This is by far the worst MMO expansion I have ever purchased

This is by far the worst MMO expansion I have ever purchased.

Other urls found in this thread:



I hate french

better than the #1 mmo right now though

>people showing off their "sick dummy DPS" on youtube

I wish I could say the same but unfortunately I bought WoD and Legion

I agree

Give her the Darksteel Ore and she gives you this look. What should I do?

I agree because the only other one is Heavensward

If this thread doesn't get deleted then mods are obvious Blizzdrones

Anyone have the macro that swaps protect for another cross-role skill?

>grind 10 levels to have less fun than before
It's WoD all over again

Adalbertha is best DoL guildmaster.

These are your party members for this instance.

Give her the Darksteel Ingot.

You didn't play HW then

/aaction "Reprisal" off /aaction "Shirk" off
/aaction "Awareness" on /aaction "Anticipation" on

>that feel we'll never get a Symphogear x Final Fantasy

Vote abandon

This is what I copied from somewhere but I'm not 100% happy with it

/macroicon Protect
/echo You are now switching to Protect.
/aaction "Lucid Dreaming" off
/aaction Protect on
/ac Protect
/aaction Protect off
/aaction "Lucid Dreaming" on
/echo Protect has been disabled. The following skill has been restored:
/recast "Lucid Dreaming"

>no bonus
>clear for a friend

Yeah, as if that's an accomplishment.

>everyone that joins also doesn't have the clear


>Sastasha hard first boss
>healer doesn't have Esuna

>Miners get this QT
>Get stuck with a potatord as Botanist

It's not fucking fair

Is that from AZX?

>beastmen are constantly summoning primals
>sometimes due to seemingly common situations
>had the Icon Slayer not been at the right place at the right time in most of these situation, chaos would ensue
The Garleans were right. Again.

Don't worry soon I'll be there and have it but be too shit to remember to use it.

>only one healer class starts before level 30
>dungeon healing difficulty massively spikes after level 30
What did they mean by this

>potato run the potato farms
Makes sense.

I might just be burned out, but I recall having a lot more fun in Heavensward. It doesn't help, I suppose, that Stormblood insists on putting the single most insufferable Scion front and center.

Shut your whore mouth, Potato is cute!

i literally just got disconnected from the end of my dungeon and I can't log back in.

what the fuck is wrong with this game, it's alright 2 weeks after release and they still can't fix their shit

No kidding, dummy parses mean even less now with new mechanics like Monk's Brotherhood and DRG's Dragon Sight

>see guy doing pre 50 MSQ as a SAM

Wait I thought you had to have the Praetorium cleared to unlock SAM?

>tfw ARR launch will never be topped and 2.x was the best XIV has ever been

>MNK and SAM
>muh deeps
100% disband

except the garleans were the cause of that primal being summoned, dummy

>He doesn't like blazing fast clears

How gay are you

You know about the forced logout at this exact time?

blm and mnk are for blazing fast clears tho

Keep the cringy animes out of my game thank you

i wouldnt have a problem with both classes since they indeed give you a quick clear. sadly most players of said classes are fucking morons who dont know how to play.

So are we starting FFXIV threads with bait like the MH guys do?

>2.1 had 4 trials
>2.2 had 3 trials
>4.1 will have 1 rehashed trial

what a stupid fucking company

>That lv70 DRG quest instance
Holy fuck what am I supposed to do?! I keep dying at the same got damn spot every time. Why there's no healer in such a HP-Intense fight?!

Wait, do we get a gear drop for our job in ANY dungeon now or only SB dungeons?

Shit I meant BLM/SAM :^)

I liked Yda better when she was a powerful goofball and not a clenched fist fetishist.

You have to evasive jump back to Orn Khai when you get the vuln debuff, so that he can heal you and Estinien can tank.

>game has the most content right after release

Really makes you think

>Ifrit, Garuda, Ramuh, and Lakshmi only exist at all because of the Garleans stirring shit up
>Bahamut escaped because the Garleans thought it would be a good idea to bring Dalamud down
Yeah man, they haven't done anything wrong at all!

>three of the 2.1 Trials were difficulty settings for existing Primals


Not the worst. I've bought the Imperial city dlc for ESO because I like pvp and its COMPLETELEY dead. I didn't see anyone in the zone.

I bet Stormblood had you seething with rage.

>tfw tanks were fine but pld and drk needed buffs
>tfw they made pld good but slaughtered war and made drk boring
>tfw wont be fixed until 5.0

it's supposed to "teach" DPS how to use their enmity reducers and not go big-dick all the time, sadly most players in this game are absolute retards who refuse to adapt to anything

Patch notes don't mention any prereqs. I think you could just buy a leveled SAM anyways?

What was her story again? Something about escaping the Garleans at a young age and becoming the first botanist?

Susano pretty much summoned himself and was likely going to just unsummon himself afterwards.

Shinryu was also in response to Garleans. As was the warring triad being reawoken.

>he isnt orange and 99 percentile on relevant fights on fflogs
lmao fucking shitters

Meanwhile, HW couldn't do even that and SB will do even less.

The Warring Triad were waking up because Double Nidhogg smashed a bunch of shit on his way out of the Research Facility.

You cant buy a boost for the two new classes. But all you need is a level 50 character to unlock them.

>using fflogs as validation
you must be one of these people who somehow manage to talk about waiting for balance for over 2 hours

it's the only way for these video game threads to not get deleted, it's sad but true.

Why? I don't see the resemblance between Stormblood and a virgin-pandering anime.

b-but its better than this pile of shit

I don't get the hate for Lyse. Is it because she's an awkward fuck for most of the expac?

Obviously you dont watch anime or you'd notice the myriad of retarded anime tropes thrown at you.

The Warring Triad were waking up because Thordan rammed his fucking sword down into the Triad's control system so he could tap their aether while fighting you.

I dunno why people hype it up.

It's literally like ARR or HW: finish MSQ, grind tomes for gear, wait for next patch.

Well yeah. It's an expansion.

>What is a social life

she's a loud airhead and all she does is just follow you around. throughout all of stormblood msq, it felt like you were dragging lyse through a themepark.

yoshi literally said the game is like that by design so people don't have to login every day.

Seeing WoW I'm inclined to agree but I'll wait to see what Yoshi has in store for us for about horizontal progression and if that's shit I'll agree with you

Either they have futa dicks or they asexually clone themselves.

>social life
Nigger I got full 320 in a span of 5h on release weekend.

"please play other games or spend time with family while we make more content"

>yoshi literally said the game is like that by design so people don't have to login every day.
>tome grind is primarily by doing daily dungeons, if you do it at your leisure it takes twice as long and/or you get fucked by weekly lockouts

"Yeah, but prease stay subbed"

I got close enough to this concept, by using feint to debuff the boss during this phase. I jist never thought enmity trade would work with NPCs, let alone in a DPS fight.

leveling this red mage to 60 is such a fucking pain. i hate leveling so much i can only stand 1 hour a day

>go play WoW
>forget that FFXIV exists

he told a JP player to unsub once at japan fan fest because he was playing too much and it was affecting his life negatively

>It's a "FC members talk shit about jobs they don't even play" day

Out of 7 days time you only need to log in 3/4 days to fill your weekly cap if you only do Roulettes

>mods mass deleting ffxiv threads because "generals belong in vg"
>thread praising legion gets 500 replies top of front page
>thread calling ffxiv is mysteriously allowed to stay
Really gets the noggin' joggin'

Or they breed with males of different species like ME's asari

>victim complex

Have you considered that MMO's might not be for you?

Or they kidnap men to mate

Mol please. Reunion quests were so nice and tightly packed and comfy but no not you fucks

Mods seem biased
Fate GO and FE Heroes thread stay on Sup Forums untouched after all and those are pretty much hourly

I think everyone agrees Lyse is pretty retarded, though it'd probably be weirder if she wasn't this dumb at the start. And her smarting up instantly would also be unbelievable. Maybe she's supposed to be this annoyingly dense. I'm starting to see her development later in the MSQ though and I think it makes pretty good sense.


Actually MMOs in their current form are 100% designed for people like him

Heavensward was more fun, aesthetically pleasing, and more interesting so far in every way. I hope Omega is good.

I like to play other games.