New Crash Bandicoot Thread

Tell us how much High Road and Slippery Climb want to make you kill yourself.

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I want to cum across coco lips

Could be worse. They could have put that one cut castle level back in.

If Slippery Climb is that hard, how much worse would Stormy Ascent be?


I want to hold hands with coco

People who get a platinum on High Road should be kept for breeding purposes

Reposting from last thread.

I hate how they butchered some spooky levels and lighting in general.
Hope they revisit it in some future patch.

IE: Generator room, Slippery climb and night stages in general need to be way more darker

I love you Boco

>Tell us how much High Road and Slippery Climb want to make you kill yourself.
Not at all because I have the gems. Platinum relics on the other hand, I'm trying not to think about. Might just save the relics for after I've 100% it.

Give me all your cute Coco images!

Did PSX Crash 1 come with a manual?

the better question is how the hell do they plan to sell this as DLC? Are they gonna make some original levels too?

Yes sir...

They all did. Remember when manuals were a thing?

It had some basic backstory and some basic instructions. It's the only place you found out that "wumpa fruit" was the name of the shit you collect.

how to play this game on pc? im not wasting 400 euro on ps4

>Keep missing one box on Rolling stones
Please help or I am gonna WHOA myself with a shotgun

Slippery climb red gem only took me 3 tries.
Road to nowhere was quite easy too.
HIGH ROAD WAS A LIKE HAVING PEOPLE DRILL HOLES INTO MY FUCKING HEAD. LOST OVER 20 LIVES ON THAT CRAP. Still got the gem for it, but had to use the rope walk strat.

> Haven't seen brother in years
> "Hey user I'm gonna drop with the wife to get you something ok?"
> Brings copy of Crash
> Play the same game we played 20 years ago for 5 hours straight
> His son wants to play
> Get him through a few levels of warped
> Realize I'm doing the same shit my uncle did for me 20 years ago

This is weird lads


>when you zone out and beat a part you couldn't beat before without thinking
Best feeling

Did you jump as high as you could on the Arrow boxes?

>tfw a chunk of the soundtrack is on Spotify


I remember. Its a damn shame imo. Do you guys miss manuals too?

Did you make sure you don't need a color gem?

In theory couldn't you just master the rope jump and get lucky with the run to get a great time?

I miss reading them on the way home from the store.

But I drive now, so its not like I still could anyway. Its bittersweet.

>cheese grater

I don't get the appeal of this game, you're just running and jumping over stuff... Is this all there is to it?

So what's with those transparent platforms in Crash 1? I feel like I get every crate in the level only to be missing up to 24 in some cases.

Do I have to backtrack? Just finished Ripper Roo on the 2nd island

Currently playing the second game.Getting the box gem on Cold hard crash is tricky as fuck


I am calling the police.


>What is a platformer?
>Where are my cutscenes followed by 2mins of gameplay?

And collecting fruit!


The second game has a level called Cold Hard Crash, it has an offcam hidden crate that will foil all your gem efforts, I'm not going to tell you guys how out of pure spite.

>someone beat n sanity beach in 22 seconds

literally how

oneyplays hated it

They fill in once you get the coloured gem from a later level.


Would Sup Forums play a Crash/DKC crossover?


Sub 25 I can see, but 22 seconds they've got to be cheating.


That, and when you come back the next day and the level you got stuck on is suddenly piss easy.


Is Crash supposed to automatically walk away from the lizards in The Lost City when I approach them, or is it just my controller? Because this feels like bullshit.

are you talking about the hidden crate in the bonus level


Its the one above the screen in the bonus zone isn't it?


Yes, and I want Crash in Smash Bros. but I know that'll probably never happen.

>those tags
Paraphore in a nutshell


I think he means the gem platforms

this is what games were like back in the day. i grew up playing these shitty games which means they're got, got it kid? pay some respect


>tfw Coco only got some of Crash's death animations even though the devs said they gave her unique death animations.

Imagine is still on e261 if you have the morbid curiosity to find it

He was never even in Sony Smash Bros lol

Yes, that's the lizard's gimmick if you approach them while they're on the ground. Wait for them to jump and then aerial spin attack them (unless you need to jump on them for any crates).

That shit made it so the second game is the only one I didn't get everything in.

I replay all the games in the triology and spyro's too every 2 years because I am very autistic.

>Tfw you no longer have to do these levels in a single life in order to get the gems.



took me 13 tries

I totally love OUTRAGES random and crazy
characters like Crash haha, they're so funny

But his most recent episode was them talking about how a good amount of it is good, but they don't like all of the visual changes.
They don't hate it.

You also spin into shit like the tasmanian devil.

Sunset Vista platinum relic.

Colored gems still require no death runs.


I don't care, I want that fuck to go make animations again.

I hope I never find out what that means.

it's not that hidden, and it's specially obvious now that they show the total amount of crates in the bonus level

This trilogy is unironically GOTY.



Loving the game but why do the music remixes sound like elevator music?

I would be willing to stop buying games completely until they bring them back if I could get others to go along with it. I went back and read the original Crash manual since this didn't come with one and it has so much extra information in it. Character backgrounds and even a summary of all the early levels. Even if they include a digital manual they tend to be lacking compared to old games. PS4 digital manuals are a pain to read in their browser and I've seen a Nintendo manual that was nothing but the legal information.

What the fuck is a 'potoroo'?

Dingdong is literally trying to get every relic in 1 right now

Spyro remake when

it's just a text-based porn flash game. think CoC but with more extreme content. it's far too /d/ for me

this but unironically

>tfw we'll never see Coco in a bikini

you have shit taste. the new music is great

Weren't they playing the old Crash games on their channel recently? Do they just not like Crash games or do they think the remaster fucked it all up?

I've only played Crash 1 once and I like the challenge. The one thing I don't like however is the requirement to not die to get colored gems, but I suppose it's better than the old system where if you died at all you weren't getting a god damn thing.

Where my top-time holders at?

>be me
>can't get past road to nowhere
>decide to play crash 3
>finish it and get about 70%
>decide to return to 1 for a while
>beat this fucking bridge with only one game over

>Managed to 100% Crash 1 minus the relics
Maybe one day I'll care to try and get golds.


A cute thing

No you have shit taste. The music is passable and nothing more

draw n. gin

I want to fuck Tawna.

Does Coco have actual feet or just animal paws?

I NEED microkini Coco NOW