Where did it start to go so wrong?

Where did it start to go so wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 in the next game all the characters have to put aside their differences to beat up an evil racist, misogynist, islamophobe, fat orange president with iconic blond hair.

Street Fighter X Tekken

>polshits have to make up controversies to be angry about now

>Modern Marvel
>better pull the Sup Forums card

everything after 2

>Very first post out the gate is a polfaggot getting triggered


>he thinks Marvel comics has ANY effect on outside media
Yeah, I guess thats why Nova is fucking Richard Rider in this game, there's no Squirrel Girl, Inhumans or Ms. Marvel in this game, right? I guess thats why Hulk is the Cho version or Riri is Iron Man in this, yeah?

Its an ad for the MCU if you haven't noticed or have been living under a rock

Thinskinned cunts gonna thinskin I guess.

I think they get off to be triggered desu.

>i wish marvel had more involvement in vidya
>i wish marvel had more involvement in vidya

we don't give a fuck

For Capcom: when they discovered DLC.
For Marvel: When Ike Perlmutter was hired.


Modern Marvel + Capcom thinking they can pull another SxT shit after actually doing one good thing (Resi7)


If only.

>this has no affect on outside media
>it's very clearly an add for MCU
God damn you are just the stupidest little retard

Fuck off.

how about you faggots fuck off? This thread was asking why MvC went to shit not why you underage faggots have your panties in a wad over some imaginary shit you read on Sup Forums

Marvel using the crossover games as a marketing platform isn't anything new, it's just more in your face with the mainstream, blockbuster success of the movies. Marvel's been trying to distance their brand image from Jim Lee's X-Men for ages now.

>immediately bringing up Sup Forums in a conversation that has nothing to do with it
Fuck off.

dude you`re right but thats not at all what he was talking about or replying to

read the thread then fuck off faggot.

you clearly dont know what the conversation was man, I assume like me you came into this thread off a stray post on page 1 but go look at the start of this reply chain

The handshake that changed Fate.


I'm blaming Disney.

Think of it like this: UMvC3, while plagued with DLC, was spectacularly made due to a long time running of working with Marvel and having access to quite a few characters thanks to Marvel not relying too heavily on film-based rights due to being their own company. Disney buys them out and suddenly the "who owns what" situation goes tits-up, they have to cancel all efforts with Capcom resulting in them scrapping probably anything they had for an MvC4 whilst Marvel took the source code to make that mobile fighting game, and only after years of fans begging and pleading, Disney realized there could be movie synergy and had Marvel bring up contact with Capcom again. Capcom, being barely able to afford anything due to hemorrhaging money after years of pissing off fans, had to use a shitty early UMvC3 build which they updated into MvCI with little effort and budget since they could afford neither.

Why are Ryu and Cyclops so unhappy and annoyed to be shaking hands with each other???

Marvel is a mistake.

When Disney became more interested in advertising their shitty MCU

>Where did it start to go so wrong?

Anyone blaming anything but capcom themselves is fucking delusional.

Since just taking a look at their own non fan service fighting game bullshit and its obvious as fuck its all their own fault more so than anything else. Just take a look at SF5 and you can clearly see that the way they as of recently have tried super duper hard to "simplify" shit for the sake of what they think will broaden the shit the general audiences.

And yeah Disney/Marvel may have thrown in a wrench or two sure but at the end of the day Disney, marvel, and capcom are all after that easy fanserveice buck from teenagers and young adults mostly. And except for probably Logan the modern day marvel shit that is know by the most people of that age range are the lame cast they have chosen. Since lest people forget they are making a fan service game. So they are pandering to the modern day mainstream rather could be considered the old legacy shit.

Just like old MvC pandered shit that was more along the lines of mainstream. Today mainstream shit is different.

Times change. What is popular changes. And what is mainstream pop culture changes as well. and cause of it we get super understandably this MvC:I trash.

>blaming Disney when Capcom itself has been complete shit for two generations now

Did the line "Capcom, being barely able to afford anything due to hemorrhaging money after years of pissing off fans" just slip by you or are you being paid to defend (((Disney)))

It's very clearly all companies at fault.
Capcom for sinking into a garbage-tier studio, Disney for being jew overlords who only care about the game's ability to generate awareness and revenue for the EU, and Marvel for selling out in the first place.

>not blaming both

>selling out
While I'm not going to call Marvel innocent, there's no such thing as selling out at a corporate level around Disney's anymore. They simply just have board members start buying stock in the company they want, and once they've got majority, the stockholders go "Well, we vote to sell ourselves to Disney" and rake in a massive amount of additional funds. The only way to not get bought out by entities of that scale is to be of similar scale, hence why Google doesn't have mouse ears on the logo.

The movie synergy is an excuse because people have to deal with Perlmutter's (not Disney) embargo on X-Men and Fantastic Four because of his spite toward Fox.
He doesn't even have authority on the movies anymore


Which is a shame cuz that's the coolest they ever were

All of Capcom's 90s talent leaving them in gen 7

Marvel's literal stereotypical jew CEO

I don't know why there isn't a Ms. marvel. She's more interesting than yaaaas queen

Biting the thinly veiled bait this hard


Marvel has been trying to make Carol into their Wonder Woman for over a decade now.

Plus, now that there's a movie on the way, they had to put her in. The funny thing is during MvC3's development, Carol was constantly at the top of fan polls.


It's the new meme. Pretend you are a Sup Forumstard on Sup Forums in every thread.
