Are you going to roll for Tamamo once she comes out?
Fate/Grand Order
There was another active thread still running parallel to this and the old one. Check the catalog before making new threads.
Sup Forums fgo discord:
Yes, she the red man and Waver will let me never stop mashing NP
>try you get incredibly lucky but don't care about anything but nero
>np2 waver, liz, alter and sieg
>still no nero
na was a mistake
How many quartz will I need to have a decent chance at getting this slut?
Fuck you dude
I won't be. Nitcoris/Sanzo is so far away until fill my empty Caster slot.
Guess Medea will do.
Why don't you just wait for the Nero Festival?
Also, Waver/Vlad/Nero is probably one of the best Arts teams you'll have for awhile, so don't complain too much. Just might want Hans Andersen or Georgios to compliment it.
>Guaranteed 4* on 10 roll event
>The 4* can be a Essence
Fuck you too Samurai.
>decent chance at getting this slut?
I'd say you have a fairly good chance. Most people will likely end up getting exactly what you posted in your image.
Humble brag posters should be banned on sight.
300 quartz/100 rolls is the average to get a 5* when it's on rate up, but once London releases she'll be in the permanent gacha and you'll probably get her accidentally one day.
>Why don't you just wait for the Nero Festival?
I'm weak and in love. It worked when I started on jp and thought I'd have the same luck again.
You guys are asking for the threads to be deleted if you keep baiting with ecchi waifu trash in the OP
But Shielder IS Best Girl, user.
It's partially what the game is about, how is that bait? And why did you come here if you are not interested?
There are two reasons to play Fate GO
And waifus
>Nasu's autistic love of retarded sci-fi with obscene power levels
What's this purple grand summon thing? What the difference between it and a normal summon?
Post more Tamamo pls
thanks for supporting the servers at least fag
you should reset and give me that account.
besides cat, what servant works best with vlad?
>tfw you ascended Jannu to 80 to celebrate her new show
Fuck off Reddit
Purple button is with tickets. No fuctional difference except you can't save up 10 tickets to do a 10 roll.
>bond needing that much xp
>get about 300 per win
this is a joke right?
Give me the run down on how to get ascension mats without killing myself. My jeanne is only first ascended and needs zerker pieces.
How are the drop rates in green dailies?
Get a load of this fag.
Friendly reminder to burn your Saber Lily once the rare prism shop is stocked
6 to 10 gives you 1 quartz each level up and 10 gives you a really good CE most of the time. Get ready for the grind of your life
>multiple threads about mobile shit up at once
>>>/kill yourselves/
All i got were 3 and 4 star serveants, Tamamo Cat and Carmila being my 4 stars
Should I re roll?
Hassan of the Cursed Arm, Jing Ke, Mata Hari or Regend? Which Assasin should I invest in? Also, Medea or Cu Chulainn for caster
It's 1-3 quartz or an apple instead, depending on rarity, and almost every servant's bond CE is total garbage. Support units like Waver, Hans, Tamamo, Jeanne and Merlin are the only decent ones. Heracles is one of a handful of offensive units with a decent one.
vlad always looks like he's wiping off cum from his face, it's bizarre how fucking gay this guy looks
Try to get Andersen as a Caster
Otherwise Medea
Fate was a mistake
someone made a update google doc with the drop rates for NA, doesn't have the dailies for some reason though.
Hassan if you want a teamplay budget star generator
Regend if you want someone who can just do some damage and has a dodge
And medea
Is it still possible to get a gem drop for this week's master missions?
not today, probably not tomorrow, but maybe the day after
we dunno how NA are doing their dailies for 100% sure yet, it was gems yesterday though
You don't deserve her.
There was an user last night saying he was going to make a separate FAQ for the NA version answering common questions. If you ever decide to make it please post it here so I can put it on the server.
when does she come out? Probably since she is supposed to be good and she was my choice in CCC.
It's up to you user
You don't have to, you can play the game with whoever you want
But people have been rerolling as it's the only time they can ever guarantee themselves a 5 star, cause after the first month if you don't roll one you can't just reroll anymore
Why can't you keep making new accounts and rolling after the start of the month?
At the least you'll have 3 quartz to make a single roll with right?
>Cosplayers are autistic
>Implying this is a surprise
I'd fuck Sakura tho
Do you people manage to do all the daily quests? Seems like it needs way too many AP to finish them all
Do you see how hellish it is for people to roll decent stuff even with 45 free quartz?
Imagine having to run through the tutorial 15x more often cause you only get one roll
Jesus christ I'd rather kill myself
You can still do it if you want to endure that hell though, sure
Is there anything stopping me from making a ton of accounts right now that have the 30 quartz on them and just holding onto them until future events for a servant I want in a rate up or something?
No, stop doing the ones that are way below you
If you can clear the 40, don't do the 10 and 20 ever unless
Delete this right now but post the rest first..
if your below like 30~ you can level up from doing them and get all your AP back. above that it's more tedious.
Absolutely nothing as long as you make sure you have all the bind codes
That's what I told people who wanted gil and nothing else to do
The hassle is you'd want to log in on them all every day cause they're giving out a lot of free quartz for consecutive login bonuses right now, and they give out a small amount normally for that anyway
There's really no point to do the daily quests since you can get 3x the amount of prism cubes running a single 40AP exp mission.
I wonder if this is due to a change from the original Japanse version.
No, there isn't. A lot of people will sit on accounts and just open them up once a day to collect the daily login rewards. On JP, it's possible to buy fresh accounts for $2 that have up to 1000 quartz on them, as well as a shitload of fruit to refill AP.
>since you can get 3x the amount of prism cubes running a single 40AP exp mission.
Oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
You never want to burn gold xp cards until you have all your servants at 90 or their 4th ascension max
You run the 30ap and burn the silver cards for prisms if that's what you want, it's 25% more efficient on ap for the same amount of drops
I burn my gold cards because I'm level capped and can't farm the fucking ascension materials quick enough to do anything.
>tfw get 1 archer piece per run if I'm lucky
>tfw need 10 to ascend
What the fuck does it matter if you're just doing it for prisms? At least 40AP gives good xp. You'll run out of AP quickly by doing the AP30 one without actually leveling up.
I'm level 34 and can do the 40AP ones easily, just seems like the AP cap is very low, can't see how I'm gonna do the dailies+story missions+free quests with all this little AP I get. What should I be prioritizing?
You're being dumb
I guess you just don't know how many cards it takes to level your servants
All those gold cards you're farming just now should be saved so that the minute you ascend your servant you can actually level them or even cap them out again
The point where you are going to not be needing xp cards is very far away
Conversely, there's not much demand for prisms in huge quantities for a long time
At that level, you should still be levelling up and refilling your ap every 2 runs no? The only way to get the ap cap up is to get your master level up
It ends up at 130 at max level
Prioritize whatever you want to do. Unless you want to read the story or get a story-locked servant, you can put the story on the back burner for now.
Do free quests if you're desperate for one more hit of the gacha or if there's an ascension item you need to farm. Drop rates from the current maps are trash, so it's not recommended.
Dailies are the best because the EXP and QP quests are taken straight from JP, and while our ascension item quests are currently garbage, they're still a better rate than free quests.
I have one but idk man you don't sound sincere, you sound like you're not actually gonna play and just want free accounts to sell off :^)
Why haven't you just rolled your own? Or are you looking for something specific?
Takes about 2-3 runs to refill my AP which is at 59 max right now, I've been doing dailies cause I figured that they were indeed the most AP effective, but kinda feel like continuing the story (I'm starting Orleans right now). Do the free quests ever run out or can I leave them on the back burner indefinitely?
Control of life is gone
Rerolling for Jeanne or Waver + herc/emiya is suffering.
If someone's kind enough to donate a reroll, please send to
[email protected]
Back to reroll hell
They stay there forever till you clear them, you can ignore them until you've nothing else to do or until you want the quartz badly for rolls
As long as you have a script just keep at it.
Not him but my script breaks like 50% of the time and its a pain in the ass
The clicks just change height or location sometimes a bit too much and it fucks it all up
Tamamo Caster is cuck trash
Tamamo Cat is the true wife
Today is your lucky day friend! Check your email
>waiting for AP to recharge
Sad panda anyone?