Steam Summer Sale Threads
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What you wanna buy and what you recommend to not
Steam Summer Sale Threads
Post your carts and wait to be rated
If you trading , post your list
Ask suggestions and advices
What you wanna buy and what you recommend to not
should I spend my last bucks on these?
If someone can gift Styx: Shards of Darkness, to play coop with a friend.
Warband definitely, Shadow of Mordor is also very good. No idea about Endless Legend.
>shadow of mordor
the rest idk user
Reminder to buy Hitman TM
Pretty much everything that looks interesting to me. Anything to add or remove?
should I get warband with the dlc collection?
Don't bother with Shadow of Mordor unless you're a dudebro or casual.
Mount and Blade is good, I don't know about Endless Legend.
Suggestions for cheap online coop games?
Bacon and blood.
Are the Thief games any good? Been itching for some stealth games lately.
Which Dead Rising should i get?
1 and 2 are amazing.
Know that there's going to be at least one level that in each that you're either going to hate or get lost in though.
I haven't played Deadly Shadows yet and 4 is casual garbage.
>Payday 2
>Tales of Zestiria
I have a LOT of humble games I'm probably never gonna play, so was looking to trade for some other games I'm never gonna play.
Currenty looking to trade something for Headlander or Shadow of Mordor.
Any offers?
1 and/or 2.
3 is absolute gutter trash.
Payday 2 is pretty bad
When Viking dlc was released it was kinda meh, buggy mess. Don't know about the others. The base game has everything you need and the main attraction about the game are mods, like Floris etc. You generally don't need DLC for those.
I bought the Quake pack, Unreal pack, Hexen pack, & Doom pack. What other FPSes should I get?
Should I buy Rust? Is it just hype or is it a good game? Does it still have a good population? Less grindy than some of the others in genre?
Got a budget of about 40€
Feel free to recommend some other stuff
If you want to get into Overlord you should grab a collection with it so you can have the expansion and the second game. (Which most people agree is an upgrade to the first)
This collection unfortunately comes with their Diablo clone and that jacks up the price on it a lot.
I noticed some of the games I want (furi, this war of mine, aragami) are available through a cheap origin subscription. Is it worth taking that huge DRM cock in my mouth to save money?
ok thanks
No. If it's EA Access or whatever it's just a rental anyway, which just makes things worse.
Endless Legend is my favorite fantasy 4X.
The issue here is that if you are into the genre you should have bought it already ages ago. The fact that you still don't, makes me think that you're not a fan and I'd suggest you pirate it and play the tutorial and a game to see how it goes and if you like the premise and the mechanics.
I know for a fact if I went from never playing Payday 2 to starting off with all the extra maps, weapons and upgrades they've done over the years I'd have like the game WAY more than buying it on launch and waiting like 4 years to finally get a reasonable amount of heists causing me to overplay every heist they release and end up hating most of them.
Also the fact that they're upgrading AI and letting you customize their loadout is pretty sweet for people who want to (or need to) play without friends.
>reddit spacing
Dont give money to Beamdog. They are incompetent social justice cunts. Pirated and modded original games are better, that's how incompetent they are.
this would be the first 4x I get actually
Rec me some toaster friendly games for under $1. Thinking about Tallowmere but eh dunno about it.
So far I've gotten Divine Divinity, Jedi Academy and Death's Hangover.
then it's a good choice, enjoy
dont raise the difficulty above normal
the band of cretins who shit out "enhanced" infinity engine games
What are the good or at least decent games which have 80+% discount?
would you recommend getting the dlc or does the base game have enough content?
Any game to remove or recommend?
I bought Deadbolt, berserk and anarcute previously.
There are thousands of free games on Steam, you can just try some.
The water faction DLC is interesting and special, the rest are okay but not essential.
Try the base game first, see if you like it. Watch some online tutorial on the combat system, the game doesn't explain it well. Its very simple, but in a complicated way, if that makes sense.
every dlc except tempest is good
base game has enough but look through the dlc to see if there's a specific faction you want
>play a game from your library
Gaben you're killing me
what about Off the Record
advertising is against the rules
Bit Blaster was pretty good.
Any other extreemly cheap games worth checking out?
Nigger what? This is a sale. I have card money to use. Why the fuck would I care about the free games? Most if them are either shit or not toaster friendly.
>terraria will never be 2€ again
why live
I´m going to pull the trigger, but I have some doubts with these games:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Of the 2 GOTY Batman games, which one is better?
Penumbra and/or Amnesia?
Couldn´t get into Bioshock 1 & 2. Hows Infinite?
Is Borderlands 2 better than Rage? Can it be played and enjoyed alone? Does it have random co-op like left for dead?
Does Castlevania: lords of shadows get better?
Lisa or Dust Elysian tail?
>tfw you have a terraria steam key from a humble bundle still
Give it to meeee
I doubt there are any. This sale is not nearly as good as past ones.
i'll give you a hat for it
anything from valve. i just bought half-life complete pack and portal 1.
I'll give you Goat Simulator for it.
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
You did play the Shadow of Chernobyl first, right? CoP is great and gameplay wise an improvement, exploration is also good but story wise it's not as special as the first game since you already know the mysteries of the Zone.
>Penumbra and/or Amnesia?
Both are good if you like the type of horror where you really can't fight back.
>Couldn´t get into Bioshock 1 & 2. Hows Infinite?
i only played infinite and the gameplay is pretty repetitive, but the story is good. if you haven't been spoilered yet and have a good pc for the amazing visuals then go for it.
Hey cunt, I've answered you before. Arkham City and Penumbra (Black Plague). Infinite is a dumbed down Bioshock.
Quit asking and play some goddamn games.
I can vouch for shadow of Mordor and M&B
Never played endless legend
pls rate.
Should I get Darkest Dungeon?
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Get the bundle if you can. Otherwise I'd start with the first game, SoC.
>Of the 2 GOTY Batman games, which one is better?
Asylum has better atmosphere, pacing and plot. City has more polished combat and more content but the plot can be a mess and the open world-ish setup detracts from the experience IMO.
>Penumbra and/or Amnesia?
The first Amnesia is better and a classic in its own right. A Machine for Pigs is meh.
>Couldn´t get into Bioshock 1 & 2. Hows Infinite?
More colorful. Plot is not as good as 1, but tries harder than 2 does. I enjoyed the ride but I also liked 1 and 2.
Interesting puzzle game, though it can be a bit out there for some people. Definitely not as straightforward as something like Portal.
>Is Borderlands 2 better than Rage? Can it be played and enjoyed alone?
Yes. The humor is hit or miss - you either love it or you hate it. Otherwise it's an offline MMO with Diablo-style loot pinatas, down to you if that's your thing or not.
Is pathologic worth getting?
good choice but remember, that games consists a lot in communication and tactic, dont be a 12ye rager kid that just goes shooting and screaming
-N++: good choice
- dragon's dogma : i guess
- the rest idk
great game man
>get amnesia
>checking store
>"hey transistor seems like a good game"
>"devs made bastion let's check it out as well"
>noticed i bought it 3 years ago and never bothered to actually get into it
>realised that the same thing is going to happen with half of the games i bought this year
that's the story of everyone in Sup Forums user, you are not alone
I bought bastion and transistor like 2 days ago
transistor didn't really appealed to me and found it quite meh
bastion I couldn't even play it because it wouldn't let me rebind the keyboard and changed everything to NONE so I couldn't move
Faggy artstyle aside, is this good?
What do you suggest?
What else would you recommend me? I more or less bought everything I wanted, so I don't know
it's a precision platformer with horrible controls
useless garbage
DS3 and Hollow: good
idk bout the rest
DS3 and Bayonetta are really good, Hollow knight I haven't played and just get rid of TLD
If anyone wants to trade the summer sale cards, I have a shit load of city park(ing) and road trips, will trade 1:1 for pretty much any other card from the set;
>$8 remaining
What do I blow it on?
Having a shit summer and looking for maximum comfy. Good writing and short length are a plus. Contradiction and Tex Murphy look self-aware and fun. Anything else that would be a nice, easy jaunt? Not interested in VNs at the moment: They're usually padded to hell and 20 hours is considered 'short'
Bayo is worth it
i have $1.99 steam wallet left. What should I get?
I'd drop TLD and get the others
I just copped Sunless Sea, anything I should know before I jump into it?
>use steam idler to grind cards
>get 5 bucks already so far with 650 more cards to go
This is free money isn't it?
Grim Fandango Remastered if you haven't played it
Wolfenstein TNO or Old Blood?
Anything else you guys would suggest? What are the hidden gems of this sale?
Anybody wanna trade CARDS?
>tfw not even level 5 after a year no cellphone authentication and can't sell cards
Ghost Master
Oh man, I forgot about Double Fine. Full Throttle and DoTT were my jam back in the day. Gonna look into that. Thanks
zombie party
Just got GTA V for online. What's the best vehicle for killing people in free roam?
Not that user but appreciated post.
Portal 1 & 2 worth a play through by the way?
Will give tourist or minigolf for camping
it is user, speacially with a friend
use this like a sane person
I see sticker goals repeating themselves. I've done these two before but I'm too lazy to do them now. What happens if you didn't do them originally and a day comes up with repeat goals?
do you get packs for both goals? does it ignore it and you only get one goal therefore losing the second pack?
They're entry level in terms of puzzle difficulty, nothing that will stump you (except maybe some stuff in the second game), but they're enjoyable. The writing is very good in both games though focused on humor. Second game is much longer and has more plot to it. I'd say they're worth experiencing at least once.
nice virus
daily reminder if you buy total warhammer for 20 funbucks you can pirate all the dlc and it works with steam
you're serious? so if I got the steam key I could pirate the DLCs without any problems?
FO4 is a decent open world shooter/crafting game but its story and quests are fucking terrible.
Far Harbor is an alright DLC, Nuka World a shit, haven't bought the crafting DLC.
Wish I knew this last week