ITT: Pics that trigger nu-Sup Forums
ITT: Pics that trigger nu-Sup Forums
>Film, television, and literature all tell them better.
Games have the potential to tell better stories than film and tv at least. See games like System Shock or the Thief games.
>So why are games still obsessed with narrative?
How else are you going to get propagandized?
Sup Forums is one of the most anti-story-in-games communities I have ever seen so if anything they would agree with that article.
>film, television
she do not have "these" in the first place
>oldfags got to grow up with games that were:
>faggot stole your girl
>go beat up the city to prove you're a man
Nothing is this black and white. some games tell geart stories some games tell shit stories. games -were- much more fun back in the days before heavy story. but the barebones story to those games helped give some context and motivation and accented the experince instead of domanating it. The real isssue is "the cinimatic experince" video games are not movies. so you can tell diffreant stories with a game then you can with a film. but the industry is so desprate for movie industry-senpiai to notice them and valadate them and nowhere is this more clear the indi games and gamers jerno's despratly trying to get thier paraents to understand "that this is a -real- job dad!"
Sup Forums =/= nu-Sup Forums
OOH a headline. So what click baiting titles ,no matter how true or untrue, are all you are able to read without causing your shitty brain to hurt from to many words being put in front of you or something?
Better isn't really the right word. It's more like stories shouldn't be invade on other aspects of the game, or should be woven into the mechanics. A game with no narrative is literally pong and tetris
Is Dark Souls the most influental video game of our times?
Prove it wrong or fuck off
Like how Doom made Doom like games, Dark Souls made the "Dark Souls of" games.
Read the bill, idiot
Tetris is the greatest videogame of all time and it doesn't have a story
>The Dark Souls of Persona games
Anyone who's not a sperging autist already agrees. Video games are hopeless in terms of storytelling and will never any good.
It's actually dangerously communist in it's message though
the potential is always, always wasted. yet retards still gobble garbage like TLOU and Undertale up as if they're narrative masterpieces.
Silent hill to
Is it
fuck off ben kuchera
What the fuck is up with her proportions?
Cute. She reminds me of Etna. I wonder why...
It says its illegal to be homophobic
Ugh wow harassment........
It is
No it doesn't, it's about protecting children from religiously abusive households
Very True.
I think video games do it best when they sort of give you story through lore (Metroid Prime scans, e-mails and audiologs of system shock, or written notes in Thief).
It gives you an idea by allowing your own imagination to fill in the gaps - Vidya is closer to literature in this regard despite being a visual medium.
>Dragons Dogma - The Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs
But... then what is Dark Souls?
If only we could all be as enlightened and blue collar as u ;)
>"I drank from plastic water bottles too much"
>tfw I only ever drank water from water bottles since I was a child
>these are not consent
most of the games Sup Forums obssess about are story heavy tho
Momiji, Vaporwave and butt plugs are all Sup Forums things now. no xenoestrogens on that board.
Dark souls is the Dark souls of all video games
What is your favorite game OP?
Homophobia is considered abusive
More like shiteo games!
but your post is nu-Sup Forums
>the pyramids were ruins when they built them
prease exprainu
To your kids? Ya
>garbage like TLOU
You're a imbecile.
But that's something that would trigger paleo Sup Forums. We have a bunch of tumblr, neogaf, and Reddit shitters here now.
Hm where's the Jewish IQ?
need to update this with Crash Bandicoot - the Dark Souls roguelites
Video games are better without forced narrative and shitty dialogue.
The best stories in video games are the ones you create during gameplay. They're your own personal stories that no one else can replicate. Making a sick comeback in a fighting game, beating the final boss while you're at the last pixel of health, drifting the corner really tight that gets you into first place, that's all little stories you can tell delivered purely from an interaction stand point. That's something no forced cutscenes or boring dialogue told to you while you follow way points can ever match.
The only thing you need is cues and the purpose. The journey should be decided entirely by yourself.
Why the fuck is Tatami Galaxy on there?
It takes place like 2000 years after they were built
Traps are gay, commies can die, trump is retarded, /r9k/ is for faggots, BUT...
There is nothing wrong with Tatami Galaxy.
Doing it right.
So you admit they can take your childern if you are homophobic
Well it's a good thing they got isreal now
you're slipping Sup Forums
the list needs to be updated with the BC era
What? Why is that on there?
Didn't you hear? Jews are white, user. Just like you and me.
videogames with stories are fucking great
However, the industry is full of numale cuck autist incompetents who can't string a story together if their lives depended on it, and when they make their beta-limpwristed attempts it's usually to push some cuckled ideology while expressing how much they love censorship and totalitarianism disguised as freedom and being nice.
So with all of that in mind, the sooner videogames go back to being about gameplay and not stories, the fucking better
If you're being abusive, sure
... worked!!!!!! XD!!!!!
Which you said if you don't support homos then its abusive
Why do Sup Forumstards have to spam their shit every time this thread is up
Talk about video games faggot, nobody's here to talk about politics. Every time gamers try to commentate on politics they just come off as absolutely fucking retarded and it shows in these threads.
>the dark souls of roguelikes
rogue is the fucking dark souls of roguelikes.
shit spelunky isn't even that bad, that shits just flat out wrong.
Not an argument
These posts look like they're mostly related to science, history and statistics, where are you getting politics?
>Slovakia and Hungary have different years
He also made this article
Then why are there niggers there? If this takes place ~around~ 2000 years later it's either during the Ptolemaic reign or it is a Roman vassal. The Nubian Kings earlier than that.
They has autism and can't function in the general public. They have to spew about whatever they're currently obsessed about since it's the only way they can communicate
>imply heavily you're trying to push an alt right agenda
>but it's not politics because I didn't outright state I support racism I merely implied it!
>The "projecting" to fit in starter pack
Whoever made this has participated in all of those things
What does this mean exactly?
>my opinion is a fact the youtube channel
angry joe 2.0
>white people
Why water bottles? I don't get it.
What does "the dark souls of" even mean?
This is the most disgusting picture I have ever seen.
BPA is come plastics acts as estrogen in the body
Seems like history, science and statistics support racism to me.
Video games can tell stories in ways that none of those mediums can. Whether or not they are "better" is irrelevant because that is purely subjective and no real literary or film critic talks about how "good" a "story" is.
Huh, thanks.