Post legitimately good reasons why you still haven't pre-ordered yet, I'll wait

Post legitimately good reasons why you still haven't pre-ordered yet, I'll wait

I'm gonna emulate it on citra

I have no need to preorder since there doesn't seem to be any reason. There will be plenty of stock, and I haven't seen any supplier advertise a gift.

I don't pre-order games anymore, too many disappointments. Sides its Pokemon, I don't absolutely miss out on not getting it by day one.

I already played Sun/Moon enough to know I don't want to play it again

Not playing the same game for the 100th time maybe, you flaming fucktard.

S&M were one of the worst games I've ever played. I should have learned my lesson after ORAS, yet I still fell for the "it'll be good" meme. Until I see a noticeable change in the quality of Pokemon games, I refuse to buy anymore. S&M were the killing blow of the franchise

Because Alola level design is irredeemable shit and they aren't even going to try to improve it, just shoehorn in more bullshit story

>preordering games
>buying pokemon games which are the worst sort of rehashes
>supporting a company that hates videogames

Why would anyone do any of these things? Preordering is shit. Pokemon is shit. Nintendo is shit.

Because they're going to be available on Amazon or the shelf on Gamestop. Pokemon games don't sell out as easily as shills on Gamestop want you to believe. Every time I go in there they have a full fucking rack of them behind the counter and the guy always pretends to "check if copies are available." For some magical lucky reason there's always one left, but he makes sure to tell me to pre-order for next time because I won't be so "lucky", kek.

still haven't finished moon.

s/m were extraordinarily mediocre games and i'm glad i pirated it

>this could have easily been DLC
>people will buy the same game again anyway

You people are the reason why these companies get away with such jewish behavior.

>buying 3DS games


For reasons I'm not quite able to pinpoint, I didn't like SM all that much so unless they reveal some super massive mindblowing new feature I have no reason to buy the same game twice.

>preordering a game after only seeing a trailer
Let me guess, you also preordered No Man's Sky, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and Bioshock: Infinite? OP, just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone else is. I'll wait and see how the game fares before I buy it.

Because I'm not a manchild?

Who the fuck still plays Pokemon these days?

I will download the CIA 1 week or more before the release date, finish it in 1-2 days and inject a decent team by release.

I thought they were done with that third version shittery after BW2. First Pokemon game I won't buy at launch since Gen 3.

Bad games

pokemon is shit

No interesting pokegirls
No buy

Ill be able to download it for free the minute it comes out. why the fuck would i waste money on the same exact game i already own

I already beat Sun, why would I pay Nintendo just to replay a game I already own?

It looks like shit

You do realize society will see you as a manchild regardless on whether you play CoD or Imagine Party Babyz, right? The only winning move is not to play.

>Game with best pokegirls yet
Post a better bait next time

You couldn't be more wrong

Waiting for the steelbook edition

Ow the edge.

>The only winning move is not to play.
Good. Then it looks like I win.

>t. triggered manchild

Grow up.

Have a (You)

Nothing is ever topping hex maniac, so you're wrong.

That can't be right because then all of Sup Forums would be winners.

So, why do you still come to Sup Forums? Fuck off.

That would be Gen 5. Gen 7 only has water loli.

This, I only play grown up video games.

I stopped playing Pokemon after being severely disappointed by Diamond

pokemon has been shit since gen 2

S-sorry, what Vidya should I play to g-grow up?

Good one my kind sir.

I'm in indonesia rn and I'll be in canada when the game release so I'll wait when I'm in canada to pre-order. good reason?

Call of Duty

I too was disappointed with diamond, and never finished it and didn't pick it up again until the most recent games. Sun/moon was better, but not by much.

>Like you wouldn't

Aww man, I hate those games, i guess I'll never be grown up.

Oh user you so naive

I usually plan on buying the games as soon as they're first announced, but this time I'm not hyped for the new games at all. Not after the last three games they released (XY, ORAS, SM) were incomplete and lazy.

Just give it a GBM test: does it have guns? Does it have blood? Is the MC male? If the answer is yes to all these questions then the game is safe to play.

But user that girl is fuckin 10.

Damn no guns in God of War

Sun and Moon were horrible

What a slut


>Pokemon is terrible


Was never a fan of the franchise that never caught my interest in all the years it's been alive.

Because Black and White were the worst pokemon games in the entire series and needed a two versioned update to be considered passable.

Sun and Moon is not as bad as BW as it had the decency to actually put real pokemon in the game, but it was obviously incomplete and a two versioned update should be considered unacceptable.

I'll just wait for the Switch pokemon game.

I have a hacked 3DS that I will use to download it instead.

Pre orders are cancer
Why buy when you can get it for free on a hacked 3ds
Why buy when you can sorta emulate it
I was severely disappointed with s/m. And I personally consider them the worst in the series.
I don't like gamefreak and their one year after rehash shit they do with series.

Because I only pre-order LE

who else became a smtbro after being massively disappointed with sun and moon.

Less than a year of development time

They still did not show anything
Stop the shitposting

>less than a year

Don't fall for the meme user. They obviously sold us a demo (SM) while they continued to work on USUM.

>That middle one

It's a good thing that I got so bored with the intro that I never saw them.

Who was it that came in a decided to suck all the mystery and adventure out of Pokemon?

Why should I support that practice

You shouldn't.

I'm not saying you should, just that you're wrong in thinking that they've only been working on it for a year when it's obvious they were planning on doing this shit since day one.

Because we litterally know nothing about it besides the 2 new forms

hacked 3ds no need to pre order

i hope ilima and olivia are in the game!


pre-ordering games is for literal retards

I don't own a 3ds kek

You shouldn't, this is what Game Freak is known for.

However, it seems to be director exclusive, Ohmori is the reason why Pokemon sucks right now.

Whoever directed Black/White 2 did everything correct though, he made sure the story was intact and there was a huge, gigantic fucking postgame that could take months to finish off.

I wanna see actual differences first.

Did they say anything about it? Like ANYTHING?
(Other than the necrozma fusions on the cover)

If you're still pre-ordering or playing pokemon games in 2017, you should kill yourself

sold my 3ds

No bonus has been advertised and every retailer overstocks on Pokemon on release anyway. I mean I'll buy it anyway, it's Pokemon.
I only preorder if there's some sort of special goods you get upon doing so.
I liked SM and third versions have a good track record.

I'm not interested in CopySun & PasteMoon.

I didn't like S/M.

I would take ANYTHING over what we got
a DPPT remake
A Red Blue 2
A Pokemon Z that is set in Kalos only in generation 7
Or god I don't know what more
Any other game that is different than being back to Alola so soon..we NEVER got to the same region again so damn soon

I am so burnt out of Sun and Moon, this is pretty much all I played for the first half of 2017, I have more than 200 hours in Sun and replayed Moon 3 times to get multiple copies of Legendaries (and soft reset thousand times to get them with good Nature and IV)
I created my Living Dex AGAIN for Gen VII from scratch, I filmed every single damn Pokemon with the Poke Finder, I collected all the damn Pokemon with Hidden Abilities for the second time (all females if possible) got the Festival Plaza to level 100, bought every single clothing, completed an item dex and did every single damn other thing that comes to mind (besides beating the Battle Tree 100 and 200 streak challenge, fuck the Battle Tree)

I am so tired of Alola
I know it's mostly my fault but I didn't expect to come back to Alola so soon

I cannot think of a reason why I would ever want to play a Pokemon game ever again.

Um because although I like Pokemon I'm not a blind fanboy and Sun & Moon disappointed and bored me to tears.

Because I'm going to download it from Freeshop.

I absolutely would.


Preorders aren't open

I trust Gamefreak enough to make a fun game

Yes we have, it's called Platinum, Emerald, and Crystal.
Same region twice in the same gen.

Is this your first Pokemon game? They've done this since gen 2.

the only winning move is not to let fucking normies dictate your interests you cuck

You should play Platinum sometime, it's like Diamond but actually good.

I was always into both.
MegaTen was always the more serious series with elements of humor sprinkled in, with harder gameplay and more involved themes exploring morality, ideology, and psychological issues.
Pokemon was just that fun little E-rated series with smooth looking RPG monsters and a mario-tier plot premise, but I enjoy it all the same.

t. started with Pokemon GO

Gen 1, actually.
We had Yellow, Japan had Yellow AND Blue.

Gen 5 was the peak of single player pokemon. It's been down hill from there.

Ah yeah, forgot about Yellow because it had that little asshat following you the whole game. I kinda like Pikachu actually.