Don't know if you guys have talked about this yet, or if anyone cares...

Don't know if you guys have talked about this yet, or if anyone cares, but a mod is coming to Skyrim that basically adds Bloodborne to the world.

>fictional Yharnam inside of Skyrim

What's the opinion of this? Good idea? Shit head? I played through one user created "expansion" for Skyrim a few years ago, and it wasn't so bad. I'm actually curious if they'll be able to capture the same atmosphere and creepiness of Bloodborne.

Other urls found in this thread:

Half of what makes Bb weapons cools are the movesets, I doubt swinging them left and right ad infinitum in Skyrim will be much fun.

Still same shitty skyrim combat then couldn't care less desu

Came here to say this

>reinstall Skyrim
>download mods
>tinker to get your 150+ load order to work
>play for an hour
>repeat one year later

I can't be the only one who does this.
Why did TES have to become so shit?

me, but I spend a few hours building a home and putting a family together.


The Skyrim milking never ends

>take everything from bloodborne and put it in skyrim, except the one thing that made it good (the combat) lol

fuck modders

why do people spend so much time modding games like skyrim and fallout when in the end they still play like fucking skyrim and fallout aka fucking awful?

>nu elder sscrolls combat

No fucking thanks Todd.

>someone thought this was worry of an article on their shitty click bait site
>someone thought this was important enough to then shill on Sup Forums

Spot the codexfag

>Skyrim is so bad they have to mod an entire game inside it to be able stomach the game

I'm surprised anyone still plays this shit. The combat is atrocious.

>only 150+

lmao thats even worse

Putting rolling into a game doesn't immediately make it good

so it's basically that dodge roll mod that's been available for ages

(((Hunter Miche)))

Did it just a week ago.

You should've posted the webm of the other one so I could view same and find the original creator's refutation


>Add a legit lock on mod
>Rolling looks clunky as fuck but better than nothing
>attacks just being hammer LMB not changed

I don't think skyrims combat will ever be salvageable when the core is so fucking dull.

the stun lock is easily fixable and the user who made the video says he fixed it right away. but yeah, the lockon mod is a bit buggy with the camera and it doesn't lend itself to skyrim's multiple enemy encounters that it often has.
and also a mod that adds attack commitment. without it the dodge is worthless
I couldn't find anything else from him other than the posts in that thread.

>TK dodge + Lock-on
So it's a tiny bit less shit now?

>putting ripped models in skyrim is newsworthy now

It's made by the same guy who did the Vigilant mod which already had a lot of Dark Souls/Bloodborne stuff in it. I liked it, and honestly if its a gameplay issue then there's hundreds of mods to tweak or overhaul the game to your own preferences. Will it be as good as those games? Probably not, but it's a mod, ergo you dont have to shell out any money for it and Skyrim came out what, 7 years ago?

That's kind of neat I guess. Shame there is the rest of Skyrim.

Well, I'm still waiting for Bayo models.

same but I mostly just fap to the sex mods