>Hey user turn on your mic for once
>Wtf you're a girl?
Hey user turn on your mic for once
Post your tits slut
hey user turn on your mic for once
The worst feeling, the friendship you had will always be different from that day.
haha wow, good post. you got a steam? id love to talk to you more. No reason why really you just seem like a really interesting person haha. we could play some games too if youre into that but would be down just to talk to lol. got a coulple steam games just sitting in my inventory unused and you could have them if you want haha.. no big deal really i wasnt doing anything with them any way.. youd be doing me a favor taking them.. got natural selection 2.. magica.. arma 3.. really i dont even care about them please take them from me haha.. but really you seem like one of the few cool people who actually come to this site and id love to talk to u so whats your steam please? lol
>tfw you're mtf trans and you practice your voice enough so that you get the "wtf you're a girl" reaction from people
This is heaven
How much free shit have you got?
I hate boys too
Traps, twinks, or get the fuck out
maybe just tell them you're a girl from the start? If it's that bad if they know then was it that great of a friendship to begin with? I know a decent number of girls online and I don't think that's really affected my friendship with them.
quality post
wtf i hate men now
>going anywhere besides facebook and fashion fanpages
You are a true abomination of Womans society, damn, even weeb boys sitting 24/7 in their cellars are not soo fucked up in Mens society.
You though about hanging yourself? You would do a big favor to world you know.
>maybe just tell them you're a girl from the start?
Because that's a horrible way to introduce yourself. "Hey nice to meet you. Just so you know I'm a girl."
nice thread but not vydia
>things that didn't happen
we don't need to hear your voice to tell you're a girl
Is this the new zymphogay(male) character?
meant to say I get mistaken for once a lot...
OP has a feminine voice, confirmed
do a vocaroo faggot
But in reality you are just a low test loser with a light voice, right?
Ok, but this part with hanging yourself is really versatile. Think of it, you wont be dissapointed, or at least world.
>This qualifies as smug now
What a world we live in
Just embrace it and milk thirsty betas for games
(s)he is a female (male) alchemist
Just be upfront with the fact that you're a girl and that
A) You're not an unpaid therapist and don't give a shit about your guild's personal issues.
B) You're not gonna cyber with anybody. You're playing the game to play the damn game.
Anything past that is why the 'Block' function exists.
No need to do it while introducing yourself, but no need to hide it in any way. People will be a little confused and unsure about your sex. Eventually they'll just pop the question and ask and either be like 'whoa, u want my dick gurl?' or 'ok, cool'. It's better than dropping the bomb and blowing everyone away unless it's your intention.
This pasta is a little raw.
I dont know ive got plenty of friends from online that i cyber with on minecraft roleplaying servers :)
Girls on the internet
>Facebook and instragram
>Sharing their fanfiction on quotev or on turmblr complaining about 1st wotld problems
>Play MMO with friend
>He tells guild I'm a girl (I'm not) when I'm offline to fuck with me
>Get tons of random whispers and stupid questions afterwards
>And some free stuff
>No one will believe me when I tell them I'm a dude
Actually kinda feel bad for the kinda shit girls in mmos have to put up with after that, although it seems like half of them revel in it anyway.
>i cyber with on minecraft roleplaying servers
this is some high caliber hardcore degeneracy
my friend wasa gamer girl (born in male body) she once told me that she was going to beat off her dick and see if that helps her get to sleep and i said let me know if you need any help. which normally I wouldn't dream of doing but she came onto me anonymously and has said she "thirsts" after me. anyways, long story short she took an ambien and crashed into a parked car at 50mph 6 months later she assaulted a police officer and killed herself
>There are millions of monthly visitors on Sup Forums
>It's unreasonable to think that any on Sup Forums are female
Are you the guy who wants to sniff Yoshi's eggs?
>That one internet friend that is a bro until he catches wind of anything around him being female, then starts shitting on you nonstop
Ex-grillfriend did this after being in a WOW guild for two years.
Once they found out she was a grill they demanded nudes.
She delivered.
All while having two older brothers in the same guild.
based slutty grillz
I'm sorry for your loss.
There are millions of guys on the planet.
Post vocaroo
>born in male body
>being a mentally ill degenerate homosexual
Sorry Stacey wouldn't take you to the prom nerd.
>long story short
Nothing you said before that even remotely went into the direction of her killing herself what the fuck lad
I won't allow you to trick me.
It's analogous how some guys get a kick out out naming their avis 'xXxxxw33d_deth_420XXxxX' and run around wearing a pink tutu spitting on people.
Attention whores do exist, but they're a vocal minority. And more often than not, underage.
why is still shit thread still alive?
>Joined 30+ guild even though I was not 30, I just got along with them
>Someone admits she is female
>No one cares
>Leaves guild
When you girls will understand that you are a minority in the vidya world and you have to see these reactions as something normal because it's obviously not common to see girls interested in vidya? Come on, it's not hard to understand.
>tfw I don't own a mic
>been told throughout my life that I have a nice sounding voice
>search for trap porn on tumblr
>accosted with disgusting super man-faced tranny shit instead of cute feminine boys in stockings
fuck you stupid pieces of shit for co-opting the word
>tfw this happened to me when I was 13 and playing counter-strike
>mfw now everyone thinks that I'm a middle aged stoned dude because I have a really deep voice, sound tired all the time and talk slow
I'm just 20 and tired of living
Check reddit for that
i hate those threads