Games more enjoyable than The Last of us




the evil within is pretty shit though

The last of us is boring as fuck m8. Graphics aren't everything

t. Child who never played it


But it's twice as fun as TEW

user user Anon, can you tell me why this game takes itself too goddamn seriously and has 2 black bars and can't run well on my rig? RE5 and RE6 run like butter and have better gunplay

that's all you got? Defend baby's first survival horror game with retarded ladder puzzles.


TEW was more enjoyable than a lot of games for me this gen. I had a blast playing and still haven't got achievements. I'm going to try 100% before the sequel.

>the last of us

It's a solid 7 but fun is not a word used to describe it

I guess "Never trust what Sup Forums says" ends up being true.
Saw this game being shilled sometime here, played it, was utterly boring shit, gave up on that dog boss with the stupid fucking bushes.
Goddamn, what a mess of a game.

TLoU on the other hand, I gave a chance, thinking it would be complete shit and it ends up being really good.

please kill yourself

Not when you realize how easy it is. And how each "stealth" sections have easy paths that guide you to where need to go, taking away any actual challenge and tension to those parts.

There's only one fun part in that whole game and it's in the hotel when it's just Joel. Everything else is boring.

Nice argument, friend.
Got any more shitposting?

But TEW has gameplay.

You like a game with no challenge. You probably think tlou story was thrilling and captivating too.

The dog boss was retarded easy.

Was TEW a mess because it had actual gameplay and your actions are important where as TLOU doesn't and casualized garbage?

I mean yeah, but that's not a terribly high bar to set. TLoU was at best decent.

Let's not even talk about how barebones and horrendous the stealth is in TEW.

I agree and TEW is still flawed but it's much more of a game than tlou.

I'm not trying to shitpost. I just played through both for the first time.

TEW sucks and good gunplay can't save it. There's only a handful of interesting locations that can make it shine, but half of those is ruined with spooky ghost instakills that make you crawl under the bed every 2 minutes, and the rest of the game is just a linear uninspired shit show.

>Casualized garbage
I appreciate TLOU for not having many bullet sponge bosses that don't take fucking 15 minutes to kill. TEW 2nd half becomes a set piece driven mess thank god TLOU has the decency to let you breathe and take in the desolate environments

The difference is Stealth is just an option for TEW and not forced like TLOU. And even then they don't have "safety" paths like TLOU

TloU has MORE gameplay

>You like a game with no challenge.

lol, I played TLoU on highest difficulty, BECAUSE I like challenge.
And it was challenging, you had to think before every encounter and it was actually exciting.
Story was nothing new, allthough the winter part was pretty good and the ending I liked very much because it had some kind of controversy.

What was the story of TEW after some hours of playing?
"lol dude, you get teleported randomly into different scenarios and """"scary"""" stuff happens", in the beginning I was actually eager to find out, but it just got too fucking stupid after some time, because nothing made any sense.
I'll admit I can' quite talk about it much, because I didn't play any further, but still.

I didn't gave up because the dog boss was hard, I gave up, because it was not fun neither scary.
There was just no weight to any shots, if I shoot something with a shotgun, or with exploding arrows, I expect some kind of reaction - but there's nothing - it just charges you while being blasted in the face and you fall over like a kid on the playground, it was ridiculous.

> thank god TLOU has the decency to let you breathe and take in the desolate environments
Yeah those Linear environments with nothing in them sure are fun. I love walking and doing nothing but listening to the characters talk. That's some good gameplay right there.

Pretty much every Resident Evil 4 clone that uses Ninja Gaiden (1989) storytelling method with high production values is doomed to age badly. There's just not much in there to do. Once you've played RE4 and Gears of War you're pretty much done with the whole genre - you've seen almost everything in all of them. Both are mediocre at best but The Last of Us might be worse because it represents everything wrong with contemporary gaming taken to the hilt, right down to the games press sucking it off for things that have nothing to do with gameplay and actually tend to get in the way and even at times merits it doesn't actually possess.

Have fun with Akumu.

You mean clunky moving and shooting enemies multiple times in the face, before they die?

Didn't come as far to make any choices.

TLOU is not about choices either, and if you're not playing on "easy" difficulty like most faggots on Sup Forums seemed to do, it's actually challenging and in no way "casualized".

Any game is more enjoyable than that movie.

>Boss battles are ripped straight out of RE5 I gotta wait for the enemy to fall in a trap I'm a genius thought provoking survival horror
Mansion level was amazing I'll give it that but fuck I loathed everything after that point.

Thread is gonna be derailed by summerfags now

>Ninja Gaiden (1989) storytelling method
Can you elaborate just a bit? Are you talking about the cutscenes?

>Caring about story at all
/lit/ and Sup Forums are elsewhere.
>but there's nothing
>pieces of head blowing off with the headbox for it changing accordingly doesn't count as reaction
>head exploding, staining you and the environment doesn't count as reaction
>enemies gibbing upon death by explosion doesn't count as a reaction
Holy fuck dude. What game did you even play.

Are you saying TEW is not linear?

>I expect some kind of reaction - but there's nothing - it just charges you while being blasted in the face and you fall over like a kid on the playground, it was ridiculous.
You either didn't play the game or have the memory of a goldfish. when you shoot them in the foot leg enough they will even kneel setting up a match kill. Or if you shoot them while running they trip. It's a mixture of Zombies in REmake and ganados of RE4. If you are just shooting them in the gut they won't really react and if they are in between animation of attacking they will still continue.
Already beat it and i did. If you prepare ahead of time, AKUMU is actually really fun, I'm thinking abut rebeating it on my PS4 copy.
>shooting enemies multiple times in the face, before they die?
No. Because there are various tactics. Some enemies can't be shot in the face like Ruvik clones or iron masked enemies. Some actually have two head and you have to shoot the right one. Good job showing that you don't know much about the game.

Never Forgetti

>Not caring about the story in a story driven game
Are you retarded?

Also, I'm clearly talking about the Dog boss and it's unbearable silliness.
Never did I say that every else had no reactions to shit.
Still, when I play a horror game, I expect bosses to be either scary, fun or engaging in some sorts, that one was just stupid - and because of the shitty part leading up the boss, I didn't bother continuing the game.
Excuse if I hurt your fanboy feelings.

>Holy fuck dude. What game did you even play.
A boring and clunky one, as aforementioned

>Thinks he knows everything about the game
>Ran away from a majority of encounters
Upgrade Sebastion's stamina and the game is easy pissy till the "well designed" bullet sponge bosses

No, but, I'm not pretending that a game like TLOU's linear levels are interesting or fun. Hell even TEW has more exploration in Chapter 3 and 9 than TLOU does in the whole game.

>can't be shot in the face like Ruvik clones
If you are hellbent on wasting ammo, you can kill him with regular bullets. Much more efficient to burn him with lvl5 crossbow, shockbolt + match etc, but he can still get killed by bullets

Cmon on man but the dog boss didn't drop dead mid charge from his first pistol headshot

You seriously comparing this autism with the last of us ?

>You either didn't play the game or have the memory of a goldfish.
See , I did talk especially about the dog boss.

>No. Because there are various tactics. Some enemies can't be shot in the face like Ruvik clones or iron masked enemies. Some actually have two head and you have to shoot the right one. Good job showing that you don't know much about the game.
That's cool and all, but seemingly I didn't get so far, as I already said, and I don't really care to go as far.

All I'm saying is TLoU was fun and engaging, while on the other hand TEW was not fun and boring - my opinion, you don't have to agree.

You seriously think TLOU is something special?

Most underrated game. Too bad TLoUfags get buttblasted everytime TEW is mentioned.

Especially talk about shotgun and exploding arrow headshots"

>b-b-but he surely shot with pistols


>Doesn't think TLOU has the best multiplayer since Phantom Dust

Yes,and any game where you protect daughter/son is an automatic 10 that's basic physics.

>Are you retarded?
No. I don't give a fuck about any plot in any game.
Baffles me when people read what is pretty much self fellating fanfic "lore building" item description or some piss obviously laid out background asset and praise it as good story telling.
Video games is the worst way to tell a story compared to fucking any medium, and fuckwits like you that think otherwise is the reason why we get walking sims, glorified 90s fmv David Cage shite in games. Or how the sequel for TEW will have "better" plot and more emphasis on it when nobody would or should really give even a remote fuck about

>>Ran away from a majority of encounters
Where did i say that anywhere?
Two sniper shots take care of them pretty easy.

You seriously comparing that autism with the evil within ?

Plenty of people give a fuck about TEW, autismo.

>Doesn't care about plot in video games
I bet you read books for the author's biased message and watch movies for the cinematography.

The Dog still reacts. You have to shoot him the face just as he charges you with a sniper rife and then he falls over and stunned, leading to more shoots that can be done. Learn the game.

And nobody really gave a fuck about the plot, nor anybody should since even with the kidman dlc there is nothing to the fucking plot.

>Video games is the worst way to tell a story compared to fucking any medium.
Nice opinion you got there.

BTW, I didn't talk about any story before you (or any other autist) started accusing me that I liked TLoU because of the story, which is true to some extent.
Before that I was just stating that I thought TEW is a clunky mess of shitty gameplay and boring on top of that - athmosphere was okay in the beginning, but got shit really fast.

Too bad it's not his daughter. I get what they were going for but protecting your wife's son is not something any man is interested in.

Are you retarded? The entire genre of horror revolves around plot. TEW especially since it even delves into neurology.

>Learn the game.
Nah thanks, I already gave it back :^)

At least you can admit to being a TLoU shitposter. Good job.

>Big Lebowski image
>The last of us fan

>giving arguments why I didn't like it
Choose one, autismo.

Nice argument dude

>The entire genre of horror revolves around plot
It revolves around atmosphere fucking retard.
Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4 would still work as horror games even if they had no real plot (and they technically don't ignoring the cult nonsense), since they have the atmosphere.
The shitty Slender games works as a horror game (for children) even though they have literally no plot to speak of.

>getting scared playing video games in the first place
lmao at you kid.

Pretty much, yeah. There's a linear series of segments of gameplay (even if the individual gameplay parts are nonlinear in character, though they rarely ever are) followed by packaged narrative sections. The interaction is either mostly or completely confined to the gameplay section, while 'storytime' is either entirely or mostly uninteractive. The gameplay either doesn't relate to the story content well or it doesn't relate at all. In the extreme cases this basically means the game, as such, has no story. RPGs, even bad ones or games that barely count like Fallout 4, use the medium of the game to tell a story (again, even if it's incompetently written condescending drivel that insults your intelligence as Fallout 4 often does) with more skill and care than games like The Last of Us, which barely use the game to tell you any part of the narrative.

The real issue, for me, is that this isn't unavoidable. Alien Isolation manages to largely work within the RE4 mold, right down to item crafting, but it doesn't fall prey to the narrative/mechanics gap. To break out a bevy of details to get into the fine points I'd have to play a few games I like, and a lot I really don't, so I won't go into more detail here.

How is it more enjoyable, the story is shit and nonexistant.

Dead Space 2
It's the pinacle of horror TPSs

Very funny I thought this thread was sarcastic ,but to actually see people saying that the boring within is a better game than the last of us is pure autism .

I thought the Saw-inspired level immediately after was really good. Game definitely nosedives in general after that, though.

Because the gameplay is challenging and exciting while tlou is just going through the motions and following the unoriginal story.

>your actions are important

>it had actual gameplay
TLOU had actual gameplay too.
And don't give me the atmosphere bullshit. The game has only a few chapters that actually has some.
The story DLC for TEW is better than the vanilla game

Who here wish for harder puzzles in the sequel?
Really disappointing that both base game and Kidman DLC puzzles were very obvious and the answers were often right in front of you.

>And don't give me the atmosphere bullshit. The game has only a few chapters that actually has some.
Same could be said for TLOU

This is some of the poorest b8 I've seen yet.

Then you are missing out. TEW isn't a hard game or anything but the more you learn about it, the more enjoyable it is. It gives you a different experience once you know the mechanics and makes the combat pretty original for a horror tps.

You know, TEW and TLoU kind of are polar inversions of one another considering they're effectively the same game. TEW is a TPS with stealth that heavily informed by survival horror leanings with underwhelming story and characters, while TLoU is a TPS with stealth and shades of survival horror leanings while emphasizing story and characters. It really depends on how much you weigh story against gameplay in regards to which you think is better.

And you are literally a child for getting scared while playing "horror" games or thinking they have plot that is deeper then it is and just amazed by basic symbolism.

Well, thanks for trying to engage people into playing games instead of shitposting about them.
But still, I already gave it back, and I prefer spending my spare time to play games I actually enjoy.


You're so hardcore, user
pls don't bully me with your mantits

You can't just go guns blazing and pretty much everything you do you need to think it through. From the best way to get the most out of your one use weapons like axes and bottles, to exactly how much spacing is needed and if you have your timing right for match down kills to take out multiple enemies. It's some interesting strategies. TLOU is far more straightforward with it's approach to combat.
>The story DLC for TEW is better than the vanilla game
That's because it's in POV of Kidman. The main campaign is in Seb's pov and isn't supposed to really make sense because he knows nothing of STEM.

Did you even play TLOU?

>Playing games you shitpost about
Where do you think you are?

The Evil Within has:
>Better aiming.
>Better functioning weapons.
>Tighter controls.
>Less forced scripted sequences.
>Has a more interesting story. (It is all explained if you bothered to read.)
>Better environments.
>Has gameplay that filters casuals.
>Has boss battles.

TLoU is only praised because of the "Muh cinematic experience!" mumbo jumbo by hipsters and casuals.

Did you?

I'm still on chapter 7 but the game is pretty fun. The gunplay is solid and you are incentivized to be clever with the environment traps and the agony crossbow to conserve as much ammo for your real guns as possible. For a while I was just using flash bolts with the upgrade that stuns enemies for 7 seconds to get like 2 or 3 stealth kills on a big mob to whittle their numbers. The game really does a good job of making you feel clever for working around the limited supplies. Also the cutscenes where things go cuhrazy are pretty nice, basically whenever Ruvik shows up. Characters are kind of whatever, although I like Sebastian. Kind of a sucker for hard-boiled PI types.

>Alien Isolation manages to largely work within the RE4 mold, right down to item crafting

Tlou fags btfo