When are the DLCs?

when are the DLCs?

shut up and enjoy your bikini

Metal Gear Solid 5 was the Greatest shit sunday in video game history. The Cherry on top were the DLC
>Horse armor
>Bringing quite back to ruin the story and try to fix your shitty character
>A Stand Alone Zombie Expansion with Crafting

Of all those things only the first was DLC.

Getting Quiet back was a patch and Survive is a standalone title.
>and try to fix your shitty character
No idea what that means.


Konami had given up on that turd well before it was even released.

Quite was a stupid fucking character from start to finish. Failing to kill a fucking crippled man after killing two able body adults a couple seconds ago to just walking off into the sunset with an extremely deadly Parasite in her lungs that caused most of your soldiers to die for.

so what's so bad about this game then

I thought it was perfectly tolerable.

Yes and?

Subtle bait or just retarded?

Its Downloadable content because. You have to download the content that causes Quite to come back

THE Quiet DLC is for multiplayer
Also, you don't need DLC to get quiet back.

> Quite
Okay, third time makes a pattern. Are you absolutely SURE it's spelled that way?

Quite doesn't come back unless you download it

The missions all being "find the intel and extract the guy" instead of anything actually interesting or important to the plot. If it had more stand out missions like the devils house people would have enjoyed it more I reckon. Doesn't help that the story is very weak and there are very little stand out moments in the game despite it's length. Mgs1 provides way more bosses and events in 8 hours than mgsv does in 70.
I also want to point out that the nuclear disarmament event being rigged is a low blow that killed my will to keep playing.

Yes she does
You just have to replay Cloaked in silence multiple times

quite sure




tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying video game industry

To get quiet back you just needed a patch

Not a dlc

what are the left hand images from, user?

Don't think Konami has much incentive to do so.

It's not like you have to buy DLC. I find it to be a childish concept, that you are best avoiding altogether, unless it's an old game and you can easily download it with all the extra content at once.

Saying V is terrible in itself is silly, and this becomes obvious with a little thought experiment: how far back in gaming history could you go before it easily became a top10 game for you? e.g. if it was the only 3D game ever made it would arguably be the best game ever made due to the greater immersion of that perspective.

So the real problem people have with V is that there are so many equally good or better games around that make it disappointing compared to previous MGS games, which ranked far higher against competing games in their time. Also things like this

Oats Studios

Holy shit, a profile shot. I can't believe they're ripping Kojima off this much, everyone knows he invented profile shots.

Lol cry harder fag

>Muh story

There is tons of freedom in how you approach the missions

>the real problem people have with V is that there are so many equally good or better games around
There really isn't. Name a better tps game lol bonus points if it also does stealth :)