Vampire the masquerade bloodlines

Is it worth to pick up this game during summer sale for 9,99€? Help me out Sup Forums is this game as good as i've read it to be? One of the best rpg:s out there

Just pirate it.

pirate it

Pirate it.

It's great, but requires a bit of work to run smooth on modern systems. Here's a rookie guide.

buy it and support the creators :)

No. It's been on sale for $5.


Why not?

What i've read is that activision fucked up the development team

Buying it doesn't support the creators, it only supports Activision.

Pirate it, you'd be giving Activision money for a game they didn't make, they also intentionally fucked over Troika Games, the original devs shortly after the game was released.

I suggest you don't play the Nosferatu or Malkavian for a first play-through, as well, both of those are sort of meant to be played after at least one play-through.

FemTremere da best

Thanks for tips

>Is it worth to pick up this game during summer sale for 9,99€?

WTF I bought it for £9.99 in 2005

What this user says. Fuck activision.

The fucking skirt physics of the vanilla tremere girl was the reason I never wore anything else aside from the long coat you get later. Walking around with a big ass revolver while it swished looked so sexy.

Pirate it and form your won opinion for once you underage brat

Unofficial Patch or Patch Plus?

Toreador or Tremere?

Ye, FemTremere's got a great starter outfit. I like all of her later outfits, too.

Patch Plus, and I suggest Tremere because fucking BLOOD MAGIC.

id say pirate and try it for a few hours and if you like it buy it because its not for everybody

The game is indeed very good, but as other anons said there is no need to buy it. Have fun.

yeah, no real reason not to play plus

It's objectively pretty shit but it's a must play. Most immersive game ever made, just don't expect the combat to be fun or the game to be satisfying.

Jus' loot it heartie, don't give Activision any doubloons!

Unofficial. Don't get Plus, it has lots of shitty fanmade content iirc.

Whatever clan you choose, max out a combat skill. The end game spikes in difficulty pretty hard.

>shitty fanmade content
A chunk of the plus patch is restored cut content. There are some amateurish attempts at remaking certain things that couldn't be restored but it's not that bad.

Any games similar to this? its so fucking unique