How do you engage more with a video game that you're struggling to find interest in Sup Forums?

How do you engage more with a video game that you're struggling to find interest in Sup Forums?

I'm playing Wind Waker HD, and clearly it's structurally a good game I SHOULD enjoy but I just can seem to care about what's going on in it.

I've just beat Dragon Roosts Cavern and I keep wanting to put it down and shitpost on Sup Forums or something

congratulations, you officially fell for the meme
wind waker is literally the worst 3d zelda

I usually drop such games.
Never had such problem with a Zelda though. Except with LttP.

Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are worse though

>clearly it's structurally a good game
Not really. Also holy moly I forgot how awful the HD port looks.
Go play Shadow of the Colossus, it's like Wind Waker but instead of a boat you have a horse and instead of collecting a bunch of one-use items, you fight really good bosses.

You put the game down for a while. I tried playing Mass Effect due to how everyone had a hard on for it and it took me six restarts and like 20 hours before I finally started enjoying it. Same deal with the original Deus Ex, I could not stand Liberty Island and it took something like seven years of trying to get past it before I finally started caring. Now the same is happening to me with Dragon's Dogma, I just don't like it but feel like I should.

kys you shit taste nostalgic human garbage twillight princess is the shit

Nuts, but I don't have time to put it down. I'm trying to beat all the Zelda games in order. I can't just skip ahead.

The problem is that you're letting your preconceptions of the game (forced on you by other people) spoil your experience. You should try playing a game you know very little about instead, let it surprise you, let its mysteries keep you interested and engaged.

>TP worse than WW

WW doesn't have the wolf crap so it beats TP out.

Go on Youtube and watch Mark Brown's video about WW dungeons and you will see why you aren't enjoying the game. It has a lot of good parts, but the dungeons are simply one of the weakest in the whole series. You're effectively going in a straight line.

>You should try playing a game you know very little about instead
Literally all I knew about any of those games I listed was that they were primarily liked by other people, that's it. I never knew the reasoning and I just Youtube no commentary gameplay to see how it is and if I enjoy what I see I pick it up. It never goes past that and I usually stay away from reviews. Even so it just takes me ages to get into some games, I've had the Ico and SotC collection since it was released and I've played maybe an hour or Ico before I stopped caring even though I was having fun. Sometimes you just can't get into games or aren't in the mood.

Wtf is this shit image supposed to be? Make your own opinion you media cuck

I want to enjoy the game more user, not less

Are people are not allowed to share opinions? You expect me to sit here and write an essay on why I think the game sucks every time some Anonymous idiot asks why I don't like TP? How about you post a review YOU agree with that argues YOUR viewpoint? You can write it or someone else could have written it.

That's not possible if you enjoy Zelda dungeons.

You don't have to post an essay to explain why you like or don't like a game. Are you new retardo?

LUL no way

How to fix wind waker in one simple step: make it so that changing the wind direction doesn't take 57 hours each time

And yet they remastered the game but didn't bother addressing the biggest complaint with the game. I honestly don't get it

Just put it down and come back to it later. Although it's hard to believe, you can suffer burnout from a game before finishing it, particularly if 80% of it staring into an open blue space. Come back to it after playing some other things that suit your fancy and perhaps it'll be somewhat fresh again.

When I'm in the mood for more bullshit escort missions, I'll go back to Devil Survivor. It can wait on a shelf until then.

I much prefer something that's too thorough than not thorough enough.

do something else for a while. Preferably not video games. come back later.

It's zelda. You won't forget the controls.

>WW doesn't have the wolf crap
Repetitive pointless fetch quest bullshit at multiple times during the game?
It's just called "sailing."

erm, it did address that though

You can get a super sail on windfall island, IIRC you can even get it before dragon roost. It lets you move at double speed while sailing, and moves the wind with the direction you are facing

I played it as a 7 year old and got stuck in the deku part

The wolf parts of TP take a combined total of like 25 minutes. Whereas the shitty sailing is like 30% of WW

Why would you continue to play a video game that you have no interest in?

Because I spent like 80 dollars on it

this is currently $3 on PSN but I don't want to waste my money. is it actually good?

And TP doesn't have the sailing part. Guess which one eats up more time?

Why didn't you just pirate the original Gamecube version user?! What the fuck?!

I never minded the sailing because I always loved sailing and looking around to see what I could find.

Is it the PS2 version or the PS3 HD version?

I don't play "structurally good games" from genres I don't care about.

Wind waker was the birth of the timeline garbage (and when a new director took the series in an entirely different direction nobody wanted) and has spawned the shitty artstyle that we still see in sequels to the game excluding TPs

Just drop it and be wise enough to know only the N64 Zelda's were good story has been shit since them.

just stop playing you fucking ponce