There is no denying that The Witcher 3 is one of the best games even created. Even if you personally don't like it, it can't be possible for you to sincerely believe that it's a bad game.
There is no denying that The Witcher 3 is one of the best games even created. Even if you personally don't like it...
Other urls found in this thread:
>hate Poland
>avoid witcher like the plague and shit on it constantly
>decide to pirate it cuz bored
>play through the whole game and DLCs
>end up buying the game and playing it again
You're right, no game comes even close. I mean, I almost even don't hate poland anymore.
>I almost even don't hate poland anymore.
Whoa whoa whoa, hold on let's not lose our heads here.
it's just another AAA movie game with no gameplay bro
That's all we have now, bro
I was to exhausted to play the dlcs after finishing the story. The combat got old hella quick. Signs are useless. Oils are OK if you don't mind spending hours chasing down recipes. Crossbow is useless except for shooting shit out of the air. Bombs are useless. Only upgrades in signs that are good are the initial 3 in axii for dialogue. Horse riding is shit ( lol they actually make you race ), swimming is shit. This game literally piggy backs on the stories, characters, and graphics. Over r8d imo. Maybe I just don't like rpgs
It has glaring flaws, but it's so well executed and immersive otherwise that it's definitely a 9/10.
Also, alternative movement on is a must.
Combat is mediocre (death march spices it up enough for my tastes) and swimming is terrible. Otherwise, I disagree.
step aside
Why do witcher threads attract shills for literally who games?
not out yet but i am gettin pretty hype
this and original sin 2
>complaining about the most obscure shit
>claims game isnt great
if you have to nitpick the smallest of issues in this game it shows how good it is.
I actively dislike 3 after enjoying 1 so much. Even 2 was alright but 3 has the worst most boring beginning ever like fuck.
I guess if the only other games you've played are Skyrim and Dragon age. From thr mery sue characters, to the reskinned enemies, to the attrocious quest design and complete absence of exploration, TW3 is just so mediocre.
I'm not trying to troll or bait replies but I hate the gameplay in Witcher. Coming from Twilight Princess HD where the movement was so responsive, even if the combat in that game is
mostly just mashing B.
Something I didn't give tw3 credit for are the amazing quest lines main/side/contracts that are really thought out and unique (cave of dreams quest for instance). I just can't look past the repetitive/clunky gameplay. I'm not a huge fan of rpgs but damn doing some of the most simple shit in this game was infuriating
It has good qualities, but it overwhelmed me with so many menus and skill tree menus and crafting systems, a card game, and map systems and all of this shit that you have to look at, and I would rather have a game where you can just equip gear and go in there and fight shit without putting so much thought into everything
I think Skyrim was actually better, though Witcher did a few things better like acting/animation
good man
You take the good with the bad. It is like how super mario bros games are slow, sonic games are too fast, sega games are all bugged as hell, microsoft only produces shitty games, etc.
>300 hours of modern MMO breadcrumbs gameplay
>Batman detective mode quests follow the red fart trail
>terrible weightless fidget spinner combat
>story centered around teleporting Princess Mary Sue
It's got great production value and bang for your buck, but the gameplay is a solid 6/10 IMO.
EXACTLY. Story and quests are fun but the gameplay is so overlooked and terrible. I wonder how it would be if it released in 2016
Calling it one of the best is equal in stupidity to calling it a bad game. It's a mediocre, formulaic open-world game with nothing innovative or interesting present in its design.
It's a good game, but I'm sick of people pretending it's the second coming of Chris. It's really not that phenomenal at all.
Witcher 1 gameplay is not so steller you dumb fucks.
Go and play it then you can come back and complain about it when this franchise has always been like that.
>>terrible weightless fidget spinner combat
>combat is now the most obscure shit in aaa games
holy shit
also, why is people hyped for cyberpunk? its going to be the same shit but with futuristic crap
I love the game, I can just acknowledge those flaws. I dread going into water.
>Horrible gameplay
Turn on alternative movement. It's mandatory imo.
combat is boring, ill play it when mods fix the combat
>Witcher 1 gameplay is not so steller you dumb fucks
IMHO it's much more solid than 3's.
it's an alright flick
it was, it did, it was horrible gameplay
It sucked dick
Yeah sure user, whatever you say.
The main MAIN quest is rather weak, the le "ancient evil blah blah", but the quests leading to it, the side quests and the world are superb.
Even if the combat is "bad", the questing and travelling is fun.
Awesome dialog, great graphics, good music, great characters.
>Witcher 1's gameplay is better than 3's
AHHAHA, just stop. you are being so contrarian it's cringy.
Honestly better than idiots claiming Dark Souls/BB to be fantastic games. I never understood how people could have such a shit taste in videogames.
Sorry you don't know how opinions work.
I'm curious what people who say witcher has bad gameplay consider good gameplay.
I do. Witchers 1 and 3 were terrible. Witcher 2 was okay. I believed the hype and got burnt.
I said more solid,. Learn to read you idiot.
Bad gameplay = bad game. Go read a book faggot
Games where you don't twirl around like a retard.
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Nier: Automata
I like this bait
I do. Witchers 1
I know how they work, and I am disregarding yours.
>disregarding yours
>by regarding it
good job
Reminder that Witcher 3 was an enormous labor of love
I'm sure you do, witcherdrone.
>Witchers 1
horizon 0 dawn
metal gear
Triss or yen and why
>calling witcher a good game is bait now
I didn't expect this.
Westerners can't into combat to save their lives.
This is Sup Forums, expect everything newfag.
Great answer, retard.
>hate witcher's mash x to win combat
>post mash x to win combat games
Am I being trolled, what's going on?
As always the devil may cry kiddies butthurt about proper turn based rpg combat.
Sup Forums hasn't been what you're acting like it is in years.
I don't even know if I can say you tried.
>proper turn-based RPG combat
Most people hate the combat because it's controlled like a hack and slash game, but if you go into it like a hack and slash game you're going to get absolutely destroyed. It's all about timing, positioning and tactical use of signs, bombs and potions. So when retards go into the game spamming the fast attack button and get repeatedly raped by groups of enemies and then come on Sup Forums to complain the combat is terrible, I just sit here and laugh my ass off.
Only valid complaint about The Witcher 3 is that movement and how it feels needs to be be improved. It either feels unresponsive or or way too ADHD, but those problems disappear during combat.
Another common criticism is how bad the quests are, but what people don't realise is that "Witcher Senses" are literally the best way you can actually lead a player through a quest in a world as open and expansive as The Witcher and often, you don't HAVE to use them at all.
The difference between a game like Skyrim and The Witcher is that in The Witcher 3, the quests are designed so that you can actually complete them SOLELY based on the dialogue of NPCs and following the hints they give you. The minimap that tells you where to go was clearly added afterwards to make it easier on casual players, but if you turn the minimap off you can not only follow the quests just as validly based on following directions and such alone, but you also spend much more time looking at the world itself and enjoying the game for what it is. Witcher sense is included because of how big the world is - and also because it highlights, for players who are too lazy to go without it - shit that you would NEVER take the time to spot. But that's the thing - those footprints you follow during that quest? They are actually there. You can track something through the world without using them. The Witcher Senses are there to make it easier for lazy people, so you only have yourselves to blame.
It's not perfect but it's far better than most other games
People just come here to shitpost, if you didn't knew this you are new, stop damage controlling pretending you aren't (unless you are another user, still retarded both of you though.)
Main story was terrible
Most characters sucked
Sidequests were a mixed bag of best in the franchise and completely awful
Combat was boring bootleg dark souls
Witcher simulator features the weakest in the entire series
Good atmosphere
Graphics usually fantastic, but with some glaringly out of place PS2 tier stuff like half of Novigrad
Ubisoft open world
It was pretty average, worst in the series for me.
Literally not one of those games are smash x to win games. Off yourself cuck
Witchercucks are so delusional.
The only way I've played the game is putting points in Signs because I played W1 and W2 the other ways. Signs were broken on Death March except for certain fights. Maybe it was just as easy if you leveled the swordsmanship stuff, but after a certain point the Igni sign would just ignite enemies, doing like percent health damage as they just stood around trying to put themselves out. And using Aard, I think that's the force push one, would just down entire mobs of people around you in a full 360 so you could walk over and just coup de grace them.
I think the game breaks itself in half no matter what path you pursue.
Oh, I get it, you haven't played those games, gotcha.
Holy fuck the bait is too much in this thread.
If you want my advice, Sup Forums.
Get rid of the minimap. It improves the game, exploring and questing so much. If you really need to look at where to go, just open your fucking menu and look at the world map.
For the BEST experience, get the mod FriendlyHUD and configure it so that there's no mini-map and that a Skyrim style compass comes up when you hold the Witcher Sense button. Adding quest markers to that compass is optional, but seeing the directions helps a fuck ton in navigation.
And finally, I would challenge any of you to propose a better alternate solution to leading players through quests in a large, open world containing tons of hidden caves and realistic world design than the "witcher sense" feature, a world that you would never navigate without taking serious time to explore or skills with navigation and a map.
You call this garbage good combat? Jesus christ.
I mean, Witcher 3 combat is not awesome, but it's pretty good. But I guess you fags prefer gay, over-flashy japanese quadruple jumping and swinging mountains like sticks.
>inb4 fun
Okay, I don't want to argue whether it can be called fun or not. For me it's not, for you it might. I admit, it's just not my kind of stuff. I'd take Witcher 3's combat (which is a bit too flashy anyway) over this faggy power-fantasy fuck physics, fuck logic, fuck cohesion, and fuck practicality of attacks Jackie Chan shit. It's clowny for me.
But I understand you might like it. What pisses me off is that I never ever even once seen anyone on Sup Forums who doesn't like Witcher 3 actually admitting that it just doesn't fir their tastes. They always say it's shit, implying it is objectively poorly designed, while it's a great game that is just not their kind of "fun".
Except you play most of the game as a whiny bitch with shit combat
>but muh hacking
>muh dodge-heavy
I think the hate comes from the combat being absolutely boring. You don't even need to use signs most of the time because it's a cake-walk.
>Witcher 3 combat is not awesome, but it's pretty good
Oh, the delusion.
>judging combat based on what it looks like rather than the depth it offers
>I mean, Witcher 3 combat is not awesome, but it's pretty good
>s-stupid weeb haha
this desperation though
The hate comes from the Witcher series becoming popular
the only game i one multiple copies one for ps4 and my pc love it 10/10
If you want to compare Witcher's combat to a Japanese game, then compare it to FFXV. Both extremely mediocre.
Nah people have been shitting on the combat since the first game.
>In all of Sup Forums's time shitposting about and hating The Witcher 3, not one person here has ever posted a valid, interesting negative critique of the game that actually explains why they dislike certain elements of it.
>Instead it's always really superficial shit like "lol the combat sucks" or "lol mini-map and withcer senses make quests really easy" without any understanding of why those systems are designed the way they are and how they work together with the rest of the game.
Come on Sup Forums. If you're going to call a game terrible, at least fucking explain why without just resorting to the tactics of contrarian faggots.
>plays on easiest difficulty
>complains combat is too easy.
Even on story and sword, the combat is challenging enough that you at least have to think about what you're doing.
Except people also use Dragon's Dogma (which is as far from Dark Souls as you can get) as an example of better combat mechanics.
It's time for you to make peace with the fact that The Shitter 3 has bad combat.
>legitimate complains about the combat don't count because I said so
>2 years later
>Sup Forums is still bitching about a game
That's how you know it's good
>muh weabo games
everi tim
If you actually want to discuss games with reason or logic you're definitely gonna have to go elsewhere.
man that must mean TLoU is one of the best games ever made then
well why weren't the quests as interestingly designed as in TW2 as you imply in your second statement
>Pillars of Eternity is literally who
>He doesn't know what Obsidian Entertainment is
What legitimate complaints? Literally where are they? I have never seen a single one.
Saying "it's shit because I said so" is not a legitimate complaint.
Do you know what the word disregard means?
Except everyone stopped talking about TLoU years ago.
Witcher 3 is fantastic up until Novigrad
Then it turns to absolute turd and never recovers
Ciri is a shit mary sue
bingo couldn't have said better my self but you will just get trigger weaboos trying to defend there glorious nipo
>some weebshit game has better combat than the multimillion, International effort that was TW3
How can witcherdrones live with themselves?
No one talks about TLoU
Nope, there have been several threads lately. It never really stopped.