks thats anything other than faggotry
LMAO. if you do this you are pathetic. watching twitch on and off while youre laying around the house during downtime is acceptable. inviting your friends over to your house to watch a pokemon tournament is not. dumb amiibofag.

pretty much, yes.

Twitch Chat is worse than YouTube comments.

>he needs le twitch reactions
LUL Kappa

who's this mattress actress

>wanting to look at twitch reaction
fuck off underage

Hahaha they keep saying the funny meme hahaha Kappa!

>Watching video games with your actual friends is faggot
>Watching the uncoordinated memetic reactions of thousands of strangers to a video game isn't

>being this butthurt a redditor

Twitch chat is highly toxic and oppressive. It's not fun for other people when some memeing 12 year olds are spamming implied racism black faces and laughing at the players/calling them cringy without even considering they're feelings.

Twitch chat is fucking cancer meme cringe spouting shit and should be disabled on every big stream.

>chat with 1000000000000 people spamming memes and being underage

Howdy gen z, you gotta be 18 to post here though!

imagine watching a WWE show without audience

Just the dudes wrestling in an empty, quiet arena

That's what i said, they keep spamming the word "cringe".

back to neogaf nigger lover

>twitch chat
>anything but cancer

or you could just disable it yourself by collapsing the chat window. but im sure you wouldnt be able to fight the temptation because you secretly love it, right faggot?

This. Anybody who uses twitch is clearly an underage and totally not cool (socially acceptable) like me.

Redditor and neogaffer btw haHAA

I will never understand what kids have from spamming a chat no one can read.

I do that but i still think it should be disabled because it's so fucking dumb.

Nintendo doesn't run TPCi's twitch, stupid. Nintendo never disabled chat for any event they held.

>Sup Forums won the culture war

you think it should be disabled because youre a control freak who is obsessed with controlling other people, probably because youre a liberal. right?

either that, or youre lying and you cant stop yourself from having it open and viewing peoples reactions. so which is it, queer?

he's right though, there's not really anything funny about every single person saying the same thing.

so close the chat window then, faggot. no one is forcing you to view it.


Nintendo owns the market share of Pokemon Company sooooo... yeah, it kinda is at this point.

You sound like an angsty teenager. The type of person who spouts memes in Twitch chats to get attention

you are defending it.


If you actually use the twitch chat you are a fucking manchildren and probably autistic

you sound like a liberal who obsessively tries to police other peoples speech.

why do you do it, go on the internet and broadcast how fuckign dumb you are? Whats the point?

Thanks for proving my point :)

kys faggot :)

You did it again ;)

Probably because children spam obscene racist trash

impossible since "obscene racist trash" is blocked automatically. maybe youre a faggot who is obsessed with controlling other peoples speech instead?

>ywn watch another PR marathon with the twitch chat

is there a better place to discuss video games? People watch others play video games, clearly the ive passed the average age of this place by a lot.

Is that guy tall or the woman is very short?

yea you can stay on reddit where you came from

i can honestly say ive never been to reddit before, i think i got a link from there one time, i closed it because i couldnt figure out the terrible format.

>watches other people play video games like a cuck
>calls others reddit

why do you do it, go on the Internet and broadcast how BTFO you are? What is the point?

okay, you're old and retarded,
wonderful, keep posting here grandpa.

Nintendo is for children.

Imagine wanting to watch a WWE audience withour wrestlers. Just dudes sitting quietly in an arena.

theres literally nothing wrong with watching tournaments, conferences, tutorials, etc. on twitch. kill yourself reddit fag. you probably watch ricky and morty instead.

you are either underage or retarded, you add nothing by spouting your worthless opinion. Your grammar is awful and rick and morty is for pseud homos and underage like you.

>mean ninty won't let me type nigger and press enter lol :^(

I guess they wanted to avoid any shit flinging.

>Watching Pokemon quietly by yourself without Twitch reactions isn't very fun at all.
>Twitch chat

>Actually liking twitch chat
Just use the /vp/ thread, shit could use the attention since it's not a sticky for whatever reason.

That's the Pokemon company's decision. Nintendo had twitch chat for all their E3 stuff.