Competetive shooters

competetive shooters, what to play except cs and dirty bomb?

games I played but dropped:
>cod (its dead)
>rust (was good and fastpaced then devs killed it, took the corpse, fucked it a couple times and killed it again)
>ut (no successor to ut3, ut3 was meh and is dead)
>warface (fucking nice! fun fastpaced shooter with sliding. loved the concept, but shitty ass netcode and p2w guns so dropped it)
>skill 2 (not bad, again bad netcode)
>toxikk (fun but a bit too simple probably and again I prefer bit more tactic + hitscan)

current situation:
>escape from fartov looks lame
>quake looks uninspired plus id prefer normal guns
>cod is dead
>battallion 1944 is not out for another year or so and might not appeal to crowd
>rising storm maybe?
>day of infamy maybe?
>lawbreakers is apparently broken asf
>titanfall 2 still worth checking perhaps?

>dirty bomb

>insurgency (also dropped after 50h, bit too easy + repetative)

is it not?

>blocking out your name when you're having a tantrum in chat

>"""competitive""" gaming

You sure have a lot of time on your hands, dont you?

titanfall 2 is sick
look up vids of slide hopping, grappling and gravity star
I also like that ADS is obligatory on a lot of guns


guess ill stick to cs, not many alternatives and not many likeminded people here

>R6 Siege
Also I wouldn't say Rising Storm, CoD, Day of Infamy, Titanfall, Rust are sompetitive + you're a fag for bitching about your team just because the'yre doing bad

How to git gud at CSGO? I remember being really good last year but stopped playing it.

now I suck at it.

call of duty black ops 3

**isn't obligatory

It's a point and click adventure idiot
just click on the dudes faces

>crosshair positioning
>spray patterns
>smokes and flashes (sort of optional, I managed to get to LEM without knowing any but it's useful if you can be bothered to look at tutorials)

Quampions is a-ok and the pro community is already settled in. Halo 5 was competitive but I've no idea if there's a community in PC because I've been away from it for quite some time now. R6Siege is quite competitive too and it's a pretty good game.

Seconding Titanfall 2.

Titanfall 2's not gonna change much unless shitscan is deleted.

> you're a fag for bitching about your team just because the'yre doing bad

forgive me. and its public servers in that game, teams are very unbalanced all the time


it used to be a very skillbased shooter at least


too dead sadly


casualized and for dummies

this board is 18+

Rainbow Six: Siege is the new hotness.
Rising Storm 2 isn't really competitive and is in a very poor state right now, give it a few months. Day of Infamy is good, but kinda dead.

Also, neither are really competitive.

how good is really good? like mge really good?

train your aim and your mind will follow.

Most Overwatch players are above 18 though.

It has rank based 5v5 or something like that matchmaking. I don't play it but it's competitive.

>Rising Storm 2 isn't really competitive and is in a very poor state right now
>t. retard who's still upset they got sniped in RO


its true doe, OW is pretty sad. couldve been a lot more. I played about 10h with phara and quit

Dirty bomb does require skill but the competitive mode is really hard to find a game In

Titanfall 2 is a good game, but I don't think any sort of a competitive scene has formed. It deserves one, though.

Titanfall 2 and R6S

Hop on casual, try to control a certain part of the map every round. Don't practice aiming. Practice controlling a part of the map that you like.

Nigger i have over 200 hours in RO2.
RS2 is just shit right now. It feels like a goddamn early access game and needs a ton of fixes.
And it's certainly not competitive in the sense that it has a competitive scene like CS or some shit.

Personally I prefer Siege.
Could never get into CSGO, there's nothing satisfying about the gameplay in every aspect and the community is league of legends tier.
Also how anyone finds it within themselves to defend the awful "recoil" and spray pattern mechanics of CSGO is beyond me.

i love the game but they fucked up some things.. like the shop is complete ass, got 0 incentive to spend any money in the game.

and games are always so unbalanced, no wonder comp is dead.

i enjoy the occasional pubstomp, its a great game to keep ur tracking and flickshots sharp desu

Why do games that are supposed to be competitive have RNG in them
Like with the recoil


in csgo its because otherwise u could laserbeam all guns across maps. the aimcone/rng is there to limit effective range of full auto spraying. same for pistols etc.

guns like the aug, sg or the snipers have extremely high accuracy

Because of Balanceā„¢, or in CS:GO's case : Nobody on that team knows what the fuck they're doing and the vast majority of the player base is too shit to even think about it.

Literally the only shooter I play anymore

Why not just drastically reduce damage at range instead of just making them random?
So people won't just pull a magic kill out of their ass at range when they just throw it out there
So if damage was reduced but guns were still accurate people would still be rewarded for having good aim on successive shots at range

they finally fixed rockets in quake, it's pretty good

but he's right. I absolutely love RS2 and even have a few hundred hours already, but even I know it's in a poor state right now and not very "competitive". a very fun casual shooter game, yes.

My absolute favorite shooter, but when things go to shit on a team, they go to shit for a long time.

in csgo aiming is always rewarded. spray pattern is always identical, but the slight inaccuracy when spraying means its not always the best thing to do. however, spraying is still the best thing to do most of the time.
the other times you tap / burst.

Titanfall had a ranked mode, I think it used chips and nodes or something.
And you needed x amount of wins to get ranked higher and lost a win if you lose a game.

shit that was the killing blow to FPS, rip good multipayergames, mods, sourcemods, small communitites, good communities, user content,etc

competitive tards also ruin singleplayer, coop and the chance to even have SP or coop in the game

Quake Live, if you don't mid being raped, insulted and kicked over and over for the first 100 hours it takes you to stop sucking.


competetive is what drove the largest communities and best games to be created.

ie. dota
cs 1.6
wolfenstein ET

were not talkinga bout some matchmaking shit.
most good multiplayer games have competetive balancing in place. ALL of the popular ones do.

communities can be good in any game if you look the right places.

mods and user content got killed by greedy companies.

small communties? how is that a good thing you fucking retard?

delusional newfag

I know. I half wish it forced mixing the sides up after, but if I'm in a good squad I know I wouldn't like that. I feel as long as my squad does well, even if we lose bad I don't feel so bad

Did you try Tribes: Ascend?

went to shit

fuckin hirez
now they're cashing in on hero shooters

OP here

I tried most of those games, but they are just too hard for me, DOTA 2 seem interesting, maybe I should try it? :)

long time ago. movement is some dope ass shit, didnt dig the slow projectiles as much

>were not talking about matchmaking shit
but thats what people refer to when they say competitive, its usually CSGO or DOTA with the shitty ranking system and muh elo when people say competitve, no one is refering to older competitive becasue that shit is far different from todays competitive.

if your talking about championships and teams playing against eavhother there are small changes such as uniforms, logos and are more corperate. if your talking about leagues not much has changed, matchmaking and ranks and cosmetics is the new competitve for the modern age.

>mods got killed by greedy companies
it was valve who implemented competitive and a "pure" way to play, no mods or user content, biggest companies start the biggest trends

>small communities
wew, having a small badn of players who regularly associate can be quite the experience even if its not that small its nice to not have normies infecting everything thus bloating the playerbase

>delusional newfag
not an argument

you are talking about the old competitive when OP and everone else is talking about new competitve, most of those games listed- their older viersions ofcourse have died out, no more big screen competitve for those old FPS.

competitive did create large communities in the past but the big communities now is whats killing games, those kids, fags, micspammers and trolls have dented the nost popular games which are populated by normies. older games where not thus having better communities and comp being good.

please add more substance to your counter arguments in the future, its always good to elaborate

what are u talking about faggot? actual OP here, I played all of those games. that was MY reply.

however I was only ever good in 1 of them. I was only then discovering my passion. and it strongly leaned towards cod, with a little ut on the side.

i'm currently deep into overwatch

it's a casual game so it's very easy to become pro in it, if OWL takes off (which i still doubt) it's an easy job

>it used to be a very skillbased shooter at least


>in csgo aiming is always rewarded
It isn't, that's the entire problem with the huge inaccuracy on guns like the AK.

If you take the time to line up a shot you get fucked by inaccuracy, meanwhile spraying and just hope something would hit could've won you the fight.

>spray pattern is always identical, but the slight inaccuracy when spraying means its not always the best thing to do
Inaccuracy isn't that much of big deal with spraying because you aren't going for precision any ways.

>spraying is still the best
Spraying would only be "best thing to do" if you're awful at aiming.
I would argue any player that knows what they're doing is tapping/bursting.
Which makes the huge inaccuracy on single shots even more annoying.

It's literally the opposite of what a competitive game should do. It's punishing you for trying to be skillful.

Yeah I didn't like the way it was released and the unlocks and loadouts and stuff but it's still Tribes (mostly). I always find games still even if 90% of the servers are always empty though.
You can go with hitscan weapons but compensating for projectiles is part of the fun imo.

I am the OP and your post just reeked of

>wut happened to my favourite dust2 server

communitiesl iek that still exist as well you know. and when I say competetive shooter, it doesnt need to have a csgo scene.
but there needs to be a high skill ceiling and good balance that rewards both individual and team skill.

games like OW are incrediby dumbed down and casualized. nothing in that game feels right, the shooting sounds and feels bland and dull, the movement is restricted heavily for most and rather slow, there is dumb mechanics like auto aim and wallhack all over the place.. yeah. its just an awkward game.


competetive gaming is not a problem at all. its glorious. maybe matchmaking and centralizing the game experience around it is. but thats up to each and everyone themselves.

>people still don't know about Siege

>people still play HvH shooters

i think so at least. legacy had sick gunplay. why haha? the balance was spot on. double headshots all over the place, good movement, high recoil.

Is this some kind of attempt at reverse psychology? I'll have you know I will not be trolled by you! I am the real OP

Before I played Rainbow Six: Siege, I was a foolish man. Now I am wise. Now I understand there is no point to life, it has always been shit is shit, and will be, shit. It's like knowing that the circle is completed before it's finished. You just understand upon first playing how bad it is, but you stick through knowing it will be painful, and finally hundreds of hours later after tasting gold and ranking down to copper with the Russians the hackers the kids, the Russian hacker kids, everybody is using ESP, it goes on. And finally, to top it all off, Ubisoft's development office is presumably on the 2nd floor of a bar that uses unfiltered grain alcohol in all its products because THAT and only THAT would explain what the hell is wrong with the people making that fucking videogame other than they are receiving orders from Hitler deep underground and all the funds are going straight to the fascists in either case I cannot recommend.

>im OP
who cares
>what happened to muh dust2 sever
never implied it in any way shpae or form, i talk about the old and new competitive, still would like my old sourcemod servers back
>doesnt have to be CSGO
never metnioned it
>communities like that still exist
i know i play neotokyo with the small community of one server thats never full
>overwatch is casual trash
it is
>competitive isnt the problem
never said it was, but who populates that competitive scene causes the problem, good luck trying to find a competitive game without the memesters and redditors bragging about gay shit or money spending in any way, shape or form.

most competitve scenes have become too corperate to be good anymore, its no longer about playing, watching pros or having fun, is uber serios business with no fun allowed, buy our merchandise and a hightend e-celeb status.

so basically your story is that even after hundreds of hours you got deranked to copper

yeah you have some points man. I msis the old times too. I miss wc3 and 1.6 times in particular. all the hl1 mods and wc3 maps. I spent my fucking teenage years on community servers dude. garage lans where we played that stuff for 24h straight.

neotokyo.. nice. bit sad I never got around playing it. reminds me of the timesplitters 2 map tho, played that game a lot with my cousin.

there was this other hl2 mod that was great, the one that had dockfights in space AND infantry fights. good shit, but dead.

It wasn't fun going up and it wasn't fun going down

>timesplitters 2 NT
never infiltrated it
>never got around to playing it
thers a server up right now with 6 people an im joing it
>good times
you just have to make better times with teh time you have now

ultimately tho I had a drive to succeed so I played comp cod and won some money, later on earned some money boosting in cs. now online gaming looks bleak.

Last I heard, reddit bitched so hard that they're making the gunplay in Rust more like most modern shooters, mostly by ripping shit off csgo.

its not comp okay but check out rust legacy it had strong gunplay

>ash is actually a jew

Dirty Bomb and CoD was never and never will be a competitive shooter. /thread

Team Fortress 2 and CS:GO. Soon to be PUBG hopefully, if I can source some money after the Steam Summer Sale...

cod was one of the biggest comp shooters actually at its height.. and remains one of the best comp shooters as well.

sadly they took out dedicated servers and modding tools which are required to bring the game up to competetive standards.

dirty bomb is a small game, but it sure as fuck has competetive balance.


didnt know u were joking my bad.

R97 masta race

for me insurgency is basically looking for pixels: the game

if you play against anyone who's played a decent amount seems you always just get sniped from god knows where

in insurgency is where me and my mate baptized the phrase

>get clicked


Wait for good RNG.

>ywn play mod insurgency ever again
shit was fun, but mod and retail versions are vastly different for somereason, retail is like fighting isis whilst the mod was bin laden and gang, speaking of BL andyone remeber that game where you beat binladen ash bush, cant remember the name of it

retail is like being bin laden.

AKM is absolute bonkers u just run around clicking shit

I only enjoy shooters that allow for maximum faggotry. Cod mw2 was delicious with explosives and danger close. Black ops had the toxic gas, mix it with scavenger and tactical mask and you were a walking cloud of poison.

What shooters let you be a dick?

block n load was the ultimate grief fest in early alpha.

jesus christ I havent laughed as hard griefing in a game ever since. you could build prisons around your teammates or just spawnkill them over and over.

HLDM2 lets you be a dick but then in that game everyone is a dick.
you can use some OP shit in TF2 and get people assmad t.phlogger
GMOD can be really good at making people assmad, do literally anything and some autist will cry

oh damn, I didn't know that PUBG came out on the PS2

lodbias friend, lodbias. fixed now.
wasnt practical in the actual game anyway.

so you haven't played it

>user level 12
>rest 8 on average


hmm cool, what team do you play for?

I know the current hip thing is to blindly hate overwatch, but I cannot stand the tank meta the game has now. That, and Blizzard's balance changes are terrible.

im gonna say this. thanks

*blocks ur path*

tank meta was last season

maybe you should play better games that aren't competitive you chink

the level only reflects playtime

i was getting 3-5 kds all over the place pretty much since I started, the game is filled with noobs and I have good aim- and the shuffling on the pub servers is pretty bad

Rising Storm 2 Vietnam

I really wish battlefield wasnt dead

perfect balance of skill and casual

Games with low skill ceilings sell. This attracts casuals, the biggest portion of the market. Popular games get played competitively which attracts more players. Popular games with promoted esports snowball into popularity and remain extremely active, becoming literal meme games.

Look at the most popular games on Twitch, it's all extremely popular, low skill ceiling garbage.

you speak truth, csgo shows a game can be both, but sadly its the exception