How do you move forward from perfection?

How do you move forward from perfection?
What can Blizzard possibly do with inevitable Wacraft I-I-I-I?

bring kel'thuzad back

you mean IV

Preorder exlucise building skins

Just give the same amount of freedom for creating custom games/maps and it'll be 10/10.

Daily quests

Hearthstone promotions

Remove units and building, and just leave heroes, who even wants to control so many things at once. Make them customizable with mounts and skins

>blizz remasters wc3
>blizz makes wc4
>takes wc3 plot replaces with different characters

A more dynamic campaign, like in SC2, with a less contrived storytelling.
Stop tower walls.

Retcon WoW. Say it takes place in a different timeline or some shit, Blizzard can pull something out of their ass. The point is, WoW is a clusterfuck and we should go back to simpler times.

some fag said he was gonna remake dbz tribute in starcraft 2 but i haven't seen anything

pretend WoW never happened

90% of WC3 plot had already been "he got CORRUPTED/MAD/POWER HUNGRY" already, though.


Both IIII and IV are grammatically correct. IV is simply the most common way we write it.

The fact that none of the comments relate to expanding strategy or tactics is pathetic.


SC:BW and SC2 are both better

I thought IIII wasn't used outside of clockfaces.

No, idiot


>better balance
>more diverse builds
>no heroes
>longer lived pro scenes
>cannot be mastered by human beings


Explain to a non-WoW player who's curious, if you don't mind.

>squad based units
>larger maps
>fuck trying to deal with the current continuity, do a reboot
>emphasis on richer gameplay-units can fortify civilian buildings, higher ground makes ranged units hit further out, ley energy points buff magic using units and heros, melee units can't attack buildings or walls with their swords, only siege units can do that

Pure cancer or mite b kewl?

>Stop tower walls.
Get a load of this crybaby.

>units can fortify civilian buildings
>melee units can't attack buildings or walls with their swords, only siege units can do that

Pure cancer

>I + V
>1 + 5
>4 = 6

melee combat gets REALLY good animations
instead of a footman and a grunt mechanically hacking each other to death it's all biff and pow and bodies flying

>like in SC2

Jesus... to think that this is Warcraft IV audience.

they should put throws in like age of mythology

Fuck that, I want the Warcraft 2 style of campaign combined with Warcraft 3 style of campaign. Like, every mission should start with you getting the report, like you did in War2 - prepping you up because it is WAR and then yourself/the main hero character goes to the battlefield and plays out the drama in-game like it was in warcraft 3.

Eh, I don't want that. Micromanagement is a big part of Warcraft 3 and having units locked in animations is counter-intuitive to that.

Throws might be something though... for certain units. Like bears and mountain giants.

*Shadowverse promotions


>no hero units
>more macro
>no upkeep


>better balance
Nobody cares about e-""""""sports""""""
>more diverse builds
Factually incorrect
>no heroes
This isn't a pro, heroes made WC3 complex and varied
>longer lived pro scenes
Nobody cares about e-""""""sports""""""
>cannot be mastered by human beings
Nobody cares about e-""""""sports""""""

>he doesn't watch and play rts competitively

Your loss I guess

same reason valve cant make HL3

I don't think it has to be like dawn of war where they're locked into some 5 second elaborate kill animation, just make it snappy, varied and maybe with a few choreographed moves between different units, and include throws and knockback effects
when orcs and knights clash it should be like someone drove a wagon full of tin cans into a wagon full of pork chops, you could add some momentum-based effects too

>better balance

That depends on how you look at it. There are way more useless units in SC than there is in Warcraft. Like Queens, Scouts, Firebats, Dark Archons etc

Whenever I see a competitive SC-match, they often only use 2-3 unit types each...

well, they could have different attacks I guess. Like, one slash from the right, one slash from the left, footie bashing with shield fast etc

I'm talking more on a race vs race level, but a lot of that is thanks to mapmakers. On blizzards original maps, Terran is broken as all fuck.

Queens, Firebats and Darkhons are all used competitively, but it is very rare. Queens occasionally see use vs mech, firebats can be good against some ling openers, darkhons are pretty good super lategame especially pvp. Scout a complete and utter shit though.

I don't think you even need to consider possible mechanical implications, you could just give the whole task to the animation and sound teams, and blizzard has really good sound teams

>not obsessing over one stupid videogame to measure your e-penis with e-penises of other turboautists
The woe is me

>I want the Warcraft 2 style of campaign
Do you mean the "move from one scarce gold mine to the other for five hours" style or "here are three enemy bases and you're in between, have fun" style?

Maybe instead of Warcraft IIII they can finally balance fuckign Warcraft 3 TFT.

The balance is fucking shite.
It's better than RoC.
It's better than it was before.
But it's shite.

Don't even try and just remaster this shit to support all the custom games from the last 10+ years.

That, or make some plot contrivance with alt timeline / alt universe / timeskip. It's just a matter of time when WoW runs out of bad guys to kill in raids. Eventually they'll need more new lore to rape.

>Nobody cares about e-""""""sports""""""

Millions of people do. Thats the worst part.

They won't

WoW is 100 tiimes more profitable and wc4 would require 10 times the budget

There's just no logical reason to do it

I thought llll is incorrect.

>Nobody cares about e-""""""sports""""""
That is simply false.

>>more diverse builds
>Factually incorrect

You're never going to get WC3 custom games to happen ever again.

You're never going to get a follow-up story in the style of WC3 when that style is so fucking aged already.

You're never going to get a Blizzard RTS while Starcraft proves that the world doesn't care about RTSs anymore.

Any single microsecond you spend speculating on WC4 is time completely and tragically wasted.

Just let this idea die. Please.

>WC3 custom games will never, ever be a thing again
Before you say DOTA 2 I'll remind you that the custom games in DOTA 2 look like shit, play like shit, are completely fucking dead and don't have the same charm.

Custom games in WC3 were special because of the community, the graphics, and the creativity players had with the limitations WC3 had.

seems like you cant into latin numerals

Reign of Chaos sucked. WC3 was only good when tft was released

Its really hard to explain Warcraft lore Post-WoW. To explain it simply, many important characters were handwaved off in lesser dungeons Zul'jin and Anub'arak come to mind. And theres much more Sci-Fi now, especially in the current expansion.

The custom game thing has been done now in SC2 and Dota 2. It's time to face facts that modern audiences don't care about custom games.

I've had this discussion before with a friend. Why DIDN'T the custom game scene in DOTA take off?(Large Playerbase, Free to play, Backing by Valve) I mean SC2 even has a pretty decent custom game scene its not as good as Brood War and especially not WC3 but its light years past DOTA's. The concensus we came to is that players who choose to play DOTA/LoL/HotS are less inclined to try out new games and the ones they do try out are just more MOBA(See DoTA IMBA, one of the more popular or most popular custom games on DOTA 2, which is just more DOTA)

14 years back it was the hottest shit, but modern audiences just don't care.
The closest we got to user created content extending a games life was Skyrim, but even that stops as shown by the remaster still not having the script extender.


Firebats and Queens are actually being used regularly. Dark Archons have some uses, but are pretty rock/paper/scissors and nobody goes for what they counter. The only units you don't see in brood war are air units (scout, wraith, devourer), and maybe ghosts.

you meant to write "implausable".

I'd have to agree with you here. Many ASSFAGGOTS players don't even play other video games.

>make wc4 knowing it will dissapoint all the nostalgia fags like it did with d2 and d3
>leave it be and let it be remembered as something amazing

I think part of the reason for this is that 14 years ago you had one or two games in your possession, so having"games within the game" was the coolest shit and also a means to curb boredom, whereas now the average gamers has dozens of games on hand that are all completely separate from each other and game value as a whole has gone down drastically over the years.

Not necessarily, i think DOTA 2 is gimped by its player base, the type of people who desire to play League/Dota all the time aren't the type of people willing to sit through a match of Parasite, Legion TD, Dark Deeds etc as theres no "fast paced" action.
SC2 was gimped early on by Blizzard's terrible idea to only show lobbies of games based on their popularity rather than what lobbies were open at the time. Its coming back but Blizzard also has the new "No more DOTA's" clause in their ToS.

>Blizzard also has the new "No more DOTA's" clause in their ToS
The what now?

I don't know, I used to play on a shitload of custom games with the people I used to play Dota.
Hell, they even introduced me to a shitload of more obscure maps that were actually a lot of fun.

Except for Arthas, literally who?

The nathrezim on the bottom looks like trash, so does the death knight.

Medivh retcon.

shut the fuck up kid

What do you mean by this?

Possessed by Sargeras, he a good boy all along.

grom and illidan in ROC
furbolgs in TFT they really get the full brunt of the corruption stick in the franchise
you can argue Kel'thuzad but his fall from grace was before the game



Haha no my friend

In the SC2 terms of service they have rights to your custom game if you hit it big. This is after the grey area that was DOTA 1 for WC3. DotA was made with Blizzard assets but the intellectual property of it was made by multiple customers/modders over the course of the years. So to prevent another DoTA 2 fiasco where a wildly popular custom game($$$) slips out of their hands and goes to another company, they put in the clause.


Happened in WoW


Wasn't Gul'Dan evil by his own accord? I think he's one of the characters that knew what he was getting into fully.

Well those were people who bought WC3 for Warcraft 3 and then found DoTA(and as you said a shitload of other custom games). Not F2Players who only exist to play MOBAs.
I'm saying the people who play DotA 2 are more likely to stick to only DotA 2 than try custom games.

Warcraft II mission themselves were pretty bland and lacked variety tb'h. Even Warcraft III's missions more or less boils down to "destroy the enemy bases, kill the forest critters, take the gold mine and win". At least every mission of SC2 has a unique design element to play with.

Pretty much every single plot relevant antagonist has been killed off in WoW raids/expansions. There's not much left for WC4 to cover.

I get you man, still, I tried the Dota 2 Custom Games and was severely disappointed.
The map tools are ass and don't hold a candle to that sweet map editor of Warcraft 3.


>Happened in WoW
Yet started in TFT.
>Muh people have this weird desire for something more
>It's an addiction to magic and you basically need demons to satisfy it
>Oh, ok

The whole Lich King thing.

Yes, however I wasn't just talking about corruption but also the generic lust for power. Both Ner`zhul and Gul`dan were evil alright but then then wanted more power that lead to catastrophic backlash yet both of them managed to spread their influence even further and corrupt Arthas/make Illidan even more fucked up etc etc.
The plot of Warcraft is basically tied together on three excuses: corruption, madness and lust for power, just as I said in my original post. I mean, I love WC3 but don't try to pretend its story was particularly good.

>The plot of Warcraft is basically tied together on three excuses: corruption, madness and lust for power, just as I said in my original post. I mean, I love WC3 but don't try to pretend its story was particularly good.
I don't disagree. My biggest gripe with the lore is characters can't actually be bad, they must have been corrupted or they are actually savors in disguise, it's never their fault.
I mean look what at what they fucking did to Sargeras, he a good boi, dindu nuffin trying to protect us from da void lords and shit.
Are you kidding me?

Most of the plot points from the RTS games have been resolved, and most of the characters have been killed, the story is reaching a natural end with Legion but literally an ancient evil awakens because the MMO is still making money.

It can be a reboot starting at Wc3, or fill the gaps between Warcraft and WoW.

Actually, any game made by blizzard right now should be a reboot.

Isn't Sargeras a mix of corrupt + good boy now ? Like he wants to save us from the Void Lords by eradicating us because the Nathrezim convinced him it's the only way.

>three excuses: corruption, madness and lust for power
Aside from "power from primal fears/emotions", which would be a complete Warhammer ripoff, you don't have much to build a story.

>story was particularly good.
It was entertaining and the storytelling was on point.

how many unit types do you see?

Scourge banner when?

This is the truth.
Undead's been shit since forever.
Orc is forced to play BM+SH on every single fucking map, sometimes an absolute you go TC against talon Nelf, and some absolute madmen go farseer against human.
Nelf is too susceptible to cheese and too cheesy with their meme ancients.
Human is forced to go casters on every single fucking matchup.

You don't. That's why SC2 sucked and SC1 is still going strong.

WC3 was fun and all but all that heroes and item bullshit did nothing but narrow the game to a few key strategies and set the stage for WoW and literally kill itself.

SC2 sucked because Blizzard fell for esports meme.

>Retcon WoW into alternative timeline while WCIV (or IIII if you want to sound like a clock fetishist) starts 10 years after TFT
>Four Resources (Gold, Wood, Oil and a special resource used for end-tier upgrades, units and buildings)
>Squads instead of singular units (the more powerful/advanced units, the smaller the squads)
>Structures can be built on land, on/under water and in the air
>Heroes are left as they are power level-wise (but can choose between three different ultimate abilities)
>Inventory is changed from six slots to WoW-like inventory (before it got simplified)
>There are still three stats (Strength, Intellect and Agility)
>Six Factions (Alliance, Horde, Scourge, Night Elves, Blood Elf x Naga Kingdom, Burning Legion)
>Instead of balance, all factions are asymmetrical due to differences in gameplay
>All factions get ships and sea monsters
>Dranei are like they were in TFT (WoW's Dranei are renamed as True Eredar and they replace HElves/BElves in the Alliance)
>Horde gets Ogres and Goblins back (Ogres are more defensive tanks to Tauren becoming more offensive tanks)
>All Night Elf structures are Ancients now
>Naga make up half the BElve/Naga navy
>Sub-Factions are a thing (each sub-faction has access to unique structures, research and units that add some spiciness to the gameplay)
>Maps can be made either with symmetrical or asymmetrical starting locations
>Burning Legion would be lethal due to all units having Chaos Damage (this is balanced with having the most expensive stuff)
>Multi not requiring 24h link with the net
>Community is left to its own, yet it will be supported by devs
>Map creation can be done via map generator or highly advanced map editor (the former can be modified by the latter)

sc2 sucked because it thought that making the game easier would somehow make it better.. they should h ave lowered unit selection to 6 instead of 12 and slapped a 2 on the box

>kill itself

jesus christ do you autists have no fucking self awareness, you won't ever possess a thousandth of the wealth WoW brought blizzard. Even with it's lowest subs it's more of a success than 99% of the game market.

No, wc4 will be an absolute abomination lorewise akin to wow and sc2.

The subject was WC3. Setting up WoW meant we get no more WC RTS games. It killed itself.

SC2 sucked almost solely because of tone-deaf writing.

BTW, what's Legion's status? How many players are still active? Or is the game going down again?

Sucked because they made it all about attack moving